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Specifications General Information A WARNING A This diagram is provided as a diagnostic tool for trained, experienced technicians only. Improper trouble- shooting or repair can result in severe personal injury or death or property damage. See important instructions in Troubleshooting and Repair Manus Electrical Specifications ‘SAE J1587/J1708 DATALINK Short Circuit To External Voltage * Positive wire to chassis ground (J1587 only) * OK if less than 1.5 VDC = 3.5 to 5.0 VDC Sensor Supply Voltage ‘+ Negative wire to chassis ground (J1587 only) * @ECM = 4.75 to 5.25 VOC = 0.0 to 2.5 VDC Solenoids J1939 BACKBONE RESISTANCE * Fuel Pump Actuator = 2.0 to 4.5 2 * Positive wire to return wire * Injectors ~ 50 to 70.0 = Less than 2 ohms ‘+ 1939 Termination Resistance * ‘Turbocharger Control Valve = 110 to 130 = 800 to 1000 ohms All Continuity Checks ECM Connector '* OK (no open circuit) if less than 10 9 * Retaining Cap Screw Torque = 2.8 Nem [25 in-Ib] All Shorts To Ground * OK (no short circuit) if more than 100k © Sensor Specifications NOTE: To convert to gauge pressure on all psia pressure sensors, subtract the barometric pressure from the absolute pressure. BAROMETRIC PRESSURE SENSOR FUEL RAIL PRESSURE SENSOR Altitude Altitude Pres- Pressure Voltage Torque = 70 Nem [52 ft-lb] (m) tft] sure = fing} (VDI Pressure (bar) Pressure [psi] Voltage (VDC) Ipsia] 0 ° 0.50 9 foea ° 147 299 3.65 104.28 400 5801 1.39 level 915 9000 132-269 3.060 3.60 ino eae 4 1830 6000 11.8 = 24.02.5210 2.96 4400 20808 361 2744 = 9000 105 21.4 2.01 to 2.36 700 Berar 460 3659 © 12000 9.35 19.01.57 to 1.84, ‘TURBOCHARGER COMPRESSOR INLET AIR TEM- INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE SENSOR PERATURE AND INTAKE MANIFOLD AIR TEM- Torque = 23 Nem [204 in-Ib] PERATURE SENSORS Pressure Pressure Pressure Voltage Torque = 23 Nem [204 in-Ib] (mmHg) [inHg] [psig] (vDC) ‘Temperature (°C) Temperature [°F] Resistance 0 0 0 0.90 to 1.06 “10 14 49k to 62k 381 15 7 1.30 to 1.53 ° 32 29k to 36k 635 25 12 1.87 to 1.84 20 68 41k to 14k 1549 6 30 2.53 to 296 40 104 4.9k to 5.8k 2057 81 40 8.07 to 3.60 70 158 1.6K to 1.9k eee we 7 a ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR ENGINE OIL PRESSURE SENSOR Torque = 23 Nem [204 in-Ib] Torque = 23 Nem [204 in-Ib] Temperature Temperature Resistance Pressure (kPa) Pressure [psig] Voltage (VDC) (°c) [°F] (Q) 0 0 0.75 to 0.90 0 82 30k to 37k 274 25 1.68 to 2.01 25 7 9.3k to 10.7k 446 50 2.59 t0 3.10 50 122 3.2k to 3.8k 518 60 2.96 to 3.54 80 176 4.1k to 1.3k 653 80 3.69 to 4.42 ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR Torque = 23 Nem [204 in-Ib] ‘Temperature Temperature Resistance °C) (°F] (Q) 95 203 700 to 800 TURBOCHARGER SPEED SENSOR Torque = 8.5 Nem [75 in-tb] Resistance = 600 to 1600 2 ENGINE SPEED SENSOR * Torque = 25 Nem (221 intb] CAMSHAFT POSITION SENSOR © Torque = 10 Nem [89 in-tb] VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR * Torque = 47 Nem (36 ft-lb] OIL PRESSURE SWITCH * Torque = 23 Nem [204 in-tb] ACCELERATOR PEDAL (NISS, 188) * Idle validation Circuit Resistance (For ON and OFF Idle States): - NISS - Maximum closed Q ~ ISS - Maximum closed circuit resistance < 125 Q — NISS and ISS - Minimum open circuit resis- tance < 100 ka ‘+ Accelerator Position Coil Resistance - Between Supply and Return Pins = 2000 to uit resistance < 10 3000 0 - Between Supply and Signal