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Wk 1

The secret of the universe (guiding principle) = KAIZEN (=constent and never ending
improvment) It is a mindset, that whatever you're working on
they're no basing their actions and behaviours in what they're gonna be doing based on the

They are doiing what they're doing, executions, tactics and techniques, all of it based on KAIZEN.
I know if I stick to this plan over 90 days that I will make small tiny, increminal improvments, and
overtime those little hinges will swing big doors opened for me. I live by this principle.
You stick to the plan
Story about Kobe Bryant training before the game without the ball.

I want you to carvout one hour a day for Kaizen training

In order for you to become the most charismatic version of yourself, we have to first clear out
the excess crap that is currently blocking your charisma power.
==>we need to free you up as a communicator, we need to train you and your brain and your
communications to not give a crap about what other people think first. And only then we'll be
able to connect and lead, and express with your unique style of passion and charisma and
magnetism and leadership ==> the theme of wk 1

You can't be charismatic with a filter, you're not being your authentic self.
rule= I am free flowing in my dialogue cause authenticity is the most magnetic thing in the
When you see a problem => don't pretend it doesn't exist, you wanna know everything about it
and you wanna obliterate it ==>what we're gonna do in WK1

several quotes about owning your singularity

Anthony Robbins (charismatic speakers) guys like him represent a part of you that you
minimized at one point of your life

People you can't stand without knowing why you can't stand them=>they represent a part of you
that you need to work on, or a part of you you're not proud of.

the truth about opinions

Anyone's opinions about you is a part of themselves that they minimized. It doesn't have
anything to do with you, it has to do with them. it's always a function of their own
+ whenever you're thinking someone is talking about you, worried about you, <hat you're gonna
say, what you're gonna think you can just know that your brain is lying to you. you're brain is
creating this story that doesn't exist at all. In fact that person won't see it, won't think about it
and even if they do they won't think about it for more than a couple of seconds because they're
gonna think about themselves right after. That's just how humans are.

Howard Stern = Hightest paid, most listned, most paid radio show in the world = facts
= also most hated radio sho host in the world.
The rule of 3/4 => if 3/4 people don't dislike you = you are doing something wrong.
3/4 people should dislike you at first

The 7 steps to clearing out that space for your charisma to shine throught
-authority list
never share your doubts with anyone but your coaches
because they expect it, they won't validate it.
The only opinions you care about are those of your coaches.
an authirity list is a list of people whose opinions actually matter to you, when you want
feedback you go to them
=>write on your notebook 7 people that you admire, respect and aspire to be like
you'll realize that everyone on that list isn't equal, => delete the bottom 2
Now you got 5 people ion your authority list
=>cross out 2 more
Write the 3 names left on a notecard => hang it up somewhere you 're gonna see it evryday
==>with your authority list, anytime you hear an opinion about you or you're thinking like
"should I say this, should I do this, should I express this, should I write this, what would that
person say, what would that person think ?"==> you don't have to play that game anymore, that
game of what this or that prson gonna think
because unless that name is on your authority list, they don't make the cut
-where your focus goes, your energy flows
a lot of times people will step into interactions, even people who are trained communicators,
like already kind of charismatic, but they'll step into an interaction and they haven't chosen their
focus for that interaction beforehand, thay just go into it, and because of that, it might not go
the way they want, they might end up care what the other person is thinking, they might not
expressing themselves fully, they might end up fumbling with their words, they might forget the
interpersonal hierarchy, they might assume that what they say is really important, when really
it's not as important as the other two things, all these kinds of things is getting on their way, of
them being really charismatic, of them really getting the outcomes that they want

so what we need to do here

and if you can remember it every single time, and that's all I want you to do in all of your
interactions ===> it's going to change the way that you communicate with people for the rest of
your life
Here's what it is
before you go into any interactions, just take a second to choose your focus for that interaction.
remember where your focus goes your energy flows

here's how we do this: it's called the 1SA (remember we talked about Kaizan and how
important it was ==> this is a way to really zero in and focus on that Kaizan)
so every conversation that you have, every presentation you give, every video you create, you're
focusing on the things that matter most
you're focusing on increasing your skills, your personal value, your charisma, your ability to
impact someone else with your words and your energy and your eye contact and your charisma
and your status, everything

