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Karen Curry Parker

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To book Karen Curry Parker email Kristin at karen@joyfulmission.com or call 832-928-5110
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To book Karen Curry Parker email Kristin at karen@joyfulmission.com or call 832-928-5110

Copyright © 2015 Joyful Mission. All Rights Reserved.
Karen Curry Parker Has the Right Tools for the Right Time on the Planet
Karen has a long history of serving humanity and she has the right tool for every situation. It is her gift to use her life experiences,
practical knowledge, and highly developed energetic abilities to help people find their path to living a fulfilled life where they can best
serve others and the planet. She has been teaching people how to wake up to their magnificence and discover who they truly are
since 1985.

 Her cumulative experience as a high performance life and business

coach serving best-selling authors, speakers, notable healers and c-
suite executives in Fortune 500 companies validates the content and
effectiveness of the training offered in her Business by Human
Design program.
 Her background as a nurse and energy worker informs the
techniques used to heal pain on all levels in her new Healing by
Human Design Program™. Healing by Human Design
 Karen’s highly developed psychic abilities attunes her to the highest
information relevant to a particular situation whether that is her
insight into a client’s struggle, her work as a psychic medium helping
an internationally known defense attorney get two innocent people
off death row, or her talent as a remote viewer.
 Regularly communicating with beings on a star counsel from Lyra,
Karen has special knowledge about humanity’s evolution in the near
future. Her work on this planet is encouraged and supported.

The cornerstone of Karen’s work is Human Design. It is the personal instruction manual for life.

“Knowing my Human Design has made such a difference in my life. I can’t tell you how powerful this information is. When I got my
first Human Design Reading I was flooded with relief. I very quickly learned how to change everything that I thought was wrong or
broken about me. This knowledge set me free to accept myself for who I am and gave me permission to finally pursue my
dreams. Now I am true to myself and living an authentic life that is joyful and profitable. Knowing my Human Design was the
greatest gift I ever gave myself!”--Karen Curry

Human Design is a scientifically validated system synthesizing ancient and modern sciences.
A Human Design chart contains information that helps someone:

 Understand your strengths and gifts

 Learn your life purpose
 Discover the Truth of Who You Are and Why you are here
 Master your unique money-making strategy
 Create relationships that are supportive, joyful, and good for you
 Find the best way for you to stay healthy & physically vibrant
 Get yourself "unstuck" and create what you want in your life.

Karen translates the layered information revealed in a Human Design chart, decoding the complexity, and making it applicable to a
person’s daily life. She makes understanding this system easily accessible through her book “Understanding Human Design, The New
Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are” She takes the concepts from Human Design marrying them with her extensive
background, developing content-focused programs and courses that help people change their life so they can change the world.

When you interview Karen your audience will learn:

 How to truly discover your life purpose
 How to use your energy correctly, and always feel vibrant and alive
 How to master your emotional energy
 How to find your unique work and money blueprint
 How to figure out why you feel "stuck."
To book Karen Curry Parker email Kristin at karen@joyfulmission.com or call 832-928-5110
Copyright © 2015 Joyful Mission. All Rights Reserved.
What People Are Saying
About Karen
“Thank you so much for introducing me to ‘human design.’ Learning about the design of my life and my family’s lives was one of the
best investments of time and money that I have ever made. I am now a more confident, informed business-woman, as well as a better
parent. For years I have lived the life that I was “programmed” to live by society. Now I live the life that God intended.” --K.H.

"This is the most accurate thing I've ever found in all my searching and questing. Astonishing! Have to know MORE! Thank you again
and again... All morning, I've been wallowing in this amazing sense of relief. My breathing is even different.... I don't know about gates
yet, but it'll be interesting to learn about them :) The spiritual literature gives you the what, but doesn't help you get to the how like
Human Design does. I'm still wallowing in wonder!" --Diana Alexander

"Karen saw in my chart, there were health issues that were pending and if I didn't start to shift the way that I was doing things that I
wouldn't be there for my kids... I will forever be truly blessed and grateful to her." Lindsay's Video --Lindsay Wilson

“For the first time in my life I have been truly seen, heard and accepted for who I really am. Karen has taught me how to fulfill what I
came here to do and I feel confident that I can change the world...and be happy doing it!" --Sally Gepps

"I really wanted to get a deeper understanding of what I am here to do in the world and how to do it more effectively....She has also
really helped me to understand how to use my energy..." Michelle's Video --Michelle Vandepas

