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BACTERIOLOGICAL REVIEws, Dec. 1973, p. 409-452 Vol. 37, No.

Copyright 0 1973 American Society for Microbiology Printed in USA.

Reduction of Nitrogenous Oxides by

Department of Microbiology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602
INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 410
ASSIMILATORY REDUCTION ............... ................................... 410
Bacteria . .................................................................. 410

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Distribution Among the Genera .............. ................................. 410
Pichinoty's Type B Nitrate Reductase .......... ............................... 411
Discovery .................................................................. 411
Assay .................................................................. 412
Control .................................................................. 412
Nitrite and Hydroxylamine Reduction .......... ............................... 413
Control of Synthesis of Repressible Assimilatory Nitrate Reductase in
Enterobacter . ........................................................... 413
Fungi........................................................................... 414
Distribution of Assimilatory Capacity Among Yeasts and Molds ..... .......... 414
Regulation .................................................................. 414
Hansenula anomala . ....................................................... 414
Aspergillus nidulans . ....................................................... 415
Neurospora crassa . ......................................................... 416
NADPH-linked nitrate reductase ......................................... 416
Nitrite reductase . ......................................................... 418
Photosynthetic Microorganisms .............. .................................. 419
Bacteria and Blue-Green Algae .............. ................................. 419
Other Microscopic Algae .................. ................................... 419
Pyridine nucleotide-linked nitrate reductase ........ ........................ 419
Ferredoxin-dependent nitrite reductase ......... ............................ 421
DISSIMILATORY REDUCTION BY BACTERIA ........ ....................... 421
Distribution Among Various Species ............ ................................ 421
Respiratory Reduction to Nitrite ............. ................................. 421
Denitrification ............................................................... 423
Nitrate Reductase .............................................................. 424
Oxygen Availability and Other Physiological Influences on Synthesis and
Activity ................................................................ 424
E. aerogenes ............................................................... 424
E. coli .................................................................. 424
Bacillus species . ........................................................... 424
Proteus mirabilis . ........................................................... 425
Haemophilis parainfluenzae .............. .................................. 425
Characteristics of the Enzyme ................................................. 426
Location, assembly, and electron transport ........ ......................... 426
Pichinoty's type A reductase .............. .................................. 427
Genetic Studies ............................................................... 429
Use as a Marker or Reagent ............... ................................... 430
Nitrite, Nitric Oxide, and Nitrous Oxide Reductases ....... ..................... 431
Gas Chromatographic and Isotopic Methods of Analysis ...... ................. 431
Control of Enzyme Synthesis and Activity ......... ............................ 432
Electron Transport Cofactors .............. ................................... 433
Attendant Conservation of Energy ............. ................................. 435
ECOLOGICAL STUDIES . ....................................................... 436
Nitrate Fluxes in Soil . ........................................................... 436
Engineering Practices for Diminishing Nitrate Pollution ....... ................. 437
Phenomena Observed in Natural Waters .......... .............................. 438
CONCLUDING REMARKS .................... .................................. 439
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . ......................................................... 440
LITERATURE CITED . ........................................................... 440

INTRODUCTION nitrate to nitrite in cultures as an aid to
Like green plants, a number of blue-green taxonomic diagnosis (391); (ii) determination of
algae, bacteria, and fungi reduce nitrate to mechanisms that control synthesis and func-
ammonia which is assimilated as a source of tioning of the reductive enzymes (254, 261); (iii)
nitrogen for biosynthesis. Nitrite and hydrox- identification of gaseous intermediates (12, 202,
ylamine are intermediate products of reduction 285); (iv) identification of electron donors and
(225, 226). Nitrate may also serve as terminal organic and inorganic components of the elec-
electron acceptor in the anaerobic respiration tron transport chains linked to reduction (27,
carried out by a variety of bacteria that reduce 161, 295, 305); (v) identification, isolation, and
the nitrate nitrogen no further than nitrite. In purification of enzymes and cytochromes in-
addition, a limited number of bacteria can volved in the various reductive steps (41, 51, 84,
reduce nitrate to elemental nitrogen by a series 85); and (vi) estimation of the agricultural and
ecological impact of nitrate reduction on biolog-

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of anaerobic respiratory processes that, in sum,
are called denitrification. In several studies, ical interactions in soil, sewage, and water (30,
nitrite, nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide have been 36, 61, 100, 204).
identified as intermediate products (12, 166, Progress in studies of several aspects of ni-
224, 225), although nitrous oxide rather than trogenous oxide reduction was impeded until
nitrogen is the terminal product of denitrifica- recent years by lack of a workably long-lived
tion in a few bacterial species and strains (110, radioisotope of nitrogen for use as a tracer and
124, 285). by lack of precise and sensitive methods of
Mechanisms for control of the production and analysis for gaseous intermediates. But, ap-
activity of the assimilatory and respiratory plication of modern analytical methods such as
types of enzymes differ markedly. Unlike the mass spectrometry of products of 15N-labeled
dissimilative sulfate reducers, which have no nitrate reduction (115), gas chromatography for
other growth-supporting respiratory mech- volatile intermediates and products (12, 202,
anisms, the dissimilatory nitrate reducers are 284), and electron paramagnetic resonance
preferentially aerobic bacteria. Constitutive ni- (EPR) assays for signals generated by metal-
trate respiration has not been observed in wild- and heme-related reactions (51, 85) have in-
type bacteria, and initiation of the synthesis of creased the degree of our understanding (al-
respiratory nitrate-reducing systems occurs in though much is yet to be learned). As a result of
capable species only in cells incubated anaer- both the application of improved analytical
obically or at low oxygen tension. Moreover, procedures and the use of mutants blocked at
continuing anoxia or diminished oxygen tension various loci controlling the synthesis of reduc-
is required for functioning after the dissimila- tases (and furthermore, as a consequence of
tory systems are formed (266, 369). Signifi- increased awareness of the various interrelated
cantly, however, neither synthesis nor function- influences of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia in
ing is influenced by the presence of ammonia or soil and aquatic environments), additional sig-
reduced nitrogen-containing organic metabo- nificance may now be attached to studies of
lites. reduction of the nitrogenous oxides. An impres-
In contrast, although a limited number of sive volume of information has been generated
bacterial species constitutively produce the as- since publication of earlier reviews on nitrate
similatory enzymes, both synthesis and func- and nitrite reduction (166, 224-226), and an
tioning of the nitrate reducing systems in non- up-dated review of this topic thus seems justi-
constitutive assimilatory bacteria are repressed fied.
or suppressed (as they are in algae and fungi) by
the presence of ammonia or reduced nitroge- ASSIMILATORY REDUCTION
nous organic metabolites in the culture medium Bacteria
or growth environment. Finally, a normal at-
mospheric oxygen tension either does not ad- Distribution Among the Genera. The extent
versely affect the assimilatory enzymes or is less to which the capacity for assimilatory nitrate
toxic to the assimilatory than to the dissimila- reduction is distributed among bacterial species
tory systems. is not known with certainty. The capacity for
Recently, the scope of interest in microbial assimilation has not been systematically sought
reduction of nitrate and other nitrogenous ox- in many studies of nitrogen nutrition. It is not
ides has broadened and now encompasses the difficult to overlook the property if its signifi-
following old and new areas of investigation: (i) cance is not appreciated; but at times it may
testing new applications and improved methods come to light unexpectedly (e.g., Taylor and
for colorimetric assay for one-step reduction of Hoare [354] isolated a facultative Thiobacillus
species that grows heterotrophically, but not synthesis of nitrate reductase by these anaer-
autotrophically, when supplied with nitrate as obes is not regulated by the presence of reduced
sole nitrogen source). Search of a centralized nitrogenous compounds as in other bacteria and
listing (24) reveals only a limited number of fungi, but may be constitutive as in Micrococ-
genera of chemosynthetic bacteria that include cus denitrificans and Pseudomonas putida
species capable, by cultural evidence, of the (261). Now that Pichinoty has developed
assimilation of nitrate nitrogen while growing in methods for distinguishing various types of
minimal culture media (Table 1). But, addi- nitrate reductases, perhaps reports of a greater
tional indications are occasionally encountered number of species with the assimilatory capa-
in the literature. For example, Rhizobium bility may be expected.
japonicum grows in a glycerol-arabinose-min- Pichinoty's Type B Nitrate Reductase.
eral salts medium (188), and Azotobacter spe- Discovery. It is reasonable to assume that,

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cies grow in a sucrose-mineral salts medium because the development of enzymes necessary
(109), with nitrate serving as sole nitrogen for assimilation of nitrate nitrogen may occur
source for both. The presence of nitrate re- during either aerobic or anaerobic growth of
presses nitrogenase synthesis in a manner simi- many bacteria (whereas growth linked to respi-
lar to ammonia in the Azotobacter species that ratory reduction of nitrate takes place only
can reduce nitrate (70). In a mutant that does under anaerobic conditions or those of signifi-
not reduce nitrate, the activity, but not the cantly lowered oxygen tension), characteristics
synthesis, of nitrogenase is inhibited by nitrate of the enzymes involved in the two processes are
(319). likely to differ in several respects. Pichinoty
The genus Clostridium contains a number of (255) contributed a means of studying some of
the species that reduce nitrate to nitrite (and these differences and answered several ques-
thence to ammonia) in complex culture media tions; but a number of others are yet to be
and assimilate the ammonia (24). Apparently, clarified. He noted at the outset that M.
TABLE 1. Genera of chemosynthetic microorganisms containing species reported to assimilate nitrate nitrogen

(NO,- _ NO,- _ [XI -_ NH3OH - NH, - amino acids)

Bacteria Filamentous fungia Yeasts"
Aeromonas (263)c Actinomucor (238) Brettanomyces
Agrobacterium (24) Alternaria (238) Bullera
Arthrobacter (24) Aspergillus (48) Candida
Azotobacter (109) Cladochytrium (385) Citeromyces
Bacillus (263) Coprinus (26) Cryptococcus
Clostridium (216) Fusarium (238) Kekkera
Cytophaga (24) Helminthosporium (230) Endomycopsis
Edwardsiella (263) Neurospora (162, 227) Hansenula
Enterobacter Nowokowskiella (385) Leucosporidium
(Aerobacter or Klebsiella) Penicillium (385) Pachysolen
(16,266,369) Phymatotrichium (385) Rhodosporidium
Escherichia (155, 181) Phyctochytrium (385) Rhodotorula
Hafnia (263) Phytophthora (385) Sporobolomyces
Hyphomicrobium (24) Rhizophlyctis (26) Sporidiobolus
Micrococcus (255) Scopulariopsis (184) Sterigmatomyces
Nocardia (24) Trichospora
Pasteurella (263)
Providencia (263)
Pseudomonas (260)
Rhizobium (188)
Sporocytophaga (24)
Thiobacillus (354)
Vibrio (262)
Yersinia (263)
Very likely an incomplete listing.
Based on Lodder's taxonomy (186). Debaromyces and Pichia species assimilate nitrite but not nitrate
Evidence for assimilatory nitrate reduction by members of the genera identified in references 262 and 263 is
based on their production of enzyme. B.
denitrificans produces two distinguishably dif- colorimetric method is deemed appropriate for
ferent nitrate reductases. When grown ana- the quantitative assay of enzyme A activity, but
erobically at the expense of nitrate, the bacteria not for enzyme B (268). Two types of enzyme B
produce a particle-bound reductase which has are now discernible in several species of bacte-
the capacity to reduce chlorate as well as ria. Enzyme Ba is activated by 1 M NaCl, KCl,
nitrate. With hydrogenase added, hydrogen or CsCl, whereas BjB is not (262).
serves as electron donor for experiments with Control. Regulation of the synthesis of en-
cell-free extracts utilizing viologen dyes or fla- zyme B varies in different species (261). Produc-
vine mononucleotide (FMN) as transport cofac- tion is constitutive in several species and re-
tors. Azide inhibition of the reduction of either pressible in others. In M. denitrificans, produc-
anion by the particle-bound enzyme is competi- tion is constitutive, and the quantity synthe-
tive and reversible. A second, soluble nitrate sized is unaffected by the presence or absence of

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reductase then demonstrated in extracts of ammonia or oxygen during growth. In P. putida,
aerobically grown cells is distinguished by its enzyme B is constitutively produced in aerated
inability to reduce chlorate. Indeed, the pres- cultures, and growth in media containing com-
ence of chlorate inhibits nitrate reduction by plex nitrogenous compounds produces more of
this soluble enzyme. The particle-bound reduc- the enzyme than culture on minimal medium.
tase has a respiratory function in every bacte- In the facultatively fermentative Aeromonas
rium that produces it and is designated enzyme hydrophila, Edwardsiella tarda, Hafnia species,
A. The solubilized enzyme (designated B) has a Providencia alcalifaciens, and Providencia
nutritive rather than a respiratory role in a stuartii, enzyme B is also synthesized in low,
number of bacteria, although the oxygen sensi- but measurable, quantity during aerobic growth
tivity of the enzyme in a few species is thought in complex medium. However, anaerobiosis and
to prevent unqualified acceptance of the nutri- the presence of nitrate during growth greatly
tive role in every case (261). increase the output of enzyme B. Aeration
Assay. A manometric method of differentiat- suppresses activity of enzyme B in suspensions
ing enzymes A and B based on hydrogen-con- of these facultative bacteria that are able to
suming, benzyl viologen-mediated reduction, or reduce nitrate when incubated anaerobically,
lack of reduction of chlorate is employed for but the suppressive effect of oxygen is not
assay of the activity in cell-free extracts that inactivating. Cessation of aeration is followed
can reduce nitrate (269). By using this proce- by immediate restoration of activity at the same
dure, a number of Aeromonas, Bacillus, Ed- rate as the originally anaerobic system displays.
wardsiella, Hafnia, Providencia, and Enzyme B thus is suggested to have anaerobic
Pseudomonas species and M. denitrificans are respiratory activity in these bacteria, but oxy-
found to produce enzyme B in minimal media gen sensitivity seems a tenuous basis for such an
containing nitrate as sole source of nitrogen. hypothesis.
Pasteurella and Yersinia species produce en- Another soluble, oxygen-sensitive nitrate re-
zyme B as well (263). By selecting from among ductase that transports electrons from reduced
these organisms the soluble enzyme produced viologen dyes, but not NADH, is recovered from
by (i) the denitrifier M. denitrificans, (ii) the R. japonicum bacteroids from soybean nodules
obligately aerobic, nonrespirer, but assimilator or from free-growing R. japonicum cells har-
of nitrate, P. putida, and (iii) the facultatively vested from culture in minimal medium con-
fermentative Hafnia species, Pichinoty (260) taining nitrate as sole nitrogen source. Cultures
confirms the inhibitory effects of chlorate, cya- incubated at 0.2-atm oxygen pressure yield the
nide, and azide on enzyme B. He further notes maximal quantity of nitrate reductase. Protec-
that, whereas neither reduced nicotinamide tion of the reductase from oxygen by inclusion
adenine dinucleotide (NADH) nor reduced nic- of reducing agents and metal chelators in the
otinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate suspending media is necessary when assaying
(NADPH) serves as electron donor for assimila- activity. To obtain active preparations, these
tory nitrate reduction, spectrophotometric protective agents must be present during rup-
assay based on changes in absorption at 340 nm ture of the cells by repeated freeze-thaw cycles
is obviated. Even so, a colorimetric assay for and simultaneous grinding with glass beads and
nitrite production might logically be considered during the subsequent clarifying centrifugation.
for assaying enzyme B. But, unlike enzyme A, Inclusion of Steapsin in the mixture increases
which reduces nitrate along linear rates from the amount of enzyme recovered (188). Cyanide
the outset, the rates of nitrate reduction cat- does not inhibit reduction of nitrate by this
alyzed by enzyme B diminish as a function of preparation. This may result from inactivation
time after the initiation of reduction. Thus, a of the cyanide by the protective agents rather
than a lack of sensitivity (166), for cyanide does reduction was questioned. Much of the pigment
inhibit the activity of both respiratory and was separated from NADH-linked nitrite reduc-
assimilatory nitrate reductases produced by tase which functioned then without it. When
other bacteria (63, 84, 138, 197, 260). the cytochrome c552-containing material was
Nitrite and Hydroxylamine Reduction. One added back to reaction mixtures containing the
of the first properties ascribed to bacterial enzyme from which it was separated, there was
ferredoxin isolated from Clostridium no stimulation of the rate of nitrite reduction
pasteurianum was the capacity to participate, (41). It was suggested that the NADH-nitrite
algae-like, in the reduction of nitrite and hy- reductase is a cytochrome c reductase with the
droxylamine to ammonia (216, 363). Hydrogen- added capacity to reduce nitrite. Recent studies
hydrogenase supplies electrons, but this phe- with nitrite (nirA) and sulfite (cysB) reductase
nomenon has not been further investigated. mutants indicate, however, that sulfite reduc-

