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Proceedings of the Institution of

Civil Engineers
Bridge Engineering 163
December 2010 Issue BE4
Pages 203–211
doi: 10.1680/bren.2010.4.203
Paper 900025
Received 28/04/2009
Accepted 20/08/2010 Sameer Z. Khan
Principal Engineer, Tony
bridges/cables & tendons/concrete
Birmingham, UK

Design audit of the Phu My cable-stayed bridge, Vietnam

S. Z. Khan MSc, CEng, MICE

Details of selected analyses and design checks conducted The main contractor for the project is the BBBH consortium, a
in connection with the design audit of Phu My cable- joint venture between Bilfinger Berger, Germany and
stayed bridge in Vietnam are presented. The project is Baulderstone Hornibrook, Australia. BBBH is also responsible
briefly introduced with regard to the contractual set up for the design of the bridge through their design consultants:
and the principal design standards. Techniques used for Arcadis, France, for the cable-stayed structure and Cardno,
the analyses are discussed with reference to the provi- Australia, for the viaduct spans. Erection engineering for the
sions of the governing design standards. Details of the cable-stayed bridge is provided by Leonhardt Andra und
advanced finite-element analyses conducted in order to Partner, Germany, in association with Cardno. Independent
facilitate the design checks of the permanent works under checking was carried out by Tony Gee (TG), UK.
temporary as well as in-service conditions are then
presented. It is shown how the scope of the analyses was 2. KEY REMIT
integrated to interface non-linear staged construction The involvement of TG was spread over two phases through the
analysis, incorporating time-dependent effects, with the course of the project. In the first phase TG were commissioned by
analysis for extreme load events under US design codes. PMBC to carry out a technical design investigation consultancy which
Details are provided in particular for staged construction was a technical design audit of the contractor’s design proposals for
analysis, ship impact analysis, dynamic response spectrum the cable-stayed structure and the viaducts. In the second phase TG
analysis and cable stay fracture analysis. In addition, cable carried out an independent category III check of the detail design.
stay fatigue, cable stay replacement and vehicular live
load effects are also discussed. A brief description of wind The scope of TG’s services under the first phase contract was
analysis, particularly with regard to construction stage spread over a broad spectrum of design checks, overviews
wind buffeting, is also presented together with the and technical audit of the contractor’s erection engineering
considerations taken on board for other environmental and permanent works design proposals in the pre-financial
factors such as temperature and humidity. The impor- closure stage. These included detailed analytical and design
tance of appropriate engineering experience in the checks on the permanent works under temporary as well as
management and validation of large analytical models is in-service conditions. Under the terms of the contract the
also discussed before presenting selective elements of the design checks were carried out to American Association of
structural design checks. The paper is concluded with State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Load
some thoughts on the role of advanced analyses in and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Construction
prospectively investigating the long-term sustainability of Specifications (AASHTO, 2004), the Vietnamese Design
the structure through its life cycle. Standard (VDS, 2001) and Post-tensioning Institute Guide
Specifications for Stay Cables (PTI, 2002). In addition a
number of supplementary standards were specified (CEB-FIP
1. INTRODUCTION Model Code (CEB-FIP, 1990), AASHTO Guide Specification
Phu My Bridge is a major fixed link crossing over the river Sai and Commentary (AASHTO, 1991); Fascicule 62 (1993); CIP
Gon in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. The structure (2001)). This paper deals largely with the first phase of TG’s
comprises an all-concrete cable-stayed bridge flanked on either involvement relating to the main cable-stayed bridge.
side by approach viaducts linking District 2 (D2) and District
7 (D7) of HCMC. The main cable-stayed bridge is a 705 m long 3. STRUCTURAL LAYOUT AND ARRANGEMENT
structure with a signature span of 380 m. The length of the The cable-stayed bridge structure (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)) is
approach viaduct on the D2 side is approximately 638 m and on briefly described here.
the D7 side approximately 758 m. The bridge owner is the
government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam through the (a) Cable-stayed bridge deck, 27?5 m wide with span arrange-
People’s Committee of HCMC. The project is financed through a ments of 162?5 + 380?0 + 162?5 m. Approach viaducts
privately funded design-and-build build-operate-transfer con- comprise a precast post-tensioned beam deck on a
tract and is valued at approximately US$105 million. The reinforced concrete (RC) substructure.
investment owner is the Phu My Bridge Corporation (PMBC). (b) Open Pi-section RC deck of̀ variable depth (2?001 to

Bridge Engineering 163 Issue BE4 Design audit of the Phu My cable-stayed bridge, Vietnam Khan 203
District 7 District 2

East tie-down
West tie-down

Tower 7

Tower 2
162500 190000 190000 162500
Stay 7118
Stay 7218
5200 5200

Post Stay 7201 Stay 7101


'H' shaped
1800 dia. pylon
2100 dia.