About “Understanding Human Design

The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are”

“So many people ask me if there's a Human Design book that will help them when
they are starting out. Thank you Karen Curry!! Karen's new book is just great. It's the
best thing I've seen to help people understand the Human Design chart, and to work
out the fundamentals of their own personal chart. There's no jargon, it's clear and
easy to understand, well set out. This is such a great book for anyone - for people who
want a great reference book to keep on their shelf or for beginners who want to be
able to understand things like their Type, their awareness, what their Centres mean ...
and on and on. I love the questions that Karen's included, to help people really
understand how the information applies to them. Based on over a decade of
experience, this is a fantastic book and I'm enjoying it so much. It's going on my
bookshelf and on my Best Books page on my website!” –Kim Gould

“The book Understanding Human Design by Karen Curry is awesome and I can't put it
down, it is so juicy with great, informative information. I have read some of the other
Human Design books, but this one is my favorite because it is so easy to understand
and yet so full of detailed information. It really helps you understand and work with
your type. For example, I am a Generator and am to wait to respond and run by my
sacral. Have your chart handy when using this book. This book is great read for new
students of human design or experienced students of Human Design! Get the book;
you will be glad you did! Many thanks to Karen Curry for writing such a great book!” – Jillian Press

“Thank you, Karen, for opening your heart, and sharing this transformative information. This book is so cohesive, you have
information, then affirmations and journal suggestions. After reading this you will completely understand yourself and be filled with a
new confidence that will allow you to dance with the world as your true self with more love and understanding. I want to get my free
chart for my family and me!” –Kathy Shoteron

About Healing by Human Design Program

Click here to Hear from Healing by Human Design™ Participants

To book Karen Curry Parker email Kristin at karen@joyfulmission.com or call 832-928-5110

Copyright © 2015 Joyful Mission. All Rights Reserved.
Introduction and Sample Interview Questions for Karen Curry (Parker)

Our guest today is Karen Curry Parker, international speaker and #1 bestselling author of “Understanding Human Design the
New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are.” Karen heads her own personal development firm where she uses
Human Design as the foundation for discovering a person’s unique gifts and best strategies to help them create the healthiest,
wealthiest, and most fulfilling life. Karen says Human Design is the operating manual for our lives. She has personally trained
thousands of people to use Human Design helping them identify, resolve, and overcome habits and conditioning keeping them
stuck. Using her experience as a nurse, energy healer, and high-performance life coach, Karen develops programs focused on
business, abundance, and relationships, taking this system deeper and more specific to areas of life needing focused attention.
Karen launched her most recent program: Healing by Human Design™ to help people get to the heart of their pain: physical,
emotional, mental, or spiritual. It helps you understand you don’t have to suffer anymore.

Today we’ll be talking with Karen about her incredible career, lessons she’s learned from Human Design which you can apply to
your own life, and her insights about humanity’s future. Welcome, Karen.

 From your book, I understand Human Design is a system of self-knowledge that is a synthesis of two streams of science:
traditional and modern. Tell us more about that…
 What evidence supports the claim that Human Design is scientifically validated?
 You also say Human Design is a personality assessment tool based on a person’s birth date. What makes this different
from any other astrology system?
 The basis to Human Design and knowing oneself seems to start with knowing your type. What determines my type?
And, how many types are there?
 Once I know my type based on the Human Design chart, how does that tell me what I need to know about what I’m
doing, or should do, with my life?
 You were once a nurse, and then transitioned to life and business coach. How did you personally connect with Human
 It seems there’s a new abundance training method or package hitting the market every day. Why does your Business by
Design program work for people?
 In your Healing by Human Design program, you explain people can eliminate all types of pain. But aren’t some people
destined to suffer?

 Through your connection to the star counsel on Lyra, you have some insight into humanity’s evolution. What
information can you share with us?
 What new projects are you working on now?

To book Karen Curry Parker email Kristin at karen@joyfulmission.com or call 832-928-5110

Copyright © 2015 Joyful Mission. All Rights Reserved.
About Karen Curry Parker, B.S.N.
Karen Curry Parker is a #1 best-selling author, Human Design specialist, creator of the Human Design for Everyone Training System™
and the Healing by Human Design System™. Karen believes that we are in the midst of a massive shift in consciousness on the planet
and that for us to intentionally and deliberately create a world of sustainable peace and resources, we have to know who we are,
what we are here to do, and how to activate our potential and our life path. Karen is a trainer and professional speaker who has been
a high-performance life and business coach for more than 25 years and personally coached over 7,000 people.