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In Escherichia coli, nitrite reduction is car- tase is a gratuitous nitrite reducer that contrib-
ried out in a different manner that is more utes little to nitrite reduction in growing cells
complex than might be anticipated. The bacte- (42). Moreover, the simultaneous loss in nirA
ria can grow with nitrate, nitrite, hydroxyla- mutants of the capacity for synthesis of both
mine, or nitric oxide as sole nitrogen source cytochrome c552 and nitrite reductase suggests
(155, 181). These observations suggest that that the pigment is involved in NADH-linked
nitric oxide is an intermediate of assimilatory nitrite reduction in E. coli K-12. As would be
nitrite reduction and, furthermore, that it is expected, several E. coli strains do not produce
reduced to hydroxylamine; but assays for this cytochrome c 552 when grown aerobically. In
possibility have not been reported. E. coli can contrast, however, aerobically growing E. coli
produce three different nitrite-reducing enzyme strain McElroy produces a somewhat similar
systems. A soluble, NADPH-specific fraction but not identical cytochrome c552 that is capa-
reduces nitrite, but appears from kinetic behav- ble of reducing nitrite (14). This pigment is
ior to serve the cell primarily as a mechanism presumably involved primarily in sulfite reduc-
for sulfite reduction. Synthesis of this system is tion, and even the McElroy strain loses the
repressed by cysteine and sulfide (156). A re- capacity to reduce either nitrite or sulfite aero-
duced FMN (FMNH2), or reduced viologen bically unless stock cultures are maintained on
dye-linked, nitrite-reducing fraction has been sulfur-rich media.
discerned as well, but has not been further Control of Synthesis of the Repressible
investigated. The third nitrite-reducing fraction Assimilatory Reductase in Enterobacter. Al-
is induced by anaerobic growth of E. coli in the though a number of assimilatory nitrate-reduc-
presence of nitrate or nitrite and functions ing species are recognized among the nonde-
primarily in the NADH-dependent reduction of manding heterotrophs, most of the studies of
nitrite and hydroxylamine to ammonia (392). regulation of both synthesis and activity of the
The slow rate at which exogenous hydroxyla- repressible assimilatory reductase have been
mine is reduced makes it doubtful that this conducted with Enterobacter aerogenes (also
compound is ever an exogenous substrate. Pre- called Aerobacter or Klebsiella by various in-
sumably, when produced by the reduction of vestigators [16, 266, 367, 369]). This bacterium
nitrite, it does not leave the enzyme surface but has the dual capacity for assimilatory and
is reduced to ammonia, the product released. respiratory nitrate reduction and can, in fact,
The NADH-linked nitrite reductase is viewed as carry out both activities simultaneously. Some
a nitrite toxicity-eliminating mechanism in E. years ago, a single reductase was postulated for
coli (155) and only fortuitously as a contributor this organism (265), but the observed differ-
to nutrition. ences in factors regulating synthesis of enzyme
Simultaneous with synthesis of the NADH- that carries out the two different activities are
linked reductase, a superficially bound, low- inconsistent with that notion. It has since been
potential cytochrome (c552) is formed (108). found (369) that when cells growing anaerobi-
When reduced, this cytochrome does not reduce cally in ammonia-containing minimal medium
nitrate but can be linked to the stoichiometric at the expense of nitrate respiration are sud-
reduction of nitrite or hydroxylamine to am- denly aerated, nitrite production ceases imme-
monia (43), with concomitant release of carbon diately and growth lags for 3 h. The inhibition of
dioxide (88). Although the presence of nitrite reduction and lag in growth are explained by
during anaerobic growth increases the quantity the further observation that both the synthesis
synthesized by E. coli K-12 (233) (perhaps by and the specific activity of the respiratory
increasing growth), the physiological necessity reductase (assayed in cell-free extracts) are
for participation of cytochrome c,5,2 in nitrite sensitive to oxygen. Sonication of the cells to
release the enzyme does not significantly dam- enough, certain species of Debaromyces and
age the respiratory reductase. In contrast, the Pichia assimilate nitrite but not nitrate nitro-
assimilatory reductase formed in cells grown gen. Growth in a nitrate-containing medium
aerobically with nitrate as sole source of nitro- does not induce the synthesis of nitrate reduc-
gen is relatively much less sensitive to oxygen, tase in species from these genera (306).
but quite sensitive to sonication and other Determination of the distribution of the ca-
manipulations. Aeration does not inactivate or pacity for assimilatory nitrate reduction among
inhibit the assimilatory reductase activity (de- filamentous fungi has not been reported so
termined in resting cells because of the fragility faithfully (Table 1). The original recipe for
of the enzyme to sonication), although exposure Czapek's medium, which was devised for the
to pure oxygen does. culture of Aspergillus and Penicillium species,
The flow of electrons that reduce nitrate to called for sodium nitrate as the sole nitrogen

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ammonia proceeds by a different route than source. Ammonium salts were later added to the
that followed by the electrons transported dur- formulation, however, to enable nonassimila-
ing respiratory reduction of nitrate. Although tors of nitrate to grow. Webster (385) indicates
cytochrome bl is known to transfer electrons for that, among the primitive fungi which are
respiratory reduction of nitrate, incubation of members of the Mastigomycotina, the chytrids
assimilatory nitrate reductase with electron such as Phlyctochytrium, Cladochytrium, and
donors and nitrate does not change the oxida- Nowokowskiella and members of the
tion state of cytochrome b, (367). Peronosporales such as Phytophthora are ni-
An additionally significant difference in the trate assimilators. Fungi classified as Saproleg-
regulatory mechanisms for assimilatory and niales, Leptomitales, Lagenidiales, Monoble-
dissimilatory nitrate reduction in E. aerogenes pharidales, and Blastocladiales are nonutilizers
is indicated by the repression of synthesis of the (26, 39, 184). Among the more complex fungi,
assimilatory, but not the respiratory, reductase ammonia is used preferentially over nitrate
by ammonia. This would seem to argue for when ammonium nitrate is provided as nitrogen
synthesis of different proteins for the assimila- source in cultures of Actinomucor repens, Alter-
tory and dissimilatory functions. But, from data naria tenuis, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus
on pH and temperature optima for their activ- niger, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani,
ity, it was recently suggested that an identical Neurospora crassa, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis,
protein may actually be synthesized in both and others (238, 240). Nitrate assimilation be-
instances but complexed differently by the cell gins only when ammonia is depleted during the
to enable the protein to catalyze the two differ- growth of several of these organisms, and addi-
ent functions (369). Isolation and comparison of' tion of ammonia to a culture growing at the
purified subunit proteins from assimilatory and expense of nitrate stops nitrate (but not nitrite)
dissimilatory aggregates will be necessary for reduction. This suggests catabolite repression of
continued support of this hypothesis. the first enzyme, nitrate reductase, but not the
Synthesis of the assimilatory reductase has second enzyme in the assimilatory complex,
been found sensitive during growth to elevation nitrite reductase. In Helminthosporium grami-
of the temperature of incubation as well as the neum, the response is different (230). Ammonia
presence of ammonia. Growth of the pullula- utilization proceeds much more rapidly than,
nase-producing strain of E. aerogenes at 37 C in but does not completely suppress, nitrate as-
nitrate minimal medium results in diminished similation. A lesser amount of nitrate is reduced
synthesis of the assimilatory, but not the dis- when ammonia is present, but the process does
similatory, reductase much below that seen in continue. A Coprinus species, Fusarium ni-
cells grown at 28 C (16). veum, Phymatotrichium omnivorum, and
Rhizophlyctis rosea utilize nitrite as a nitrogen
Fungi source in culture as well as nitrate (26).
Regulation. Hansenula anomala. Among
Distribution of Assimilatory Capacity the nitrate-assimilating yeasts, only H.
Among Yeasts and Molds. As an aid to her anomala has been analyzed for control mech-
taxonomy of the yeasts, Lodder considers the anisms. Analogies as well as disparities are
ability to assimilate nitrate nitrogen for growth observed between the yeast and bacterial sys-
as a primary determinative characteristic (186). tems. Some years ago, Silver (306) found that
She notes that one or more species in the genera growth of H. anomala at the expense of nitrate
listed in Table 1 are assimilatory nitrate reduc- as sole source of nitrogen requires de novo
ers. Both sporogenous and asporogenous genera synthesis of enzyme. Activity was assayed by
are represented. All these organisms assimilate simultaneous determination of rates of produc-
nitrite as well as nitrate nitrogen; but, curiously tion of nitrite from nitrate and the concomitant
rates of spectrophotometric change brought purification of the enzyme 'as achieved by Cove
about by oxidation of NADH (somewhat more and Coddington (48). After the first few steps of
effective than NADPH) in the presence of the purification procedure are passed, the ratio
nitrate. Azide is an effective inhibitor. More of cytochrome c reductase to nitrate reductase
recently (267) it was observed that, after aerobic remains constant in the progressively more
growth of H. anomala in a minimal, mineral purified fractions. The elevated ratio observed
salts medium, with glucose and ethanol as during the early stages is explained by assuming
carbon sources and nitrate as sole nitrogen that a certain quantity of cytochrome c reduc-
source, cell extracts reduce nitrate at a signifi- tase not associated with nitrate reductase is
cantly elevated rate at the expense of reduced originally present in the extracts as well-but is
benzyl viologen. Extracts of cells grown with soon eliminated. Phosphate is required for the
ammonia as nitrogen source have minimal ac- activity of nitrate reductase from A. nidulans

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tivity, and those obtained from yeast cells (191). The enzyme reduces chlorate as well as
grown with urea as sole nitrogen source exhibit nitrate. This is remarkable mainly because the
only a slightly increased rate of activity. This bacterial enzymes assumed to be assimilatory
yeast produces urease, and the ammonia liber- do not reduce chlorate and are, in fact, inhib-
ated by its action would be expected to repress ited by the anion (260). Nitrite is a competitive
synthesis of nitrate reductase. Extracts of the inhibitor of nitrate reductase from A. nidulans.
cells grown in media containing both nitrate The availability of ammonia controls a num-
and ammonia exhibit no more activity than ber of the pathways in the nitrogen metabolism
extracts of cells grown with ammonia alone as of A. nidulans. Mutants derepressed for ex-
nitrogen source. Similarly, extracts of cells tracellular protease synthesis are derepressed
grown in a medium containing urea and nitrate for nitrate reductase production as well (40).
have no greater activity than those of cells But, more specifically, synthesis of the two
grown with urea as sole nitrogen source. ammonia-repressible enzymes required for re-
Unlike the bacterial assimilatory reductase, duction of (i) nitrate to nitrite and (ii) nitrite
which is soluble, the yeast nitrate reductase (through hydroxylamine) to ammonia has been
activity is associated with fragments of the examined in mutant as well as wild-type strains
mitochondrial fraction of the cells that are of A. nidulans (247). A regulator substance with
grown in nitrate minimal medium. Cytochrome a positive mode of action controls the synthesis
c oxidase associated with the active fraction of nitrate reductase in wild-type strains, and
provides an added indication that the active the control system is not located inside the
material is mitochondrial in origin. Nitrate is nuclear membrane (47). Only two structural
assumed to act as inducer for the yeasts, but genes are known as sources of these activities,
assays for derepression in resting cells incu- and either the regulator genes for both are
bated in the absence of nitrate or any other missing or their gene products are incorrect in
fixed nitrogen source are not reported. Slight mutant niiB which has lost the capacity to
activity is observed in extracts of cells grown reduce nitrate, nitrite or hydroxylamine. To
with nitrite rather than nitrate serving as sole approach the problem of control at the struc-
nitrogen source, but efforts to sort out the tural gene level, conidia of a nitrate reductase-
influence of ammonia and urea on this activity inducible mutant (designated niiA -) lacking the
are inconclusive. Incubation of extracts con- capacity to reduce nitrite or hydroxylamine
taining the nitrate reductase produced by H. were subjected to nitrosoguanidine to produce a
anomala in a medium containing reduced violo- nitrate reductase-constitutive strain, now desig-
gen dyes but lacking nitrate inactivates the nated niiA - nirc. Studies of strains resulting
enzyme. Neither nitrate reductase A nor B from from crosses of this mutant with wild-type as
bacteria is similarly sensitive to incubation with well as other mutants indicate the nir' allele to
the reduced dyes in the absence of nitrate (257, be almost completely recessive in regulating
260). synthesis of nitrite reductase apparently as a
Aspergillus nidulans. Apparently, wherever result of nir product being synthesized in suffi-
it is found in fungi, assimilatory nitrate reduc- cient quantity to control one structural gene,
tase resides in a protein complex that exhibits but not two (245, 247). A model that conforms to
several catalytic capabilities. The close associa- these findings presents nir as the regulator gene
tion of nitrate reductase (NADPH: nitrate ox- and assigns two functions to the gene product
idoreductase, EC from A. nidulans with (46). As repressor, the presumably bifunctional
cytochrome c reductase (NADPH: cytochrome c product of nir thus prevents synthesis of nitrate
oxidoreductase, EC activity, a phenom- and nitrite reductases by two structural genes.
enom first noted in Neurospora by Kinsky and In the presence of nitrate, however, the product
McElroy (162), is borne out during 300-fold of nir, now assumed to act as inducer, permits
expression at the structural gene loci. Subse- Downey (65), who finds that cnx mutants pro-
quently, it has been reported that the nitrate duce molybdenum-poor cytochrome c-reducing
reductase protein molecule itself acts as core- protein when induced with nitrate. But, in vivo
pressor in the absence of nitrate, but as coin- complementation of the cnx mutant with a
ducer when complexed with nitrate (49). The constitutive nia (nitrate reductase) mutant
model is therefore adjusted to indicate that the yields a normal nitrate reductase ("7.8S en-
product of nir is an inducer converted to a zyme"). In contrast, in vitro complementation
repressor by the nitrate reductase protein. Com- with extracts of these mutants yields a 7.8S
plexing of the protein with nitrate prevents enzyme that lacks nitrate reductase activity.
conversion to repressor. The modified model These findings support a functional role in
does not explain induction of nitrate reductase reduction for molybdate rather than its simply
by elevated concentrations of nitrate even in the aiding in subunit assembly. (It would be inter-

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presence of some ammonia, however, and a esting to determine if acid treatment of the nia
further provision is therefore included in the product would provide a complementary com-
final model to stipulate that the product of the ponent in analogy with the capacity described
nir gene locus may be converted to repressor by in the next section for in vitro complementation
both ammonia and nitrate reductase. in N. crassa extracts [227].)
Although there has been some question as to Extensive purification of nitrate reductase
whether Mo(V) or Mo(IV) is the active form from A. nidulans (64) yields a flavoprotein
(23), involvement of molybdenum in assimila- (molecular weight, 197,000; Stokes radius, 6.4
tory nitrate reduction has been extensively mm; sedimentation value, 7.8S in a sucrose
investigated in fungi. Thus, the molybdate gradient) that reduces nitrate as well as cyto-
competitor, tungstate, is more toxic for A. chrome c derived from either A. nidulans or
nidulans growing at the expense of nitrate and mammalian mitochondria. Unlike the NADH-
hypoxanthine than any other sources of nitro- linked, flavine adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-
gen. Provision of molybdate in the culture stimulated nitrate reductase in H. anomala
media reverses the tungstate toxicity. In at- (306), NADPH-linked reduction of nitrate is not
tempting to explain this observation, Pateman associated with isolated mitochondria from A.
and colleagues (246) found that mutation in any nidulans.
of five unlinked loci designated cnx can result in The complexity of the regulatory mechanisms
simultaneous loss of capacity for nitrate reduc- for nitrate reductase in A. nidulans has stimu-
tion and xanthine oxidation. One class of mu- lated a number of ancillary questions. Consid-
tant, cnxE, which lacks the ability to grow on ered together, the observations (i) that nitrate
nitrate as nitrogen source, regains nitrate as- reductase is associated with the capacity for
similatory function when cultures are supplied catalyzing other reactions and (ii) that none of
with molybdate. Although it functions well the mutants at the structural gene locus yet
enough to support growth, the nitrate reductase isolated fail to synthesize a gene product lead,
isolated from extracts of mutant cnxE grown in for example, to the suggestion that the gene
the presence of molybdate displays diminished coding for nitrate reductase may have a nitrate-
affinity for nitrate. Furthermore, a class of independent but vital function in the growth of
mutants termed molB is simultaneously both this fungus irrespective of the nitrogen source
responsive to molybdate and partially defective utilized. It follows logically from this sugges-
in nitrate and hypoxanthine utilization (5). tion, that it would be necessary that mutants
Hence, incorporation of molybdenum into ni- unable to form the gene product be lethal.
trate reductase or a substance with controlling Testing this possibility in two ways, Downey
properties like those of nitrate reductase is and Cove (66) find no evidence favoring a need
postulated. Xanthine oxidase mutants do not for the gene product required for nitrate reduc-
respond to molybdate as do nitrate reductase tase synthesis when the organism is grown in
mutants. This is considered by Holl (130) to be media containing ammonia or urea as nitrogen
consistent with immunochemical evidence that source. Neither do their results preclude the
nitrate reductase from A. nidulans, a dimeric possibility entirely.
molybdoflavoprotein (64), may not share a Neurospora crassa. NADPH-linked nitrate
common subunit with xanthine oxidase in anal- reductase. Studies with mutants reveal that, as
ogy with the nitrate reductase of N. crassa in A. nidulans, the NADPH-linked nitrate re-
(161). ductase and cytochrome c reductase activities
The question of whether the basic importance reside in one protein aggregate in this fungus.
of molybdenum is structural or functional in Five ultraviolet mutants have been isolated
nitrate reductase activity was examined by with loci designated nit-i to nit-5 that control
synthesis of the components of the aggregate reductase is concomitantly repressed by the
formed by N. crassa (316, 320). Acceptance of amino acids. Synthesis of catalase (which oc-
the existence of the aggregate is further sup- curs subsequent to synthesis of nitrate reduc-
ported by investigations (317) that indicate that tase and probably in response to the consequent
nutritionally deficient mutants which require production of hydrogen peroxide) is also re-
preformed amino acids and nucleotides for pressed by ammonia and amino acids. But
growth in minimal culture media also require unlike the synthesis, the activity of nitrate
them for synthesis of both these reductases. reductase in cell-free extracts is not inhibited by
Moreover, inclusion of the amino acid analogue, assimilatory products, i.e., ammonia, amino
2-methylalanine, in the culture media represses acids, or nucleotides (339). The intermediates of
synthesis of both nitrate reductase and cyto- assimilatory nitrate utilization, nitrite and hy-
chrome c reductase, but not the concurrent droxylamine, are effective competitive inhibi-

