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The Kundalini-Process

This is a shortened version of the Kundalini-Process.

It’s taken from the German version of Cindy Dale’s book “THE SUBTLE BODY: An encyclopedia of
Your Energetic Anatomy”

Before Ascension: The insider goes through all the ups and downs of life including loss of
control over his physical everyday existence. Imagine Shakti (note: i.e. the female goddess
representing limitless higher consciousness and space as well as the Yin of the eastern medicine)
curled up as Kundalini-serpent at the bottom of the spine, where she is awaiting her awakening
and also the Shiva*)-energy, which is waiting up in the seventh chakra for her lost companion.
(note: i.e. the male god representing eternal higher consciousness and time as well as the Yang
of the eastern medicine)

Development: By moving from one stage of Kosha (note: i.e. energetic veils which restrict the
mind or the essential self. Those five veils lift accordingly to the physical, mental, spirituell and
energetic development of the insider) to the next, the insider thereby supports the activation of
the Nadis (note: i.e. subtle energy pathways in the body), the opening of the chakras and also the
awakening of Kundalini Shakti within the first chakra. This process includes also the cleansing of
the body, learning and healing of body, mind and soul.

Ascension of the Kundalini: When Kundalini ascends through Sushumna (i.e. central Nadi along
the spine), all chakras will be opened one after the other through the tree main Nadis, this being
the central Nadi Sushumna and the two surrounding Nadis, this being Ida, running on the left
side of the spine and representing female energy, and Pingala, running on the right side of the
spine and representing male energy. This leads to more insight and health within the areas,
which are mastered by the respective chakras.

Transformation: The seventh chakra receives the ascending Kundalini, so Shakti and Shiva –
male and female – are united. Many energetic systems teach, that the energy is now sitting in the
sixth chakra, where it can be focused furthermore.

Activation of special powers: Some energetic systems teach, that during and because of this
process, so called “Siddhis” or special powers of the subtle bodies are activated, which apparently
inforce magical skills, such as the skill to make oneself invisible, to float, to heal etc.. Through this
transformational process the physical energy of the body is changed through the special nature
of the prana and deliberates the insider from limitations, which are normally applied to him
through the laws of nature.

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