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Marketing on the web

Marketing on the web or internet marketing is marketing a product or service online to

different people. The purpose of marketing online is of course, to advertise or sell its products or
services on the internet. Another purpose is to communicate itself online by building its brand.
Its advantage is to have an effective impact on identifying one’s target market and also to
discover what are the needs and wants of the people. According to Susan Ward, almost 4.2
billion people are active on the internet, while 3.4 billion people are social media users. Since
everyone is using their phones at all times, even small businesses have the chance in getting their
targeted customers easier just by marketing on the web.

II. What are the web marketing strategies

According to Investopedia, a marketing strategy defines as the business’ overall objective

in attracting potential customers to actual customers of buying their products and services.
Marketing strategy contains the value proposition of a company, its branding, data on the
demographics of their customers and etc.
Web marketing strategies include investing in the web design. This enables people to
spend more time and attention to the web page due to the eye pleasing designs. Another strategy
is to hold contests and giveaways. As people are intrigued with free products, they would try to
share or like the page of the business and would possibly share it to their friends, which makes
the product or service become viral. Lastly, another marketing strategy is to contact press
releases or influencers to write an article or a blog about the business. With this, more people are
interested in the product due to the the influencer/celebrity advertising or as the writer of the
article does a great job in describing the product or service well that would watch people’s

III. Product-based and consumer-based marketing strategies

Product-based marketing strategies are letting the customers assume what products the
company offers and focusing on the product rather than any particular customer. This strategy is
often seen in mass marketing companies such as Staples or Sears. They assume a large number
of customers are looking for the same product. To create this strategy, SWOT analysis is used.
The company must find out whether to focus on creating products that other customers can’t get
them anywhere else or it must favor to a more universal demand where everyone needs the
Consumer-based marketing strategies are identifying the targeted consumers. Through
market research, the company is able to find out what kind of customers are willing to purchase
the company’s existing or planned products. With this, they are able to build a profile on how
reach those targeted customers. To be able to use this strategy, the company separates their
consumers to various demographics such as their age, gender or occupation. Lastly, the
company will specifically choose one segment to target and integrate the 4P’s in marketing,
Price, Place, Promotion, Product, to positioning its product offerings to specific customers.

IV. Viral marketing

BigCommerce (2016) defines Viral Marketing as a cost-effective approach that has

techniques and natural occurrence of web users to make a campaign successful. It can make a
business very prominent in any form of online media. Whereas, DeMatas (2019) defines Viral
Marketing as a technique that generates content to web users who spread the campaign as fast as
a virus.

BigCommerce (2016) explains how online stores can successfully execute viral
campaigns. To be successful, the campaign should be psychological with knowing why people
share the information they released. Understanding how and why the users communicate is also
viral for a campaign to spread. In fact, Facebook produces 47.5B times of facebook shares from
users every day while Twitter provides an average of 208 followers per retweet. The following
are suggested by the article:

1. Knowing your audience and their interests are very important to make campaigns that
will target them. Users are more likely to share content that is relatable and interesting for
them. An example of a viral video was a firefighter using GoPro while saving a kitten.
GoPro used this video and edited their logos in it to receive credit for the product. This
resulted in a total of 1.5M views.
2. Engaging in viewer emotions that are associated with positivity is more likely to be
shared and spread out. The strength of a factor is a key factor (Berger, 2016).
3. Making easy content to share lessens the time for a user to browse. The efficiency of
making the captions and videos short is needed for fast browsing for the user.

In conclusion, targeting the emotions and interests of the users will result in the
widespread of the campaign.

V. Social networking
According to Bigcommerce, Social media is a powerful tool for e-commerce websites.
The ability to not only direct shoppers toward a new product or an attractive deal, but to also
engage with them and create a sense of community that is incredibly useful. Social media helps
users to post the products they sell and buy the products they want by simply searching for the
specific item that they’re willing to purchase or sell. Social media marketing, like all marketing,
centers on getting the attention of your target audience and establishing a connection. In other
words, businesses rely on social media to find a connection to the users who are also relying on
social networks to consume web content. Social media marketing like all marketing focuses on
getting the attention of the target audience to establish a connection. Although social media can
be used to promote products, it is not an effective means to connect with new users on networks.
Social network is place to genuinely interact with users and tell them how the brand is unique
from others.