1SA = simply before the interaction you just gonna ask yourself 3 very very simple questions that
take 10 seconds to answer
= >what's my number 1 reason for becoming a charisma god ? (ask yourself this question so you
can remember that you are becoming a charisma god more and more in every single kinds of
day, and to get that leverage, why do you wanna become more charismatic? you wanna get
more money, attract better people into your life, you wanna have more power, you wanna have
more influence, you wanna more easily win over your way of thinking, you just wanna get more
of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff? who knows what it is ==> but getting clear on that
reason is gonna help you a ton )

1SA :
1 reason
Action step

=>what skill am I looking to make even better today? (ask yourself this question so you'll be
focusing when you go to the interaction on what is the one thing that you are kaizaning, that you
wanna kaizan inn your interaction, is it your tonality, is it your eye contact, is it your charisma
tool (cf wk 3), is it your state transfer, what is it? => there's no right or wrong answer

=>great, so what is one small action step that I'm gonna focus on in this interaction?
so let's say that your skilll your answer was tonality, so what small action step that I'm gonna
focus on in this interaction. I'm gonna focus on using a special kind of tonality, the scarcity
whisper tonality in this interaction. It can be a 10 seconds conversation tonality, it can be a 30
minute meeting, it could be a 1 hour presentation, it could be a 10 minute video, it could be a
sales presentation, it doesn't matter

=====S so this way when you go into that interactionn, you're not focused on outcomes you
can't control, you're not focused on what people are thinking, you are only focused on your
kaiza, your growth, your value
=> You take this into every interaction you have and I can assure you, you will grow your
charisma even more at such.. you will be stunt at how fast this go and how much better it gets

in this amount of time

of that amount time

I like this, I like this speed

==> this way you take every interaction you have into a stepping stone into the place that you
wanna go and the person that you wanna become

-state (we'll be talking about this much more in wk 2)

when you step into an interaction, when you're giving a presentation, when you're creating a
video, you can either come across as the most charismatic version of yourself that day, or just
another person
Here's the only thing I want to say about this
when you enter into an interaction, if you can quicly put yourself into a charismatic, free flowing,
self loving high status state, it's gonna make things so much easier for you, and the way that we
do that is very simple
it's just some big physicle movement

a lot of people have heard about momentum, they know it's powerful, they know it's impactful,
they know they want it, they know a lot of people don't have it, momentum is simply being in
that sate when things are just rolling for you and you don't have to think about them
Have you ever been in that state where you're just in this zone where the words are just flowing
you're just hitting in it correctly, maybe you're not saying every word right bui the energy is
there, you're present, you're focused, you're alive and you can tell that you are impacting people
on a deep emotional level, that was momentum, you were in a momentis state

and the way to get into momentum is really, actually it's not very hard, it's actually very simple
your brain is not very hard to get momentum
there's jus 2 sides to this, 2 score boards
= free flowing & selfish

anytime you're in a interaction and you hold back, you don't share what you had to say, you filter
yourself, you edit what you were going to say instead of expressing freely (free flowing), even if
it's a small little 10 second thing = selfish
= side of selfish momentum, the side of playing small, not being free, not sharing your truth, not
showing what you're made of, not being authentic, not being real

