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Chapter III : Caption

I Definition
A caption, also known as a cutline, is a text that appears below or above
an image.(Source: The words in a caption should
help explain or reinforce the message in the picture.
Terjemahan bebasnya adalah bahwa caption adalah teks atau tulisan
yang muncul di bawah gambar/grafik/table,dll. Kata-kata pada caption
seyogyanya dapat menjelaskan pesan pada gambar tersebut.

II Criteria for good caption

1. It clearly identifies the subject of the picture, without detailing the
obvious; (Caption yang baik, dapat menjelaskan subjek dari gambar)
2. It is succinct and informative; (ringkas dan informatif)
3. It establishes the picture’s relevance to the article; (ada keterkaitan
antara gambar dengan tulisan/artikel)
4. It provides context for the picture;(memberikan konteks gambar)
5. It draws the reader into the article. (caption dapat menarik perhatian

III Examples of caption

1. Figure/image It describes us about friendship based
on the picture/image
Dari gambar tersebut dapat kita beri
caption atau tulisan “friendship” yang
berarti persahabatan. Tulisan tersebut
dapat menggambarkan gambar. Ada
pesan yang dapat kita petik dari
gambar dengan caption tersebut bagi
para pembaca, secara tidak langsung
mengajak kita untuk menjalin
pertemanan dan persahabatan dengan
orang lain.

2. Chart/graphic The caption on the pie chart

describes us about the percentace
of browser users.
Caption pada grafik di samping
menjelaskan kita mengenai
prosentase pengguna browser.

3. Table The caption above the table can

describe us about the score of the
students in such an examination.
Caption pada tabel di samping
dapat menjelaskan isi dari tabel
yang ada yaitu mengenai
perolehan skor anak dalam
latihan ujian nasional (try out)

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IV Exercise (Drill) 1

1. What is the message of the caption above?

2. Of the pie chart above, which browser has the least user?
3. Based on the chart, Which one is the most popular among all browser?
4. If Chrome, Opera and Safari are united, Do they have more users than

Exercise (drill) 2

5. What does the caption teach us about?

6. Do you know who he is?
7. How long did he live?
8. Did he really not teach his pupils at all?
9. I only provide the condition in which they can learn. The underlined word
means ...
10. I only provide the condition in which they can learn. The bold word refers
to ...

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