27 500

13 750 13 750

Cable stay
8085 8085

2.5% 3% 3% 2.5%
Fall Fall Fall Fall


Main edge-beam

Precast anchor pads Transverse beam

Typical deck section


Figure 1. (a) Bridge elevation; (b) cross-section (dimensions in mm)

2?350 m) comprising two cast in situ main edge girders is strands. Stay anchorages are fitted with internal hydraulic
typically supported by cable stays at every 10?0 m and is damping devices. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) ducts
additionally post-tensioned in the mid-span region of the are provided with a double-ribbed exterior. This is
deck. considered advantageous for suppressing rain–wind
(c) Precast RC transverse T-beams (subsequently post-tensioned vibrations.
after installation on the deck) span between the main edge (g) The main pylons are founded on 2 6 14 no. deep bored RC
girders and support a 250 mm RC deck slab at 5?0 m piles of 2?1 m diameter each. Tie-down piers are founded on
centres. 4 no. RC piles of 1?8 m diameter each.
(d) H-shaped RC 140 m high pylons comprise twin-draped legs
supporting two vertical planes of cable stays. High-level 4. FINITE-ELEMENT MODELLING AND
and low-level cross beams of the pylons are post- INTEGRATED ANALYSES
tensioned. Pylon shafts and cross beams are generally of A global three-dimensional finite-element (FE) model (Figure 2)
hollow box shape configuration with variable wall comprising representative beam and cable elements was
thicknesses. Wall thicknesses are locally increased at developed in high-end proprietary software to derive the staged
critical sections. build up of stresses in the structure through the course of its
(e) Tie-down piers comprise solid vertically post-tensioned construction. An integrated approach was adopted for analyses
concrete shafts 1?8 m 6 5?0 m integrally connected to the so that the parent model was used, with suitable modifications,
deck. The deck above the tie-down piers is of solid concrete for a broad range of further linear as well as non-linear static
construction and post-tensioned in both directions. and dynamic analyses (BDE, 2008).
(f) A total of 144 cable stays are arranged in a semi-harp
configuration. Stay cables are suspended from the pylons in For a small range of analytical investigations simpler computer
two vertical planes and are anchored into precast anchor models were also developed. At the same time, representative
pods interfaced with the main edge girders. Stays comprise models were developed in other proprietary software in order to
15 mm, seven-wire high-strength individually protected carry out appropriate validation.

204 Bridge Engineering 163 Issue BE4 Design audit of the Phu My cable-stayed bridge, Vietnam Khan
Variable cross-section pylons
High-level cross-beam