Pins (Pedal Re- leased) = 1500 to 3000 0 ~ Between Supply and Signal Pins (Pedal De- pressed) = 200 to 1500 0 NOTE: Released resistance minus depressed resistance must be 1000 0. Fault Code Information 87 FAULT PID) 1999 Cope ibis} SPN) {tame} [rui) {ril)” REASON EFFECT 11 S254 628," Engine Control Module Creal liemal Fare Engine may not sa Trea, a2) fay Iligent Deven or Component. Era eral fo the ECM related to momory hardware Tales oF internal ECM volage supply creurs 122 Pi02 102 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circut- votlage Engine power deate (Amver) (8) {8} Above Nomalo Shared High Source Mh s- nal votage detecod atthe intake manifold pressure reur 1 Ta? (GF blake anil Pigsire Sonor Creu Volage — Erane power doe {Amber} (4)" —{4}——_—Below Normal or Shorted to iow Source. Lewgy- ‘nal volage detected a imake maniold pressure Stout i Poet Sr ‘Accelerator Pedal Postion Sensor Grou Shorted Severe derale 1) power Oulput ol he engine: UND {Red} (3}—{3)_——_High. High voltage detect at accolratr posal” eons pens ath postion Brut Te Poo Sr ‘Accelerator Pedal or Laver Postion Genaox Oval” Severe Grate iy power output Ot the engine: Limp {Rea} 4) ——{4)_—_‘Votage Below Normal or Shorted fo Low Source,” Romse‘poet anh Low votage detected at ecceleratr pedal posion signa creat 735 F100 100. Oi Pressure Senso; Grou _Velage Above Normal” Nove on porlormanca: No eagine FOWGION by oT tAmber} (3) {3} or Shorted fo High Source. High Sonal voltage Son Noe, O8 tecied atthe engine ol pressure ofcu Tai PIG0__100___Oll Pressure Sensor Circuit- Votage Below Normal None on pevormance. No engine protealon fro (Amber) {4} {4} or Shorted fo Low Soutee: Low sighal wolage do. Neca {ecied at the engine ol pressure Sreul 13 F100 100 Pressure Low - Data Vaid bul Below Normal None on perfomance ‘Amber {1} {18} Operational Range - Moderately Severe Ligel en. he ol pressure signal ndeates engine ol res” Sure is bolow the engine protection warning In Ta Ta TS Sialatfomperatye Senor Cu Volage Fosse while anata Fan wll fay ONT convared (Amber! {8} {3}__Above Normal or Shorted fo High Source. igh sig- by ECM, No sre preiecton farang cont nal votage deteced a! engine soolant temperature temperate. Seu 7 TO [i GoolatTemperaiye Sensar Groat-Volage Below Possible while smoke Fan wil say ONT sonvaed (Amber) {4} {4}__Normal or Shorted to Low Source. Low signal volt” by ECM. No spine proweian Rem onnd cont age detected at engine coolant temperature cicut._tompordius Ta FIO 110 Coolant Temperature High - Data Vabo but Above — Progressive powordoralo Tuveaaig IW SOveTiy {Amber} {0} (46) __Nevrmal Operational Range - Maderatsy Severe, rene aren Level Engine coolant temperature signal indestes engine coolant temperature te above engine pte fon warring imi Tai PIO 119 Coolant Temperature High -Daia Vaid but Above Progrosave power dorato oeaahg Ti SSveriy {Rea} {0} {0}_-—_Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level. fron’ ime of ort Eauing Geneon engin Engine coolant temperature signal indicates engine feature is enabled, enghte wil shat Gowr se one cpalant temperature above engine protection cial Onds afr Ted stop lap starts hashing fit Ts P}05 105 __Iniake Manfod Ar Temperature Sensor Cioull- Possible white amoke. Fan wil stay ON W Gowalied {Amber) 181° (81 __Yolage Above Normal ar Shored High Source, Oy ECM. No engine rowan trina ano High signal voltage detected at take manfold