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Secondary and Intermediate Education in National
Education Policy 1972-80

submitted to
Prof. Dr. Saleha Parveen
Faculty of Education
University of Sindh
Old Campus Hyderabad

Submitted by:
Abdul Raoof Soomro
Research Student
Faculty of Education
University of Sindh
Old Campus Hyderabad

Secondary and Intermediate Education in National Education

Policy 1972-80

Education plays central role for any individual, society, nation, state
and country. It builds up multispherical knowledge with high character
and noble skills and makes a perfect man in the society, so, for the
advancement and progress of education government makes plans or
policies for the future stretegy to bring quality in education. In this
regard education policy 1972-80 which was made in Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto's regime is counted one of the best policies of Pakistan. We
discuss on the secondary and intermediate education in the light of
this policy. According to this policy it was decided athat education in
classes IXth and Xth will be made free in all schools from October
1974. As poor children particularily may get education easily. At
present only 8% of the youth of secondary and intermdiate age attend
secondary schools and intermediate colleges in Pakistan. The
present rate of increase in enrollment at secondary and intermediate
level is about 10% per annum. By 1980 it is estimated that the
enrollment will more than double rising from four lac to 8.5 lac in IXth
and Xth classes and from 1.6 lac to 3.6 lac in XIth and XIIth. this will
cover 15% of the age-group by 1980. Education should not be an
abstract endeavour. On the contrary it must be closely related to
employment opportunities. For this purpose vocation and
occupational subjects were being added to general education at this

Shift towards science and technology.

Including these subjects the institutions would produce industrial

worker, but as well as technicians in their skills. For science teaching
2200 additional units at the matric level and 700 units at the
intermediate level will be estabalished. Each unit will have facilities
for eighty students at the rate of 40 in each class. It will consist of two
classrooms and a workshop.

Integration of general and technical education

The integration of general and technical education will equip

secondary and college students for purposeful employment including
self employment in agriculture, business, home economics and
education in addition to providing them a program of general
eduation. In this way a major part of the vocational training of
teachers will be conducted in institutions of general education.

Integrated Science course

The scientific subjects like Mathematics, Biological and Physical

science will be introduced at the high school and intermediate level
with a new way to give student a more comprehensive and diversified
preparation enabling them to have wider choice at the time of entry
into higher institution of professional and genal education.

Qualified teachers
These scientific subjects can not be taught without trained and
qualified teachers so it was decided that short in-service science and
technical teacher training programs will be launched during summer
vaccation. so, for this purpose 21100 teachers in high school and
6900 teachers will be trained by 1980.

Special Education

For special education handicapped children's education committee

will be established by education councils in each province. They will
be responsible for the special education, protection, intitutional care,
rehabilitiation and employment of the physically and mentally
handicapped. So, funds will be provided for the estimated 2 lac
handicapped persons between the age of 1 to 20 years to promote
the education and welfare.

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