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synthesis of an unrelated enzyme, isocitrate tors, with the latter more effective than nitrite.
lyase. Furthermore, the specific activities of Once synthesized, assimilatory nitrate reduc-
both these NADPH-dependent reductases re- tase is not stable in culture if either nitrate is
main nearly constantly related during their depleted or ammonia is provided. Incubation of
progressive heat inactivation in extracts. Ni- wild-type mycelia in culture media containing
trate-inducible cytochrome c reductase is sepa- either ammonia or no fixed nitrogen source
rable by sucrose density gradient centrifugation results in rapid inactivation of existing nitrate-
from its constitutive counterpart enzyme in induced, NADPH-linked nitrate reductase and
cell-free extracts (318). Comparing these two its associated activities, NADPH-cytochrome c
cytochrome c-reducing enzymes, it may be seen reductase and reduced benzyl viologen-depend-
that the activity of the nitrate-induced, but not ent nitrate reductase (341). Inclusion of the
the constitutive enzyme, is stimulated by FAD; protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide slows
and unlike the constitutive enzyme, of course, the rate of inactivation which is directly related
the induced cytochrome c reductase is tightly to ammonia concentration. In a mixture of
associated in fractionated extracts with nitrate ammonia and nitrate, the rate of inactivation is
reductase. Investigation of fractions derived unrelated to the nitrate concentration. In mu-
from extracts of several nitrate reductase mu- tants unable to assimilate nitrate nitrogen, the
tants suggests that the NADPH-linked nitrate two associated activities (cytochrome c reduc-
reductase itself comprises an aggregate of two tion and reduced benzyl viologen-linked reduc-
proteins. Synthesis of one that exhibits benzyl tion of nitrate) are not inactivated by the
viologen-linked nitrate reduction is controlled addition of ammonia or withdrawal of nitrate.
by' the nit-i locus. Production of the other, In these strains, only the activity of the portion
which displays cytochrome c reductase activity of the protein aggregate that effects NADPH-
as well, is regulated by the nit-3 locus. A linked nitrate reduction is thus sensitive to
respiratory function is ascribed to this benzyl influence by nitrogen source.
viologen-dependent nitrate reductase, which The repressive and otherwise controlling in-
contains iron as well as molybdenum (231). fluence of ammonia on nitrate assimilation is
Anaerobic respiration is not considered a prop- not simple, and there is no single, specific point
erty of fungi. The report of a probable respira- of sensitivity to its effects. Reasoning that the
tory role for succinate-dependent nitrate reduc- regulatory influences of nitrate and ammonia
tase in the basidiomycete, Hygrophorus coni- might be exerted upon transcription, transla-
cus, represents the only other suggestion of such tion, or stability of the extant enzyme, Subra-
a role for nitrate reduction encountered in the manian and Sorger (342) took into account the
preparation of this review (207). different sites of action of the two antibiotics,
It is reasonable to suppose that because the actinomycin D, which prevents transcription,
key nitrogenous intermediate in amino acid, and cyclohexamide, which inhibits translation
nucleotide, and coenzyme synthesis (ammonia) of message, to attempt to design differentiating
represses utilization of nitrate as a nitrogen experiments. They find, however, that although
source, the organic nitrogenous nutrients result- nitrate reductase is synthesized at a low rate in
ing from ammonia assimilation should serve as the absence of a nitrogen source, it is produced
repressors in nutritionally wild-type N. crassa optimally only when nitrate is supplied as
as well. And, consistently, various amino acids nitrogen source during both transcription and
do repress synthesis of assimilatory nitrate translation. Ammonia inhibits the increased
reductase as effectively, or nearly so, as am- capacity for synthesis of nitrate reductase that
monia (338). As would further be expected, results from the presence of nitrate. Even after
production of nitrate-inducible cytochrome c the increased capacity for synthesis becomes
operational, its functioning as well as the activ- have been partially purified and treated with 1
ity of enzyme once it is synthesized both require N HCL. The assembly, comprising nitrate-in-
nitrate for stability. In addition, both the in- duced nit-i subunit and a complementary ani-
creased capacity for synthesis and the activity mal component, yields a 7.8S protein containing
of the reductase are made unstable by the cytochrome b 557 and displaying NADPH-,
presence of ammonia. Only a low level of nitrate FADH2-, or reduced methyl viologen-dependent
is required to enhance capacity for synthesis, nitrate reductase activity. It has now been
but a high level is required to maintain func- determined (227) that a remarkable variety of
tional stability of enzyme once it is formed. acid-treated, molybdenum-containing enzymes
Experiments designed to reveal the point at such as bacterial nitrogenase, bovine liver sul-
which molybdate influences the synthesis of fite oxidase, E. coli respiratory nitrate reduc-
nitrate reductase indicate that the complex tase, and green plant nitrate reductase also

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protein is produced even in the absence of complement nit-i protein to yield a 7.8S protein
molybdate or the presence of a toxic quantity of capable of NADPH-dependent nitrate reduc-
tungstate, but the folding of the polypeptide tion. A number of amino acid-molybdenum
chains is different from that obtained when the complexes and molybdenum-free enzymes
molybdate supply during growth is adequate tested as controls do not replace the molyb-
and available (340). The complex molybdenum- denum-containing systems. These observations
deficient protein thus obtained displays may reflect the limited number of structural
NADPH-dependent cytochrome c reductase ac- configurations possible for the physiologically
tivity (which is not molybdenum related), but effective binding of molybdenum for an elec-
neither NADPH- nor benzyl viologen-linked tron-transporting role.
nitrate reductase activity is demonstrated. Ad- Nitrite reductase. Progress in the study of
dition of molybdate to suspensions of the pro- assimilatory nitrite reduction has been slow
tein in vitro fails to restore nitrate reductase because, for many years, methods for the assay
activity. Molybdenum seems thus to have a of nitrite reductase were not satisfactory. Cook
structural as well as functional role. The func- and Sorger (45) thus devoted time to evaluation
tional role is further supported by experiments of the influence on reproducibility of the colori-
with enzymes derived from the large-scale puri- metric method for nitrite determination exerted
fication of NADPH-linked nitrate reductase by the use of dithionite as electron donor.
which yielded active material containing a b- Dithionite was added to reaction mixtures con-
type cytochrome similar to yeast and mam- taining benzyl viologen, buffer, enzyme, and
malian b-type pigments (90). When reduced, nitrite. This procedure was found acceptable for
the cytochrome has an a-band absorption peak their purposes and was employed in studies
at 557 nm, a # peak at 528 nm, and a Soret peak designed to determine if nitrite reductase is
at 423 nm. Participation of this b55. cytochrome induced by nitrate or derepressed by a period of
in the assimilatory electron flow is postulated to nitrogen starvation. Their data favor derepres-
occur as follows: NADPH - FAD - Cyto- sion by nitrogen starvation. A nitrogenous in-
chrome b55., - Mo - NO3-. ducer is reportedly not required to initiate
The complexity of the NADPH-nitrate reduc- synthesis by wild-type N. crassa (strains 74A
tase protein and the ability of mutants to and, and the availability of Casamino
synthesize subunits enabled Ketchum et al. Acids during incubation apparently does not
(161) to assay for assembly of Neurospora pro- completely repress synthesis of nitrite reduc-
tein in vitro with other subunit enzyme systems tase. Once produced, the nitrite reductase is as
derived from various sources, including ani- active in the presence of nitrate, ammonia, or
mals. Starting material is subunit protein that Casamino Acids as in their absence. In contrast,
displays a cytochrome c reductase, but not Garrett (89) presents the diametrically opposed
nitrate reductase activity, and is produced by view that mycelia of wild-type N. crassa (strain
nitrate induction in mutant nit-i. Addition of a 5297a) incubated in the absence of a nitrogen
second component produced by other mutants source do not synthesize nitrite reductase. In
or wild-type Neurospora (and found to be disso- the presence of nitrate or nitrite, however, the
ciable from its native state by acid treatment) mycelia are induced to form nitrite reductase
completes the assembly and provides a complex that is demonstrable by either NADPH- or
protein capable of catalyzing nitrate reduction. reduced benzyl viologen-dependent reduction of
The latter subunit is replaceable by other mo- nitrite. Ammonia represses synthesis. NADPH-
lybdenum-containing enzymes such as bovine hydroxylamine reductase activity is similarly
milk and rabbit and chicken liver xanthine induced and repressed, and the protein that
oxidizing and aldehyde oxidase systems that catalyzes hydroxylamine reduction is consid-
ered to be identical with NADPH-nitrite reduc- nitrite reductases have been isolated from popu-
tase. Similarities between production and activ- lations treated with nitrosoguanidine or ultravi-
ity of the nitrate and nitrite reductases of olet light.
Neurospora and Aspergillus are said to be close. Other Microscopic Algae. Pyridine nu-
A number of mutants recently isolated (195) cleotide-linked nitrate reductase. Although
accumulate but cannot reduce nitrite. One both are much inferior to ammonia, nitrate and
particularly interesting isolate accumulates hy- nitrite will serve (each as well as the other) as a
droxylamine. Because a single protein is as- nitrogen source for the growth of the micro-
sumed to reduce nitrite, first to hydroxylamine scopic eukaryotic as well as other algae (25).
and then to ammonia, study of the nitrite Assimilation rates in these organisms are also
reductase from this mutant may provide useful directly related to light intensity. In Dunaliella
information on (i) the mechanism of the first tertiolecta, the rate of light-stimulated nitrate

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reductive step in nitrite assimilation as well as reduction is 20-fold greater than that occurring
(ii) the nature of the defect that prevents the in the dark. In addition to the response to light,
mutant's enzyme from proceeding with the concomitant fixation of carbon dioxide is neces-
second step, reduction of hydroxylamine to sary for nitrate reduction to proceed in this alga
ammonia. (104, 241) and in Ankistrodesmus braunii (215),
Chlamydomonas reinhardi (357), Chlorella
Photosynthetic Microorganisms fusca (formerly C. pyrenoidosa) and other spe-
Bacteria and Blue-Green Algae. Nitrate cies (105, 107, 337), Skeletonema costatum, and
reduction by photosynthetic bacteria has been Coccolithus huxleyi (79). The dependence of the
investigated but little. The single available rate of nitrate reduction on photosynthesis in
report indicates that extracts of Rhodospirillum Ditylum brightwellii (77) and D. tertiolecta
rubrum grown either aerobically or anaerobi- (241) is revealed by the direct relation between
cally in light with nitrate as the sole source of (i) nitrate and nitrite reduction and (ii) growth
nitrogen contain nitrate reductase activity asso- rate and ribulosediphosphate carboxylase activ-
ciated with the chromatophores. The enzyme ity. Partial inhibition of nitrate assimilation by
utilized NADH or reduced viologen dye as 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl) -1, 1-dimethyl urea
electron donor (152). Flavines, a b-type cyto- (DCMU) is thus an indirect consequence of
chrome, and nonheme iron appear to be in- inhibition of photosynthesis by DCMU (215). It
volved. It is suggested that a single enzyme is the carbon skeletons made available for
serves for either assimilatory or dissimilatory assimilation of the ammonia resulting from
reduction, although this has not been true for a nitrate reduction that appear as the influential
number of other types of bacteria. factors resulting from carbon dioxide fixation
Assimilation of nitrate nitrogen by prokar- (or from adding acetate or mobilizing carbon
yotic algae has been studied only a bit more reserves in cells that are reducing nitrate in the
extensively. In extracts of Anabaena cylindrica dark) (356, 357). Uncouplers of phosphorylation
grown on nitrate-containing medium in the that do not influence cell-free reductase activity
absence of ammonia, the complex, green plant- but diminish rates of nitrate and nitrite assimi-
like nitrate reductase (NADH: nitrate oxidore- lation also appear to function indirectly. By
ductase, EC remains particulate (126, decreasing rates of synthesis of all the algal
234). Treatment with Triton X-100 removes the carbon compounds, the uncouplers lower the
diaphorase from the particulate complex, but supply of carbon skeletons that may be ex-
the remaining fraction retains the capacity for pected to take up the ammonia generated by
reduction of nitrate at the expense of reduced nitrate reduction (3, 158). Photosynthesis in C.
viologen dye (125). Microcystis aeruginosa also fusca is most sensitive to inhibition by carbon
produces NADH-linked nitrate reductase (274). monoxide in the presence of nitrate (374).
In A. cylindrica, the rates of nitrate reduction Until it is incorporated into organic com-
and assimilation vary directly with photosyn- pounds, the presence of ammonia from any
thetic activity (125), and synthesis of ferredoxin- source represses nitrate and nitrite uptake
linked nitrite reductase is induced by the (129), inhibits synthesis, and initiates inactiva-
simultaneous presence of nitrite and absence of tion of nitrate reductase in algal cells (187). The
ammonia (234). enzyme is rapidly reactivated when ammonia is
Genetic studies of factors controlling blue- depleted. The presence of nitrite also represses
green algal nitrate reduction have not been nitrate uptake in several algae (76) and the
numerous but seem promising for the future. availability of urea represses assimilation in
Mutants of A. nidulans (128) and Agmenellum Chlorella vulgaris (311). Only when ammonia is
quadruplicatum (136, 327) lacking nitrate and absent does D. brightwellii consume nitrate
(which can be concentrated prior to reduction in purification obtained (182). Unlike other prepa-
the vacuole as well as the cytoplasm) and nitrite rations, the nitrate reductase from D.
(which neither enters the vacuole nor concen- tertiolecta (molecular weight estimated at
trates in the cytoplasm). Nitrate inhibits nitrite 500,000) does not transfer electrons from re-
reduction in cell-free extracts, but growing cells duced viologen dyes.
can utilize both simultaneously (77). A complex NADH-linked nitrate reductase
The relative effectiveness of the uptake mech- (molecular weight also estimated at 500,000)
anisms for nitrate revealed by calculation of with initially poor activity is obtained from
half-saturation constants can be correlated with extracts of C. fusca (394), and a similarly
successions and with the aquatic areas from complex NADPH-dependent reductase is pro-
which clones of D. brightwellii (75, 76), Cy- duced by C. caldarium (290). The C. fusca
clotella nana, Fragilaria pinnata, Bellerochia enzyme is activated by incubation at pH 6.2 to

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species and others (31, 78, 80) are isolated. Both 6.5 in the presence of nitrate, or phosphate (214,
intraspecific clones and unrelated species from 375, 376), or ferricyanide (144), which also
offshore marine environments where nitrate activates the nitrate reductase from C.
concentrations are low take up nitrate more reinhardi (129). The enzyme from C. caldarium
rapidly than their counterparts isolated from is activated by incubation with phosphate and
tidal, estuarine, or freshwater sources where urea (290). C. vulgaris produces an NADH-
nitrate concentrations are higher. dependent nitrate reductase in the low-activity
The ability to assimilate ammonia is more form. The enzyme is slowly activated up to
stable to lowered temperature of incubation in 50-fold by phosphate, nitrate, Mg2+, and adeno-
the thermal alga Cyanidium caldarium than the sine diphosphate (ADP). Addition of flavines is
capacity for assimilating nitrate (289). Am- not required for maximum activity (313).
monia will serve as nitrogen source for growth at In analogy with the enzymes from fungi, the
24 C, whereas nitrate serves only at 30 C or somewhat purified nitrate reductase from sev-
above (optimal growth temperature is 45 C). eral algae has associated cytochrome c reduc-
In the absence of ammonia, the presence of tase activity (nine times more active in C. fusca
nitrate induces the synthesis of the green plant- than in C. vulgaris), utilizes FAD as intermedi-
like nitrate reductase in Biddulphia aurita ate carrier and is stabilized against heat inacti-
(190), C. fusca (360, 396), C. reinhardi (129), C. vation by the presence of FAD (395), contains
vulgaris (311), and D. brightwellii (75). Produc- molybdenum (27) and cytochrome b557, and
tion is minimal in dark-growing cells (148). An reduces chlorate, bromate, and iodate (315).
exogenous supply of nitrate is not required for Nitrate competitively inhibits chlorate reduc-
initiating synthesis of nitrate reductase in nitro- tion. The flavine-containing portion of the com-
gen-depleted C. fusca, C. vulgaris, and A. plex has diaphorase activity that can be sepa-
braunii. Two explanations are advanced: (i) the rated from the molybdenum-containing reduc-
lack of ammonia derepresses synthesis or (ii) tase which retains the capacity to accept elec-
internal nitrate is said to result from the oxida- trons from reduced viologen dyes for the reduc-
tion of nitrogenous reserves. The internal sup- tion of nitrate. Heating in the range between 42
ply is thought then to induce nitrate reductase and 64 C inactivates the flavine-linked oxida-
production (159, 232). Two nitrate reductase tion of NADPH carried out by enzyme from C.
systems are postulated (one inside and one caldarium (288, 291). Capacity for reduced
outside the chloroplasts) in D. tertiolecta (105), viologen dye-linked reduction of nitrate is re-
although C. fusca produces enzyme that ap- tained by both these fractions, but exposure to
pears identical whether it grows in the light or 65 to 75 C inactivates the capacity even for
in darkness at the expense of glucose (112). reduced dye-dependent reduction by the C.
Several of the algae are apparently not re- caldarium fraction.
stricted to use of NADH-dependent nitrate The indispensable nature of molybdenum as
reductase. In addition to NADH, NADPH and a component of algal nitrate reductase is re-
reduced ferredoxin are reportedly accepted as vealed in a number of ways. The concentration
electron donors for the reduction of nitrate by of the enzyme varies with the quantity of
enzymes from certain algae (288). The possibil- molybdate provided (27). When 99Mo (as mo-
ity that NAD is the significant intermediate lybdate) is added to ammonia-depleted cultures
carrier is not rigorously excluded, but the mo- of C. fusca, it is incorporated and appears only
lybdoflavoproteins isolated from D. tertiolecta in nitrate reductase (4). In the absence of
and A. braunii retain the capacity to accept molybdate, inactive NADH-nitrate reductase is
electrons from both NADH and NADPH for formed (370). If the molybdate antagonist,
nitrate reduction even at the highest degree of 185W-labeled tungstate, is provided during in-
duction of the synthesis of nitrate reductase, the formation of nitrate reductase (28, 157). As
label is incorporated into an inactive nitrate would be expected, 59Fe (supplied as ferrous
reductase that retains nonmolybdenum-requir- ion) is incorporated into nitrite reductase if
ing diaphorase activity (242). Mild heat treat- supplied during induced synthesis (394).
ment of nitrate reductase from C. fusca yields a Growth dependent upon either nitrate or
preparation that can then incorporate hydrosul- nitrite initiates synthesis of ferredoxin-linked
fite-reduced molybdenum into its structure and nitrite reductase in C. fusca (169) and B. aurita
make use of the electrons from the reduced (190), but it is nitrite specifically that induces
metal to reduce nitrate (4). Finally, as might be synthesis. Hydrogenase functions with the en-
expected from the demonstration of iron as well zyme from glucose-grown C. fusca only in the
as molybdenum in the nitrate reductase from presence of carbon dioxide (329). Neither
the bacterium M. denitrificans (85) 5Fe (pro- NADH nor NADPH serves as electron donor,