ar alr lomperature temperature sireut 134 TPG Gam. Manon fe Teper Sep, Ola. _Foee whe ano Fan wi pay ONT comanod (Amber {4} {4}___Votage Belon Normal or Shorted fo Low Sourte. Ey ECM. No sree areeeten fen Com Low signal votage dotected a intake manfold ara temperature temperature creut Ts FiOS TOF ___Inake Manioid Ar Temperature High -Dalavald — Progressive powar datas Weeasing W S667 (Red) {0} {0}__—_but Above Normal Operational Rango Most So font ume cae, Ir Estng Panen Sveln yore Level. intake manifold ar temperature signal feature ls enabled, engite wills Sows strony indicates itako manitoid ait temperature above en- onde after red Stop lamp stars Nashing, {ge protection crea hn Ter $252 1060 Sensor Supply Votage Number 2 Grout vollage Engine power devale amber) (4) {4} Below Normal or Shoted fo Low Source. Lan ag age detected atthe sensor supply Number 2 cr eat 7 PITT {it Coolant Level Sensor Gea Volage Above Nor None on parlance Amber) {3} [8)_—_malor Shorted to High Source abot! solange Getectd atthe engine coolant eve creat. 798 PHT 1] Coolant Level Sensor Gircult- Voliage Below Nor None on perlommance” Amber} {4} {8} maror Shorted fo Low Soute, Caw tgealvoeges Getected at the engine coolant level efeat, 137 PIT 1H] Coolant Level Low -Dala Valid but Below Normal None on parormance (Amber) [1] {18} Operational Range - Moderately Severs Level. Low ‘engine coolant level detected. Tis87 FAULT — PID) 1999 Gope, IBS} SEN) {tawp) _{rwi) {FM)” REASON EFFECT 2a 108 108 Barometric Pressure Sensor Orca -Volage Above Engine power dora {Amber} (3), {3} __Normal or Shorted to igh Souree. High stgnal vot ge detected at baromettc pressure rut 2 P108__108 Barometric Pressure Sensor Grult- Vollage Below Engine power derate Amber) 4) {4}__—_-Normal or Shorted fo Low Source. Low sigral vole Age detectd at baromettc pressure creuk ZaT____ 53351080 Sensor Suppy Votage Number 2 Creu - Vatage Engine power deal {amber} {3} (3) _Abowe Normal or Shorted fo igh Sauron Nigh tollage detected at sensor supply Number 2 ercul 73i____ P1019 Engine Speed High - Data Vai but Above Normal —Fual injection Geabied unl engine speed fal bo {Rea} {0} {0}-—_—Operatonel Range - Most Severe Level Engine low the overspeed imi, Spood signal indcates engine speed above engine protection ht Zs__Pivi 137 Coolant Level Low ~ Data Vald but Below Normal” Progressive power doraleIneeasing in severly {Fed} {1} ——{1}_—_Operatonal Range - Most Severe Level. Low en- from time of alert. Engine Protection Shutdown he coolant level detected feature is enabies, engine wil shut down 30 s0c- onda ater Bed Stop Lamp starts ashing. 3a TEP FE, __ Wie Spend Sewer Creu Daa Era Engine spod iad maximum engine pred tAmber) 2)” {2} ten or incorert. The Ech lst he vehicle” wiout VSS prater value Cre Sn, gar Speed signal Sown protection, and road speed governor wif not wer Fea By Re SPRS ST RRS ay SeP”_ Eng epee ed msc ere speed {Amber} {10} {10} —_—Datocted = Abnormal Rato of Change. Invalid or” witout WSS parametr value, Cruao conte, goer Inappropriate veil sped igal Signal dates down protection, and oad speed governor mi nat an intermiten’ connection or WSS tampering. work 235 S055 647 Fan Control Cieuit-votage Below Normal or The fan may slay on COnIMUGUST Or not Tun tal {Amber} {4} ta]—_—Shorted to Low Source. Low signal voltage Go fected atthe tan conrel creut nen commanded 3 Poss Gs Fuel Pressure Sensor Greul_Data Ervala