Cable stays


Transmission devices

Main edge beams

Transverse beams


6 × 6 stiffness matrices

Integral connection

Figure 2. Finite-element model

5. MANAGEMENT AND VALIDATION PROCEDURES de-installation of various temporary works including

The schedule of design checks was closely integrated with the trestles, bearings, wind buffeting cables and tie-down
contractor’s overall programme and work was undertaken on a arrangements at appropriate stages.
stringent timeline. In this regard the efficient management of (b) External forces: these forces resulted from the sequential
the overall checking process, involving the use of international application and release of jacking and/or pulling forces
codes and standards as well as various types of models and applied at various stages to the main pylons and the deck
proprietary software, was seen as an essential element of through the course of construction. These also included the
successful project delivery (Khan, 1999). forces caused by the operation of the form travellers.
(c) Internal material models: material models were defined
A process of verification and validation was followed as part of within the software to look at time-dependent effects such
a quality management system that provided experienced as creep, shrinkage and relaxation. For the in situ and
engineering oversight and review at all stages of work. In this precast elements, concrete strength gain curves and other
regard, a correct understanding of the end requirements was material data were defined. Some of this input was based
developed in advance. A record of the type of analysis, solution upon specific test data. For the post-tensioned and cable
control, boundary conditions, and load application was main- stay elements the steel relaxation curves provided by the
tained. Analytical assumptions, including those for structural manufacturers were incorporated in the input. Time-
idealisation, material model definition, age and boundary dependent effects were defined to the provisions of the CEB-
constraints, were subjected to sensitivity analysis. FIP-1990 Code (CEB-FIP, 1990).
(d) External environmental factors: these included temperature
Key aspects of some of the analyses in connection with the and relative humidity effects. Temperature effects included
design checks are now presented in the following sections. These a global uniform temperature variation as well as a
include analyses related to the three extreme event limit states temperature differential of 10 ˚C between the concrete deck
under AASHTO relevant to the project; namely earthquake, ship and the cable stays. Relative humidity was taken as an
impact and cable fracture. average of 85% in consideration of local conditions. Static
and gust wind effects were also investigated.
Cable-stayed bridges involve very slender structural elements 6.1. Modelling the construction sequence
undergoing complex geometric transitions through temporary The key objective of the SCA was to model closely the evolving
and permanent means to achieve the final geometric config- geometry, force distribution and stiffness of the structure with
uration and force distribution. It was thus important to reference to the applied loading and time. The scope of the
understand and represent appropriately the following key analysis was spread from day 1 of construction up to day 50 000
factors, each with regard to time, in the non-linear staged in the in-service state. The key features of the SCA (Figures 3(a)
construction analysis (SCA) computer model. to 3(h)) were based upon the contractor’s proposed programme
and were modelled in the following manner.
(a) Boundary constraints: apart from permanent supports, these
are an ever-changing scenario in this type of construction (a) Construction begins on the D7 side main pylon. After
and vary with almost each stage. In the given case these constructing the piles and lower part of the pylon, the table
involved the detailed sequence of installation and segments are cast on a temporary suspended platform.

Bridge Engineering 163 Issue BE4 Design audit of the Phu My cable-stayed bridge, Vietnam Khan 205
Start of construction activities on D7 side D7 pylon construction continued D7 form travellers installed for span segment
D7 foundations constructed and construction Table span segments erected on
of pylon shafts in progress suspended falsework
D2 pylon

D7 tie-down pier
A1 D2 foundations and A2 supported by temporary A3 Wind buffetting cables
pilecap constructed works installed and preloaded

(a) (b) (c)

D7 tempoary tie-down arrangement installed, D7 half completed and stitched Span construction progressing
x-cables preloaded with tie-down pier towards midspan closure on
D2 side

D2 pylon progressing

A4 A5 Deck construction sequence A6

repeated on D2 side using
same form travellers

(d) (e) (f)

Temporary works removed, Span closure achieved,

span closure near-ready middle span
post-tensioning installed

A7 A8
Deck lowered on permanent
bearings, surfacing and
barriers installed

(g) (h)

Figure 3. (a) Commencement of construction at D7; (b) table-span segment erection; (c) span segment erection and installation of
wind buffeting cables; (d) temporary tie-down arrangement installed; (e) D7 half completed, table-span segment erection progressing
at D2; (f) D2 span erection progressing; (g) temporary works removed, span closure near-ready; (h) span closure achieved, PT
installed in middle span

(b) Once the pylons are constructed up to a certain level above (a) movement of form travellers
the high-level cross beam, the span segment erection is (b) casting of main edge-girder segments (in situ)
started on the D7 side using the free cantilever method with a (c) installation of cross-girders (precast) and post-tensioning
maximum of one out-of-balance segment at a time using (d) casting of in situ deck slab
form travellers. The deck is supported on temporary bearings. (e) stressing of stay cables
(c) Only one set of form travellers is used for span construction. (f) transfer of stay force from form traveller to concrete.
Thus, the D7 half of the span is constructed first, after this
the same form travellers are transported to the D2 side for Force, stiffness and material properties for each stage were also
span construction. A 6 month time lag between the age of defined. Temporary supports installed and removed during the
the last D7 segment and that of the last D2 segment at the construction process were sequentially incorporated in the
time of the mid-span closure was modelled. analysis. These included the falsework under initial table span
construction and the wind buffeting cables with appropriate pre-
Each key construction activity was defined as a ‘stage’ in the loads. Temporary works elements were assigned appropriate
analysis, for example, construction of segment ‘n’ in the main unidirectional stiffness such as ‘tension only’ for the wind
span. Each stage was then subdivided into an appropriate buffeting cables and ‘compression only’ for the vertical staging
number of sub-stages, for example: under the initial deck table spans. The effects of post-tensioning in

