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The Foreign-exchange Trading Process

When a company sells goods or services to a foreign customer
and receives foreign currency, it needs to convert the foreign
currency into the domestic currency. When importing, the
company needs to convert domestic to foreign currency to pay
the foreign supplier. This conversion takes place between the
company and its bank, and most of these transactions take
place in the OTC market. Originally, the commercial banks were
the ones that provided foreign-Exchange services for their
customers. Eventually, some of these commercial banks in New
York and other centers such as Chicago and San Figure 8.4 Structure of Foreign-Exchange Markets
Francisco began to look at foreign Exchange trading as a major Banks than they do with corporate clients. The BIS estimated in
business activity instead of just a service. They became interme- 2001 that 59 percent of the foreign-exchange trades took place
diaries for smaller banks by establishing correspondent among reporting dealers. Fifty-seven percent of the business
relationships with them. They also became major dealers in between dealers takes place across national borders, whereas 43
foreign exchange. percent the dealers’ business with nonfinancial customers takes
The left side of Figure 8.4 shows what happens when a U.S. place in the domestic market. This number is declining rapidly,
company needs to sell euros for dollars. This situation could compared with 64 percent in 1998.
arise when a customer had to pay in euros or when a German When a company needs foreign exchange, it typically goes to its
subsidiary had to send a dividend to the U.S. Company in commercial bank for help. If that bank is a large market maker,
euros. The right side of the figure 8.4 shows what happens the company can get its foreign exchange fairly easily. However,
when a U.S. company needs to buy euros with dollars. This if the company is located in a small market and uses a local
situation could arise when a company had to pay euros to a bank, where does the bank get its foreign exchange? Figure 8.5
German supplier. However, there are other markets and illustrates how foreign-exchange dealers at the banks trade
institutions in which foreign exchange is traded. Most of the foreign exchange. A bank, dealing either on its own account or
foreign-exchange activity takes place in the traditional instru- for a client, can trade foreign exchange with another bank directly
ments of spot, outright forward, and FX swaps, and or through a broker. In the broker market, it can use a voice
commercial banks and investment banks or other financial broker or an electronic brokerage system (EBS). In both the U.S.
institutions basically trade these instruments. However, and, direct dealing is by far the most widely used
companies could also deal with an exchange, such as the method of trading currency; however, the use of electronic
Philadelphia Stock Exchange to buy or sell an option contract brokerages is increasing. An increase in electronic brokerage
and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to deal in foreign-currency system shows that dealers are directly trading less actively among
futures. themselves. The share of electronic brokerages in interdealer
The Bank for International Settlements estimates that there are trading volume was around 5 percent in 1992, 10 percent in
about 2,000 dealer institutions worldwide that make up the 1995,40 percent in 1998, and 60 percent in 2001.
foreign-exchange market. Of these, about 100 to 200 are A foreign-exchange broker is an intermediary who matches the
market-making banks, which means that they are willing to best bid and offer quotes of interbank traders. There are a
quote bid and offer rates to any one in the currency or currencies number of brokerage houses around the world, such as the
in which they deal. Of this group, only a select few are major Martin Brokers Group in London, owned by Trio Holdings,
players, and they will be identified and discussed shortly in the Exco, Tullett & Tokyo Forex International, and Intercapital
section on commercial and investment banks. Group. These brokers have traditionally dealt in the market by
As noted earlier, most of the foreign-exchange trades take place voice, linking up interbank traders. According to the BIS survey
in the OTC market in which most of the dealers operate. These in 1998, there were nine brokers in the United States, including
dealers operate more in the interbank market with dealers of the two major electronic brokerage systems, down from 17 in
other 1995.
The use of brokers depends on a number of factors, such as
the location of the market and the size and nature of the
foreign-exchange transactions. Voice brokers are especially
important for large foreign-exchange transactions. Brokers have
filled an important role because of their ability to establish
networks with a wide variety of banks, thus allowing banks to