jter” The EOM wil estimate Tel pressure and power e Amber) (2), {2)_—_—mtlent or incorrect. The ECM has detected that reduced the fel pressure signa! fs not changing a S]25 1347 High Fue Pressure Solenoid Valve Creull- Voge Engine wil run poory at la. Engine wil Rave Tow Amber) ta) ta} low Normal or Shorted t Low Source. Low sige power Fuel proseure ll be higher than come nal votage detected a the fuel pump aciuatx c= ended oar 2 S108 1387 High Fusl Pressure Soienod Vale Grout olage Engine wil not run or engine Wil un Poon {Amber} {3} (3). Awe Normal or Shorted to High Source, High nal votage or open creut dtacted atte fuel pump actuator Grout 27551081347 Fuel Pumping Element (Frond) - Mechanical System Engine wil not run or possible Tow power fAmber) (71 __{71._Not Respending Properly or Sut of Adustnon 254 S227 1043 Engine Speed/Postion Sensor (Crankshat) Supply Possbe hard Staring and Tough Tuna dmwoy (61 (6) Netage Cut tage Snow Normal or Sho : {© Low Souree. Low vatage detected onthe ECM voltage suppiy linet the engine speed sensor 255 S231 G39 SAE 41999 Muluplexing PGN Time Out Error - Ab Atleast one muliplexed device wil nol OpeTae amber) (9) (9]__normal Update Rate. The ECM expected norma propery, {on'rom a mutiploned Gevic but cid not recov it Seon enough or &i not recowe fala 286 SE 999 SAE 1890 Mulipixing Coniguation Err Out oT Aiea one rliplered device Wi Ral Optio {amber {13} (13) Galbraton, The EGM gxpected Information from a propery, multiplexed device But only recelved a porton of the necessary information 287 POS1__9]__ SAE J1699 Mulipiexing Accaerior Pedal or Laver Engine may only le or engine wil nol accaara {Rea} {None} {10} Sensor System Ear Ressted Network Sua” eloped foe The GEM vehicle electronic conto unt (VECU) Goioctod a tault with t's accelerator pedal. 3a F023 G74 SAE 11939 Muliplexing Remote Accelerator Pedal — The engine wil not respond othe rents Tata {Red} {None} {19} _ or Lever Data nor = Received Network Data Error Engine may only We. fe primary or cab accelere- ‘The OEM vahicl slactoniccontel unit ECU)” tor may beable fo be used detected fault withthe remote accelerator 5 P2525] Real Time Giock Powor inerupt - Data Err n-None on pevornance. Data nthe EGM wil not (Maine (2) {2} _—_termitent, or nooroct Real time clock lost power. have accurate and Gate information, ance 322 $001 651 Injector Seno Cylinder Number 1 Oreull- Cur Engine can possiby mistve or run ough Tambor} (3) {8]__rem Below Normal or Open Great. High resistance detected on injector Number 1 circuit or no current Setected at Number 1 injector driver or return pin when the voltage supply at the harness is on Wiser rar HO) 1899 cove S} sews) tame) ral) {ru)” Reason errect ‘$23 S005 655 injector Solenoid Cynder Number § Grout Cur Engine car posslbly tre Tun Tough Ameer) (8) {5}. tant Below Normal or Open Gel, High essance Gatcted on nectar Number 8 ereuf Sr no current detected af Number 8 injec cer or hu ik then the wotage supply a the harness i on, ek 8003 655 Injector Solenoid Cylinger Number 3 Creu - Cur Engine can possibly mitre fran Tough Tambor, (8) {8} rort Boi Normal or Open Croat. High reitance etcted on injector Number 3 eeu or no currant dtcted at Number 3 injector wer or return pin shen the watage supply a the harness on, $25 S008 656 ——necios Solenoid Cylinder Number 6 Circa - Cor Engine can possby sire or rn Tough fimmoer) (3) {8} tem Beiow Norma or Open