But when you do the opposite, that's magnetic, attractive

===> do small little baby steps into being free slowing so that overtime ther's not so much things
to overcome
it picks up speed like a snow ball
like just say one word that you normally don't say, don't hold back you wanna lead into your
crazy ==> no say that's ludacris
or you can say something you think about someone, things you like about them

this you may never heard, this one will change your life
quick story about me watching a video about people having fun in a electo/tecno live event
occuring on a wednesday
I was coding stories about these people ("they have no better things to do, that's probably the
funniest thing that happen in their boring life, this is the highlight of the year, their life sucks")
that I do not know anything about them
I'm getting one drop of water and I'm judging the entire ocean
I'm saying this person = a story about them
==> we do this all the time unconsciously
=> it's called the fundamental attribution error
like when you're driving in the highway and someone cuts you off and they're speeding and they
don't even wave and they just keep going , and you go "what a bitch/asshole this person should
not be driving"
fundamental attribution error is a commun pattern of victim and victim thinkers
victims create stories about someone else or what someone else is thinking, what's going on
inside their personality, what kind of person that they are without getting all the information
=> I"m not saying never code any story or anything
but I'm saying we want to code your experiences and your interactions advantageously for you ,
not just unconsciously, especially not against you
==>whenever I find myself coding a person I just be like"delete delete delete" => it's a pattern
interrupt, it's a trigger, a reminder for me that we don't know that that is true, it's a irrational
way of thinking, it's a victim way of thinking
===> here's why this affects us when it comes to charisma
when a guy say I don't think she likes me, that's him coding that interaction, that person, he was
deciding what kind of person she was, and what she was feeling, thinking inside without any
verification, without any proof
because in that moment you're not rational, you're emotional brain is running this whole
operation and any language, story or code that your brain comes up with in that moment is not
goping to be advantageous for you, it's not gonna be rational, it's gonna be your emotional brain
creating that and it's not gonna be helpful

Here's what we do instead

because we wanna code in our life, this is how we learn, how we evolve
==>you code AFTER the interaction,
AFTER the interaction, a charisma god focus dispassionaly on the facts and then code after in a
dispassionate state, when your emotions are lower and you can be more rational
there's a system and a formula that we use that has been so paramount and impactful for me
and I really want you to have ot so I'm gonna be giving it to you now as well
After when you're in that dispassionate state you AAR the interaction
And using the AAR is how you code
A/So we never code during
B/and we never code until we AAR
so what is a AAR and how you do it => so simple
AAR stands for After Action Review = 4 questions
= what was suppose to happen?
=what actually happened?
=what went well?
=what can be made even better?
instead of saying "when a guy say I don't think she likes me" or emailing our support at 11 PM,
he just ask himself
=what was supposed to happen?
maybe he was supposed to work on his tonality, that's his focus
=what actually happen?
I did work on my tonality a little bit but I just got caught up and I worried about what she was
thinking and it took me away from my focus and my Kaizan
->ok great, right, we're more rational now, now we have these questions to keep us rational,
focusing on the things that gonna help us grow instead of go lower
=what went well?
I did work on my tonality a littlebit, and we did talk for a while, it was pretty good most of the
=what can can be made even better next time ?
I can even hit the tonality even harder, I can do it even better and I think the next person I talk
to, next presentation or video I make can be a really badass oportunity to me to focuse even
more on not caring, not worrying about what peopl might be thinking, especially when I know it
has nothing to do with me
===> clear rational and most importantly you have coded the interaction correctly, imagine how
much greater, how much further alarm you would be, how much strong, more rational, more
smart and experienced you would be, if you had used these rules for everything you've ever
A lot of people are like "Jason you're so good blablabla.."
If I have been doing this the whole time the last 5 or 10 years, even the last 3 years, I would be
so much further ahead because of all the sudden every interaction that I have had would have
brought me so much more juice from that squeeze, I'll be swimming in that juice in this point.

rule means if X then Y
it's important that you have your own set of rules as a charisma god
I want you to create 5 personal rules, what should they be or not be ==> put them on a notecard
and hang it somewhere you will see it every single day

My 4 rules as a charisma god myself are:

= I will always communicate with presence
= I will always go there = no filter, free flowing, especially when it's challenging
=I will always give more than I take
=I will always rememember my power that my state becomes their state

I am Jason Capital, that was week 1 of your charisma training thank youi so much for hanging out
with mere
I'm so greatful that you are one of the top 1% who is dedicated to Kaizan and commited and
becoming this amazing person who gets what they want who leads others, who gives and who
gets the dreal life that they always wanted
And more importantly always knew that they were destined for

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