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buy or sell currency from other banks faster than if they had to Commercial and Investment Banks


try to contact all or different potential banks themselves. At one time, only the big money center banks could deal directly
However, the voice broker market has been rapidly giving way in foreign exchange. Regional banks had to rely on the money
to electronic brokerage systems. center banks to execute trades on behalf of their clients. The
Historically, most trades took place by telephone. A dealer in emergence of electronic trading has changed that, however.
one bank would call a dealer in another bank and execute a Now even there regional banks can hook up to Reuters and
trade. If it did not have access to enough banks to get the EBS and deal directly in the interbank market or through
currency needed, it could operate through a broker. The move brokers. In spite of this, the greatest volume of foreign-
from voice to electronic brokerage systems was initiated by exchange activity takes place with the big banks.
Reuters (its system is called Reuters’ Dealing 3000) and then There is more to servicing customers in the foreign-exchange
followed by other systems such as Icos, an electronic brokerage market than size alone. Each year, Euromoney magazine
company. surveys corporations and financial institutions to identify their
customers’ favorite banks and the leading traders in the
interbank market. The criteria for selecting the top foreign-
exchange traders include Ranking of banks by corporations and
other banks in specific locations, such as London, Singapore,
and New York.
Capability to handle major currencies, such as the u.s. dollar and
euro. Capability to handle major cross-trades-for example, those
between the euro and pound or the euro and yen. Capability to
handle specific currencies. Capability to handle derivatives
(forwards, swaps, futures, and options). Capability to engage in
Other factors often mentioned are price, quote speed, credit
rating, liquidity, back office/settlement, strategic advice, trade
recommendations, out-of-hours service/night desk, systems
technology, innovation, risk appraisal, and e-commerce func-
Figure 8.5 Foreign-Exchange Transactions tions. For this reason, large companies may use several banks to
A bank gets access to the automated system by purchasing the deal in foreign exchange, selecting those that specialize in specific
service from Reuters by paying a monthly fee and receiving a geographic areas, instruments, or currencies. For example,
link through telephone lines to the bank’s computers. Then the AT&T uses Citibank for its broad geographic spread and wide
bank can use the automated system to trade currency. The coverage of different currencies, but it also uses Deutsche Bank
automated system is efficient, because it lists bid and sell for euros, Swiss Bank Corporation for Swiss francs, NatWest
quotes, allowing the bank to trade immediately. For large Bank for British pounds, and Goldman Sachs for derivatives.
transactions, many dealers prefer the familiarity of a trusted
voice broker to find a buyer or seller. Electronic dealers are
efficient but too impersonal for the large transactions. Most
electronic trades average in the $1 million to $2 million range,
although a trade of $1 0 million to $20 million will occasionally
show up. Electronic brokerage systems are used in one third of
all transactions for the dollar, euro, and yen. Many voice brokers
are leaving the spot market and focusing more on derivatives,
such as forwards and options.
A current trend in currency trading is the establishment of
Internet currency trading. During the Internet boom of the
1990s, large banks and corporations started funding Internet
start-ups that were aimed at facilitating Internet exchange Table 6.5 identifies the top banks in the world in terms of
trading. One example is a company called Atriax, which was foreign exchange trading. They are the key players in the OTC
formed by Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, and Deutsche Bank. market and include both commercial banks (such as Citigroup
Then the bottom fell out of the stock market in 2000, many of and JPMorgan Chase) and investment banks (such as UBS
these companies found themselves in trouble, including Atriax. Warburg-the Table 6.5.
Some companies survived, and Internet trading for foreign London-based investment banking division of Union Bank of
exchange is estimated to be around $14 billion a day. Many Switzerland and Swiss Bank Corporation-and Goldman Sachs).
believe that in 10 to 20 years, there will be a variety of platforms Whether one is looking at overall market share of foreign-
that allow trading in multiple products. And as banks security exchange trading, die ranking of best banks in specific locations,
issues associated with Internet trading, activity should pick up. the best banks in the trading of specific currency pairs, or best
dealers, these top 10 banks are usually at or near the top in every

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One area that allows banks to develop niches is that of exotic exchanging $1 million-I could still have gotten a general idea of

currencies. An exotic is a currency from a developing country, what to expect.

