Theoretical Background

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.NET is the framework for which we develop applications. It

sits in between our application programs and operating
system. Applications developed for .NET run inside .NET and
are controlled by .NET. It supports both Windows and web

.NET provides an object oriented environment. It ensures

safe execution of the code by performing required runtime
validations. For example, it is never possible to access an
element of an array outside the boundary. Similarly, it is not
possible to a program to write into another programs area,
etc. The runtime validations performed by .NET makes the
entire environment robust.

Components of .NET

.NET framework has two main components. They are:

1. Common Language Runtime

2. .NET class library

Common Language Runtime

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the environment

where all programs in .NET are run. It provides various
services, like memory management and thread
management. Programs that run in the CLR need not
manage memory, as it is completely taken care of by
the CLR. For example, when a program needs a block of
memory, CLR provides the block and releases the block
when program is done with the block.

.NET Class Library

.NET comes with thousands of classes to perform all
important and not-so-important operations. Its library is
completely object oriented, providing around 5000 classes to
perform just about everything.

The following are the main areas that are covered by Class

1. Data Structures
2. IO management
3. Windows and Web Controls
4. Database access
5. Multithreading
6. Remoting
7. Reflections

The ASP.NET Repeater is a basic control that allows you to
create custom lists from any data available to the page. It's
a handy control, especially used in ASP.NET pages that
display data and need to repeat the same kinds of data over
and over. Repeater repeats the specified data-bound
templates without applying any sort of additional formatting

Features of .NET

• Common Runtime Engine

• Language Independence

• Base Class Library

• Simplified Deployment
• Security

• Portability

ASP.NET Features

ASP.NET is not just a simple upgrade or the latest version of

ASP. ASP.NET combines
unprecedented developer productivity with performance,
reliability, and deployment. ASP.NET redesigns the whole
process. It's still easy to grasp for new comers but it
provides many new ways of managing projects. Below
are the features of ASP.NET.

Easy Programming Model

ASP.NET makes building real world Web applications

dramatically easier. ASP.NET server controls enable an
HTML-like style of declarative programming that let you
build great pages with far less code than with classic ASP.
Displaying data, validating user input, and uploading files
are all amazingly easy. Best of all, ASP.NET pages work in all
browsers including Netscape, Opera, AOL, and Internet

Flexible Language Options

ASP.NET lets you leverage your current programming

language skills. Unlike classic ASP, which supports only
interpreted VBScript and JScript, ASP.NET now supports
more than 25 .NET languages (built-in support for VB.NET,
C#, and JScript.NET), giving you unprecedented flexibility in
your choice of language.
Great Tool Support

You can harness the full power of ASP.NET using any text
editor, even Notepad. But Visual Studio .NET adds the
productivity of Visual Basic-style development to the
Web. Now you can visually design ASP.NET Web Forms using
familiar drag-drop-doubleclick techniques, and enjoy full-
fledged code support including statement completion and
color-coding. VS.NET also provides integrated support for
debugging and deploying ASP.NET Web applications. The
Enterprise versions of Visual Studio .NET deliver life-cycle
features to help organizations plan, analyze, design, build,
test, and coordinate teams that develop ASP.NET Web
applications. These include UML class
modeling, database modeling (conceptual, logical, and
physical models), testing tools (functional, performance and
scalability), and enterprise frameworks and templates, all
available within the integrated Visual Studio .NET

Rich Class Framework

Application features that used to be hard to implement, or

required a 3rd-party component, can now be added in just a
few lines of code using the .NET Framework. The .NET
Framework offers over 4500 classes that encapsulate rich
functionality like XML, data access, file upload, regular
expressions, image generation, performance monitoring and
logging, transactions, message queuing, SMTP mail, and
much more. With Improved Performance and Scalability
ASP.NET lets you use serve more users with the same

Compiled execution

ASP.NET is much faster than classic ASP, while preserving

the "just hit save" update model of ASP. However, no
explicit compile step is required. ASP.NET will automatically
detect any changes, dynamically compile the files if needed,
and store the compiled results to reuse for subsequent
requests. Dynamic compilation ensures that your application
is always up to date, and compiled execution makes it fast.
Most applications migrated from classic
ASP see a 3x to 5x increase in pages served.

Rich output caching

ASP.NET output caching can dramatically improve the

performance and scalability of your application. When output
caching is enabled on a page, ASP.NET executes the page
just once, and saves the result in memory in addition to
sending it to the user. When another user requests the
same page, ASP.NET serves the cached result from memory
without re-executing the page. Output caching is
configurable, and can be used to cache individual regions or
an entire page. Output caching can dramatically improve the
performance of data-driven pages by eliminating the need to
query the database on every request.