206 Bridge Engineering 163 Issue BE4 Design audit of the Phu My cable-stayed bridge, Vietnam Khan
the pylons, T-beams, tie-down piers and the adjoining solid slab various factors, such as the installation and removal of
deck were also incorporated in the analysis. Finally, the lowering of temporary supports and the application and relieving of
the deck onto its permanent bearings after main span closure and external forces, played a significant role in arriving at the
the post-tensioning in the mid-span region were modelled. desired geometry and stress distribution for that stage.

6.2. Post-tensioning forces in cable stays All of the above factors could not be practically accommodated
One of the key elements that influences SCA is the calculation of in a backward analysis as it is not practicable in such an analysis
the correct post-tensioning force introduced in each stay cable, to go in the reverse direction of time. It was equally important in
at the appropriate stage, to achieve the final geometry and stress the analysis to focus also on the staged deflections and the
distribution. Stay post-tensioning forces were not provided by overall geometry of the structure and not just the forces.
the contractor in the first phase of work and only upper-bound
and lower-bound ranges were indicated. These forces were thus The build-up of the stresses following from the construction
calculated through an independent analysis. Some of the key process was analysed and effects from the permanent loads were
considerations that governed the analysis for determining these considered to be locked-in. Results from this analysis were then
forces included the following items. integrated with the other analyses undertaken subsequently.

(a) The residual post-tensioning force in a given cable stay was 7. DYNAMIC SEISMIC ANALYSIS
sensitive to the geometry and overall context of the A multi-modal dynamic response spectrum analysis (RSA) was
structure at that stage. carried out to derive seismic effects in the structure using the
(b) For some of the first cables, introducing the full force in one global three-dimensional model. Cable-stayed bridges are
go was not practicable due to stability and bearing lift-up inherently flexible structures and are characterised by closely
considerations. spaced frequencies of vibration. In this regard it is important to
(c) Owing to individual strand stressing, all the strands in a appreciate the factors that influence the outcome of the dynamic
cable stay may not be stressed in one go. analysis and appropriately represent them in the FE model
(d) Each cable stay may require re-visiting. Final stressing of (Khan, 1994). The FE analysis for dynamic seismic effects
most cable stays may be required under final permanent focused on the following items.
loads and prior to opening the bridge to traffic.
(a) Appropriate representation of material and structural
There are two commonly accepted methods for determining the character of the structure, including appropriate modelling
required post-tensioning forces in the cable stays, namely the of structural connections, restraints, boundary conditions
forward analysis and the backward analysis. Both methods and soil–structure interaction.
derive most of their basic rationale from a unit load type (b) Appropriate representation and distribution of the mass of
analysis in order to determine the residual force in each cable the structure, including torsional mass.
stay in the overall system. Some of the considerations that (c) Eigenmode analysis (Figures 4(a) and 4(b)). The first 100
resulted in adopting the forward analysis method are listed here. modes of vibration were extracted in the frequency range of
0?265 to 4?450 Hz.
(a) This was an all-concrete structure and time-dependent (d) Account was taken of the special transmission devices and
effects were anticipated to be considerable. buffers proposed at the deck–pylon connections. This
(b) There was a large disparity in the respective ages of the two information was later also used for construction stage wind
halves of the deck at the time of mid-span closure. buffeting analysis at the time the Category-III check was
(c) There were several key stages in the construction where carried out.

z z

(a) (b)

Figure 4. (a) Fundamental eigenmode 0?265 Hz; (b) first torsional eigenmode 0?422 Hz