Grea. High tesisance etcted on niacor Number 6 ecu Sr no current diatcted at Number 6 ijectorcwer or run pin than the wllage suppl the harness i On 35i___ S002 657 —njecor Solenoid Cylinder Number 2 Circa - Cor Engine can possibly sire or Tun Tough Amber) (8) (8) rent Boiow Normal or Open Great. High vestance otcted on necot Number 2 eeu Sr no current detected at Number 2 injector diver or return pin then the wage supply a the harness ison a2, 5008 654 Injeciox Solenoid Cylingor Number 4 Grout - Car Engine can possibly misire or Tn Tough Tamer, {5} {8}_—_tom Below Normal or Open Creu. High resistance """ “=” PO* Getected on niocor Number 4 eeu Sr no currnt detected st Number & injector cer or return pin then the vlage supply atthe hamess son 38l____ S253 630 Engine Control Module Dala Lost - Data Eats. Posie po notceable porormance efeds, engine Amber) (2) {2)-_—_Inarmivort or Incorect. Severe lose of cata tom Gying,orhard staring Paul mformaton tip ior the CoM mata, and maintenance mor data Thay be i sccusia $B, SSS, Eats Spal oie Waring fra Faravaro Posse toe on pofomance or sows data Amber) (12) (42) Fale Gad itligent Bevce'or Component. fora ECM ero Thaw S63 ect Power Sopp Bo hisipen Dayco p7 Posie make, power onine nae araor Amber) (12) (12) Component" The ECM mossured Bjecior boost, engine wi not stat ‘otage is ow 3EE___ SE2__1079 Sensor Supply Volage Number + Grau volage Engine power deal TAmber) {4} (4) Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source. Low vot ge detocid a sensor suppy Number t Cru 35E____ SEZ 1079 Sensor Supply Votage Number + Grau Volage Engine power devia tAmbery {3} {3} Above Normal or Shorted to High Source High volage dlected at sensor supply Number? rou ren SEF feolror Peal: Lever Poston Sensor Sunpiy Engine wi ony (amber) (3) (3) _Votiage Seu“ Votage Above Normal or Sho IG High Soures, High vttage Getocted at sensor Supply cout for the accelrelor pedal postion sen- @IS____Pi00 100 Ol Pressure Low -Data Vaid bul Batow Normal Progressive power derale nejasing Wa Savery thea} {1} {1} porationl Range - Most Severe Leva. Ol pres. front ume of art Engine Fotecion Shutdown Stre signal indies of presture Below the engine fatwa s enable, engee wl st down 30 sec protection cri hm cds after to Sop lrgp stars lasing “ig POs7 67 Watorn Fuel indicator igh Data Vald but Above Possible white sme, lss of power, or Nard Sart {Maint {0} {15} Normal Operational Range = Least Sevre Love.” ng. hance Wator nea boon detected in the fut fir 428 POST 87 ____Walerin Fuel Sensor Gicul - Volage Above Nor None on performance: No water a fuel warning) Amber) {3} {(3)_—smalor Shonedt High Source: High volage Go.” avalaba, fected at the water ut orca 4B POST 97 War in Fuel Sensor iru - Volage Baton Noc Nana on performance: No water a fuel warning amber) (8) {4)_—smalx Shonadto Low Source. Low volape de” aval {ected a the water nfl oreut 451 S230 558 —Acoolerator Pedal or Lover Ile Valdaton Grout Engine wil only le {Amboy (2) {2} Dat Era ntermttent ox novrect iotage de. {ected simutaneoualy or both de vaidaton and tial vacation swiches. %2___ $230 __ 558 Acsolertor Pedal or Lover la Valdaton Grout Engine wil only a {hes} (13) (48) GuvofGalbraton Vtiage atte validation ot ie Sind off ile creut does not match accloraor eda! poston %35____P]00 10) Oi Pressure Saneor Creut Data Erte termi None on perarmance: No engine prtedion ora Amboy (2) {2} ent orincorec An err