Ramsey Boo

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Making the Sales and

Its Effects to Sales and Customers



The outcome of a major sales can sometimes determine a company’s wellbeing , that is, the

consequence of repetitive sale are often more profound than the initial commitment itself for

system sales , one purchase can involve capital, raw material , and the process through which the

basis of this paper is based on , that is by withstanding that making of sales affect procedures

and policies for many years based on the outcome, this includes; methods of financial reporting ,

inventory control , production control/ rate , marketing and administration. As such any step to

an establishment of making sales through video, print media and other avenues is a factor of

considerable monument in this factor. In my paper I try to develop a programmed aspect of

approach to base the manner and approach that could be more successful and long lasting sales

Key words: sales, customers, videos


making the sale and its effects to customers and sales

Make a sale, to sell something [The Miriam –webster.com] When you have a customer asking to

buy from you particularly when u haven’t had to do much sales activity to attract them, the major

aspect that you should learn and keep up with, is the aspect of making it more easier for them to

make the purchase easy and smooth, that is by noting that a customer who is ready to buy is

surely a price customer

An illustration could be drawn from an instance where am trying to purchase a flat in London

during my vacation there as I have become fed up of staying in hotels, my agent contact a

number of letting agents to inquire, then the letting agent informs me that there is a flat which

fits my requirement, almost exactly to my description whereas all the other flats offered involved


The ideal flat , had what was a right price and an agent to handle the process – great , however

the journey of processing as a foreigner , was not any smooth , but the agent did not inform me

that , as such it became a very disruptive one impacting on my travel / accommodation

arrangements and making it hrd to plan a move

The problem basically was a fail to understand my taste and to take over my place in the bargain

but their sale was based on them but not I as the customer, a filer of managing my expectation. A

delay in this management results in delays and more an upward rise of costs, as such the rule that

goes is don’t expect that the customer knows what needs to happen.

Honesty is also another aspect in marketing sales. If you don’t know the answer to a query admit

it and then find it out ,bluffing makes a customer to start looking , and questioning your integrity

and knowledge which is a resultant of adrop of trust and confidence. Understanding from the

aspect of sales and service to a match which is in this case to win the heart of the buyer. A paper

resultant transaction extremely rises confidence is it is a backed up evidence of purchase in the


Overcomplicating things to a customer – unless on the basis of regulatory requirements makes it

difficult in doing of business and an aspect of impossible and ensure that there is no distraction

as such the customer may not feel that you are trying to upsell or cross sell something else

A product can be in several outlets or could be on sale from several sellers but the mode you or I

adapt to deliver my submissive conviction of sale is what may result to me having to meet the tag

ass the best seller, the aspect of exceptional customer service, once that is done there are high

chances that the customer switches their minds to buying from you

The most interesting dilemmas is the customers emotions and the rational buying decision when

they are emotionally [and perhaps rationally] attached to the product but the service is poor, the

question on the submission is how much they will put up with before they decide to abandon the

purchase, as such if u do have a good an exclusive product and the customer wants it, you

achieve the goal of sale of that one product but you don’t build up a long standing customer

relationship. That customer is unlikely to be loyal and, if you have a range of products how much

will they put up before the purchase moves to an abandoned edge. Where the customers don t

recommend others to buy from your premise as such the situation would be one where there is

sustainability of operation, where the customer buys in spite of your service.

In conclusion the aspect of cost justification cannot be overlooked, that is on justification of the

purchase and the gap of bargain and its language that is to be reached upon with a well-organized

target to avoid losses in the name of winning customers. The object is to focus on what the

prospect thinks is feasible and to use the figure that balances the comfort of the two players.

The presentation should summarize all the relevant information needed to make a complete sale,

with an observation on the order of presentation, location, timing and who will be listening. Let

the information not to be new but have a unique taste of bestselling. More of the aspect being on

cost justification.


1. Anderson , Joseph and Bush ,” Professional Sales Management’

Mcgraw Hill.

2. Manning and Recce, “selling Today” Pearson Education

3. Darmon R.Y. “Predicting the Long-Run Profit Impact of a Contemplated Sales Force

Compensation Plan ” The journal of the Operational Research Society, vol 48NO.12,


4. Bienok H. :Rokita .J. Structral Organisational . Naukowe , Warszawa,1984

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