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"What's wrong? I know something is bothering you. You haven't touched your pizza!"
Wots wrong? Ai nou somsing is boserin iu. Iu javent tached ur pizza!

"Mom, there are some kids at school who are being mean to me for no reason. I didn't do
anything to them. They just don't like me.
Mom, der r som kids at skul ju r bing min tu mi for no rison. Ai dident du anising tu dem. Dei
yast don’t laik mi.

Daughter 1:
"There is a reason, a sad one. It has very little to do with you. People who behave like that
are insecure."
Der is a rison, a sad uan. It has very lidol tu du wit iu. Pipol ju bijeiv laik dat ar insikiur.

"What does that mean?"
Wot das dat min?
Daughter 2:
"It means they don't feel very good about themselves inside. It is a defense mechanism."
It mins dey don’t fil very gud about demselvs insaid. It is a difens mekenizam

"A what?"
A wat?

"That is a behavior that people engage in when they feel threatened. They are mean to you
because they either feel jealous of you for some reason.

Dat is a bijeivor dat pipol ingeinch in juen dey fil sritined. Dey r min u bicoz dei ider fil yelous
of yu for som rison.

Daughter 3:
they are seeking attention from others by singling you out, or repeating a behavior that they
learned from another bully."
Dei r siking atenshon from oders bai singling u aut, or ripiting a bijeivour dei lerned from
anoder bully.
"That is sad. But how do I make them stop?"
Dat is sad. Bat, jau du ai meik dem stop?

Daughter 1:
"Unfortunately you can't. You can't control what people say about you, or whether or not
someone likes you.
Anfoctunatli iu kent, u kent control wat pipol sai about iu, or weser or not somwan laiks iu.

Daughter 2:
The best thing to do is ignore it. That takes away all their power. These people don't matter.
When you get older you will realize that."

Da best sing tu du is tu ignor. Sat teiks awei ol deir power. Dis pipol don’t mater. Juen iu get
older, u rialaiz dat.

"I can't wait until I grow up and don't have to deal with bullies anymore."
Ai kent weit antiul ai grow ap and don’t jab tu dil wit bullis enamor.

Daughter 3:
"No, there will be bullies when you grow up. Adult bullies are the worst because they have
had years of experience.

No, der will be bullis juen u growap. Adolts r the worst bicoz dey have had yiers of expirienz.
I am just saying you learn that they don't matter
Aim yast seing iu lern dat dei don’t mater.

Daughter 1:
but they usually give up when they see you don't care.”
Bat dey iushuali giv ap juen dei sii iu don’t ker.

Son: thanks mon, thanks daughter, you all are my strength.

Zenks mom, zenks doters, u ol r mai strench.

Everybody: stop bullying, be a friend!

Stop bullyng, bi a friend.

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