Amazon Sentence Completion Practice Test Part-2.

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Sentence Completion

1. If you don’t meet (or) fulfill the height requirement, you are not allowed to get on the ride

2. In my company, it is the manager’s job to divide works Among the team members.

3. Negotiations came to a halt as leaders struggled to reach terms that were Common to both parties.

4. He’s running _______ ; he should have been here an hour ago.

5. When my bicycle got a flat tyre , I had to take the train to work

6. My friend. Who has lived in New York all his life, took me on a personal tour of the city.

7. A good policy is to always respond to customer requests within 24hrs.Otherwise, they tend become
annoyed and may find other providers.

8. It looks like this document has been edited already - is this the final report?

9. We had planned to go hiking today, but the weather was so bad that we had to come up with an
Alternate plan.

10. There was a clear blue sky and the sun was_____

11. Before you drive over the bridge you have to pay the toll at the booth.

12. In cities with good public Transport it’s hard to understand why people insist on driving themselves
to work.

13. The training program offers a wide selection of course to any interested employee at a minimum

14. Workers who have previously completed training are _________ from the new training requirements.

15. I dropped my clothes off at the dry cleaner on my way to work this morning.

16. He’s so concerned for the environment that I wasn’t surprised when he told me the soles of his of his
shoes were made out of_______ old tries.

17. Please check all envelopes for the correct return _______.

18. Please make sure that all seatbelts are securely fastened

19. The company surpassed its target last year and reported a profit.

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