Crystals and Sacred Geometry - Grids PDF

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and Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometric Grid Layouts

You can use sacred geometry to create layouts of crystal grids, keeping the meaning of the
geometry in mind as you do.

Each of the grids in this document is large enough you can print it and use it as a grid sheet. In
some cases, you may wish to blow it up to get more detail in the printing.


A circle is the simplest layout for a crystal grid. Use a circle (or concentric circles of crystals) to
• Totality • Eternity
• Oneness • Timelessness
• Wholeness • Balance
• Perfection • Grounding


Spirals represent your journey along life’s path and along a spiritual path. Spirals occur in many
elements of nature. Use a spiral for your grid to represent:
• Creativity • Spiritual growth and enlightenment
• Growth • Expanding consciousness
• A spiritual path • The cycle of birth, death, and
• Cosmic forces reincarnation
• Life’s journey • Unfolding of spirituality
• Use to expand your influence or • Use to connect to nature

Vesica Piscis

Two circles, interlinked and overlapping form a vesica piscis. It represents the joining and
overlapping of dualities, such as male and female. Grids in the shape of the vesica piscis
• Joining of opposites • Joining of the physical world with the
• Duality spiritual universe
• In Christianity, a reference to Christ • Sacred marriage
• Creation • Creating balance
• Harmony • Rejoining with someone with whom
• Use to re-establish communication you are at odds

Borromean Rings

Three conjoined rings of the Borromean Rings show the uniting two to add a third. Use this shape
for grids that support:
• Growth of family
• Bringing together mutually supportive groups
• Gathering a team to help achieve a mutual goal


The center of the Borromean Rings forms the triquerta. You may recognize it as the Celtic knot or
trinity knot. In Celtic mythology, it is the symbol of the Moon Goddess and of Odin. It also represents
trios or trinities, such as body, mind, spirit. Some uses for this grid shape:
• Stimulating creativity • Creates balance
• To help with artistic pursuits • Balances body, mind, spirit
• Releases creative blocks • Protection
• Focus on trinity from Christianity • Celebrating the Divine feminine

Seed of Life

Seven overlapping circles form the seed of life, and they represent harmony and truth. Uses for
a seed of life grid include:
• Balance and harmony • Completing a project
• Truth • Represents 7 days of Creation
• Protection • Creation

Metatron’s Cube (Merkabah)

13 equal circles and their various connections form Metatron’s cube, which represents Source
energy. It contains all of the platonic solids. This is a very powerful shape for:
• Creativity
• Connection to Source
• Connection to Divine

Flower of Life

The flower of life is the visualization of the connectedness of all of the universe. It reminds us
we are all one, we are made of the same stuff, and we are all connected. Use to:
• Strengthen your connection to all and to the universe
• Strengthen self love
• Recognize self as the embodiment of the Divine


The pentagram is a five pointed star that carries with it the numerology of the number five,
which is considered a magical number. It is also a Wiccan symbol when encased in a circle, and
the points represent the heavens, earth, air, water, and fire. The pentagram connects you to
the earth and the heavens equally, so it is a great shape for:
• Balancing
• Grounding
• Connecting to nature
• Invoking magic
• Connecting to Earth

Star of David

Containing two overlapping triangles, the Star of David is associated with the heart chakra and
unconditional love. Use this in grids for:
• Forgiveness • Discover your highest and greatest
• Kindness good
• Compassion • Foster unconditional love
• Empathy • Remember that you are dearly loved
• Love and relationships

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