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dela Cruz, Patricia Marie M.

Student’s Internship Report and Reflection

With nearly 3,000 employees in three countries, Personiv offers quality

outsourced services to global business looking to scale. From customer
engagement to back office and recruiting to design, our team of skilled talent
stands ready to complete projects with quality and confidence, allowing you to
focus on goal-reaching strategic priorities. ISO and PCI-Certified, Personiv
provides innovative business solutions to companies across the globe. Personiv
is a BPO company. BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing and is the
contracting out of business services to a third party. Corporations use BPO
providers to save money on non-core tasks necessary for their business. Many
companies outsource business functions that they may not have the time to
complete themselves including creative services, customer care, recruitment of
employees or back office work.

At Personiv, efficiency is ultimately what they deliver, no matter the

service they provide. They offer an open demeanor, a customized approach and
a friendly flexibility to bring the talent and engagement you need. For Personiv,
quality begins and ends with their people. They work to recruit and retain the
best, so that they can deliver top-notch solutions that exceed the business goals
essential to long-term success. One of their greatest strengths as a company is
their ability to evolve and adapt to capitalize on new opportunities by embracing
change, exploring possibilities and never closing the door on an innovative idea.
They take pride in their people and they take pride in Personiv. Ultimately, they
work at discretion, but take great satisfaction in the opportunities and
environment they provide to their employees and the passion they have for the
work. One of the key differentiators for them at Personiv is their flexibility and
versatility. They create custom solutions that not only help them to address their
current challenges, but also lay the foundation for a long-term relationship as a
trusted partner. In their more than 30-year history, they’ve helped many
companies meet the needs and requirements of their business. Built from this
rich history is the belief we can find and deliver the specific talent needed,
regardless of industry.

At nearly 3,000 employees and growing, Personiv is large enough to scale

big programs, but small enough to offer nimble, one-on-one attention. Their
process ensures that they will never miss a step so they can scale programs to
match goals. With access to senior management and individualized feedback,
Personiv offers each of their customers with the same high-level, white-glove
service. Program managers wil be dedicated resources, making sure that they’re
always ready to answer the call. One of the biggest concerns for companies
starting to outsource is quality. At Personiv, they understand that a company’s
brand is the life blood of an organization, and customers are top priority. There is
no need to skimp on quality to decrease cost, and there is no need to relinquish
processes and tools to outsource.

Personiv offers a dedicated account manager based in the U.S. to ensure

that programs are running smoothly. Based in Austin, Texas, Personiv provides
one-on-one service, giving companies a peace of mind while focusing on quality
as they scale. Each client’s program is individualized for their needs, goals and
success. Personiv works within their clients tools and systems, while setting them
up for long-term growth, giving individualized planning, attention and follow-
through. Personiv only hires, trains and retains the best talent in the areas where
they work. Whether in their India or Philippines locations, Personiv is known as a
top employer allowing them to gain the best employees to work for their clients
and saving time and money.

Through their people-powered solutions, they hire, train and retain top
talent with a customized plan perfect for your brand, delivering high quality work
quickly and effectively, while enjoying cost savings of up to 75%. Whether
companies are looking to build their team, increase sales or master productivity,
Personiv can help them reach their goals so they can focus on what really

During my stay with the company, there were a lot of tasks that were
assigned to me. I was first tasked with filing of documents as a starter. Then, I
was in charge of petty cash monitoring and liquidation which was done
frequently. I was also tasked to update and monitor corporate card records of
employees. I was also given the opportunity to make and update accounts
analysis reports, which was not an easy task at first but with the help of my
supervisor, I was able to understand how it’s done in the long run. Not only did
she help me understand how it’s done, she also helped me understand what it’s
for. I was also tasked to go to handle various bank transactions throughout my
stay with the company.

During the first few days of my stay with the company, I was actually
clueless as to what I should do and what tasks should I accomplish. As this was
my first time in this kind of working environment, I have no clue as to how I
should behave and it was actually difficult to get used to. I was too shy to ask and
was too shy to offer help. But later on, as the days go by, I have learned how to
overcome this problem and I was able to come out of my shell. I have learned
how to communicate professionally with different employees in the company that
I was tasked to speak with.

There were times that I would make mistakes. This only made me more
motivated to improve my work not only to leave a good impression with my
supervisor but to be able to help the company as well, in my own little way. By
making these mistakes, I have also learned to take constructive criticism well. At
first, I would feel upset when I get criticised for my mistakes. But as time went by,
I have learned that these comments are for my own good and growth. Indeed, it
has helped me to improve my work. I have learned to never stop working hard no
matter what tasks I am given, whether big or small. This internship also helped
me to slowly become independent as there are times when I have to accomplish
tasks alone and to work by myself. Overall, my experience as an intern at
Personiv was fulfilling and it is something that I will always remember.

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