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1) Comprehensive Income Statement & Balance Sheet

Income Statement

Sales Revenue Revenues/Turnover as in TB

Cost of Goods Sold:

Opening Inventory TB
+ Purchases TB
- Closing Inventory Additional Information:
Listed Closing Inventory - Damaged Goods +
Recoverable Amount on Damaged Goods

Gross Profit Sales Revenue - COGS

Profit/Loss on Contracts Contract Price - Total Costs (Cost of Work Done + Cost
Paid for Future Work) + Estimated Cost to Completion

- L&B (Only Leasehold Land!) Depends on method stated - use standard straight line
- PME or reducing balance
- Lease Fair Value/UEL; if FV not given calculate (rental
payment x annuity)

Selling & Administration Costs TB - bad debt ± change in provision for doubtful debt +
audit fees; if additional indicates charged to S&A
remove development costs, cost of share issues,
interest, lease rentals
Operating Profit Gross Profit - Expenses
Finance Charges:
- Interest on Debenture Fair Value x Effective Interest Rare (IRR not coupon
rate!); Fair Value = Net Proceeds = (Coupon Payment x
Annuity Factor) + (Nominal Value x PV Interest Rate)
- Lease Rental Payment x Annuity Factor (Number of
*Note when payment made!! Payments, Interest Rate) x Interest Rate
- Exchange Loss (usually on (Loan Amount x Exchange Rate at Current Date) -
loans) (Loan Amount x Exchange Rate at Date of Loan)

Net Profit Before Tax Operating Profit - Finance Charges

Tax Estimated Corporation Tax ± Over/Under Provision

Net Profit After Tax Net Profit Before Tax - Tax

Revaluation Gain Analysis of Valuation:

Remember to consider past + Land = Revalued Amount - Book Value
current depreciation expense!! Buildings= Revalued Amount - (Book Value -
Can’t just use value at cost (Depreciation Provision + Depreciation Expense)

Total Comprehensive Income Net Profit After Tax + Revaluation Gain


Statement of Financial Position

Cost Acc. Depr NBV


Land & Buildings TB (Provision + Cost - Accumulated

Expense) Depreciation (unless

PME TB (Provision + Cost - Accumulated

- Lease FV Lease Ex) Depreciation
(Rental Payment x Annuity) Depreciation
of lease on IS

Development TB/Additional Comments Sum for Total NCA


Inventory Closing Stock

TR BS - Debt Written Off + Provision for

Doubtful Debt

Cash TB (adjustments from extra info)

Prepayments Check Adjustments (interest/ Sum for Total CA

electricity etc.)

Gross Amount Contract Costs Incurred ± P/L -

Due from Progress Billings
Customers for (In CA if +ve; if -ve in CL)
Contract Work


TP TB ± Adjustments

Current Lease Arrear: Rental Payment/(1+r)

Advanced: Rental Payment

Accruals Adjustments (interest, audit fees etc.)

Tax Listed in adjustments Sum for Total CL

Net CA Total CA - Total CL

TA - CL (NCA + CA) - CL


Debentures Nominal Value

Leases (Rent x Annuity Factor)/(1+r)

Foreign Loans (Loan Amount x Exchange Rate at

Current Date) Sum for Total NCL

Net Assets TA - TL


Share Capital TB

Share Premium TB - Cost of Issuing New Shares

Revaluation TB + Revaluation Gain


Retained TB + NBAT - Dividends Sum for Total

Earnings Equity = NA

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