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vided as ferrous ion) is also incorporated into although reduced viologen dyes can be substi-
nitrate reductase by A. braunii (397). tuted for ferredoxin (394). Nitrite reductase
After stimulation to full activity by oxidizing appears to be much less complex than nitrate
agents, the activity of nitrate reductase in reductase. A molecular weight of 63,000 has
cell-free extracts of C. fusca is competitively been estimated for the enzyme from C. fusca
inhibited by a variety of anions (azide, cyanate, (394), whereas that from D. teriolecta is approx-
thiocyanate, and nitrite) as well as chlorate and imately 70,000 (106).
oxidized cytochrome c. KCN inhibits activity,
and both KCN and hydroxylamine slowly inac- DISSIMILATORY REDUCTION BY BAC-
tivate the enzyme. Inactivation is then slowly TERIA
reversed by incubation with nitrate. In high
concentrations, pyridoxal phosphate inhibits Distribution Among Various Species
both the nitrate and cytochrome c-reducing Respiratory Reduction to Nitrite. The
capacity of the complex enzyme (314). mean energy yield for the transfer of a molar
Ferredoxin-dependent nitrite reductase. equivalent of electron from an organic com-
Uptake and reduction of nitrite are also directly pound to oxygen is 26.5 kcal (250). Calculations
related in algae to the rates of photosynthesis based on data presented by McCarty (203)
and carbon dioxide fixation. Decreasing the rate further indicate that the mean yield for the
of carbon dioxide assimilation by either restrict- transfer of an equivalent of electron from an
ing the quantity of the gas provided or inhibit- organic compound (i) to nitrate is approxi-
ing with iodoacetamide the rate of reduction of mately 18 kcal, (ii) to sulfate, 3.4 kcal, and (iii)
carbon dioxide concurrently decreases the rate to carbon dioxide, 2.4 kcal. Considering that
of reduction by whole cells of C. fusca (336). The these are the major inorganic oxidants support-
rate of induction of nitrite reductase is directly ing respiration in bacteria, it is thus consistent
linked to the stepwise deoxyribonucleic acid that the number and variety of the nitrate
(DNA) synthesis in the light in synchronously reducers should be greater and more diverse
dividing C. fusca cells. Exposure to actinomycin than the sulfate and carbon dioxide reducers. It
D reveals a close relationship between the rates is true as well that a greater number of bacterial
of inducibility of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and species capable of dissimilatory than assimila-
nitrite reductase syntheses. This is interpreted tory nitrate reduction exist, but explanations
as indicating that the gene for nitrite reductase for this are not so obvious. Survey of the
is accessible for transcription, and the messen- taxonomic descriptions in Bergey's Manual (24)
ger RNA coded for nitrite reductase is produced for notation of the ability of bacteria to produce
only when DNA is replicating (169). Production "nitrites from nitrate" reveals the property in
of the enzyme is minimal in cells growing certain species in the genera listed in Table 2. A
synchronously in the dark. For reasons not yet few of these may actually be denitrifiers in
apparent, nitrite reductase activity is stimu- which further reduction has not been recog-
lated independently of any photosynthetic ef- nized. There appear to be no correlations upon
fect by short wavelength (465 nm) light (335, which taxa may be established between capac-
337). ity for nitrate respiration and the specific path-
Molybdenum is not a component of nitrite way of attack on carbohydrates utilized by
reductase and, as anticipated, the presence of various bacteria (171). Actually, the value of
tungstate does not affect nitrite nitrogen incor- determining nitrate respiration as a general
poration (27, 370). But, the supply of iron in the taxonomic criterion does not appear great, al-
culture medium influences the synthesis of though it may be useful in restricted instances.
nitrite reductase in C. fusca more than the Chamroux (33) notes that capacity for nitrate
TABLE 2. Genera of chemosynthetic bacteria containing species reported to reduce nitrate dissimilatively and
to denitrify
Nitrate respiring Denitrifying
(NO3- - NO,-) (NO3- - NO2- - NO- NO -N)
Achromobacter (24) Haemophilus (308) Achromobacter (140)
Actinobacillus (24) Halobacterium (24) Alcaligenesa (200)
Aeromonas (24) Leptothrix (24) Bacillus (69, 377)
Agarbacterium (24) Micrococcus (24) Chromobacterium (24)
Agrobacterium (24) Micromonospora (24) Corynebacteriumb (285)
Alginomonas (24) Mycobacterium (92, 175, 280) Halobacterium (24)
Arizona (263) Nocardia (24) Hyphomicrobium (322)
Arthrobacter (24) Pasteurella (24) Micrococcus (255, 262)

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Bacillus (239, 302) Propionibacterium (24) Moraxella (131)
Beneckea (24) Proteus (56) Nitrosomonas" (133, 390) (Not known if
Brevibacterium (24) Providencia (263) observed nitrite reduction to nitric
Cellulomonas (24) Pseudomonas (24) oxide and nitrous oxide serves respi-
Chromobacterium (24) Rettgerella (83) ratory function)
Citrobacter (263) Rhizobium (53) Propionibacterium (24)
Corynebacterium (153) Salmonella (332) Pseudomonas" (82,110,268)
Cytophaga (24) Sarcina (24) Spirillum (379)
Enterobacter Selenomonas (24) Thiobacillus (1, 137)
(Aerobacter or Klebsiella) Serratia (239) Xanthomonas (379)
(265,334,369) Shigella (263)
Enwinia (24) Spirillum (38)
Escherichia (305) Staphylococcus (174, 391)
Eubacterium (24) Streptomyces (176)
Flavobacterium (24) Vibrio (24)
Xanthomonas (24)
aOne species reduces nitrite to nitrogen but does not reduce nitrate (34).
° Certain species and strains yield nitrous oxide as a terminal product of reduction.

respiration does not set marine bacteria apart as and unexpectedly reveals that one of several
a distinct group. She finds representative ni- other species thought to lack the ability can
trate reducers spread through all of the five reduce nitrate when provided with the appropri-
groups of marine isolates established in her ate electron donor. Thus, Mycobacterium
studies by their requirements for and tolerance scrofulaceum is found to reduce nitrate in
of the inorganic ions in sea water. Possession of cultures containing lactic acid as electron do-
the property was assayed in recent, long-term, nor, but not in media without it (20). Although
collaborative efforts to bring order to the taxo- nitrate reduction is determined conventionally
nomic disarray of the Actinomycetales (304), in broth tube assays, use of paper strips impreg-
but disagreement on interpretation of results by nated with nitrite-detecting reagent is a recent
a number of the collaborators resulted in its innovation for screening mycobacterial isolates
rejection as a differential criterion. Within that for classification. Their stability, simplicity of
group of workers, those who employ numerical use, and rapidity of response recommend the
taxonomy (176) do find some value in assays for test strips for wider employment (280).
nitrate reduction in the differentiation of spe- Association of nitrate reductase with other
cies in the genus Streptomyces, however. physiological phenomena has been noted in
Assays for nitrate respiration are most effec- mycobacteria. Lysogeny in several strains of
tively used in clinical laboratory microbiology, Mycobacterium smegmatis is accompanied by a
particularly for differentiating Mycobacterium decrease in the capacity for amidase, nitrate
tuberculosis from closely related species (24). reductase, and arylsulfatase production (92,
Corynebacterium species may also be differenti- 146). In addition, only the smooth-colony pro-
ated in some degree by production of nitrate ducers among both Mycobacterium fortuitum
reductase (153). Technical improvements have strains produce nitrate reductase, whereas both
recently been introduced into the assay proce- smooth and rough colony producers in the group
dures employed. For example, addition of short- III nonphotochromogenic isolates produce the
chained fatty and related organic acids to enzyme (175). Loss of the capacity for nitrate
nitrate-containing culture media increases the reduction by the rough-colony producing M.
nitrate reductase activity of M. tuberculosis fortuitum strains is correlated with, and may
result from, lysogeny. The practical value of parent strains' slight but constitutive capacity
this observation lies, however, in the indication for reduction of ferric iron. The presence of
that colonies should be isolated fro.m popula- nitrate does not diminish the capacity of the
tions with low or variable nitrate reductase mutants to reduce that small quantity of ferric
activity and assayed individually as an aid to ion, using what is considered to be a second,
diagnosis of the identity of M. fortuitum iso- but yet unspecified, mechanism.
lates. The compound which joins with sulfanilic
According to B6nicke and Kazda (21), assays acid to comprise the active components of the
for nitrite reduction in media containing a nitrite assay reagent, a-naphthylamine, is car-
variety of sugars are also valuable. The rapidly cinogenic. This prompted Parrakova, Mayer,
growing Mycobacterium species differ in their and Janouskova (243) to test a noncarcinogenic
ability to utilize 17 representative carbohy- compound, 1-naphthylamine 7-sulfonic acid or

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drates, which suggests the identification of Cleves acid, as a substitute, as suggested by
species of this group may be aided by use of this Crosby (52). The substitute reagent is report-
carbohydrate-nitrite reductase test. edly as effective as, or superior to, a-naphthyla-
Among several enzymes produced by wild- mine for the assay of nitrate reductase in several
type, oxytetracycline-sensitive Staphylococcus species in Enterobacteriaceae.
aureus isolates, nitrate reductase and lactate Denitrification. Bacterial isolates reported
dehydrogenase isoenzymes, whose activity is to be members of the genera listed in Table 2
resistant to inhibition by oxytetracycline, are are known to release nitrogen (or nitrous oxide)
the ones that arise and persist in emergent by respiratory nitrate reduction (81, 131, 225,
oxytetracycline-resistant strains. In contrast, 323, 343, 354, 393). The property fits poorly with
malate dehydrogenase and tellurite reductase other physiological aspects of certain of these
are not discerned in the resistant strains (174). (e.g., the bacilli), and Verhoeven (377) thus
Because all four are presumably membrane- suggests a new genus, Denitrobacillus, to ac-
associated enzymes, location in the cells does commodate the species he considers unique,
not appear to be a governing factor in this Bacillus licheniformis.
association of isoenzyme production and devel- Over several decades, a few denitrifying
opment of resistance. In work with bacteria Pseudomonas species were isolated in routine
other than mycobacteria, tests with paper strips surveys of soils, freshwater, salt marsh mud,
impregnated with nitrite-detection reagent also and seawater, but recently a different type of
compare quite favorably for precision with the searching prompted by practical considerations
conventional tube assays. Greater rapidity of has been conducted. Denitrifiers thought to
use thus recommends the strip tests for pre- have a significant metabolic influence in vari-
sumptively distinguishing between the reduc- ous aquatic environments have thus been ob-
tive S. aureus and nonreductive Gaffkya species tained. From activated sludge, for example, von
and between the reductive members of the Mechsner and Wuhrmann (379) obtained deni-
Enterobacteriaceae and nonreductive gram- trifying bacteria believed to be Spirillum, Pseu-
negative isolates such as Herella and Mima domonas, and Xanthomonas species and noted
species (391). variance among them in their response to oxy-
The hypothesis that nitrate reductase may gen. Some require anoxia for the initiation and
reduce ferric ion has recently been advanced. continuation of denitrification; others are more
Consistent with this notion is the direct correla- tolerant of limited quantities of oxygen. One
tion between the upsurge in ability to reduce spiraled bacterium continues denitrifying at an
ferric ion and the onset of chlorate-induced oxygen tension as high as 153 mm. As might be
production of respiratory nitrate reductase in E. anticipated (36, 54, 98, 204, 253, 254, 275),
aerogenes, E. coli, Serratia marcescens, Bacil- nitrite accumulates transiently early in the
lus cereus, Bacillus polymyxa, and denitrifying period of several of the isolates.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Moreover, Bacillus Interest in eliminating nitrate from sewage
pumilis and Bacillus sphaericus, which do not prompted a search for the specific bacteria that
reduce nitrate, reduce very little iron and are release nitrogen at the expense of methanol
not stimulated to reduce more by prior incuba- the simplest, most easily manageable organic
tion with nitrate (239). The simultaneous pres- source of electrons that can be used for this
ence of nitrate and iron decreases the quantity purpose (its metabolic products are cells, car-
of iron reduced (possibly by competition) dur- bon dioxide, and water). Surprisingly, anaero-
ing growth of the chlorate-inducible bacteria. bic enrichment cultures supplied with methanol
Nitrate reductase-less mutants derived from and nitrate yield pure cultures of a filamentous,
the active species retain only a function of the budding Hyphomicrobium species that stoichi-
ometrically releases nitrogen from nitrate or trate by anoxia alone; but in the presence of
nitrite and carbon dioxide from methanol (322). nitrate, synthesis is initiated when oxygen ten-
A recently isolated Pseudomonas species has sion is significantly lowered even before anoxia
the capacity to utilize benzoate and several is reached (305). In mutants selected for elec-
other ring compounds as electron donors for tron-transport lesions, nitrate reductase is pro-
anaerobic denitrifying growth (352, 353). This is duced in the presence of oxygen (307). It is
unexpected because oxygenation is presumably suggested, therefore, that oxygen functioning as
required for metabolic cleavage of the ring electron acceptor is the repressing agent rather
structure. Finally, an unidentified gram-nega- than oxygen per se. Under anaerobiosis, the
tive bacterium quite like Moraxella kingii is presence of nitrate induces a greatly increased
isolated on occasion from pharyngeal and uri- production of nitrate reductase in wild types.
nary sources on media selective for Neisseria. When functional, the enzyme is membrane
The capacity of this isolate for denitrification bound, but appears first to be synthesized in