Bridge Engineering 163 Issue BE4 Design audit of the Phu My cable-stayed bridge, Vietnam Khan 207
(e) Multi-modal dynamic RSA in the two mutually orthogonal design forces for parallel impact and transverse impact were not
principal axes of the structure. applied simultaneously.
(f) Combination of the seismic forces from the RSA to the
provisions of AASHTO. The forces associated with the impact of the hull with a rigid
body are a function of the dead weight tonnage and the ship
The AASHTO requirements focus on site-specific effects. For impact velocity. The ship collision energy is a function of vessel
structures in the USA this approach is based upon a postal-code- displacement, the vessel velocity and the associated hydro-
specific approach. In this case the structure was located in the dynamic mass. The last-mentioned factor accounts for the mass
Nha Be district. Site-specific seismic parameters were deter- of water surrounding and moving with the vessel and hence
mined for this structure by the Laboratory of Seismic Research, contributing to the increase in the overall force associated with
Institute of Geophysics Vietnam and were presented in a detailed the impact. Once both these parameters were determined, they
report. The report regarded the structure as being located in a were translated to compute the depth of the ship’s bow crushed
moderate seismic zone. The following key parameters were during the impact and compared with accepted values. Ship
considered. impact was also investigated for the collision of the ship’s bow
on the superstructure.
(a) Site coefficient S 5 1?50.
(b) Peak ground acceleration 5 90 cm/s2. Consideration was also given to conducting a more rigorous
(c) Soil profile-III (according to 22-TCN-272-01 (VDS, 2001)). transient dynamic analysis but this course was not progressed
due to lack of specific data on the duration of vessel impact and
The forces obtained from the seismic analysis were modified the dynamic mechanism of the elasto-plastic collapse of the
using appropriate response modification factors in accordance vessel’s hull. AASHTO specifications require such an analysis to
with the codes. be based upon accepted impact force/damage length relation-
ships to be established from actual model testing which was not
The complete quadratic combination method was used for included in the scope of the project.
modal superposition. The seismic input was considered in the
two principal horizontal directions of the structure, namely the 9. CABLE FRACTURE
longitudinal and transverse directions. No vertical component of Cable fracture in cable-stayed bridges is a critical loading
the seismic input was considered. The spectral input was scenario and can significantly influence the design of the deck
considered in one principal direction at a time only; that is, the and the pylon. Cable fracture may be caused by a sudden event
longitudinal earthquake and the transverse earthquake were such as a traffic accident or an act of terrorism involving
treated as two separate but interlinked sets of analyses. The explosives. On the other hand, this can be a slow and more
results obtained from the two analyses were then combined in drawn out process involving, initially, the gradual and
accordance with the codes in order to derive the extreme event incremental failure of some of the strands that eventually leads
forces in each principal direction. Absolute values of the seismic to a point where the remaining strands in the cable become
forces were considered in a manner that was intended to
overstressed and break suddenly.
produce the most onerous effect on the structure.
In either case the resulting loss of cable leads to a reduction in
8. SHIP IMPACT the stiffness of the cable-stayed system. In this regard the deck is
Because of its location over a navigable waterway, the bridge considered to be particularly vulnerable because the loss of a
was also checked for its ability to resist ship impact. The process cable results in a loss of compression in the deck. At the same
involved the determination of the appropriate traffic intensity in time, in decks with twin cable planes, such as the one under
terms of the number as well as the size of the shipping traffic. At consideration, cable loss along one plane introduces a load
the same time an independent verification of the design impact eccentricity in the deck. Both factors, combined with large
loads proposed by the contractor was carried out. deflections and onerous live load placement, are potential
sources of buckling instability.
The key criterion for ship impact was for each main pylon to be
designed to resist a 30 MN impact perpendicular to the bridge The PTI Guide Specifications (PTI, 2002) require all cable-stayed
axis. Each pylon was also required to resist a 15 MN impact bridges to be designed for a redundancy of any one cable to
parallel to the bridge axis. Both the impact requirements were guard against progressive collapse of the entire structure. The
treated as separate and independent extreme events. The vessel specifications do not appear to differentiate between the gradual
frequencies and speeds relating to the ship impact scenario were cable failure scenario and the sudden failure scenario. Cable
derived from data provided by the HCMC Ports Authority. failure is only considered as an abrupt event and is represented
by a dynamic force resulting from the ‘sudden fracture’ of the
The analysis involved pseudo-dynamic considerations of the given cable. The specifications prescribe two broad methods of
hull collapse and load application in accordance with the analysis. The first one is a simple static approach involving the
provisions of the AASHTO Guide Specifications (AASHTO, structure with any one cable removed and under the action of
1991). permanent and live-factored loads. The dynamic force is applied
as an equivalent static force in the correct orientation. The
For member capacity checks involving local collision forces, the second method involves a dynamic consideration of the force
design impact forces were considered as vertical line loads but little guidance is provided by the PTI document on how
accounting for the raking effects of the bow of the ship. The actually to conduct the dynamic analysis.