into engine pres” pressure Sure sii signa was detected bythe EC 4a S168 168 eatery Numbor 1 Votage Low - Data Vaid bul Bo- Engine nay sop Tuning or be ica 1 Sar {Amber} {1} {18} low Nera Operatona Range -Mesderately Severe Lovel. ECM supply voltage Is below the minimum system voltage level w1587 we Hue CODE ‘SID( ‘SPN(S) foRin, SBE EP neason errect 42, 18 Seay OR i “Tag — oe a Sw SES ES ioe (O° (%, _-RSaNGaaronaa A Pama Pos riod eaeencatt coaract SF a age eS aay Theo HS Seteeeanun ee Soey let ages ine Sta San ters 2 ass eee ores Ging, Gt A, Res ear aha gt fs teas Toa SS RST itmeei (Tey SAR Cane cts ors, Kaen oabe meee mecactonl Semetancgeataree bere pets sentra porte ze Say GS a aaa se Ten BB Sen ener Tea Sota Madera ey See Ble GP ae espa | Pas Sosa TO a a ec Seite Ue aes =o Sy BE eos ag ace eo Ep inom) a etn cenecu geen cro seis eens rea ose inane Ta PE Se ing Se tae ners — tree | SOQ Ta aS, ES! Smee eens Bay SO Sates tga Ta gs a Ta Sw TORS irony te) Semen nm Ser ml aries Bay Ean Nene Saran Oa a — pS pa Te foot OP) SN eS, ERE ae Seta a cera ao sean Ben GF SE ae es foes) ME ROR, AS 7 Serger erage gary Sry ay ag tae Tay TR GSS Sate Wan or oag SS p T hooey Ta) saan SoUomea ey Ph, a aE aL ov Da erat deer ena cera or ase eer Gas Gina Sree oom — Sora GST OV ion TT Satan SR cae yD Ea RT eee ete chor mae Seana mater ae a {Mainte- = {11) (31) ists. Change engine oil and filter. = SS, ee ese TS TE ime Th i) Sake SL Oa DRE eigarnctaaneredieeays a Gee BY Ranken a Sipe. SPT renee er eet 2 ee moe ES eee Sore Seveiare ane eon, Soca ose users SF ae ooo ReMDUae NUS, Sarge er See Se espe wie Sea ioe vce eee ae, aie oe Ta 2 Se peo Ree ge SE a ER ton | Smee Een See 50°3 - Mechanical System Not Responding Properly oF Out of Adjustment. Mechanical misalignment between the crankshaft and camshaft engine speed sensors. W887 (eRe) SREP nenson exrect 71, Ee Snot COR ET DE — es rag Eis fom) SG | encase era ee ed oe Cn pe y Ta SRT a a Ss TI OEP DOS {amber) (11) {it} Switch)" Root Cause Not Known. = 7 Ses) ee Cran ie Cp Rai Gs Sa wv OPE Gaon Et ern WUL., ST] Pan Wi pg OF Os CTE a Fae PS Ro Kim) Mie OG OR Erua is Sevan rimeaegy Fanrmoaae Gin s a rane oe Baten" Beeline aaa Eecmeamera nanan, eee Sesmnrnrs EF a oe tee ies oe oro a eer Ula alg Sas a a a i err pee eae BP eee tere tl Sen Se wot i eo Uta ha les a Ta cpr ties Sen eae war Tsao Pte rmply Ne ae Utah Sas Re Ne a ae Thine Te getty Rem erst ra Utah Sd Rea Nas a eo LE a er Bi, 9 Fy Betis Soon nee ra a POTTS a a woo Grom Sh fio) Saorsanaopaes ae aS Solar Eten ee ta Tune menernen a a ho he Fines TY th AERTS RIS Pan ES oe Ampere TEES oe Seta tions patch” es pe tlhe pty a a eC Goo) eeeiorargour Sct ps onc a eR oon ser a a Coe foo eee emoerntmnoe eae Famer ieee wanariess Se Bi, ge ae ar Ba Eo a Eo {Amber} {0} {18} mal Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level. Engine power is derated. Pont oven ana Sea BF Sas a a Re Soe sey (Ha) pegeueanage Genwaayeewten’ Gages ke Fata Snes ene aus a BE a SEE Se ae J oe ere a fom OF Eke Romac uses Seuuine~ Sota ciple mole eee So Sarena MO SACI enh ese hg Stipend ce a ao ae om Een Remens tret Cecio Se ring esc Sa asad a ac abo Ego toa {Amber} {10} (10) tected - Abnormal Rate of Change. The turbo- ace Spe patie ae re ae 3S, FE ea TS a apa Cre pow toa fom) a) eae Nema? © Least Severe Level. Turoochargor turbine inlet ter perature has exceeded the engine protection limit. Tise7 rau BO s1so8 