such as the Russian ruble, the Malaysian ringgit, and the The first stop was Chile. I decided to carry a mixture of cash
Mexican peso. Exotics are difficult for corporations to work and traveler’s checks, because on a trip to Brazil a new years
with because the volume of activity in those currencies is pretty earlier, I was attacked and nearly robbed in Rio de Janeiro.
small, so the costs of dealing with those currencies are relatively Traveler’s checks provide security because they can be replaced.
high. It is hard to get a good price, and the bid/ask spread is However, in that prior trip, the bank wouldn’t cash traveler’s
usually higher than would be the case for a widely traded checks at the Buenos Aires airport, so this time I came prepared
currency like the Japanese yen. In addition, local regulations for all possibilities. In addition, I like to use credit cards, as long
governing the use of exotic currencies change daily, realignments as the local currency is stable. Credit card companies handle large
of exchange rates are common, and the volume of activity in volumes of currency daily, so they get favorable exchange rates.
the currencies can be subject to wide swings. Banks such as
When we cleared customs in Chile, the exchange rate was 350
Citigroup help their clients with exotics by cutting through the
pesos per dollar, I had no idea whether hotel, I asked the
regulations on buying and selling, dealing with difficult
woman at the front desk if she could cash $100, and she said
exchange-rate systems, working with exchange controls on
she was out of pesos but would have some in 30 minutes.
investments, and getting information on potential changes in
This was no big deal because we needed to unpack and rest
rates. The banks also help their clients manage positions and
before having lunch. After a nap, we headed down to the front
move funds.
desk to get some cash. But still the answer was, “sorry, no
In addition to the OTC market, there are a number of ex- pesos.” She did suggest an exchange house two blocks away. So
changes in which foreign-exchange instruments, mostly options off we headed. After getting lost, we finally asked directions and
and futures, are traded. Two of the best-known exchanges are found a casa de cambio (Exchange House) next to the metro
the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the Philadelphia (subway or underground). To our pleasant surprise, the
Stock Exchange (PHLX). The CME offers futures and futures exchange rate was 450 pesos per dollar, and there was no service
options contracts (contracts that are options. on futures charge. Usually, when you convert currency at the airport, bank,
contracts rather than options on foreign exchange per se) in the or hotel, you have to pay a service charge on each transaction.
euro, the Japanese yen, the Mexican peso, the Australian dollar, We walked out of the Case de cambio with 45,000 pesos-10,000
the British pound, the Canadian dollar, the Swiss franc, the more than if we had converted at the airport.
Brazilian real, the South African rand, the New Zealand dollar,
As we walked to lunch, I began to figure 8.5 out how much
the Swedish krona, the Norwegian krone, and the Russian
things would cost. When I get foreign currency, I feel as if I’m
ruble. The CME hit record trading levels for futures contracts in
spending Monopoly money-it just doesn’t seem real for some
2002-with June and July the busiest months in history. When
reason. “Let’s see, if I want to pay $ 10 for lunch, I Should pay
the economy turned down, investors flocked to the CME to
4,500 pesos ($10X450 pesos, the exchange rate I got when I
purchase options in a move to hedge against falling portfolios.
traded my dollars into pesos). That’s easy. But if lunch costs
Also, electronic trading increased the ease and availability of
7,800 pesos? How much is that? Never mind. It’s more than
$10 and less than $20 (between 4,500 and 9,000 pesos).” I said
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange is the only exchange in the to myself that I might have to think about this some more.
United States that trades foreign-currency options. The PHLX
After two wonderful days in Santiago, we checked out of the
lists six dollar-based standardized currency option contracts:
hotel-an experience in itself. Everyone was very pleasant, but the
Australian dollars, British pounds, Canadian dollars, euros,
system was a little slow. The clerk said, “Do you want to keep
Japanese yen, and Swiss Frances. The PHLX has been growing
the charges on your American Express?” “Of course,” I said. I
faster than the CME. Much of the growth has come from
figured American Express could get a pretty good exchange rate
MNEs. Although options cost more than futures, big compa-
for my room charge for two nights of 102,000 pesos. “That will
nies prefer them to futures (the CME instrument) because of
be $255,” he said. “Wait,” I said. “What exchange rate are you
their greater flexibility and convenience.
using?” “Four hundred pesos,” he replied. “That’s a horrible
Case Study rate,” I said. “I got 450 pesos down the street.” “That is not
Foreign Travels, Foreign-Exchange Travails: Excerpts from the possible, Senor. Maybe you misunderstood. Perhaps 405, or
Travel Journal of Lee Radebaugh. One of the more daunting maybe 415, but not 450.” “I know what exchange rate I got and
aspects of overseas travel for the business executive or the it was 450,” I replied. “That is a very good exchange rate,
tourist is coping with currency. Recently, I traveled to Latin Senor.” Yeah, right, I thought. Not only did I not get the
America to visit alumni, interview candidates for our MBA American Express rate, but the room cost me $127.50 per
program, and set up a foreign business excursion for graduate night! At my conversion rate of 450 pesos from the Casa de
business students. I was in such a hurry to leave that I didn’t Cambio, I would have spent only $227 for two nights (102,000
even check the exchange rates in the Wall Street Journal- pesos/450 pesos), thus saving $28.
something I usually do. Even though the exchange rates in the MAP. A Trip Through South America’s Exchange Rates
Journal are the New York selling rates (my buying rates) for It wasn’t enough to cause an international incident, however, so
transactions of $1 million or more –and I didn’t plan on I dropped it and thanked him for the lovely stay. I may be back,
SO” didn’t want him to remember an ugly American.