208 Bridge Engineering 163 Issue BE4 Design audit of the Phu My cable-stayed bridge, Vietnam Khan
Specific design criteria for Phu My Bridge required the scenario 10. CABLE REPLACEMENT
to be investigated on the basis of a ‘strand-by-strand’ fracture Cable replacement was considered as a controlled event in
caused by the corrosion of individually protected strands. After which two lanes nearest to the plane of stays in which
considering a number of options, a dynamic non-linear push- replacement was being undertaken were considered closed to
over fracture analysis was conducted in which the dynamic traffic and no vehicular live load was applied in them. For the
force derived through the PTI document was applied in purposes of design checks, selected cables were considered
incremental time steps to replicate a strand-by-strand fracture. under the cable change load scenario, including the longest
The deformation and stress history of the structure were cable in the approach span as well as the longest cable in the
investigated through the course of the failure period. Based main span. This event was considered as a strength limit state
upon the findings of this analysis, specific recommendations only. The key objective of this check was to satisfy the client
with regard to the long-term health monitoring and sustain- that any such future scenario could be undertaken under
ability of the cable-stay system were made in order that any sustainable conditions involving limited traffic disruption and
corrosion-related strand fracture was detected at an early stage without the need for full closures.
and appropriate action undertaken. It was noted that in such a
future event, individually stressed strands provided a distinct 11. CABLE STAY FATIGUE
advantage in that the individual damaged strands could be Checks for fatigue stresses (Figures 5(a) and 5(b)) in cable stays
removed and replaced without the need for a complete cable were undertaken in accordance with the PTI Guide Specification
replacement. (PTI, 2002). The fatigue vehicle was considered in accordance

100 Back-span cable stays


% of constant amplitude fatigue threshold

(reference: PTI specification)
























Cable stay no.


100 Main-span cable stays

% of constant amplitude fatigue threshold

(reference: PTI specification)

























Cable stay no.


Figure 5. (a) Fatigue in back span cables; (b) fatigue in main span cables

Bridge Engineering 163 Issue BE4 Design audit of the Phu My cable-stayed bridge, Vietnam Khan 209
Figure 6. The bridge during construction

with AASHTO (2004) and the ADTT was taken as 20 000 VPD (c) Angles of attack up to +/2 10 ˚ from the horizontal
and factored in accordance with the provisions for rural investigated.
interstate. The constant amplitude fatigue threshold was taken (d) Damping coefficients for the deck.
as 110 MPa and was appropriately factored. (e) Critical wind velocities for the onset of deck flutter.
(f) Critical deck displacements under vortex shedding.
Wind tunnel testing was specified as a part of the contract to Numerical design checks undertaken with regard to the
provide the following key information. dynamic wind response of the deck suggested that the
amplitude of movements under vortex shedding was of a
(a) Coefficients for drag, lift and twist. low order and was not likely to be critical. The prospect
(b) Force and pressure distribution across the deck for various of rain–wind vibrations in the cable stays was also
angles of wind attack. investigated.