Web-Farm Session State

ASP.NET session state lets you share session data user-

specific state values across all machines in your Web farm.
Now a user can hit different servers in the Web farm over
multiple requests and still have full access to her session.
And since business components created with the .NET
Framework are free-threaded, you no longer need to worry
about thread affinity.

Enhanced Reliability

ASP.NET ensures that your application is always available to

your users.

Memory Leak, DeadLock and Crash Protection

ASP.NET automatically detects and recovers from errors like

deadlocks and memory leaks to ensure your application is
always available to your users. For example, say that your
application has a small memory leak, and that after a week
the leak has tied up a significant percentage of your
server's virtualmemory. ASP.NET will detect this condition,
automatically start up another copy of the ASP.NET worker
process, and direct all new requests to the new
process. Once the old process has finished processing its
pending requests, it is gracefully disposed and the leaked
memory is released. Automatically, without administrator
intervention or any interruption of service, ASP.NET has
recovered from the error.

Easy Deployment

ASP.NET takes the pain out of deploying server applications.

"No touch" application deployment. ASP.NET dramatically
simplifies installation of your application. With ASP.NET, you
can deploy an entire application as easily as an HTML page,
just copy it to the server. No need to run regsvr32 to
register any components, and configuration settings are
stored in an XML file within the application.

Dynamic update of running application

ASP.NET now lets you update compiled components without

restarting the web server. In the past with classic COM
components, the developer would have to restart the web
server each time he deployed an update. With ASP.NET, you
simply copy the component over the existing DLL, ASP.NET
will automatically detect the change and start using the new

Easy Migration Path

You don't have to migrate your existing applications to start

using ASP.NET. ASP.NET runs on IIS side-by-side with classic
ASP on Windows 2000 and Windows XP platforms. Your
existing ASP applications continue to be processed by
ASP.DLL, while new ASP.NET pages are processed by the
new ASP.NET engine. You can migrate application by
application, or single pages. And ASP.NET even lets you
continue to use your existing classic COM business

XML Web Services

XML Web services allow applications to communicate and

share data over the Internet, regardless of operating system
or programming language. ASP.NET makes exposing and
calling XML Web Services simple. Any class can be
converted into an XML Web Service with just a few lines of
code, and can be called by any SOAP client. Likewise,
ASP.NET makes it incredibly easy to call XML Web Services
from your application. No knowledge of networking, XML, or
SOAP is required.

Mobile Web Device Support

ASP.NET Mobile Controls let you easily target cell phones,

PDAs and over 80 mobile Web devices. You write your
application just once, and the mobile controls automatically
generate WAP/WML, HTML, or iMode as required by the
requesting device.


Database Mirroring

Extend log shipping capabilities with the database mirroring

solution. You will be able to use database mirroring to
enhance availability of your SQL Server systems by setting
up automatic failover to a standby server.
Online Restore

With SQL Server 2005, database administrators are able to

perform a restore operation while an instance of SQL Server
is running. Online restore improves the availability of SQL
Server because only the data being restored is unavailable;
the rest of the database remains online and available.

Online Indexing Operations

The online index option allows concurrent modifications

(updates, deletes, and inserts) to the underlying table or
clustered index data and any associated indexes during
index data definition language (DDL) execution. For
example, while a clustered index is being rebuilt, you can
continue to make updates to the underlying data and
perform queries against the data.

Fast Recovery

A new faster recovery option improves availability of SQL

Server databases. Administrators can reconnect to a
recovering database after the transaction log has been
rolled forward.

Standards-based Information Access

Any object, data source, or business intelligence component
can be exposed using standards-based protocols such as
SOAP and HTTP—eliminating the need for a middle-tier
listener, such as IIS, to access a Web services interface that
is exposed by SQL Server 2005.

SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server 2005 includes SQL Server Management Studio, a

new integrated suite of management tools with the
functionality to develop, deploy, and troubleshoot SQL
Server databases, as well as enhancements to previous

Dedicated Administrator Connection

SQL Server 2005 provides a dedicated administrator

connection that administrators can use to access a running
server even if the server is locked or otherwise unavailable.
This capability enables administrators to troubleshoot
problems on a server by executing diagnostic functions or
Transact-SQL statements.

Snapshot Isolation

Snapshot Isolation (SI) level is provided at the database

level. With SI, users can access the last committed row using
a transitionally consistent view of the database. This
capability provides greater scalability.

Data Partitioning

Data partitioning is enhanced with native table and index

partitioning that enables efficient manageability of large
tables and indexes.