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sharply distinguishes it from other related bac- soluble form, then incorporated into the mem-
teria (131). brane (305). Quantity of nitrate reductase
formed is directly related to rate of growth. This
Nitrate Reductase is demonstrated particularly well by exposure to
cysteine of cells growing by nitrate respiration
Oxygen Availability and Other Physiolog- in minimal medium, which slows both growth
gical Influences on Synthesis and Activity. and the production of membrane-located en-
Despite general acceptance of dissimilatory ni- zyme simultaneously (10). Cysteine does not
trate reduction as an anaerobic alternative to diminish the activity of nitrate reductase once it
oxygen-linked respiration, there was for many is formed.
years no general agreement on the physiological During anaerobic, nitrate-reducing growth of
locus of sensitivity to oxygen nor the degree of E. coli Hfr H(thi-) in glucose-thiamine minimal
sensitivity at the locus. In 1955, a simple but medium, the addition of molybdate stimulates
telling experiment by Collins (44) revealed that, synthesis of nitrate reductase. Addition of sele-
even in presumably aerated cultures, the ability nite along with molybdate is then necessary for
of P. aeruginosa to gain the capacity for nitrate the synthesis of formate dehydrogenase that
respiration was directly related to the shape of serves as electron donor for nitrate reduction.
the culture flask employed. Growth in shaken These metals are not required for synthesis of
flasks with gradually more confining structures other, related enzymes (74, 183).
yielded cells that approached the control (cells Although nitrate respiration proceeds at the
respiring nitrate anaerobically) in nitrate- expense of a number of different electron trans-
reducing ability. Nitrate reduction is then di- port phenomena in E. coli, it still shares one
rectly proportional to the ability of the flasks for similarity with oxygen respiration. Catabolite
limiting aeration of their contents when shaken. repression of 0-galactosidase synthesis is ex-
E. aerogenes. It is now known that oxygen erted by sugars and polyols in growing cells
inhibits onset of the synthesis in E. aerogenes of respiring in either manner, but not in cells
the nitrate respiratory system. In anaerobic growing fermentatively (60). Earlier attempts to
cultures containing nitrate, chloramphenicol demonstrate a possible organic nitrate deriva-
and fluorophenylalanine also inhibit synthesis tive as the entity actually reduced by nitrate
of nitrate reductase. Once formed, nitrate re- reductase were not successful (225), and since
ductase in whole cells is not inactivated by then little attention has been given this possi-
aeration or exposure to chloramphenicol, how- bility. It is known, however, that pyridine
ever (256, 265, 266). The suppressive influence I-oxide reductase from E. coli is distinct from
of oxygen on biosynthesis of enzymes that nitrate or nitrite reductase (160).
contribute to this type of respiration is, of Bacillus species. Nitrogen-depleted Bacillus
course, not surprising. It is, in fact, generalized stearothermophilus cells synthesize nitrate re-
and not limited to affecting nitrate respiration. ductase more rapidly when transferred to anae-
In E. aerogenes and a number of other bacteria robic, nitrate-containing media than do fully
(57, 58, 86, 150) oxygen represses the biosynthe- nourished cells that are grown aerobically be-
sis of several other alternative systems as well fore transfer. No nitrate reductase is formed by
(e.g., reductases for nitrite, nitrous oxide, tet- either type of cell in the absence of nitrate (69),
rathionate, thiosulfate, fumarate and acetoin, which is consistent with the finding that the
and hydrogenase activity). ability of this organism to initiate nitrate respi-
E. coli. In strain K-12, biosynthesis of nitrate ration depends on selection of mutants from the
reductase is derepressed in the absence of ni- inoculum population (68). The quantity of ni-
trate reductase that is produced is directly rate, perchlorate (119), and xanthine oxidase
related to the concentration of nitrate and (120) competitively inhibit nitrate reductase in
inversely related to the quantity of oxygen in extracts of this Bacillus. Iodate is a noncompeti-
the cultures (63). In this obligately respiratory, tive inhibitor.
nonfermentative species, as in other bacteria, Proteus mirabilis. As in several other bacte-
a-type cytochrome is expendable during nitrate ria, nitrate reductase synthesis in P. mirabilis is
respiration. Nondividing cells produce in- derepressed by anoxia when vigorously aerated
creased amounts of c-type cytochrome under cultures in a minimal salts-glucose medium
anaerobiosis, whereas their a-type cytochrome lacking nitrate are shifted to anaerobiosis by
contents remain unchanged. When nitrate is sparging with nitrogen. Greater quantities of
provided under anaerobiosis, however, a greater the enzyme are formed when nitrate or nitrite is
increase in cytochrome c occurs and is accom- provided during anaerobiosis, however (56).

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panied by a dramatic diminution in the concen- Despite its inhibition of activity, the presence of
tration of a-type cytochrome in the bacilli (67). azide during anaerobic growth of P. mirabilis in
Nitrate-reducing cells retain 30 to 40% of their the absence of nitrate stimulates production of
capacity for aerobic respiration and rapidly the enzyme more than 40-fold over that ob-
regain full aerobic capacity when aerated. Even tained without azide. Synthesis of cytochrome
if amino acids are provided as possible mainte- b,,,, which is implicated in nitrate reduction, is
nance material, aeration results in the rapid also stimulated by anaerobic growth in the
destruction of nitrate reductase (68). presence of azide. Production of formic hydro-
Different responses are seen in a Bacillus genlyase is repressed by azide, and the activity
species that can grow anaerobically by either of the enzyme is inhibited as well. Nevertheless,
fermentation or respiration. B. licheniformis formate can still serve as electron donor because
cells lyse when shifted to anaerobic incubation a system containing a formate dehydrogenase
in nitrate-containing nutrient broth unless a linked to nitrate reduction is synthesized in the
period of weak aeration intervenes (302). The presence of azide (56). In a mutant strain that is
presence of glucose or organic acids protects resistant to chlorate, but still able to form a low
against this lysis. During the period of weak level of nitrate reductase, anaerobic growth in
aeration nitrate reductase appears in the cells the presence of nitrate represses synthesis of
and greatly increases with the onset of anaerobi- formate dehydrogenase, formic hydrogenlyase,
osis. Unexpectedly, under anaerobiosis, synthe- formate oxidase, cytochrome b563.5, and cyto-
sis of nitrate reductase proceeds at an identical chrome a. in addition to thiosulfate and tetra-
rate whether or not nitrate is present. The thionate reductases. Rather than the nitrate ion,
enzyme is not degraded as rapidly upon return a nitrate reductase system functioning at a de-
of the cells to aeration as is the nitrate reductase tectable level is thus suggested as the agent
of B. stearothermophilus. Disappearance of a- affecting this type of repression, for azide re-
type cytochrome from fermentatively growing verses nitrate's repressive influence (57, 58).
B. licheniformis that are synthesizing but not The influence of azide during growth needs
using nitrate reductase seems consistent with careful interpretation in light of its dual role as
the following hypothesis: in those bacteria that inducer of nitrate reductase and inhibitor of
possess the capacity for both fermentative and electron transport.
respiratory alternatives to oxygen-consuming Syntheses of a number of anaerobic electron
respiration, the disappearance of a-type cyto- transport phenomena are interrelated in this
chromes is a consequence of anaerobiosis and bacterium, as in other members of the En-
not of any particular mechanism of anaerobic terobacteriaceae. In the hierarchy of controls
respiration. Disappearance of the a-type cyto- that regulate the various respiratory systems in
chromes would then constitute a corollary P. mirabilis, oxygen dominates by repressing
rather than a specific consequence of nitrate the synthesis and inhibiting the activity of all.
respiration. Nitrate appears next in the order of dominance,
Azide and several other monovalent anions for either its presence or the enzyme it induces
are inducers of nitrate and nitrite reductase represses formation of thiosulfate and tetra-
production in B. cereus even though several are thionate reductases, and it inactivates thiosul-
inhibitors of electron flow. Biochemically, the fate reductase as well (55, 58).
nitrate reductase from B. cereus lacks specific- Haemophilus parainfluenzae. A dominant
ity for nitrate and reduces a variety of monova- position for oxygen over nitrate reduction, and
lent anions (e.g., bromate, perchlorate, and for nitrate reduction over other anaerobic respi-
chlorate [117, 118]). Thiocyanate, bromate, ratory pathways, is seen in H. parainfluenzae as
cyanate, selenocyanate, azide, perrhenate, chlo- well as in the members of the Enterobac-
teriaceae previously mentioned. Nitrate reduc- elevated synthesis of the dissimilatory reduc-
tase synthesis occurs in cultures incubated in tase). Extraction results in loss of capacity for
either the presence or absence of nitrate when nitrate reduction by the membranes. Addition
the quantity of oxygen is lowered to approxi- of ubiquinone-6, -8 or -10 then restores 60% of
mately 100 AM (308). Synthesis of a high the original NADH-dependent activity, whereas
concentration of c-type cytochrome and disap- addition of menaquinone does not (168).
pearance of cytochrome a2 accompany produc- The quinone cofactors are tightly membrane
tion of a functional nitrate reductase system. bound in E. aerogenes and remain so even when
Reductases 'for fumarate, pyruvate, and sub- the quinone structure is damaged. This is made
strate quantities of NAD are then formed only obvious by the simultaneous loss of nitrate
when the oxygen tension reaches 15 uM. As reductase activity and inactivation of the en-
expected, chloramphenicol inhibits synthesis of dogenous quinone that results from the irradia-

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the several systems that substitute for oxygen- tion at 354 nm of membranes held at 4 C, for the
linked respiration in this bacterium, as in many addition of ubiquinones does not restore capac-
others. ity for nitrate reduction unless the remnants of
But, such is not the case in all bacteria. the radiation-damaged quinone are removed.
Although chloramphenicol inhibits incorpora- Pentane is employed for the extraction. Only
tion of "C-labeled arginine into protein, the then is ubiquinone-8 reincorporated into the
antibiotic does not inhibit (and in fact, stimu- membranes, where it restores 25% of the original
lates) synthesis of nitrate reductase in S. aureus nitrate reductase activity (167). In contrast,
(283). This observation is difficult to explain in 90% of NADH oxidase activity lost concurrently
view of the well-established capacity of chlor- as a consequence of irradiation of the mem-
amphenicol for inhibition of the synthesis of branes is restored by these procedures. It is thus
protein generally, and nitrate reductase specifi- possible that irradiation at 354 nm also dam-
cally, in other bacteria (256, 265). ages the nitrate reductase protein as well as
Characteristics of the Enzyme. Location, destroying the quinone.
assembly, and electron transport. With one Growth under nitrate-respiring conditions
exception (91), dissimilatory nitrate reductases commits E. coli to diminished use of the tricar-
are reported to be particle bound. Initial events boxylic acid cycle. Succinic dehydrogenase and
in the electron transport that results in nitrate fumarase are not produced (347). Instead, the
reduction make use of pyridine nucleotides, bacteria rely on glucose-generated NADH and
flavines, and quinones; but when oxygen is in formate (or its precursors, lactate or pyruvate)
short supply, a branch from the oxygen-ter- as contributors to electron transport (43). A
minated electron-transport chain occurs at the cytochrome c552 is produced in quantity by E.
cytochrome b level (63, 138, 163, 224-226, 295, coli and Escherichia aurescens (108), and when
305, 367). Different c-type cytochromes are pro- reduced it can be oxidized by nitrate. There was
duced and used to transport electrons that until recently (42) some question of its physio-
reduce nitrate rather than oxygen. NAD and logical significance. The bacteria form signifi-
FAD or FMN were revealed as cofactors for the cant amounts of cytochrome c552 in anaerobic
electron transport leading up to the reduction of media containing little nitrate, but production
nitrate in several early studies, whereas qui- of b-type cytochrome known to be necessary
nones have only more recently been shown to be requires greater quantities of nitrate (387).
components of the nitrate-reducing electron Association of cytochrome c552 with nitrite
transport chains. An endogenous naphthoqui- rather than nitrate reduction has been demon-
none isolated from B. stearothermophilus stim- strated, and syntheses of the nitrite reductase
ulates nitrate reduction when added back to and cytochrome c,,, are simultaneously affected
extracts of that organism (62). In addition, in nirA mutants of E. coli K-12 (42). Catabolic
several S. aureus menaquinone-deficient mu- products of glucose fermentation differ from
tants lack the nitrate-reducing capacity that is those formed during nitrate respiration by E.
seen in wild-type strains (299); and in extracts aerogenes. Hydrogen is not produced during
of an unnamed extreme halophile, nitrate re- nitrate respiration, and ethanol and formate
ducing activity is destroyed by irradiation at production decreases. Carbon dioxide and ace-
360 nm and restored by addition of either tate production increases, whereas pyruvate
vitamin K1 or menaquinone-8 (197). Ubiqui- (which is not a fermentation product) is formed
none-8 is extractable from lyophilized mem- during nitrate respiration (86). Hydrogenase,
branes of E. aerogenes cells that are grown formic hydrogenlyase and a-type cytochromes
anaerobically on minimal media containing are not involved in the metabolism of these
ammonia (to repress assimilatory nitrate reduc- nitrate respirers.
tase formation) and nitrate (to induce the It is consistent to find, therefore, that a
formate dehydrogenase specifically linked to nitrate reductase must be released from mem-
nitrate reduction and distinct from the formate branes, surfactants are useful. Deoxycholate
dehydrogenase associated with the formic dehy- (DOC) is superior to other detergents or salt
drogenlyase system operates in E. coli K-12 solutions tested for solubilization of nitrate
(295) as well as P. mirabilis (56). Furthermore, reductase from E. aerogenes (368). The enzyme
two specific and distinct types of cytochrome b, released for investigation exists as an apparent
that are reducible by formate and oxidizable by dimer (molecular weight, 400,000; sedimenta-
nitrate are functional in membrane preparations tion value, 13.9S) convertible to a monomer
from this bacterium. n-Heptylhydroxyquino- (molecular weight, 200,000; sedimentation
line-N-oxide inhibits nitrate oxidation of the value, 8.5S) by DOC and nonionic detergents.
reduced forms of these cytochromes. The inter- DOC is not effective for solubilizing nitrate
reductase from B. stearothermophilus. Treat-

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dependence of the enzymes in this nitrate-
reducing system is revealed when extracts of ment with Triton-114 does release 80 to 90% of
membranes of two mutants lacking formate the nitrate reductase activity from membranes
dehydrogenase and cytochrome b1-nitrate re- of lysozyme-treated B. stearothermophilus
ductase, respectively, are mixed. Neither alone (163), however. Triton X-100 is effective as well,
supports formate-linked nitrate reduction. But, and both release the reductase that functions
when mixed together and incubated anaerobi- preferentially with a reduced b-type cyto-
cally at 37 C (378), the combination restores the chrome. Treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate
capacity for formate-linked nitrate reduction. solubilizes membranes and disrupts the flow of
Incubation of the mixture in the cold suppresses electrons from NADH to nitrate that is me-
this complementation. E. aurescens also pro- diated by enzymes in the membranes of this
duces cytochrome b1 and synthesizes only the thermophilic bacillus (164), but the disruption
nitrate-linked formate dehydrogenase when is reversible. Dilution and incubation of the
grown anaerobically with nitrate (378). soluble material with divalent cations, espe-
An unanticipated case of nitrate reductase cially Mg2+, permit reaggregation of proteins
formation has been observed in studies of the and restoration of catalyzed electron flow from
influences of oxygen and heme precursors on NADH to nitrate. Both b- and c-type cyto-
cytochrome synthesis in S. itersonii where sig- chromes are present in both the original mem-
nificant increases in production of both b- and branes and the reaggregated fraction. KCN and
c-type cytochromes occur at low aeration rates azide inhibit NADH-dependent reduction of
without concomitant increases in oxygen respi- nitrate in these preparations.
ration rates (38). Twice as much c- as b-type is Schematically and in composite, the electron
produced, and chloramphenicol inhibits synthe- transport resulting in dissimilatory nitrate re-
sis of the cytochromes. Assays then reveal that duction in several bacteria appears to function
nitrate reductase is formed in cultures that are as follows:
A second
b-type c-type
Organic substrate cytochrome - cytochrome
NAD - Flavine -Quinone Cytoclshrome b -_ [Mo(V) Fe3+ S21] _ NO,-

incubated at low aeration with or without Pichinoty's type A reductase. Studies that
nitrate (91), but the content of a soluble c-type distinguish' nitrate reductases A and B (255)
cytochrome is greater in the cells harvested have proved useful but, as previously men-
from the nitrate-containing medium. The pres- tioned, leave several questions unanswered. A
ence of nitrite also induces production of greater number of the properties of the two types of
quantities of both nitrate reductase and the enzymes are clear and distinct, and the signifi-
c-type cytochrome. Like the c-type cytochrome, cance of the production of each is obvious.
the nitrate reductase from this organism is Other properties are not well defined, however,
soluble in extracts of sonicated cells. This is the and the significance of the type of enzyme
only report of a soluble respiratory nitrate produced is not certain. We know, for example,
reductase in a mature system and may indicate that enzyme type A from many bacteria is a
unusual fragility of the spirillar membrane membrane-located, respiratory catalyst capable
rather than nonmembrane location of nitrate of reducing chlorate and bromate as well as
reductase. nitrate (but not iodate). In contrast, enzyme B
For the study of those many bacteria whose does not reduce chlorate but is, in fact, inhib-
ited by it. Enzyme A from E. aerogenes and M. species that grows anaerobically at the expense
denitrificans oxidizes NADH but not NADPH of nitrate nitrogen in the presence of chlorate is
anaerobically. This activity is removed by DOC assumed without testing to form only enzyme B
or by incubation at 55 C for 4 min and is on the grounds that bacteria that produce
replaceable by FMNH2 or reduced viologen enzyme A reduce chlorate to toxic chlorite and
dyes (258). thus cannot grow in its presence.
The activity of enzyme A is sensitive to as Despite the emergence of no clear pattern of
little as 1 mM azide, whereas the activities of distinction between genera or species that pro-
enzyme B and a separate chlorate-reducing duce one or the other enzyme, there are a
enzyme C, unrelated to nitrate reductase, are number of dependable and helpful observa-
much less sensitive to azide. Azide is a competi- tions. It is clear that enzyme A serves a respira-
tive and reversible inhibitor of enzyme A activ- tory function in every bacterium that produces

