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11, Avenue Charles Sumner, Port-au-Prince, Haïti


November 19, 2010

Dear alumni,

Since the earthquake of 2010 your Alma mater, Collège Classique

Féminin (CCF), has been experiencing much hardship. From April to
August of 2010, we fought to complete the academic year under the
most deplorable makeshift conditions. The scorching tents made it
impossible for us to run our physical activity program. In addition, we
had to temporarily forgo the computer training and laboratory classes.

For the current academic year, 2010-2011, we were provided with

eight provisional classrooms and we rehabilitated an area of the
building least affected by the quake. One of our goals is to reopen our
computer center as soon as possible. Science laboratory, infirmary,
media center, library, are on hold for lack of available space and
resources. This situation is especially hard for those of us who care
deeply about CCF and its 47-year tradition of excellence.

We, principals of the school, all of us alumnae of the institution like

you, remain committed to upholding the practice of excellence
bestowed upon us by our founding Mothers. Our special bond to our
students and their edification keeps us strong, inspired and motivated.

Some of you, alumni, have along the way provided emotional and fiscal
support to our academically sound and economically challenged
students; rest assured that your spontaneous generosity will never be
forgotten. Keeping them in school allowed them to acquire the values
that have defined all of us who have had the good fortune of being
exposed to a CCF "well rounded" education. They have learned honor
and decency, pride in academic proficiency, joy of learning, inter-
subjectivity, team spirit and generosity.

To those of you, who witnessed firsthand the magnitude of our loss,

thank you for visiting. Your solidarity meant more than you can
imagine. Those of you who reached out from overseas after seeing
photographs of the rubbles of your school, we valued your emotional
and spiritual support.

Last week, after reading the moving article of the New York Times,
many of you one more time, reached out to your beloved alma mater
to express a wish to offer a helping hand to the school where you spent
some of the best years of your lives.

It is time for each one of us to decide not to let our memories of the
traditions and values of the school fade away. For your convenience,
please find below our banking information. This will facilitate cash
donations. We welcome your offerings for the current rebuilding

Feel free to let us know via email,, if you prefer

that the funds you allocate be directed towards the computer program,
the music program, medical supplies, laboratory activities, sports
equipments or tuition assistance.

Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to

contact us. Your desire to join forces to keep alive the noble principles
and traditions of our CCF, makes us feel valued, supported and keeps
us forever motivated to nurture our students.

With the generous efforts of women like you, alumni of the school, we
can repair, rebuild and renew to continue to meet the expectations of
our students. Thank you for helping us fulfill the needs of our current
student body and the aspirations of future generations of students.


Chantal Kénol Djenane Sajous

Marie-Alice Craft Fabienne Rousseau


MIAMI, Florida 33131
ABA/Routing : 026009593


Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Account / compte : 1901 89 2336


Name/ Nom : College Classique Feminin CCF
Account / Number / # : 102 2016 434 1725

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