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I recently carried out research, in partnership with Natural England,

exploring the effectiveness of green bridges in mitigating against the

various negative impacts of transport infrastructure on wildlife. The
study found that green bridges do successfully provide an innovative
solution to help mitigate against these negative impacts. These
bridges, planted with native trees and plants, can be used by wildlife
as crossing points between habitats and even as a place to live.
Beyond the
developing a green bridge network, with over 40 such structures
across the country. The Terlet, one of the country’s first green bridges
to be constructed, is being used by a range of species as a crossing
over the busy road and a corridor between the
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Green bridges as ecological stepping stones

Sarah Kydd | 30 Mar 2016 | 0 Comments

The benefits of green bridges are widely accepted and the structures are a common feature across
Europe’s road and rail infrastructure. However, they are still few and far between within the UK and I
believe we should be doing more to utilise their benefits. We need to start considering green bridges
from the outset when designing major new infrastructure schemes, undertaking screening to identify
negative environmental impacts and determine whether these could be mitigated against through the
creation of a green bridge. I believe this is particularly important when looking at infrastructure
projects within sensitive areas such as National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
At Atkins we have already started to lead the way in the design of these structures through our
involvement in projects such as HS2, where a number of bridges are being adapted to provide green
benefits. With the combined skills of our engineering teams, working with our ecologists and
landscape architects, we can help our clients to become pioneers in bringing green bridges to the UK
and promoting their virtues for the wide ranging environment and community benefits they can

What is an Eco Bridge/Wildlife Corridor?

Wildlife corridors, also known as "eco-bridges," are areas of habitat that connect wildlife
populations that would otherwise be separated by human activities or structures such as roads,
other infrastructure development, or logging and farming. Practically speaking, a wildlife corridor
is a link of wildlife habitat, generally made up from native vegetation, which joins two or more
ladders; Canopy bridge (especially for monkeys and squirrels), tunnels and culverts (for small
mammals such as otters, hedgehogs, and badgers); green roofs (for butterflies and birds).

Why Do We Need Eco-Bridges?

Human activity and intervention in our natural environment leave fragmented patches of intact or
relatively intact ecosystems whose ties with others are severed. If human activities continue in
the area, those islands of biodiversity become even smaller and grow further apart putting the
ecosystems at risk. This ultimately leads to a breakdown in the various ecological processes
such as species migration, recycling of nutrients, pollination of plants and other natural functions
required for ecosystem health. As a result, the habitat will suffer severe biodiversity decline and
local extinction of sensitive species.

Animals may also suffer by not being able to access particular habitats. In times of drought,
roads can prohibit animals from reaching water.

Further, when animals cross roads, mortality is often the result. This rate of mortality can
severely threaten animals and has been identified as a leading cause of the decline in some
In such circumstances, wildlife corridors can help halt biodiversity loss and redress some of the
impacts of the degradation and isolation of ecosystem.

Importance of Eco Bridges in Biodiversity Management

 To prevent genetic isolation of fragmented flora and fauna populations, the bridge would
encourage the interaction of wildlife by facilitating movement between the once separated
forests and effectively expand habitat, mating and foraging ranges of flora and fauna.
 With wildlife crossing the expressway from one nature reserve to another, the chances of
pollination and dispersion of rare native plants could greatly increase.
 Eco-bridges would also bring about greater interaction between individuals leading to a
healthy exchange of genetic materials, thereby reducing the occurrence of inbreeding and
increasing the long-term survival of our native species.
 Providing crossing infrastructure at key points along transportation corridors is known to
improve safety, reconnect habitats and restore wildlife movement. Throughout Europe,
Asia, Australia and North America, wildlife crossing structures have been implemented with
demonstrable success.
 Species that prefer natural areas (urban avoiders or \

Overpasses such as this one allow for traffic to continue for human convenience, while allowing wildlife to
pass unharmed beneath from place to place

Challenges Involved with Eco Bridges

 The challenging aspects of wildlife corridors are the lack of funding because of the lack of
research into the actual benefits of these corridors. Many organizations involved in
spreading the word about wildlife corridors find it hard to generate a response.
 Wildlife corridors often need to be built towards a specific animal population which can
decrease their efficiency in the grand scheme of conservation. A big horned sheep, for
instance, might not cross a wildlife corridor built for that area’s bear population even though
its migratory habits are similar.
 As many wildlife corridors intersect busy roads or places where a lot of humans are, many
species shy away from the area. Corridors also need to be built very wide to maintain the
wilderness effect, but this land is very hard to get approved for usage as a wildlife corridor in
some cases.
 They also must maintain the same habitat as the areas the animals call home, or crossing
will seem unnatural to the animals using the corridor. Unfortunately, these corridors often
allow for the safe passage of invasive species of flora and fauna which can drastically
change the ecosystem of a nearby area that was once inaccessible.
 More study needs to be conducted on specific animal migratory patterns as well as the
overall benefits of these corridors in order to know if they are truly worth the cost of building
and maintaining. In the meantime, the existing corridors should be taken care of and used
as stepping stones for the future of localized animal conservation.

What Can be Done?

Overall corridor management should aim to ensure that ecological processes and corridor
function are maximised:

 Maintain and increase vegetation cover and habitat quality to maximise connection between
larger remnants of vegetation. This will help dispersal of wildlife populations between larger
remnants and ensure genetic interchange and seasonal wildlife movement;
 Provide specific habitat resources and ecological needs, particularly for threatened species
(e.g. Koalas);
 Maximise corridor width and function by revegetation and control of weeds and feral
 Maximise the protection/linkage of landforms (i.e.. valley floors, floodplains, gullies, mid-
slopes and ridges).

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