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ity, whereas inhibition by cyanide is not com- it. It is consistent, then, that the nitrate reduc-
petitive and is only partially reversible. The tase of all denitrifiers tested is type A. Enzyme
affinity of enzyme A for nitrate is greater than B obviously carries out an assimilatory function
that exhibited by B (257, 269). Manometric in several bacterial species that form B con-
assay for the consumption of hydrogen during stitutively or grow aerobically with nitrate as
reduction of chlorate or nitrate in systems sole nitrogen source. But, several species that do
containing hydrogenase and viologen dyes is not produce enzyme B nonetheless assimilate
used to determine enzyme activity of both nitrate nitrogen. Moreover, in a number of
enzymes A and B, although a colorimetric species, production of enzyme B is repressed by
method for the determination of nitrite produc- oxygen. This has been taken as an indication
tion by enzyme A is recommended as well (268). that enzyme B may have a respiratory role in
In a number of enteric bacteria, azide and these bacteria, but follow-up assays for possible
nitrite (37) serve as inducers of enzyme A assimilation of labeled nitrite generated by such
synthesis, but azide does not induce synthesis of an enzyme or esterification of phosphate accom-
enzyme B. panying the action of a B-type enzyme have not
When a broad spectrum of nitrate-reducing been carried out. It is also possible that enzyme
bacteria is assayed for these enzyme types, few B is produced by more species than currently is
clear inter- or intrageneric distinctions are realized. Assay of enzyme B in the presence of a
made apparent. Several members of the En- large quantity of enzyme A is difficult, and for
terobacteriaceae produce enzyme A only, but this reason enzyme B activity may be over-
the family cannot be characterized exclusively looked.
as producers of enzyme A. Other members It seems likely that the best prospect for
produce enzyme B and not A, and some produce progress toward clarification lies with intensive
both (263). Included among those that form A biochemical studies of purified enzymes. En-
only are E. coli, representatives of the Alkales- zyme A released from M. denitrificans particles
cens-Dispar group, and members of the genera by alkali-acetone treatment has been purified
Arizona, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Proteus, 50-fold to 95% homogeneity by gel filtration and
Providencia, Salmonella, Serratia, and Shigel- column chromatography (84). Molecular weight
la. In contrast, Edwardsiella and Hafnia species is estimated at 160,000, and no flavine is associ-
produce only enzyme B (except for one Hafnia ated with the isolated prptein, but FMNH2 and
strain that forms both A and B). The FADH2 will serve as electron donor. This distin-
Providencia species present interesting con- guishes enzyme A from fungal assimilatory
trasts. Seventeen P. alcalifaciens strains all nitrate reductase which is a molybdoflavo-
produce enzyme B but not A. In contrast, 11 of protein (64). Reduced viologen dyes and free
13 P. stuartii strains produce A but not B, one FADH2 and FMNH2 serve as electron donors for
produces B but not A, and one produces both. nitrate reduction by purified enzyme A; NADH
Among the pseudomonads assayed, Aeromonas and NADPH do not. The protein is rich in
species produce enzyme B only. Several species aspartate and glutamate but poor in cysteine.
of Pseudomonas form enzyme A, others B, and a Several investigations recently carried out
few both. Thiobacillus denitrificans and Mi- provide insights into the function of metals in
crococcus halodenitrificans (262) synthesize en- nitrate reductase A which contains molyb-
zyme A, Yersinia species enzyme B, and M. denum, as previously suggested in 1961 by work
denitrificans enzyme A and B. In the genus with a cruder preparation (82) and nonheme
Bacillus, enzyme A predominates with 21 iron. EPR measurements at 80 K reveal Mo(V)
strains representing 10 species producing en- in the purified enzyme; and at 15 K, Fe(III) is
zyme A. But, even in this genus, one strain in observed in enzyme A from M. denitrificans
each of two species forms B and no A. A Vibrio (85). Reaction with nitrate, nitrite, or azide
alters the Mo(V) signal. Reduction of enzyme A and that for biotin synthesis (bio) on the E. coli
either chemically with dithionate or enzymati- genome (278, 351). But the high frequency of
cally with hydrogenase and molecular hydrogen mutation indicates polygenic control, as evi-
results in disappearance of the molybdenum denced by the three sites that occur in E.
and iron signals. Electron flow apparently pro- aerogenes (334). In E. coli four sites are now
ceeds from b-type to c-type cytochrome, from mapped (279); chlA near bio, chlB between the
there to Mo(V), on to Fe(III), and thence to genes for isoleucine-valine synthesis (ilv) and
nitrate. Similar studies with purified prepara- one of the loci controlling methionine synthesis
tions of both an oxygen-sensitive and oxygen- (metE), chlD between gal and the gene control-
insensitive enzyme B would be useful now to ling production of the attachment site for phage
provide the bases for comparing the two func- X(attX), and chlE between chlA and purine
tional types of enzyme, A and B. synthesis gene (purB) some distance away. The

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Genetic Studies. The observation that sev- few ChlR isolates (1%) that retain formic hydro-
eral bacterial species incubated in the presence genlyase are designated C, and chlC maps near
of perchlorate lose the ability to reduce nitrate the tryptophan-synthesis gene (trp) between
(121) led several investigators to search for purB and the gene for the synthesis of the
mutants with altered nitrate respiration. Their attachment site for phage 080 (attO8O). The
studies revealed that, when grown anaerobi- genetic determinant for nitrate reductase trans-
cally, a variety of enzyme A-producing enteric duced by phage PLT22 among Salmonella
bacteria can reduce chlorate to chlorite in toxic typhimurium mutants and wild-type controls
quantity. Possession of the capacity for produc- tetrathionate reductase, formate hydrogenly-
ing enzyme A therefore prevents their growth ase, and formate dehydrogenase as well (208).
under anaerobic conditions in the presence of Following exposure to a mutagen, the method
chlorate (11, 270, 272, 330). The chlorate-resist- of mutant selection employed influences the
ant mutants (ChlR) of E. coli and other mem- complementation groups derived from popula-
bers of the Enterobacteriaceae thus lack nitrate tions. For example, nearly 50% of the ni-
reductase A; and in the overwhelming number trosoguanidine-mutated E. coli strains selected
of isolates, chlorate reductase C and formic for inability to link nitrate reduction to formate
hydrogenlyase are missing as well. Many reveal oxidation are in the chlC class as opposed to 1%
pleiotrophic effects by the simultaneous loss of of those selected for ChlR (96, 350). The mu-
enzyme B, assimilatory nitrite reductase, tet- tants chosen in this new fashion exhibit two new
rathionate reductase, and thiosulfate reductase chl loci (F that maps near trp and chlC, and G
(272). This simultaneous loss of several proper- near 0 min).
ties is reflected by disappearance of a large The physiological consequences of the func-
protein fraction from sedimentation profiles of tioning of chl genes are quite varied. The gene
E. coli membrane particles (11). Mutant strains product of chlB is necessary for production of
of E. coli K-12 and certain of the E. aerogenes the particle lost from the sedimentation profiles
mutants lack formate dehydrogenases as well; of membranes from mutant cells (32), and
but, in general, cytochrome components, hy- transduction of chlA into polygenic mutants
drogenase, and fumarate reductase remain restores to them the capacity for synthesizing
unaffected in ChlR strains (264, 331, 333, 373). several proteins in the particles (293). Mixture
E. coli K-12 mutants showed close association of extracts from chlA, B, and C grown sepa-
between levels of formate dehydrogenase, ni- rately with nitrate provides the enzymes neces-
trate reductase, and cytochrome b,. These mu- sary for nitrate reduction at the expense of
tants reverted to wild type with a return of reduced viologen dyes (277). In vitro com-
wild-type level for each of these (296). Revert- plementation is reportedly carried out with a
ants are discernible by the return of measurable mixture of cell-free extracts from chlA and chlB
capacity for anaerobic reduction of nitrate or mutants yielding soluble enzyme that reduces
chlorate in facultative bacteria, use of nitrate as nitrate and chlorate at the expense of reduced
sole nitrogen source in strictly aerobic bacteria, viologen dye or reduced flavines. The enzymes
and liberation of nitrogen from nitrate in bacte- are said to become particulate in time by
ria capable of denitrification (271). aggregation with phospholipid and cytochrome
Chlorate resistance and the various charac- b 1 (8, 9). chlB mutants of E. coli produce
ters associated with it are transducible in the material recoverable from the cytoplasm that
enteric bacteria by several phages (2, 208, 278, complements the N. crassa nit-i product after
372). Thus, using assays for co-transduction acid treatment and restores nitrate reductase
frequency of ChlR with known markers, the activity (193). This material does not comple-
genetic locus for its control was first mapped ment products of other E. coli mutants. High
between the locus for galactose utilization (gal) concentrations of molybdate in the growth me-
dium restore the capacity for synthesis of both ethyl methyl sulfonate (113). This mutation is
formate-linked nitrate reductase and formic pleiotrophic and results in concurrent as-
hydrogenlyase activity in chlD mutants. This porogenesis and loss of other properties.
was interpreted as indicating that the gene In B. licheniformis, 36 single-site mutations
product of D thus exerts an indirect influence on used in transformation and transduction experi-
nitrate reductase synthesis by contributing to ments indicate that eight ChlR groups are
processing molybdate to the form in which it discernible (303). The protein patterns obtained
functions in electron transport (95). Selenite is by gel electrophoresis of membranes from the
then required for synthesis of the enzymes that groups of mutants thus established differ
enable formate to serve as electron donor for the greatly from the patterns obtained upon electro-
nitrate reductase of these mutants (183). It is phoresis of the proteins from wild-type cell
now apparent that chlD controls synthesis of membranes.
two membrane components whose production is

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ChlR strains of the nonfermentative bacte-
induced by anaerobic growth in the presence of rium, P. aeruginosa, are assigned to five chl (or
nitrate. Locus chlA specifies the constitutive nar) complementation groups (365). All lack
synthesis of three proteins involved in nitrate nitrate reductase A and two lack B as well. As in
respiration (294). the chID mutant of E. coli (95), growth in the
Rather than screening for ChlR, Venables and presence of high concentrations of molybdate
Guest devised and employed a lactate-nitrate restores the capacity of one of the P. aeruginosa
medium for direct selection for E. coli K-12 mutants (narD) to reduce nitrate. Using inter-
mutants which have lost the capacity for pro- rupted mating, nar loci B and C are mapped
ducing nitrate reductase (372). Controlling loci near leu-1, but the positions of narA and D are
are thus designated nar. The nar(chl)C locus of not certain. narC maps quite distant from the
mutants derived in this fashion still maps others near ilv.
within the limits previously mentioned. But, In addition to these ChlR (or Nar) groups in
more specifically, it lies between the heme-defi- P. aeruginosa there are five groups of mutants
ciency (hemA) and the ochre suppressor genes (Nir) lacking the capacity for growth at the
(supC) and appears to represent the structural expense of nitrite respiration (364). nirA and B
gene for nitrate reductase (114). Closer investi- map near met and trp. Nitrite is actually
gation of mutants classed as nar(chl)A, B, and reduced by strains in two of these Nir groups,
E reveals that each represents more than one but even so, the mutants will not grow anaerobi-
complementation group and, furthermore, that cally with nitrite as electron acceptor. This
each may comprise more than one gene (117). observation is consistent with the hypothesis
Regulation of nitrate respiration thus appears that only the membrane-bound nitrate and
more complex than seemed likely when ChlR nitrous oxide reductases may be coupled to
was first isolated. phosphorylation. If, as suggested earlier (254),
Presumably, a large fraction of aerobically reduction of nitrite and nitric oxide by soluble
grown cells with a genotype conferring the enzymes is not linked to phosphorylation, the P.
ability to reduce nitrate are transformed to aeruginosa mutants that do not grow when
nitrate reducers by removal of repressing oxy- supplied with nitrite may lack the capacity for
gen and the presence of nitrate. But, mutation the production of either nitric oxide or nitrous
accounts for the ability of one species to gener- oxide reductase. The inability either (i) to
ate a population that can carry out this type of generate nitrous oxide by reduction of nitric
anaerobic respiration. Nitrate-reducing mu- oxide or (ii) to carry out phosphorylation linked
tants of B. stearothermophilus are selected from to reduction of nitrous oxide once it is formed
wild-type populations by lowered oxygen ten- would explain equally well the inability of these
sion and the presence of nitrate (68). Fluctua- mutants to grow at the expense of nitrite.
tion tests reveal mutations occurring at 7.5 x Use as a Marker or Reagent. Assay of
10-8 per cell per generation, as opposed to nitrate reductase activity has been usefully
conversion of an average of 82% of the viable applied in a number of practical and ingenious
cells in aerobic populations of Pseudomonas ways. In a diagnostic laboratory, for example,
perfectomarinus to nitrate respiration upon an- Washington and Yu (384) employ nitrate reduc-
aerobic incubation in nitrate-containing me- tase, deoxyribonuclease, and catalase as con-
dium (254). Nitrate reduction is repressible by stant and specific markers of S. aureus in their
oxygen even in the B. stearothermophilus mu- evaluations of reagent-impregnated strips for
tants (as it is in other bacteria), but constitutive determining coagulase and mannitol fermenta-
mutants of the Bacillus subtilis Marburg strain tion for differentiating micrococci. Nitrate re-
are obtained from populations treated with ductase is one of a number of enzymatic activi-
ties that characterize the presumably patho- but these procedures serve well only in experi-
genic Rettgerella strains isolated from urinary ments with narrow scope and limited objectives.
tract infections (83). Care is needed in the interpretation of data
Tagging membrane fractions with nitrate re- derived from studies of 'IN-labeled nitrate re-
ductase is useful as well. In his study of the duction, for bacteria preferentially reduce
proteins of E. coli cell walls and membranes, "NO3- at instantaneous fractionation rates of
the certainty of the association of dissimilatory 1.03 under certain conditions (386). Nonethe-
nitrate reductase with membrane leads less, sure identification of "N-labeled nitrous
Schnaitman (300) to identify this activity in oxide has provided convincing evidence that
fractions to assure their originating in the mem- this gas is an intermediate produced and uti-
brane. Fractions not containing the activity are lized during denitrification by Pseudomonas
identified as cell wall in origin. Nitrate reduc- denitrificans (225). In ecological studies (99,

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tase is also useful, along with permeases, as an 101), mass spectrometry has been employed to
indicator of the segregation of membrane prop- reveal the release of heavy nitrogen by microbial
erties in induced E. coli inocula multiplying reduction of '5Ndlabeled nitrate as a means of
under noninducing conditions (6). establishing that denitrification does take place
Because chemical reductants may generate in natural waters. And, in a decisive experi-
nonspecific substances that interfere by react- ment, Hart, Larson, and McCleskey (124) em-
ing with the nitrite detection reagent, en- ployed similar assays to show that nitrous oxide
zymatic assays for nitrate contents of soil and is the terminal product of denitrification by
plant extracts and water are reportedly more Corynebacterium nephridii. But, despite the
specific and reproducible than chemical useful outcomes of these experiments, the un-
methods. Rhizobium bacteroids in soy bean certainty of the identity of the gases assayed by
nodules provide a source of enzyme for such manometry and the expense and technical de-
quantitative assays (189). In addition, assay of mands of mass spectrometry combine to em-
the activity of R. japonicum bacteroids provides phasize the need for a method that provides the
a value that correlates directly with the host means for the simple, precise, and repetitive
plant's total nitrate reductase capacity and is analyses that are required for detailed investi-
used as an index of the nitrogen-fixing efficiency gations.
of the bacteroids (18). Another quantitative pro- Gas chromatography is an obvious choice,
cedure for the assay of nitrate concentrations as even though initial, well-conceived attempts by
low as 0.01 Ag/ml makes use of formate-nitrate Smith and Clark (309, 310) to determine deni-
reductase from E. coli B as reagent (206). And, trification in soils were unfortunately under-
recently, tests for nitrate reductase were found taken before their time. These workers had no
useful in screening for possible bacterial infec- column packing materials capable of resolving
tion of industrial-scale citric acid fermentation the gases of interest. In 1966, however, Hollis
of molasses by A. niger (173). (132) introduced porous polyaromatic beads for
the chromatographic separation at room tem-
Nitrite, Nitric Oxide, and Nitrous Oxide perature of nitrogen, oxygen, nitric and nitrous
Reductases oxides, and carbon dioxide. Helium is employed
Gas Chromatographic and Isotopic as carrier gas and thermal conductivity for
Methods of Analysis. For lack of an adequately detection. Barbaree and Payne (12) then de-
long-lived radioisotope of nitrogen to serve as a vised methods for using columns packed with
tracer, many earlier biochemical studies of the these beads in their assays for products of
reduction of nitrite and the nitrogenous inter- denitrification by P. perfectomarinus. Their
mediates depended on manometric assays. studies reveal that cells growing in complex
These investigations provided much useful in- medium at the expense of either nitrate or
formation on the preliminary enzymatic events nitrous oxide release nitrogen but none of the
that initiate electron flow and identified pyri- nitrogenous intermediates, whereas both nitric
dine nucleotide and flavines as cofactors for the and nitrous oxides are produced and reduced in
initial events (224, 225), but their necessary anaerobically incubated reaction mixtures con-
reliance on manometry denied the investigators taining cell-free extracts of nitrate-grown cells
the precision needed for accurate identification (12, 252, 253). Standard curves for quantitation
and repetitive demonstration of the sequential are obtained by integrating the areas under
production and reduction of the gaseous inter- peaks traced by a recorder for a series of known
mediates. quantities of each gas. Subsequently, gas chro-
As an alternative, mass spectrometric assays matography has served several workers for de-
for products of 5NO3- reduction may be useful, termining (i) that nitric oxide is a specific
product of nitrite reduction, (ii) that nitrous favor denitrifying growth of these bacteria.
oxide results from nitric oxide reduction, and Thermophilic denitrifying bacilli that grow at
(iii) that nitrous oxide is the terminal denitrifi- 55 C are known (68, 69), but in a denitrifying
cation product of several bacterial strains (110, psychrophilic pseudomonad with a growth op-
202, 254, 284, 285). timum at less than 20 C, incubation at temper-
Development of procedures for field investi- atures as high as 24 C prevents nitrite reduction
gations of denitrification are particularly com- (172). It is thus meaningless to specify optimal
plex. Simultaneous elaboration and testing of conditions for the activity of denitrifying en-
both sampling techniques and assay methods zymes without indicating the origin of the
are required and are simultaneously compli- enzymes.
cated by a need for anaerobiosis throughout the As carbon and energy sources, the usual array
experimental periods. Guiraud and Berlier of carbohydrates, organic acids, or the organic
(116) designed an incubator for soil cultures components of complex culture media support