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The last time I had been in Brazil, the country was in the


process of locking the currency onto the U.S. dollar to eliminate
these price differences and to stabilize its value, but the situation
was still chaotic. Taxi drivers still preferred dollars, no matter
what the exchange rate. Finally, the Brazilian government
succeeded in stabilizing the currency in June 1994, and the
Brazilian real (the name of the currency, pronounced hey ALL)
was fixed to the dollar (or pegged)-the rate was about 1: 1.
When I arrived at the airport. I changed dollars into reais
(pronounced hey-ICE) at R$0.9300 = US $1.00. The bank
demanded no service charge, but it sold dollars (or bought R$)
for R$0.99 = US $1.00. What a change from the historical value!
The first time I went to Brazil in 1964, the dollar was worth
1,200 cruzeiros, the name of the currency then. Since that time,
the Brazilian currency has changed names seven times: cruzeiro
(1942-1967), new cruzeiro (1967-1970), cruzeiro (1970-1986),
cruzado (1986-1989), new cruzado (1989-1990), cruzeiro (again!)
(1990-1993), cruzeiro real (1993-1994), and real (since 1994).
Every change knocked three zeros off the currency. So 1,200
cruzeiros became 1.2 new cruzeiros, and so on. At an exchange
rate of 1: 1, it was obviously easier to figure out how much
When I got to the Santiago airport. I decided to exchange everything cost in dollars. But everything was more expensive
Chilean pesos for Argentine pesos, or “Argentino” for short, compared to U.S. costs. When the Brazilian government fixed
but only dollars were available. This was confusing without any the rate at 1: 1, it made the real a little too strong, so the dollar
additional complications, because both Chile and Argentina lost much of its purchasing power there.
used the term peso for their currency even though the values are
very different. I guess this is similar to the U.S.- Canadian It can be confusing to travel overseas-whether on a business trip
situation-that is, both countries use the term dollar for their or for pleasure-and the more countries you go to in a single trip,
currencies. Then I noticed that the airport bank was selling the more confusing it gets. And the worst part is that every time
dollars for 410 pesos per de if and buying for 430. Because I you travel, you need to get used to new exchange rates. For
had bought at 450 at the Exchange House and sold at 430 at example, by early 2003, the Chilean peso was trading for713.78
the airport I made about $0.11 on every 1,000 pesos. It didn’t per U.S. dollar, the Argentine peso for 3.33 per dollar, and the
amount to much-but if only I could have traded $1 million at Brazilian real for 3.44 per dollar-quite a change from my last trip
that spread. to South America.

