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Annotated Bibliography

Weiye Kuang


U.S. Department of Energy. (2019). Battery Recycling Prize Official Rules.

The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is a department of the

United States Government concerned with the policies regarding energy

and safety in handling of nuclear material. In Jan 2019, DOE launched a

Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Prize. In the document Battery Recycling

Prize Official Rules, DOE introduces the rules of the prize and show the

importance and background of lithium ion battery recycling. Further, I

will use quotes about the current situation of lithium ion battery recycling

and why we need to concern about lithium ion battery recycling.


P 4. Unlike lead-acid batteries, which are collected and recycled at a

rate of 99%, lithium ion batteries are only collected and recycled at a

rate of less than 5%.

P 4. Current LIB cathodes contain a substantial amount of cobalt, a

critical material that is both expensive and dependent on foreign

sources for production

P 5. This growth in EV sales, as well as increased demand for

consumer, stationary, and industrial applications are expected to

double the demand for LIBs by 2025 and quadruple it by 2030.

Elisabeth Comere.(2017). Factors that Impact Consumer Recycling


Elisabeth Comere is the Director of Environment & Government Affairs

at Tetra Pak. In Factors that Impact Consumer Recycling Behaviour, she

mentions the factors that impact recycling behaviour, positively or

negatively and how these factors affect people’s recycling. She thinks that

the key factors include access to and convenience of recycling

opportunities, understanding how to recycle, and individual perceptions

about the importance of recycling. In my report, I will use the quotes that

the effects of the inconvenience of recycling.


Inadequate and inconvenient access to recycling opportunities are

primary impediments to recycling behaviour, for obvious reasons –

consumers need a program to participate in and the likelihood of

participating is contingent upon the level of convenience.

Michael Timpane. (2018). Lithium Ion Batteries in the Solid Waste

System - SBWMA MRF Survey.

Michael Timpane is a Principal and Vice President of Process

Optimization and Material Recovery at Resource Recycling Systems,a

sustainability and recycling consulting. In March, 2018, he gave a speech

at the Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Web Academy Webinar.

In his presentation slide Lithium Ion Batteries in the Solid Waste System -

SBWMA MRF Survey, he shows the increasing of the lithium ion batteries,

and advantages and risks of the lithium ion batteries, and the results of the

SBWMA MRF Survey. In my report, I will use some data in the survey

about the consequences caused by lithium ion batteries in Materials

recovery facility(MRF).


P 19. Most Prevalent Cause of Fires (in MRF) are Lithium Ion


P 20. 81% do not accept batteries in their curbside collection

P 20. 58% suggested that a lack of education on battery recycling

caused Lithium batteries to enter MRFs and collection vehicles

Gaines, L., Richa, K., & Spangenberger, J. (2018). Key issues for

Li-ion battery recycling. MRS Energy & Sustainability, 5, E14.

Linda Gaines is an Environmental Scientist/Systems Analyst in Argonne

National Laboratory’s Energy Systems division. In the article Key issues

for Li-ion battery recycling, she introduces the benefits and difficulties of

recycling lithium ion batteries. She also mentions the policy of lithium

ion batteries disposal in United States. Further, I will use the quotes about

the policy of lithium ion batteries disposal.


No federal policy exists in the U.S. to promote the recycling of


only three state laws explicitly incorporate LIBs—California’s

Rechargeable Battery Recycling Act of 2006, New York State’s

Rechargeable Battery Law, and Minnesota’s Rechargeable Battery

and Products Law of 1994.

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