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Dear best friend.

I hope that you are good, genuinely good.

Since you have been gone it has not been easy.
But I want to say thank you.
Even though it broke me into a million pieces when you left.
I want to say thank you
Even though I miss you every day.
I want to say thank you
Thank you for inspiring me
Inspiring me to face my fears
You make me want to be better
You make me want to work on myself
And even though
Doing this without you by my side is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do
I’m doing it
And I wish you could see me
I wish you could be here
To see me transform into this new person
But you’re not here
I just hope you are proud of me
I’m not mad
I’m just in pain
But what’s the sun without a little rain, right?
I once told you I could conquer the world with just one hand
As long as you were holding the other
Now all I have is thought of you holding it
But I will still conquer the world
No matter where you are
I will stay strong and stand tall
Because I know you wouldn’t want to see me fall
Whatever success I’m celebrating, I will always think of you first
Because you’re my biggest inspiration
And I wanted you to be proud of me
I just want you to be proud of me
But I want you to keep going too
I want you to win even though I can’t be there to celebrate with you
I want you to love yourself
I want you to be yourself
Be the light you want to see in the world
You have everything that you need inside of you
But you know that
I told you more than enough
But I want you to always remember
I hope you remember my words when you feel alone
I hope you remember all the words I told you when you were down
And I hope you’ll find the strength to pick yourself back up if you ever fall
I know you can
I know you will
The person I saw inside of you can handle it all
You’re strong
You’re intelligent
You’re wonderful
You can move mountains if you want to
You should believe in yourself
Because I believe in you
And no matter what happens
No matter what you do
No matter where you are in the world
And no matter where I am
I will always love you
And that will never change
Maybe I’m the sun
And you’re the moon
But even they can be seen together in the same sky sometimes
Until we meet again …
Take care.

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