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supplied with "5N-labeled nitrate. From the denitrifying growth for various bacteria (81, 87,
atmosphere of the chamber above the soil 94, 286). Certain aspects of aerobic catabolism
samples, gases may be drawn and assayed for of carbon compounds change when the bacteria
isotope excess of 15N2 as a measure of denitrifi- are grown under denitrifying conditions,
cation. In other studies of soils (61), gases whereas others remain unchanged. Mixed cul-
obtained with a device employed for in situ tures enriched from sewage sludge make use of
sampling of field soils are chromatographed. glycolysis, the pentose phosphate shunt, and
Ethylene production (presumably microbial) is the tricarboxylic acid cycle and produce ele-
taken as an indication of anaerobiosis, and vated quantities of c-type cytochromes while
nitrous oxide evolution as evidence of denitrifi- growing as denitrifiers (72). Radiorespirometric
cation. In a series of equipment-testing experi- studies show that glucose and gluconate are
ments, activity in Berkshire soil was greatest catabolized by the Entner-Doudoroff and pen-
during the wet winter months. Finally, for tose phosphate pathways in Pseudomonas
ecological studies of denitrification in forest soil stutzeri growing either aerobically or at the
and salt marsh mud, Todd and Nuner (359) and expense of denitrification. The tricarboxylic
Payne (251) report effective use of a conical acid cycle operates during both types of respira-
sampler that is set firmly over the test soil or tion, but release of carbon dioxide is slower
sediment, flushed with helium, pulsed with during denitrification (321). Valine, leucine,
neon and either nitrous oxide or nitrate, and isoleucine, and cysteine are incorporated from
sampled at intervals for changes in the N2-Ne the culture medium by P. stutzeri during aero-
ratio. (Good practice dictates use of an invari- bic growth, but not during nitrate respiration
ant internal comparator standard for quantita- (248). Asparagine is one of several simple or-
tion by gas chromatography in experiments of ganic compounds that support aerobic growth of
this sort; and neon, which emerges distinct from P. perfectomarinus, but represents the only one
and ahead of nitrogen on the columns used, is of many tested that will serve as sole source of
an effective and reliable nonmetabolized gas for carbon and energy for denitrifying growth (286).
this purpose.) Once transported, the asparagine is trans-
Control of Enzyme Synthesis and Activity. formed to malic acid, which is the true electron
It has been known for some time that the rate of donor and supplier of carbon skeletons for the
synthesis of the denitrifying enzymes is in- growth of this marine bacterium despite its
versely related to the availability of oxygen in inability to serve as the sole carbon and energy
all bacteria capable of denitrifying respiration source when supplied exogenously (17).
(44, 225). This relationship prevails upon pro- Growth substrates such as linear hydrocar-
duction of the enzymes (i) by the many bacteria bons and ring compounds that are generally
that reduce nitrate to nitrogen, (ii) by those few assumed to require oxygenation by free oxygen
that do not reduce nitrate but reduce nitrite to during catabolism can serve, nonetheless, as
nitrogen (34), and (iii) by the small number sole carbon and energy sources for the denitrify-
that reduce nitrate to nitrous oxide but no ing growth of several pseudomonads (353, 361).
further (110, 124, 285). Nitrate concentrations Protocatechuic acid-4, 5-oxygenase breaks aro-
of 0.1 to 0.5% and nitrite concentrations up to matic rings during aerobic growth of one pseu-
0.05% are optimal for growth of several denitri- domonad, but ring cleavage by a different
fying soil isolates in various types of media (19). pathway in which benzoate is the probable key
Supplied in unrestricted quantities, nitrous intermediate is postulated for anaerobic growth
oxide supports good growth of others (199, 253). in nitrate-containing medium. Labeled carbon
Incubation temperatures near 30 C and pH dioxide is released when this bacterium is
values at or slightly above neutrality generally incubated anaerobically with "C-ring-labeled
benzoate and either nitrite or nitrous oxide mulation of nitrite thus appears at first glance
(352). It is reasonable to hypothesize that ox- to argue for sequential induction (under oxygen-
ygenation occurs by hydroxylation during ane- poor conditions) of nitrate reductase by nitrate,
robic respiration, but experiments with H2"8O followed then by induction of nitrite reductase
have not been reported. Oxidizable inorganic by the accumulating nitrite-as the apparently
electron donors serve the obligately chemolitho- later onset of nitrite than nitrate reductase
trophic bacterium T. denitrificans, which can synthesis in M. denitrificans cultures suggests
reduce nitrate to nitrite, nitric oxide, nitrous (177). But that possibility is obviated for P.
oxide (1, 355), and *nitrogen (137) during perfectomarinus by the observation that, in the
growth. Sulfide, sulfite, thiosulfate and hypo- presence of nitrate and the absence of oxygen,
sulfite are utilizable electron donors, and the all the denitrifying enzymes are demonstrable
influence of inhibitors suggests that cyto- simultaneously. Operation of regulatory mech-

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chromes are involved in the sulfite-dependent anisms that rank order the nitrogenous oxides
denitrification mechanisms of this organism (1). for reduction seriatim by influencing the en-
In view of the reports that sulfite reductases in zymes' activities rather than the sequence of
other bacteria reduce nitrite as well (156), the their production is thus suggested. This notion
oxidation of sulfite by nitrogenous oxides in this is supported by studies of the effect of nitrate on
organism seems all the more remarkable. the specific reducing activity of fractions sepa-
Several investigators have been interested in rated from crude extracts of P. perfectomarinus
identifying the initiator of synthesis of the (253, 254). One complex fraction reduces only
denitrifying enzymes. The nonfermentative de- nitrite, another only nitric oxide, and the other
nitrifying bacteria can grow anaerobically only only nitrous oxide (with NADH or malate-
if supplied with an inorganic substitute for NADP-NAD in combination serving as electron
oxygen. Nevertheless, there are several indica- donor and free flavines acting as intermediate
tions that lack of oxygen rather than presence of carriers for each). The presence of nitrate influ-
the electron acceptor has the more decisive ences the rate of activity of the nitric oxide
influence on reductase synthesis. It may be reducing fraction only and not the activity of
generally stated that production of all the either of the other reductases. The suppressive
denitrifying enzymes is derepressed by anoxia influence of nitrate is curvilinear from 0 to 1
or lowered oxygen tension. Nitrous oxide reduc- jgmollml, at which concentration the activity is
tase is less strongly repressed by oxygen than diminished by 60%. Greater quantities of ni-
the other reductases. This is well illustrated trate do not further suppress activity. Nitrite
when aerobic cultures of P. perfectomarinus also suppresses nitric oxide reduction, but five
(254) and P. denitrificans (199) are permitted to times as much is required to achieve the same
go suddenly anaerobic in the absence of any of degree of suppression; and as is true with
the nitrogenous oxides. Nitrous oxide reductase nitrate, increased quantitites of nitrite do not
synthesis begins first and reaches maximum further suppress activity (253). Lactate-
within 3 h, whereas synthesis of nitrite and dependent reduction of nitric oxide in crude
nitric oxide reductases is significant but less extracts of P. denitrificans is also suppressed
strong during the 3-h period. Growth of these markedly by nitrate (209). The significant re-
bacteria at the expense of nitrous oxide reduc- sult of this fine control exerted by nitrate and
tion also yields cells with elevated nitrous oxide the grosser control displayed by nitrite is insur-
reductase activity and measurable, but even ance that the ionic oxides are depleted before
weaker, reductase activity for nitrite and nitric the gaseous ones.
oxide (199, 253, 254). Electron Transport Cofactors. In the flow
Initiation of synthesis from the "other end" from substrate to the cytochrome level, the
(i.e., with nitrate present when anaerobiosis is electron transport events that lead to reduction
effected) does not provide an advantage for of nitrite, nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide are
production of any one of the denitrifying en- unexceptional in the various denitrifying bacte-
zymes, however. When cells are harvested from ria. A variety of oxidizable substrates are uti-
fully aerobic cultures and incubated anaerobi- lized in culture or cell suspensions, and NADH
cally with nitrate, synthesis of all the denitrify- or reduced free flavines serve as donors for
ing enzymes begins simultaneously within 40 enzymes in cell-free extracts (82, 177, 224, 225,
min and reaches maximum in 60 min (253). 382). In P. perfectomarinus (17), a Mn2+_
This observation is seemingly at odds with the dependent, NADP-linked malic oxidative de-
accumulation of a large fraction of the nitrate carboxylase initiates electron flow, but transhy-
nitrogen as nitrite prior to the onset of extensive drogenase links electron flow to NAD and free
gas release in denitrifying cultures (358), in flavines. Transport by natural cofactors has not
seawater (98), and in lake sediment (36). Accu- been observed in every case. In a number of
experiments with cell-free systems, artificial or heme and protoporphyrin, under anaerobic,
exotic electron transfer reagents are required nitrate-respiring than under aerobic conditions
(281). Denitrification carried out by extracts (142).
from M. denitrificans at the expense of D- or More direct evidence for the participation of
L-lactate proceeds if beef heart cytochrome c, cytochromes is provided by isolation from P.
2, 6-dichlorophenol indophenol, or phenazine denitrificans (209), P. aeruginosa (382), Alca-
methosulfate (PMS) is supplied, but provision ligenes faecalis (200, 201), Achromobacter fisch-
of pyridine nucleotides has no effect on activity eri (276), and M. denitrificans (177, 228) of b-,
(244). In particulate form, the denitrifying re- c-d-, and c-type cytochriomes that influence the
ductases from P. denitrificans use NADH, but rates at which gas is released by reduction of one
when solubilized with DOC, they require re- or more of the nitrogenous oxides. Association of
duced viologen dyes (282). a-type cytochromes with denitrifying prepara-

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Interactions between certain electron donors tions (178, 228, 388) apparently occurs by
and the nitrogenous oxides result from both chance proximity in the membrane. Anaerobic,
chemical and enzymatic activities. Gas is re- nitrate-dependent growth of M. denitrificans
leased by the reduction of nitrite by an en- represses synthesis of the a + a3 cytochromes
zymatic fraction from acetone powders or cell- characteristically produced by well-aerated
free extracts of P. denitrificans by using hydrox- cells and by those grown at low aeration in the
ylamine or either tetramethyl- or dimethyl-p- absence of a nitrogenous oxide (298, 301).
phenylene diamine as electron source (141, 211, Growth at low aeration or under anaerobic,
344, 345). Identification of nitric oxide in the gas denitrifying conditions yields a c-d-type cyto-
is thought to strengthen the case for this com- chrome not produced by fully aerated M.
pound as an intermediate of denitrification, denitrificans cells. When grown anaerobically
although the complex chemical reactions that with nitrate serving as terminal oxidant, R.
occur in systems supplied with hydroxylamine japonicum also ceases to produce cytochrome a
or the diamines make interpretation of this type + a3. Moreover, increases in the production of
of reduction difficult. For example, nitric oxide c-type cytochrome, Rhizobium hemoglobin,
reacts with the phenylene diamines to form and cytochrome P450 are concomitant with
nitrogen nonenzymatically. Moreover, hydrox- increases in the synthesis of nitrate and nitrite
ylamine inhibits nitrite reduction (200), sup- reductases in these cells (53).
presses reduction of nitric oxide, and together Although none has been isolated and com-
with nitric oxide suppresses reduction of nitrous pletely characterized, several cytochromes have
oxide (198). The nitrogen released by reduction been associated with reduction of specific ni-
of nitrite at the expense of one of the phenylene trogenous oxides. When reduced chemically, a
diamines by cell-free systems derived from M. cytochrome c551 from A. fischeri and a double
denitrificans and P. aeruginosa apparently a-peaked c-type cytochrome from P. perfecto-
combines one nitrogen atom from nitrite with marinus are oxidized by nitrite to a state that
another contributed by the diamine (259). Hy- exhibits the oxidized spectrum (50, 276). Two
droxylamine's involvement in the truncated double a-peaked c-d-type cytochromes have
denitrification carried out by extracts of C. been isolated from nitrite reductases and
nephridii is similarly complex and difficult to studied extensively. That produced by M.
assess (284). What relation, if any, these various denitrificans has an apparent molecular weight
reactions have to true denitrification is not of 120,000, whereas that recovered from P.
apparent. aeruginosa has a molecular weight of 85,000
Indirect evidence of the participation of cyto- (228, 229). A c-d-type cytochrome associated
chromes in denitrification is provided by the with nitrite reduction by A. faecalis has a
simultaneous isothermal bleaching of the cyto- molecular weight of 90,000 (139). P.
chromes by strong light and death of M. denitrificans produces a copper-containing cy-
denitrificans populations growing under denitri- tochrome c552 or C553 that couples lactate oxida-
fying conditions (123). Furthermore, the man- tion to the reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide
ner in which toxic compounds inhibit the sul- (199). This enzyme complex has oxygen-con-
fite-dependent denitrification carried out by T. suming and hydroxylamine-oxidizing capacity
denitrificans suggests the involvement of cyto- as well and utilizes a variety of artificial elec-
chrome (1). And, finally, growing cultures of P. tron donors in the reduction of nitrite (212). A.
aeruginosa and P. denitrificans provided with faecalis yields a c-d-type cytochrome that par-
A-amino levulinic acid accumulate greater ticipates in the reduction of nitric oxide to
quantities of the cytochrome precursors, proto- nitrous oxide in cell-free extracts supplied with
ascorbate-reduced PMS as electron donor (201). Elctron Flow for
In one instance, nitrite reduction does not Denitrification in Pperfoctomrimm
appear to involve flavine or cytochromes. A
copper-containing enzyme from Achromobacter Aportc, deoninose

cycloclastes utilizes ascorbate-reduced PMS or L-asparogine .4 .lMalate Pyruvate

hydroxylamine as electron donor, it is sug-

gested, without mediation by electron transport iNADPH ADH)FPH L YTOCHROMIES (REDp)
cofactors (140).
Ideally, ambiguity as to which of the denitri-
fying steps the various cytochromes are contrib-
uting to can best be eliminated by working, one N24-N2O-+ NO-NO- No;
at a time, with systems that reduce each of the

Downloaded from on November 1, 2019 by guest

nitrogenous oxides only to the next intermedi- a Menbrone ssociated
ate or to the final product. Payne and his b SoluMe

colleagues were fortunate therefore to find that FIG. 1.

each of three complex fractions separated from
crude denitrifying extracts of P. perfecto- is not yet known, although its use by the
marius specifically reduces only one of the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria as a temporary aid
identified intermediates of nitrate reduction to survival during periods of anaerobiosis is
(253, 254). Recently, a cytochrome c5,8 isolated suggested (292).
from the fraction that reduces nitrite to nitric
oxide has been found to stimulate the rate of Attendant Conservation of Energy
reduction when added back to a system contain- Dissimilatory nitrate reduction and denitrifi-
ing NADH, free flavine, extracted enzyme, and cation are energy-yielding types of respiration,
nitrite (50). EPR measurements indicate no but the points of coupling of electron transport
metal involvement, but do reveal that a heme- and phosphorylation have not been determined.
nitric oxide complex is formed while nitric oxide Of the four oxidants that have been identified
is evolving from the reaction mixture during as components of the denitrification sequence,
active reduction of nitrite. A second fraction it is intuitively obvious that bacteria respiring
exhibiting a different, tightly bound c-type anaerobically at the expense of nitrate and
cytochrome reduces nitric oxide to nitrous oxide nitrous oxide must couple their reduction with
also at the expense of NADH. EPR assays again phosphorylation. One-step reduction of each of
reveal no metal involvement, but indicate the these compounds (to nitrite and nitrogen, re-
formation of a different heme-nitric oxide com- spectively) is known to support the growth of
plex during active release of nitrous oxide (51). various bacteria (199, 225, 253). But, those that
The EPR signal broadens with time as reduc- grow when supplied with an exogenous source of
tion of nitric oxide continues and nitrous oxide nitrite or nitric oxide, which they reduce finally
accumulates. A third, membrane-bound frac- to nitrogen, may conceivably benefit from cou-
tion reduces nitrous oxide to nitrogen but has pling reduction with phosphorylation only dur-
not been analyzed for cytochrome content. De- ing the last step (i.e., nitrous oxide reduction).
nitrification in P. perfectomarinus may be dia- If it is further assumed that adenosine triphos-
grammatically characterized as indicated in phate (ATP)-generating respiratory systems re-
Fig. 1. main membrane associated when cells are rup-
The retention of the nitrous oxide reductase tured, then nitrate and nitrous oxide reductases
complex by the membrane fraction from P. qualify as such (6, 305). But, nitrite and nitric
perfectomarinus when ruptured cells are cen- oxide reductases are solubilizable (50, 254) and
trifuged may explain the inability of extracts of thus may not represent phosphorylating sys-
other denitrifying bacteria that can reduce tems.
nitrite and nitric oxide also to reduce nitrous There are yet no reports of oxidative phospho-
oxide after centrifugation (200, 202, 210, 253, rylation coupled specifically to nitrous oxide
254). reduction, but several studies correlating ni-
Curiously, the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria trate reduction and phosphate esterification
'IIA zj~inarily generate nitrite can also reduce have been carried out. In an early experiment,
it. Nitrospionas europaea contains enzymes particles and supernatant portions of extract
that catalyze tydroxylamine-dependent reduc- from nitrate-respiring P. aeruginosa (389) were
tion of nitrite to nitric oxide and nitrous oxide separated by centrifugation and tested individ-
(133, 390). The significance of this phenomenon ually for capacity to esterify Pi. But, neither

fraction was effectual alone, and ATP genera- of oxygen or nitrate, but not nitrite. In fact, the
tion occurred only when the two were combined particles are freed of a nitrite-reducing system
and were oxidizing lactate and reducing nitrate. in preparation. Average P-NO3- ratios of 0.9
The P-NO3- ratio was 0.3. Later, sonic extracts and 0.06 are obtained with NADH and succi-
of nitrate-adapted P. denitrificans were found nate, respectively, serving as electron donors.
to synthesize ATP as a result of electron flow Addition of ADP and P1 increases rates of
from succinate to nitrate (235). Esterification of electron transport in the particles. Signifi-
32P-labeled phosphate is revealed by the en- cantly, rates of phosphorylation depend on the
zyme-mediated, ATP-dependent formation of simultaneous presence of both electron donor
glucose phosphate. Because ATP may be dis- and acceptor.
sipated by competing reactions, this trapping KCN, DNP, arsenate, and amytal inhibit
procedure provides an easily assayed but spe- phosphorylation related to nitrate reduction,