Replication Enhancements

For distributed databases, SQL Server 2005 provides

comprehensive schema change (DDL) replication, next-
generation monitoring capabilities, built in replication from
Oracle to SQL Server, merge replication over https, and
significant merge replication scalability and performance
improvements. Additionally, the peer-to-peer transactional
replication feature improves support for data scale out using


Requirement analysis is down in order to understand
the problem the software system is to solve. The problem
could be automating an existing manual process, developing
a new automated system, or a combination of the two. For
large systems that have many features, and that need to
perform many different tasks, understating the requirements
of the system is the major task. The emphasis in the
requirements analysis is on identifying what is needed from
the system, not how the system will achieve its goals. The
developer has to develop the system to satisfy the client’s

Once the problem is analyzed and the

essentials understood, the requirement must be satisfied in
the requirement specification document. For requirement
specification in the form of a document, some specification
language has to be selected. All the factors that may affect
the design and the proper functioning of the system should
be specified in the requirement document. Preliminary user

That describes the entire major user interfaces

frequently forms a part bof the requirements documents.


The purpose of the design phase is to plan a solution of

the problem specified by the requirement document. This
phase is the first step in moving fro the problem domain to
the solution domain. Stating with what is needed; design
takes us towards how to satisfy the needs. The designs
affect the quality of software; it has major impact on the
later phases, particularly testing and maintenances. The
output of this phase is the design document.

This document is similar to a blue print or

as plan fort the solution and is used later during
implementation, testing and maintenance. The design
activity is often divided into two separate phases –system
design And detailed design, which is some time also called
top level design, aims to identify the modules should be in
the system, the specifications of these modules, and how
the they interact with each other to produce the desired

At the and of the system design all the major data

structures, file formats, output formats and the major
modules in the system and their specifications are decided.


Testing is the process of detecting errors. Testing

performs a very critical role for quality assurance and for
ensuring the reliability of software. The results of testing are
used later on during maintenance also.


In order to uncover the errors present in different phases we

have the concept of levels of testing. The basic levels of
testing are follows:-

System Testing

The philosophy behind testing is to find errors. Test cases

are devised with this in mind. A strategy employed for
system testing is code testing.
Code Testing

This strategy examines the logic of the program. To follow

this method we developed some test data that resulted in
executing every instruction in the program and module i.e.
every path is tested. System is not designed as entire nor
are they tested as single systems. To ensure that the coding
is perfect two types of testing is performed or for that matter
is performed on all system.

Types Of Testing

 Unit Testing

 Link Testing

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the

smallest unit of software i.e. the module. Using the
detailed design and the process specification testing is
done to uncover errors within the boundary of the
modules must be successful in the unit test before the
start of the integration testing begins.

In this project each service can be thought of a

module. There are so many modules like Login, a
HWAdmin, MasterAdmin Normal User and
PManager.Giving different set of inputs has tested each
module. When developing the module as well as finishing
the development so that each module works without any
error. The inputs are validated when accepting from the

System Testing
Here the entire software system is tested. The
reference document for this process is the requirement
document, and the goal OS to see if software meets its

Here entire ‘ATM’ has been tested against

requirements of project and it is checked whether all
requirements of project have been satisfied or not.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance Test is performed with realistic data of

the client to demonstrate that the software is working
satisfactorily. Testing here is focused on external behavior
of the system: the internal logic of program is not

In this project ‘Network Management of Database

System’ I have collected some data and tested whether
project is working correctly or not.

Test cases should be selected so that largest

number of attribute of an equivalence class is exercised at
once; the testing phase is an important part of software
development. It is the process of finding errors and
missing operations and also a complete verification to
determine whether the objectives are met and the user
requirements are satisfied.

White Box Testing

This is a unit testing method where a unit will be
taken at a time and tested thoroughly at a statement
level to find the maximum possible errors. I tested step
wise every piece of code, taking care that every
statement in the Code is executed at least once. The
white box testing is also called Glass Box Testing.

I have generated a list of test cases, sample data.

This is used to check all possible combinations of
execution paths though the code at every module level.

Black Box Testing

This testing method considers a module as a single

unit and checks the unit at interface and communication
with other module rather getting into details at statement
level. Here the module will be treated as a block box that
will take some input and generate output. Output for a
given set of input combination is forwarded to other



System implementation:-
The implementation phase is less creative then
system design. It is primarily concerned with user train, site
preparation and file conversion. When the candidate system
is linked to terminals or remote sites, the telecommunication
network and tests of the network along with the system are
also included under implementation.

During the final testing, user acceptance is tested

followed by user training. Depending on the nature of the
system, extensive user training may be required.

Details of hardware & software

 Processor Pentium IV 3.0 GHz

 Ram 512 MB

 Hdd-80 GB Capacity With 256 MB Free Space

 LAN Card


Front-end Tools:-
 Windows Xp

 ASP.NET 4.0


Back-end Tools:-


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