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A Boast Speech

Bonjour Monsieur, Mademoiselle, my these French people, (deep sigh) they

dear fellowmen of France, children of battle, thought I was going out of my mind. But I
bringers of rings, constituents of this was simply ahead of my time.
courageous country, consummated not with
skill but of cruelty, I realize how lucky I am to Anyway when I was writing the play
be surrounded by a disproportionately large Zamore and Mirza, I had expressed my
crowd blindly ruled by patriarchy. For the deepest thoughts on slavery especially in
time being, I am confident to make myself French-American colonies. I had beyond
known to all of you. Any questions, comprehensible ideas, but everything did not
objections, expostulation, and complaints come into fruition until I joined the “Social
will not be entertained! Be quiet and listen. Club”. It was during this period that I wrote
Clap your hands! I said clap your hands! the declaration of rights of women and the
Enough! citizen.

Standing in this platform whom you Writing is not easy, especially if

believed is the illegitimate daughter of a rich you’re a woman. But I would never quit.
Marquis, is Marie Gouze, and known to this Although I was not nearly educated as any
nation as Olympe de Gouges. Others would of the high ranking people, and punctuation
say that I am the daughter of Pierre Gouze and grammar came at me like a frozen road,
and Anne Olympe Moisset. But no matter. I I continued. I encouraged myself to keep on
am the woman of letters, the outspoken writing. But along the way, I made several
advocate, and the voice of oppressed enemies. Enemies of equality. Enemies of
women. I have written several works progress. Enemies that would later condemn
including plays against slavery, the me to death by guillotine.
declaration of rights of women and the Just to be clear, I am not a hater of
citizen, and had my own theater company. man. I am merely a supporter of equality.
And now, let me roam around the “Male and female citizens, being equal in the
room to see all of your sullen, little faces. eyes of the law, must be equally admitted to
Hmm. (goes near a group of men and starts all honors, positions, and public employment
pointing at them one by one) This one’s a according to their capacity.”
man. And here’s a boy. Tsk Tsk! And this Therefore, before I leave this room, I
one? Another male! Women of this room, can proudly say that “I’m determined to be a
what can you say about them? “I was success, and I’ll do it in spite of my
married to a man I did not love and who was enemies.” To gender equality! To progress!
neither rich nor well-born.” I was basically And to freedom! Monsieur, mademoiselle,
forced to marry, can you believe it?! Huh! merci beaucoup.
Marriage is just a tomb of trust and love! And

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