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cific indicator of synthesis. The concentration of but carbon monoxide does not (145, 222, 237).
ADP controls the rate of both nitrate and In addition to assaying esterification of radio-
oxygen consuming respiration in the extracts. actively labeled phosphate accompanying re-
Esterification of 32P-labeled phosphate con- duction of nitrate, indirect methods of estimat-
comitant with reduction of nitrate to nitrite by ing ATP generation have been used as well.
extracts of sonicated E. coli cells has also been Hadjipetrou and Stouthamer (122) employ the
demonstrated with a variety of organic acids or relationship between ATP production and cell
NADH serving as electron donors (237). A yield (10.5 g, dry weight, per mol of ATP
mixture of soluble and particulate fractions is produced) inferred from the values obtained for
required as mentioned before. P-NO3- ratios various bacteria by Bauchop and Elsden (15) to
range with electron donor from 0.23 to 1.1. calculate the probable relationship between
Protein fractions necessary for coupling phos- nitrate reduction and ATP generation in E.
phorylation to reduction of either oxygen or aerogenes. They note that the yields in grams
nitrate have been isolated from extracts of (dry weight) per mole of glucose and mannitol
sonicated cells (236). Ultraviolet irradiation fermented in minimal media are 26.1 and 21.8,
destroys the coupling capacity of these frac- respectively. Anaerobic growth at the concur-
tions. 2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) inhibits phos- rent expense of nitrate respiration and fermen-
phorylation of the protein in the fractions, but tation in identical media raises the yields to
does not prevent transfer of phosphate from 45.5 and 50.6. Deducing ATP production from
previously phosphorylated protein to ADP. the molar growth yields previously established
Phosphorylation coupled to nitrate and ni- for this organism, it may then be calculated
trite reduction by a particulate fraction from M. that approximately 3 mol of ATP are produced
denitrificans is also achieved with organic acids per mole of nitrate reduced to nitrite. The
or NADH serving as electron donors (135, 223). electron flow that reduces nitrate to nitrite
There is no esterification in reaction mixtures provides all the nonfermentation-related phos-
supplied with nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, or phorylation achieved under these conditions.
hydroxylamine as potential electron acceptors. Assimilatory reduction of nitrite to ammonia
This reported lack of coupling with nitrous yields no ATP.
oxide reduction may result during preparation
of the extracts from physical disruption of the ECOLOGICAL STUDIES
sensitive coupling of phosphorylation to the
electron transport chain. Otherwise, the obser- Nitrate Fluxes in Soil
vation would be inconsistent with the ability of Along with losses incurred by the relatively
M. denitrificans to grow anaerobically in com- easy washout mobility of the negatively charged
plex media supplied with nitrous oxide as the nitrate ion through soil and into watersheds,
terminal oxidant (244). denitrification has long been recognized as an
Particles recovered from M. denitrificans and agriculturally undesirable source of loss of nitro-
P. denitrificans cells that were ruptured by gen from soil (297). Measurement of the quan-
alternating freeze-thaw cycles (222, 223), or tities of either nitrogen or nitrous oxide (326)
those from M. denitrificans cells broken by liberated by nitrate reduction has been em-
lysozyme treatment and dilution (145), couple ployed for several decades to estimate the losse
phosphorylation to transfer between NADH and from different types of soils, and many of the
cytochrome c (possibly in conjunction with the factors that contribute to loss by either mi-
oxidation of NADH by Q0 [135]). Phosphoryla- crobial or chemical (221, 324, 348) activity have
tion effected by the particles derived from the been determined. Thus, rates of release of
osmotically broken cells is coupled to reduction nitrogen are increased by the following agen-
cies: (i) increasing soil moisture to the point elevated sulfide concentrations will suppress
that precludes oxygen penetration (61, 249, 273, any sort of nitrate reduction (219). At 20
325, 366), (ii) slight alkalinity (297), (iii) moder- mmol/g of soil the NH,-N2 ratio is optimal.
ate to elevated temperature (192, 220), although Denitrification simply impoverishes soil of a
denitrification occurs in tundra even at 4 to 8 C nutrient; but in addition to the loss of nutrient,
(185), (iv) respiratory consumption of oxygen by nitrate washout or drain-off effected by rain or
roots and soil microorganisms (22, 325, 326), irrigation water can result in pollution of the
and (v) availability of oxidizable organic com- environment as well. If the accumulation of this
pounds to serve as electron donors (205, 324). In anion causes a significant increase in the nitrate
contrast, rates of release of nitrogen from soil concentration in drinking water in areas draw-
are diminished by dryness (220), aeration (111), ing from the watershed, a particular hazard is
adding straw (115), and soil acidity (180, 297). created for the young consumer. As much as 5&

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Dramatic increases in denitrification in previ- to 60% of the nitrate in water that runs off
ously arid desert soil accompany moistening farmlands may originate from applied fertilizers
and the addition of organic material (192). The (170), although the assays used to arrive at this
oxygen content of soil need not fall below a figure have been questioned (127). As men-
measurable quantity for denitrification to occur tioned before, judicious application of fertilizers
in pockets where depletion may be more exten- helps prevent such accumulation, but other
sive than instruments will perceive; but loss sources of nitrate may also represent hazards.
from reduction is most rapid when complete For example, cutting away covering vegetation
anoxia is reached (111, 220). contributes to upsurges in populations of
Careful management of soil conditions mini- Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter species in the
mizes release of nitrogen by denitrification. For soil that is thus laid bare and increases the ni-
example, application of graded quantities of trate content of the soil and its watershed (312).
nitrate to a crop at intervals throughout the In addition, for a time after peat beds are
active growing season minimizes loss, whereas drained in preparation for conversion of the land
large-scale treatment of soil with nitrate before to cultivation, nitrate accumulates in the peat
planting results in significant loss (328, 383). and reaches agriculturally undesirable levels.
Even during active growth of a crop such as But this can be managed. It is found that after a
wheat, application of nitrate to soils poor in short time much of the organic matter is de-
potassium provides the right conditions for graded by resident microorganisms, and oxygen
extensive denitrification, for the plants that are is consumed in the process. Degradation or the
physiologically slowed down by potassium star- organic material continues and extensive denitri-
vation compete only poorly with the soil bacte- fication is initiated as anoxia is approached.
ria for nitrate (362). The flooding of soils in This decreases the nitrate content to a degree
preparation for rice culture soon after spring that makes the formerly toxic soil acceptable
thawing provides conditions that favor denitrifi- for agricultural use (7).
cation at the expense of the residual quantities Other examples of good management can be
of organic matter that have not been degraded cited. The nitrate content of the output of
during the colder months of winter. Flooding of sewage treatment operations may be dimin-
the soil later in the spring, after the previous ished by using the effluent for irrigating soil
season's residue of organic material has been plots planted with non-edible crops. Addition of
oxidatively degraded, then diminishes loss of oxidizable organic material may be necessary to
nitrogen (134). ensure reduction in the soil of any nitratt not
Chemical treatment of soils may protect assimilated by the crop plants (180). Finally,
against nitrate losses in some degree. Applica- placement of cattle feed lots on level, absorbent
tion of antibiotics transiently suppresses growth (rather than sloping, nonabsorbent) land en-
of denitrifiers (93) as well as other bacteria. sures that the significant amounts of nitrate
Furthermore, application of chlorate as a herbi- formed by nitrification of the ammoniac prod-
cide has a concomitantly inhibitory influence on ucts of excreta will be removed by denitrifica-
the denitrifying population of soil as a conse- tion in the soil beneath the animals rather than
quence of the ability of the dissimilatory nitrate washed into the lakes, ponds, and streams in
reductases, which the bacteria produce, to re- the surrounding area (73).
duce chlorate to chlorite in toxic quantities Engineering Practices for Diminishing
(151). This inhibitory effect is transient as well. Nitrate Pollution
Supplementation of anaerobic soil with sulfide
decreases loss of nitrogen and stimulates as- Effluents that emerge from sewage treatment
similatory reduction of nitrate to ammonia, but plants or waters that drain from agricultural
land with nitrate concentrations great enough lakes releases only nitrogen in significant quan-
to encourage unwanted growth of water plants tity, and seldom is any nitric or nitrous oxide
or to constitute a hazard in drinking water can detected in the usual experiment (36, 101).
be denitrified by holding in anaerobic ponds or Large-volume analyses are required to reveal
deep basins (13, 165, 217) or passage through an nitrous oxide in marine water and the atmos-
anaerobic filter before final release (346, 349). phere above it. Kinetic studies show that the
The bacteria in these systems are influenced by nitrous oxide is slowly decomposed (147). In
holding temperature as well as oxygen content. lake water, as in culture, nitrite accumulates
As expected, they function slowly at 5 C, but prior to active gas production, although a cer-
more rapidly at higher temperatures. Natural tain amount of nitrogen is liberated during the
systems behave much like control denitrifying nitrite-accumulation period. Where there are
cultures of P. denitrificans (54). Any number of rich organic sediments, approximately two-

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organic compounds will serve as electron do- thirds of the nitrate nitrogen flowing or seeping
nors. Sucrose and lactose have been employed in is lost by denitrification and slightly more
as the electron donors for the denitrification of than one-third is assimilated (35, 154).
groundwater before it is used as drinking water As anticipated from their behavior when
(165), but methanol is the electron donor of isolated, marine algae in the open sea most
choice for promoting denitrification in water actively assimilate nitrate while photosynthesis
(204). Its oxidation by nitrate yields only nitro- is proceeding most rapidly (100). These algae
gen, carbon dioxide, water and cells. A 2: 1 to adapt their capacities to their needs. Kinetic
3: 1 ratio of methanol to nitrate is indicated by studies show that the phytoplankton in oligo-
model experiments, and greater ratios may trophic marine waters are characteristically
leave residues that contribute to unwanted able to take up nitrate much more rapidly than
increases in biochemical oxygen demand (59). the residents of eutrophic zones (194). The
Waste water from soil that is poor in organic ability to couple nitrate utilization rapidly with
matter may be stripped of nitrate by addition of response to light has some value in predicting
sulfur as an electron donor that will promote the the competitive edge one alga may have over
denitrifying growth of T. denitrificans (196). another when they occur together in various
Once an effective microbial population is zones of the ocean (78). Ammonia is, of course,
established in a filter that must be shut down the preferred source of nitrogen for the algae,
for cleaning by backwash, retention of a portion but nitrate and nitrite are utilized (29, 380).
of the old filter for use an an inoculum is a One study shows that nitrate provides 8.3% of
useful procedure which permits reestablishment the nitrogen supply for phytoplankton in sub-
of the denitrifying efficiency of the filter more tropical marine waters and 39.5% in temperate
rapidly than rebuilding an effective population waters (71). Nitrogen fixation and ammonia
by natural selection (179). Residence time re- assimilation supply the greater quantity, but
quired for removal of nitrate by the organisms there are circumstances under which nitrate
in any filter or pond system depends on nitrate utilization predominates. The phytoplankton in
and carbon source loads, pH, and temperature; a discontinuity layer in an otherwise euphotic
but complete mixing is necessary for conversion zone of subtropical water use nitrate as their
to gaseous products irrespective of other condi- principal source of nitrogen (103). It thus seems
tions (213). likely that the contribution of algal assimilation
Even in materials such as poultry wastewater of nitrate nitrogen to the total nitrogen budget
that ,contain high concentrations of ammonia, in marine waters will be difficult to estimate.
denitrification can be utilized for removing the There are yet no estimates of the contributions
pollution potential. The wastes are first aerated attributable to bacterial assimilation.
vigorously to convert ammonia to nitrate and In natural waters, however, dissimilatory ni-
then are held under anaerobic conditions to trate reduction is attributable to bacteria alone
permit denitrification to occur (218). More than and is extensive. Denitrification occurs in vari-
one cycle is usually required when no exogenous ous types of marine waters low in oxygen
source of electrons is provided (275). content (29, 97, 99). Nitrate-rich waters that
pass into the organic rich sediments of the
Phenomena Observed in Natural Waters continental shelf are stripped of nitrate by
In both fresh and salt water, as in culture, denitrification that is particularly intense at the
denitrification is favored by lowered oxygen sediment-water interface (102). Activity dimin-
tension and availability of oxidizable organic ishes deeper into the sediments. Not all of the
matter (143). Unlike denitrification in soil, dissimilatory reduction results in immediate
dissimilatory reduction of nitrate in freshwater gas release. Nitrite accumulates in oxygen mini-
mum layers of the sea as a consequence princi- Clarification of the mechanisms regulating
pally of nitrate reduction rather than oxidation synthesis and specification of the steps involved
of ammonia (30, 381). A certain amount of in the functioning of assimilatory nitrite reduc-
nitrogen is released during the accumulation of tase are needed as well. Production is initiated
nitrite, but liberation becomes most rapid after in algae and fungi by the presence of nitrite
nitrate is depleted (98). In the sediments in and/or a nutritive void created by the absence
bays or in water as deep as 40 m, it is estimated of ammonia. There is still a question as to
that 50% of the organic matter degraded is whether or not either endogenous or exogenous
oxidized by nitrate-reducing bacteria (287). nitrite must be present for synthesis to be
initiated. Requirements for synthesis of as-
CONCLUDING REMARKS similatory nitrite reductase in bacteria are fur-
Strangely, it is the assimilatory nitrate reduc- ther complicated by the influence of oxygen on

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tases of algae and fungi, but the dissimilatory some but not all and also by possible confusion
nitrate reductase of bacteria, that contain mo- between nitrite- and sulfite-reducing mech-
lybdenum. Taken together, the interchangeable anisms. The notion that the reduction of nitrite
nature of the molybdenum-containing subunits to ammonia is designed as a detoxification
of the fungal and bacterial (and other) enzymes measure is not encountered in studies of other
and the observation that each reduces chlorate organisms. Nothing is known of control and
suggest that protein can bind molybdenum in little is known of the intermediate electron
only a limited number of configurations to transport events in the nitrite reduction carried
achieve an electron-transporting form. A deter- out by obligately anaerobic bacteria. Like algae,
mination of the structure of the active binding they engage ferredoxin early in the operation of
sites may shed some light on the mechanisms of the electron transfer chain, but none of the
electron transport mediated by molybdenum. A cofactors or metals participating in the terminal
heavy metal may also be involved in the reduc- events (reduction of nitrite, possibly nitric ox-
tion carried out by bacterial assimilatory ni- ide, and hydroxylamine) is known. Isolation of
trate reductase (which does not reduce chlo- mutants that produce only partially effective
rate), but molybdenum has not been implicated nitrite reductases may provide the experimental
in this reaction. If a different mechanism is materials needed for examining questions raised
involved, it should be elucidated. Until oxygen- by the work carried out to date.
sensitive and insensitive B-type enzymes from Comparison of the molecular weights of ni-
bacteria are purified and characterized, no clear trate and nitrite reductases is informative only
explanation for the differences between this if the degree of complexity of the materials
type of reduction and that carried out by assayed is specified (Table 3). When the entire
molybdenum-rich enzymes will be possible. electron transport chain is included in the

TABLE 3. Comparison of molecular weights of nitrate and nitrite reductases from ,

various microorganisms

Organism and ref. no.

Reductase i5

NADH linked 500,000 500,000
NADPH linked 197,000
Reduced dye de- 400,000 160,000
pendent (dimer)
Reduced ferredoxin
linked or reduced
PMS linked 63,000 69,000 90,000 70,000
NADH linked 200,000
a Assimilatory.
b Dissimilatory.
aggregate weighed, no significant information 2,4-dinitrophenol and other uncoupling
about the protein catalyzing nitrate or nitrite agents on the assimilation of nitrate and
reduction is provided. Comparisons do make nitrite by Chlorella. Biochim. Biophys. Acta
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Characterization of genetic and other regulat- 1971. Molybdenum and iron as constituents of
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fying enzymes, the most significant progress has 1970. Molybdate metabolism in Aspergillus
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tion of nitrite, nitric oxide, and nitrous oxide in branaires. Biochimie 54:93-101.
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