47 The Path of Least Resistance

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This post was republished to Online Education at 8:41:23 AM 12/13/2015

The path of least resistance

Category construction

Electricity takes the path of least resistance. So does human nature.

Imagine a contractor or a vendor who comes asking for additional price implication.

The first reaction is to turn it down, even if it is true. Why?

The vendor or contractor is reminded of clauses like everything is in your scope. Why didn’t you check
the scope earlier? Or no price increase till order completion. These clauses show lack of knowledge and
confidence. They lead to injustice. Injustice breeds more injustice and disputes.

We take the easy path and we avoid the difficult one. Which is convincing the management (or the
budgeting team) that the vendor is indeed true and deserves the price increase.

The path of least injustice is the best path.

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