From her work, Karen knows that the single biggest cause of pain and suffering on the planet is the disconnect people experience
when they are not living an authentic life. Most humans experience this disconnect as lack on some level manifesting in financial,
relationship, physical, creative and even spiritual pain.

But, most importantly, Karen Curry Parker truly considers herself to be a Child of the World, here on a mission to create a world of
sustainable peace.

As a State Department “brat” she spent her childhood moving from one foreign country to another every couple of years. Karen
spent a significant portion of her childhood growing up in the Middle East during a time of unrest and fighting. As a seven year old
child she had to walk through Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut, Lebanon to get to school. During her walks she befriended an
elderly man who only had a pair of pajamas, a tent, and a coffee pot to his name. Although they didn’t speak the same language, they
understood each other and it was through Karen’s connection with this displaced friend that she decided to dedicate her life to easing
the suffering on the planet.

Always in a hurry to get things done on the planet, Karen graduated from high school at the age of 16 and pursued two college
degrees, one in nursing and one in journalism. Married at 19, she started her own publishing company: Medical Alternatives Press. At
the age of 20, after graduating from college, she studied as a midwife and attended home births until the birth of her own children.

After having her second child, she gave up midwifery and expanded her practice to include parent coaching and education. Karen
wrote her first book, “Waging Peace in the Face of Rage.” She went on to study advanced energy psychology techniques such as EFT
and Belief Point Energy Re-patterning, and eventually Human Design.

When her first marriage fell apart Karen single-handedly raised her four children, homeschooling them and running her coaching
business during the day. At night, after the kids were asleep, she answered calls on a psychic hotline (sometimes in her sleep!) in an
attempt to make ends meet. (Karen was ranked as one of the country’s top 50 psychic mediums.)
Money was tight but Karen knew she had to stay true to her dedication to making the world a better place. It was vital that she show
her children the importance of holding true to their dreams.

Through all of this, Karen experienced bankruptcy, had her house foreclosed, and even had her car repossessed. She knew her
financial struggles were really a manifestation of her spiritual struggles and refused to give up until she figured it out.

Of course “figuring it out” is a ridiculous idea. Over the course of ten years, Karen finally realized that the nature of Life is infinite
abundance and that letting go and letting the path unfold worked waaaaay better than using your brain to “figure it out”. When she
finally let go, life got much easier. She bought a new house, put her four kids through college, met and married an amazing man, and
started a family with him after having a miracle baby at 43.

Intimately familiar with the challenges of being a spiritual entrepreneur and mom-prenuer, Karen actively coaches and speaks with
women entrepreneurs.

Karen is the creator of the very first Family Coach Certification Training program in the world. She married her nursing training with
her training in Human Design and Energy Psychology to create a leading edge coach training program. Over 100 Family Coaches have
graduated since the creation of the program in 2004.

Karen, along with her husband, is the founder of Sustainability2027, a nonprofit business incubator dedicated to supporting
sustainable development, communities, entrepreneurs, and home-based businesses.

Karen’s work has been featured on Fox News, Bloomberg Businessweek, CBS, ABC, and various radio shows and tele-summits.

To book Karen Curry Parker email Kristin at karen@joyfulmission.com or call 832-928-5110

Copyright © 2015 Joyful Mission. All Rights Reserved.
Karen’s Message:
“To evolve our world we need to change the way we do business, raise children, create relationships, heal ourselves, and take care of
the planet. As a long-time student and spiritual teacher, Karen has received information about the mechanics of the evolution of
humanity. She has been shown the future of mankind and what we need to do to “midwife” a new world of sustainable peace with
sustainable resources for everyone.

To create this new world, we’ve got some serious work ahead of us. We must learn a new way to think, a new way to create and,
most importantly, we need to stay connected to our authentic selves in order to minimize the pain on the planet, individually and
collectively. “ -Karen Curry Parker

Karen’s books include, "Understanding Human Design, the New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are", "Inside the
Body of God, 13 Strategies for Thriving in a New World" and "No Mistakes, How You Can Change Adversity into Abundance."

Karen Curry (Parker), B.S.N.

Joyful Mission


Karen on YouTube
Karen on Twitter

To book Karen Curry Parker email Kristin at karen@joyfulmission.com or call 832-928-5110

Copyright © 2015 Joyful Mission. All Rights Reserved.

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