eo, Sis} Ses) CAMP) (Fall) {ri REASON erect 2347 $308 2629 Turbocharger Camprosso, Out Tomparaiure Cal Ensne pow Jovae None) {0} 18) ented)" Bata Vee at acs earn Gaede Fange. Least Sore Level. ee Saas Fore ne Brake Actuator Crcul Number 1-Volage — Engine bake on Gjindew 1,5 and'3 can net b {Amber} {4}" {4} Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source. Law gt- sakes or esvach Tale Wid nok ae age detected af he engine brake soloneid Number ‘Signal crcut 7355 S029 1073 Engine Brake Actuator Croan Numpber 2 Volga — Engine bake on G/inders @ Band @ Gan nar be (amber) {4} (4) Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source Lowagr- Sofimd ge detected a he engine brake solenoid Nuwber gna sreute 2355 SU28 1072 Engine Grane Acuaior Groul Number 1-Volage — Engine Wale ov GUS 1. and Scar nar be {Ambery {3} {3} Above Normal cx Shorted to High Source. Ope” scltes sr eshact Sale Wik nak see Gieut or high volage detected at the sing rake Soienol number signal creuit Pen 1S‘ EiSem ale Actuir Creat Noto Wage — Engine Wao on ofinaow & wae can ni De {amber (3) (3) Above Normal or Shorted o High Gouce Coes” Seinen Grou or high volage setectdt the engine brake Solenoid number 2 pnel ere 3377 S055 647 Fan Control Grout - Votage Above Norval or The Tan Way ay on COnMTUGUSY OF ROT TWAT Amber {3} {3} Shuvted to High Source Gon arcane Hak ole ago detected atthe fan convo eeu. 3364 Sie? G4] Actuator - Vinge Below Normal or Shried i Varable Gaomeliy MDoGharger wil goo Tre Spar (Amber) {4} fa}, Law Source Low waage sewed’ semasene vanable conto! vaio Grout 7385 Sia? 64 VT Actuator -voinge Above Normal or Shovied to Variable Geomaiy RrDoGharger Way be Wher {amoor (3) {3}_——High Souren Open Sreutorhin vensgesalsies Var aoerte canes mane 5 urboohargr contol vave eur 3555 SW70___723 Intake Air Heater Number 1 Creu ~Volage Above The ile ay Fears ay be GN or OFF aT he (Amber) (3) {3}——_Normal or Shorteg High Source Hetmee”? ne Sotectod atthe intake Noatr signal eu 3556 Si70 729 Intake Ar Hater Number 1 Grout - Vota Below ~The Fae ai Teale Tay be ON or OFF aT he (Amber) {4 {fa}_——‘Normalor Shorted to Low Sous’ toveaReueee’ The {ected a the nak air hoater signal crea 2557 S07 687 Aunty PWM Driver Number 1 - Volage Above Gan no conv Vanamisson {Amber} (3) {3}——_Nowma’or Shorted 16 Nigh Source Shap sete sot ago detected atte enaby wrgus cree 2550 S057 687 unitary PWM Driver Numbor 1- Votage Balan Gar nt Sonal Tanerisoon Amber) {8} {4} Normal or Shorted to Low Bourse naeeal age detected atte analog torque Greut 3953 FO 110 Engine Coolant fomperature High Daa VaId bat Progressive power Gavate WSaahg Wh Soeriy {None} {0} (15) Above Normal Operational Range. Least Severs, feodeey pam - Love Engine cooiant emporaiere gna inaicees fengine coolant temperature is above angina protee- foe warning hgh 7354_ BIOS 105 Inlake Mano Torparaiure Figh Data Vald but Progresahe powev Gore Tiveaug Wh SOA {None} {0)° {18) Above Normal Operational Renge -Loustercoe’ penmvasev Powe = {ova intake mantoi alr emperture signal ne Cates intake manor a tmprature te Soove he engine protection warring tit, 3a PIG? 102 Iake Manioid Pressure Sensor Gout ~Dala Ev — Engine power Gorae Amber} (2), {2} rate Intermittent, Incertoct The ECM hes de" Bulletin No. 4021421-00 {ected an intake manifold pressure signal that is too high or low for current engine operating conditions.

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