Figure 7. Deck erection in progress Figure 8. The bridge at span closure

210 Bridge Engineering 163 Issue BE4 Design audit of the Phu My cable-stayed bridge, Vietnam Khan
The frequency separation ratio derived from eigenmode analysis relaxation. Effects from environmental factors such as tem-
was found to be 1?6, which indicated a favourable response perature, humidity, wind and water forces were investigated.
against coupled flutter. The critical wind velocity for the onset The survivability of the structure against collapse caused by
of dynamic flutter in the bridge deck under horizontal wind extreme events such as earthquake, cable fracture and aberrant
attack was estimated to be higher than the maximum wind ship vessel impact was also studied. The prospect of cable
velocity expected for the site. During the course of the replacement under sustainable operational conditions was also
subsequent category III design check on the structure a more investigated.
detailed wind buffeting analysis was also undertaken using the
pseudo-static approach. An integrated approach, largely facilitated by the use of suitable
high-end engineering software, was adopted for the design audit
13. LIVE LOAD process. This allowed aspects of the structure related to the
Critical live load effects in the superstructure were derived in design to be linked with those related to the construction process
accordance with AASHTO (2004). The following procedure was as well as to material behaviour and sustainability through the
generally followed in order to derive the most onerous loading. course of its life cycle.

(a) Multiple lane moving load analysis to determine the most The construction of the bridge (Figures 6–8) followed an
onerous positioning of the HL-93 trucks. optimised completion target of 30 months (Hubert, 2009) and
(b) Development of envelopes of moving loads for various was successfully inaugurated in September 2009 to coincide
elements. with the national day of Vietnam.
(c) Four-lane and six-lane truck arrangements considered in
conjunction with lane loading, pedestrian live load and REFERENCES
motorcycle loading as appropriate. AASHTO (American Association for State Highway and
(d) The two-truck arrangement considered in each lane to derive Transportation Officials) (1991) Guide Specification and
the critical hogging moments over the bearing supports. Commentary for Vessel Collision of Highway Bridges, Final
Report. AASHTO, Washington, DC.
Information derived from the above was used as a basis for AASHTO (2004) LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 3rd edn.
conducting the design checks under various service, strength AASHTO, Washington, DC.
and extreme event situations. BDE (2008) Cable complexities. Bridge Design & Engineering,
Issue No. 52, Third Quarter.
14. DESIGN CHECKS CEB-FIP (The International Federation for Structural Concrete
Design checks were undertaken on the permanent works based (fib)) (1990) Model Code for the Detailed Definition of Time
principally upon the provisions of AASHTO. Load combinations Depending Concrete Properties and Prestressing Losses. CEB-
were derived for strength, service and extreme event limit states, FIP, Lausanne, Switzerland.
accounting for the importance classification of the structure. CIP (Commission Interministerielle de la Precontrainte) (2001)
Spreadsheets were set up to generate the load combinations for the Haubans: Recommendations.
various limit states and member capacity checks were carried out Fascicule 62 (1993) Titre V for Geotechnical Design. Travaux
using proprietary software. These checks included an account for a Publics, Paris.
range of possibilities for the interaction between flexural, shear and Hubert I (2009) Saigon Sight (Title Feature). Bridge Design and
axial effects, including post-tensioning where appropriate. Engineering, Issue No. 54, First Quarter, 24–25.
Khan S (1994) Aspects of finite element modelling and dynamic
Checks were also conducted on the reinforcement detailing, seismic analysis of cable stayed bridges. Proceedings of the
particularly at the connections, to ensure compliance with the IABSE-FIP International Conference on Cable Stayed and
seismic provisions of the AASHTO code. Particular checks were Suspension Bridges, Deauville, France. Association Française
carried out on the confinement requirements for the concrete pour la Construction (AFPC), Bagneux, France, pp. 263–270.
core at connections and junctions. It was also checked that Khan S (1999) Design for constructability in turnkey bridge
adequate shear transfer and bearing was provided in the main projects. Proceedings of the International Conference on
bars against localised buckling under seismic conditions. Current and Future Trends in Bridge Design Construction and
Maintenance, Singapore. Institution of Civil Engineers,
The design audit took into account a range of factors related to PTI (Post-tensioning Institute) (2002) Recommendations for Stay
the structural behaviour and also to the durability and Cable Design, Testing and Installation, 4th edn. PTI
sustainability aspects of the structure. The staged build-up of Farmington Hills, Michigan.
stresses in the structure was derived taking into consideration VDS (Vietnamese Design Standard) (2001) 22 TCN 272-01 for
time-dependent material effects such as creep, shrinkage and Vehicle Loading. Ministry of Transport, Hanoi, Vietnam.

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Bridge Engineering 163 Issue BE4 Design audit of the Phu My cable-stayed bridge, Vietnam Khan 211
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