Case Study RBS

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Case Study ResultsCase Study Results

"The system is certainly meeting expectations, and response from the Relationship Managers is
even better than expected. GoldMine is enabling our managers to spend more time on customer
facing activities and, through its reporting and analysis, has helped us to identify best working
-Douglas Alston, Head of Sales Support

The Royal Bank of Scotland Highlights

Corporate Profile:
The Royal Bank of Scotland
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group is a diversified group, active
in UK banking and insurance through The Royal Bank of Contact:
Scotland and Direct Line. They offer services to their personal Steve Richards
customers that include bank and savings accounts, credit cards Head of Business Banking
and mortgages, life assurance and innovative investment
products, motor and home insurance. Their business customers Douglas Alston
range from small businesses to large corporations. As well as Head of Sales Support
lending, leasing, structured finance and development capital,
they offer money market, foreign exchange and derivative Business Benefit:
products. "GoldMine has definitely increased
the sales productivity of our
Business Need and GoldMine Solution: Relationship Managers. They now
have more customer contact and
vital contact related information is
available at their fingertips. They
are also able to respond quicker to
customer requests and initiatives."

Unique Use of GoldMine: (1 of 4)15/11/2004 00:03:58

Case Study ResultsCase Study Results

In 1995, and as a direct result of Project Columbus, a massive

change management program designed to review the bank’s
activities, The Royal Bank of Scotland underwent a major
corporate restructure. One of the outcomes of Columbus, and
to provide a more customer focused approach, the traditional
branch manager network was replaced with a system of
Relationship Managers (RM's). The RM's were established to
specialize in distinct market segments and were assigned
clients on the basis of sophistication and need rather than
factors such as account holding branch, thus providing the
customer with the right man for the job! The new structure was
readily adopted throughout the bank, new working practices
were established, and business managers were encouraged to
work more pro-actively in identifying and responding to
customer requirements and in obtaining new business.

Corporate Institutional Banking (CIB) The initial requirement for

an automated contact tracking system came from within the
Corporate division. To keep track of client activities, to manage
their portfolios effectively and to be more pro-active in obtaining
new business, it was recognized that their RM's needed some
form of automated contact management system to replace the
existing paper based systems. The project was managed by
Douglas Alston, Head of Sales Support, whose first task was to
equip the RM's in each Corporate Development Unit (CDU) with
laptops and PCs. Having trained the managers and support
staff on basic Microsoft™ Office applications, the next step was
to source a suitable software application. An in-house solution
was ruled out on the basis of development costs and time
frames in favor of an off-the-shelf packaged solution. CIB were
looking for a system that would provide them with 90% of their
functional requirements, which was flexible enough to be
tailored to their own individual needs, intuitive and
straightforward to use, and price competitive. In terms of
functionality, they needed a system for their RM's to manage
and track client activity and history, record appointments and
actions, produce and store client documents, manage and
analyze sales activity, produce targeted mass mailings, whilst
providing the sales managers with good management reporting

The GoldMine contact manager satisfied all their criteria, and a

pilot system was purchased from a GoldMine Solutions Partner
and introduced into a small section of the Corporate division for
a trial period of six months. In spring 1996, following the
successful implementation of the pilot, a phased rollout of the
system began. The rollout was organized geographically from
South to North, and by October 1997, over 600 managers and
support staff across 100 locations in the UK will be using the
GoldMine system to manage their day-to-day activities on a
combination of LANs and laptops. To facilitate the
implementation process, all RM's were presented with a fully
configured system complete with their own individual customers
and prospects for cleaning and updating. The systems were (2 of 4)15/11/2004 00:03:58

Case Study ResultsCase Study Results

consistent in format across the UK for reporting and analysis

purposes, and were implemented by a combination of
GoldMine consultants and trainers and the bank’s own IT staff.
Douglas Alston explains "The system is certainly meeting
expectations, and response from the RM's is even better than
expected. GoldMine is enabling our managers to spend more
time on customer facing activities and, through its reporting and
analysis, has helped us to identify best working practices."

The next stage for CIB is to build a centralized marketing

database, using GoldMine as its direct marketing campaign

Retail Division
The utilization of contact management technology has spread
throughout the retail division of the bank, and GoldMine is now
up and running in its business and international divisions and in
Royal Scottish Assurance and Royal Bank Invoice Finance
where it is being used to automate a variety of business
applications. Eighteen months ago, Steve Richards, Head of
Business Banking Direct--with responsibility for a number of
business change initiatives in the bank, set out to source a
contact tracking system for the RM's on the retail side to
replace their existing paper based systems. He found that their
requirements were very similar to those of the RM's on the
corporate side and went ahead and piloted the GoldMine
system with 14 laptop users over a period of 6 months. The
system was used by the RM's to track client activity and history,
produce and store documents, schedule appointments, record
activities, prepare direct mail campaigns and track and monitor
sales activity. Once again, each RM was presented with a fully
configured standardized system onto which had been imported
their customer and prospect databases enabling them to get up
and running quickly and with minimal disruption to their day-to-
day activities.

Commenting on the pilot, Steve Richards says, "GoldMine has

definitely increased the sales productivity of our RM's. They
now have more customer contact, and vital contact related
information is available at their fingertips. They are also able to
respond quicker to customer requests and initiatives." Instead
of having to rely on a typing pool to get documents out of the
door, the RM's are able to utilize GoldMine’s seamless links to
Microsoft™ Word to produce and store their own letters and
correspondence. Richards goes on, "GoldMine is very powerful,
the interface is good and more importantly it’s easy to use." The
new system has also provided a method of monitoring sales
performance and measuring the time spent on customer facing
activities. The successful introduction of the pilot has proved
the case for a wider implementation across the retail division. A
spin off has been the uptake of the system by their specialist
healthcare managers and business development managers
who deal solely with intermediaries and who use the "referrals"
facility in GoldMine to track the source of all new business. (3 of 4)15/11/2004 00:03:58

Case Study ResultsCase Study Results

The Business Direct division, formed in early 1997, has also

embraced contact management technology to manage and
administer direct marketing campaigns for their portfolio of
savings and loans products. They use GoldMine to track
responses from the response handling companies through to
final sales, and use its ‘Automated Processes’ facility to trigger
a series of predefined actions to inquiries, from sending out
information packs and correspondence to scheduling follow-up
calls. The campaigns have been so successful that a new
campaign is being launched later in the year. The
implementation into Business Direct was carried out by
GoldMine consultants who used GoldMine’s DDE capabilities to
link it into their credit scoring application for loans
administration. Commenting on the service provided, Steve
Richards says "The GoldMine Solutions Partner worked to very
tight deadlines to achieve quick installations for us. It was very
well done and we are continuing to expand GoldMine into other
areas of the bank."

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