VI. Mobile commerce

Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services through
wireless handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets (Rouse, 2019). A platform wherein
mobile commerce is used is online shopping. Online shopping is usually done through
smartphones and no longer requires the use of desktops. M-commerce includes the usage of
in-app purchasing, mobile banking, virtual marketplace app such as Amazon, one of the top
m-commerce app in the world, as features. It is also used as digital wallets such as Apple Pay,
WeChat Pay, Grab Pay, Ali Pay and many more.

Users now prefer m-commerce because of the security it brings in their transactions.
According to Rouse (2019), m-commerce provides 34.5% of e-commerce sales. Industries such
as finance, telecommunications, service and retail, and information services rely on this because
of mobile banking and real-time updates, all-in-one payments of bills, ordering, and updates. In a
technical point of view, m-commerce applications are developed with the use of a wireless
network and KPIs or Key Performance Indicators, to monitor traffic, order value, and other data
related to the customer.

Advantages of m-commerce are accessibility of the user resulting to customer retention,

convenience, and variety. While disadvantages are poor development that will result in losing the
customer, geographic difficulty with mobile payments being selected, and complying of taxes for
the company.

VII. Online auctions

An online auction is a service in which auction users or participants sell or bid for
products or services via the Internet (Techopedia, 2019). These online activities are facilitated by
both the buyer and seller from different locations. Most auction sites use software to provide
users with platforms.

In the Philippines, users enjoy online auctions because of the low price for buyers, high
chance of success for sellers, and easy connection of the buyer-seller relationship. HMRbid
(2019) explains the difference between conventional auctions and online auctions. In
conventional auctions, buyers outbid themselves by placing the highest bid while online auctions
have sellers place the lowest bid per item. This gives the customer a low price for a rare
collectible item that is not usually seen in retail stores. Filipinos love to save. Moreover, sellers
are given the choice to have hard or soft bidding. A “hard bidding” means that the seller is strict
with a certain time and will accept the bid during that time while “soft opening” will extend the
time until a bid is given. Lastly, customers are able to make informed decisions and receive an
immediate response because of the accessible communication with the buyer and seller.

VIII. Virtual communities

Virtual communities are one of the latest trends in personal interaction and public
discourse. Virtual communities exist through computer mediated communication, they are
dependent on computer networks. According to Lapachet (2011), this technology has the power
to bring enormous leverage to ordinary people. This technology has many advantages. It
provides a forum for people to discuss topics of interest. It Allows participation at the
convenience of the participant, an example would be its usage being text based.

This medium allows participation by many different people from many different places,
and Hides race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, etc. This also promotes interaction with
others that can lead to physical meetings. The greatest advantage is that the technology that
makes virtual communities possible has the prospective to bring a huge intellectual, social, and
commercial leverage as well as, most importantly, political leverage to ordinary citizens at little
cost. Virtual communities give people the opportunity to discuss the issues of the day with one
another and, if necessary , organize action. Computer mediated communication and virtual
communities are a great and accessible way for people to have a say in the actions government
and large corporations pursue. The reasonable low cost of communicating information to a great
number of people conveniently makes this possible.
IX. Communicating with marketing strategies

Marketing communication has become an integral part of the social and economic system
in the country. Consumers rely on the information from marketing communication to make wise
purchase decisions. Businesses, ranging from multinational corporations to small retailers, rely
on marketing communication to sell their products and services. Marketing communication helps
bring products, services, and ideas from manufacturers to end users and builds relationships with
customers, clients, and other significant stakeholders in the company. Advertising and sales
promotion will continue to play important roles in marketing communication mix.

Communicating with prospective clients is driven by content delivered throughout

various forms of media such as websites, social media, video, direct marketing, email marketing
or any other form of advertising. An Offline and Online marketing communications strategy
designed to sell goods or service begins with an understanding of the foundation of where a
company or product is positioned in the marketplace.The Internet will become a major force in
how organizations communicate with a variety of constituents, customers, clients, and other
interested parties.

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