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Get to know two new WhatsApp features that you might not know about

Recently WhatsApp released several new features. This feature you can use, as long
as your WhatsApp is the latest version of the application. Here are two new WhatsApp
features that you might not know about:
Declined group invitation
If previously anyone who has your number can easily invite you to enter the
WhatsApp group. Now, WhatsApp has been equipped with new features that make not just
anyone can invite users. So, how do you prevent someone from inviting you to a group? The
steps are:
1. Go to the "settings" menu
2. Select "account"
3. Select "privacy"
4. Choose the available options namely: "everyone", "my contact" or "my
contact except"
For the "everyone" option, anyone can enter your number in the group. Meanwhile,
if you choose "my contact" then only people who save your contacts can invite.
While the "contact me except" option then you can choose who you do not want to
put you in the group. Later, for admin that you do not save the number but send an
invitation, then he will be asked to send the invitation via private message. That way you
can choose whether to accept or ignore it. Later users are given 3 days to respond to the
Activate the Whatsapp fingerprint lock feature
Another new feature of WhatsApp is the fingerprint lock feature. With this feature
the user can lock the WhatsApp application by using a fingerprint scanner. Of course, with a
note, the user's smartphone must have a fingerprint sensor feature. The benefits, of course,
make user privacy more secure.
Following are the steps to activate the fingerlock feature on WhatsApp:
1. Select the "privacy" menu
2. Then click "fingerprint lock"
3. The next step is to enable the "Unlock with fingerprint" option
4. Before activating the fingerprint lock feature, users must register your
fingerprint first.
5. Then, users will be asked to choose other security features before registering
their fingerprint by selecting the pattern, PIN and password security features.
6. After registering a new PIN or password pattern the user is asked to register
his fingerprint which will be used to open WhatsApp.
7. Users can choose the WhatsApp lock time lag. The available options are as
soon as possible, after the WhatsApp application is closed, one minute, and
after 30 minutes.
Even more interesting, users can set whether the contents of new incoming chats,
together with notifications can still be read or not.

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