Fnaf Maker How To Use

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Let's get started! ​Last updated: 11/3/2019
But before we start let's put all 
image content in the folder that was 
made for your game. I made a game 

There will be a folder made with that 
name where you can put the images and 
all data for your new fnaf game! 
Office Editor (basic) 

The office is pretty easy to set up. You can use images from online or make your 
own images.  
(This data above is incorrect) 
You press on an office type til its ​highlighted blue . ​Then you will press change.

(Make sure your images are in 

this folder of your game) 
You can choose an image for the office. 

This is pretty much easy to set up.  
Here is a breakdown on everything for the office settings. 
Fan Sound - ​Choose a .mp3, or .wav (.wav preferred)  
Enable Mask - ​Check for a mask with a toxic bar 
Ambience Sound -​ Choose a .mp3 or .wav (.wav preferred)  
Desk - ​Check for a desk with a fan in the office 
Power - ​Check to add limited building power 
Night 1 to 6 Phonecall - ​Choose a .mp3 or .wav (.wav preferred)  
Flashlight - ​Check to add a usable flashlight 
Custom Mask Animation - ​Select a folder with the animation of the mask with each 
frame. (This will go over the entire screen) 
2. Camera Editor  

Press New Camera and give it a name. For a basic you can just give it a name like 
the picture above. 
But before you do this you would need to create animatronics in the animatronic 

On the First area you will create an animatronic AI. 
Once you do this then you can edit the jumpscare by adding frames. If you would 
like to upload a gif you can use this website to get each gif frame. 
[ ​https://ezgif.com/split​ ] 
There is a few extra settings you can use to edit the jumpscare. 
Jumpscare Sound - ​ Upload a .mp3 or .wav (.wav preferred)  
Change animatronic icon - ​Change the icon of the animatronic 
Ignore Mask - ​Check to have this animatronic not be stopped by the mask  
[Note: This only works if you have the mask enabled in ‘Office Settings’] 
Now path will need us to go back to the Camera settings to set up the cameras. 
Lets say you used the 1a, 1b, 1c format. 

You now need to give those cameras a view. 
[Please note: There is no need to make the image of the camera with a static effect 
as the program already does it for you] 
Press on one of the cameras from the camera list and create a state. 
In the state, make sure to create one named “default” where you will add the 
image of the specific camera without the animatronics, if you don’t name it 
“default” it won’t work.  
The state can not be any place holder. 
The state must be like the example. 
You would press ​Add State ​then add it like above. 
You need a state called ​default ​and a state called 
animatronics:​ with the names of the animatronics, ​(everything 
is case sensitive)   
Follow the example above. 
With cameras with multiple animatronics you will do the same 
but use a comma with the other animatronic’s name without a 

No spaces will be used unless the name of the animatronic has 
a space in its name. You can add an endless number of 
animatronics to one camera. But if anything is wrong it wont 
work. And for cameras with 3 or more animatronics make sure 
there is also a camera with with each animatronic without one 
or more just in case one of the animatronics move. Or there will 
be 2 of the same animatronics in the same place. If you want to 
make your own images, use programs like​ PhotoShop​, 
Paint.Net​, ​Microsoft Paint​ , ​Paint 3D​, and ​Paint Tool SaI​.  
Image creating software: 
Photoshop (Basic Package | US$239.88/yr) 
Paint.NET ​(Single Paynment of $9.99 | Or free) 
Microsoft paint and paint 3d ​(Free) 
Paint tool sai ​(Single Paynment of $50.05)​ ​(What I use) 
Model creating software: 
Blender (free) 
C4D (Very Expensive | $945 min) 
3D's Max (VERY Expensive | $195.00 / MONTH | $1,545.00 / YEAR) 
A good program to use for making good camera positions in a 
3D environment is SFM: ​SFM (free) 
To make the animatronics move correctly, go to “Animatronics 
Editor” and click on “Path”. 

Then type in the camera names and press Enter when you’re 
done, if you don’t it will not save. 
That should make the animatronics move correctly so let’s 
move on to “Title Screen Editor” 

Everything is basically self explanatory. 

Background Music - ​Choose a .mp3, or .wav 
Change Game Title ​- Changing the Game Title which will only work if you add “n/” 
​[This is not needed if your title screen image has the title as shown above] 
Change Newspaper ​- Changing the Newspaper at the start of the game. ​(optional) 
Other Stuff: 
Lights: Lights is something that you can add by going to “Office Editor” and clicking 
“Button Editor” and add an image of a button in your office. To make them work, 
create a state, the first light state will be “light:empty, and in the second one name 
the second button whatever you want, but you have to put “lightname:empty” and 
it works! 
Animatronics in office: For this to work create a state named “animatronic:” with 
the animatronic name, add the image and it works! 
Doors: To make a door work go to “Button Editor”. Put the image of the door button 
after clicking “Add Door Button”. Make a folder with all the animation frames of the 
Doors and add it in the game folder, click “Add Door”, find and click the folder with 
the door frames. After that you have to place it. Then it will ask you if it drains 
power, when you respond it well then ask you for the doors sound effect, find the 
sound effect for the doors on the game folder, Click it and, Voila! Now you have 
functioning doors! 

Credits to: ​sanic​#5653​ ​for this image guide. 
Q: ​“How Do I save and export my game?” 
A: ​To export your game you must go to the main menu and click compile game 
which it exports your game so you can upload it in GameJolt or an other website.  
Q: ​“How do I add Jumpscare sound?” 
A: ​Go to animatronic editor, click the animatronic and click “Jumpscare sound.” 
and Voila! It works (Choose an audio file if you didn’t know, like an mp3 or a .wav 
audio file) 
Q: ​“Can several animatronics be in the same room?” 
A:​ “Yes they can, this used to be the most asked question in the discord server.” 
Go up and follow the camera setup 
Q: ​“My custom mask animation is mixed up! What do I do?!” 
A: ​“Make sure the folder has each frame numbered like ‘Mask1’, ‘Mask2’ and so on 
so it knows that order to go in.” 
If the text looks wacky you may be using the new update of FNAF Game maker and 
may need to install this font for the text to show correctly. To fix this problem just 
download this .TTF file and open it like an .exe file. Then press install.  

Berlin Sans FB Demi 
Direct Download:  

Windows 10 
Must be on latest version.
Windows 8.1 
Windows 7 
Windows Vista 
Must be on latest version.
Windows XP 
Not executable.  
Not executable.
Haha. Real funny.

FNAF Maker issues 

and how to fix them! 
On the other hand of getting into FNAF Maker. They may be some 
problems you may face before doing some things. 
When you download FNAF Maker there is no folder made for the 
app files so what may end up happening is if you start it, you will 
be stuck on a blank game screen. It's easy to fix this issue. Just 
create its own folder. 
So make a folder called “fnaf-maker” or anything and this 
should fix the issue. Or you could rename the folder/file thats in 
the same folder as Fnaf Maker, Fnaf Maker automatically opens 
a folder in the same path as fnaf maker that is named Game 
There is also times where the cameras are always blank. This 
can be an issue where it can be rare to come across. But make 
sure the buttons to change cameras are correct so when you 
use them it will work properly. This is 99.9% the problem when 
this happens. 
Another issue I have come across myself is doors. Ever since 
doors came out I was always confused about them. But it's 
basically you pick a folder with each door frame animation. But 
once you set that up sometimes when the animation plays it 
can be mixed. To fix this label each door. The door name can be 
whatever but have a number for each frame so the door can be 
animated correctly. Same for the jumpscare animations. Just 
make sure each frame is labeled in a way such as 
“FreddyScare1”, “FreddyScare2” and so on. Or you can also use 
letters like this “AFreddyScare”, “BFreddyScare”. The number 
method is more efficient as a whole as you got more freedom. 
Thank you guys for reading the tutorial that me and Diamond made, Diamond was 
the one that had the idea of course. Caesar out- 

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