When we arrived at the Buenos Aires airport a few hours later, I Ethical Dilemma
cashed some more money at the bank in the airport. This time, The need for Check and Balances
the bank accepted traveler’s checks, and I converted $100 for There are plenty of opportunities for a trader to make money
93.95 pesos, which was a little surprising because I had read that illegally. One of the most publicized events in the derivatives
the exchange rate was $1 = 1 peso. To my surprise the bank markets in recent years involved 28-year-old Nicholas lesson and
charged me 5 percent to cash the traveler’s checks and another 233-year old Barings PLC. Lesson, a trader for Barings PLC,
1.05 percent service fee-a total of 6.05 pesos. went to Singapore in the early 1990s to help resolve some
Because everything was expensive in Buenos Aires, I ran out of problems Barings was having. With in a year, he was promoted
pesos quickly, so I went to the American Express office the next to chief trader. The problem was that he was responsible for
day, and it converted $100 for 99.8 pesos. Next time, I’ll ask trading securities and booking the settlements. This meant that
before using traveler’s checks. It can get confusing. At times, I’ve there were no checks and balances on his trading actions, thus
sold traveler’s checks at a better rate than I got than if I’d been opening the door to possible fraud. When two different
selling cash, and other times not. When we left Buenos Aires, people ate assigned to trade securities and book settlements, the
the exchange rate was the same for buying and selling-l: 1. There person booking the settlements can confirm independently
was a $0.15 service charge, so it cost almost nothing to change whether or not the trades were accurate and legitimate. In 1994,
currency-$l 00 to buy 99.8 pesos at American Express and $100 leeson brought stock index futures on the assumption that the
for selling 99.85 pesos (100 pesos less $0.15). Tokyo stock, market would rise. Unfortunately, the market fell,
After a delay at the airport in Buenos Aires, we finally headed and lesson had to come up with cash to cover the margin call on
for Sao Paulo, Brazil. The currency market in Brazil has always the future contract. A margin is a deposit made as security for a
been the haven of the black marketer. No one ever has a clue to financial transaction that is otherwise financed on credit. When
the real value, and it varies with personal checks, traveler’s checks, the price of an instrument changes and the margin rises, the
or cash. Every hotel and shop has its own rate, which requires exchange “calls” the increased margin from the other party in
astute shopping around. this case leeson. However, leeson soon ran out of cash from
Barings, so he had to come up with more cash. One approach

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he used was to write options contracts and use the premium he local and foreign companies suffering from a shortage of cash, a

collected on the contracts to cover his margin call. Unfortunately, devaluing peso, and a burden of growing debt. HSBC lost $1.1
he was using brings’ funds to cover his transactions. As the billion in 2001 because of Argentina’s problems, and its
Tokyo stock market continued to plunge, leeson fell farther and outlook for 2002 was not much better. If things don’t improve
farther behind and eventually fled the country, later to be caught soon in Argentina, HSBC may be forced to close its operations
and returned to Singapore for trial. Barings estimated that in the country.
leeson generated losses in excess of $1 billion, which put London-based HSBC derives its name from its founding
Barings into bankruptcy. Eventually, the Dutch bank ING member, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
purchased Barings. Lesson’s activities in the derivatives markets Limited, which was established in 1865 to permit trade between
were illegal and a violation of solid internal controls. China and Europe. Until the early twentieth century, Hongkong
Finally, leeson went to prison on Singapore (where he was and Shanghai Banking Corporation set up offices and branches
treated for colon cancer as well). On July 3,1999, leeson was mainly in China and southeast Asia-but also in India, Japan,
released from prison, and he returned to his native Britain. Europe, and North America. As HSBC’s Web site states, “In
Since the collapse of Barings, measures have been put into place many of its branches, the bank was the pioneer of modern
in banks to prohibit such consequences, yet negative outcomes banking practice. From the outset, trade finance was a strong
of rogue trading continue to happen. In February 2002, Allied feature of the bank’s business, with bullion, exchange, and
Irish Banks discovered that an employee, John Rusnak at its merchant banking also playing an important part.”
U.S. subsidiary, All first banks, lost $750 million, but the profit After World War II, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking corpora-
was not investigated by the bank because it was making a great tion expanded and diversified its business with acquisitions “,c
deal of money off his trades. But because of the U.S. market at alliances. Through the 1980s, it expanded into Canada, Austra-
that time, Rusnak’s leveraged gains quickly turned to huge lia, and the United States, and in the 1990s, it moved into Brazil
losses. A/B suspect Rusnak was involved with fictitious trades and Argentina. In 1991, its member companies came together
and collusion inside or outside of allfirst bank. to form HSBC Holdings plc. HSBC pursues a balance of
opportunities in developed economies and emerging markets
Looking to the Future
and now has over 7,000 offices in 81 countries. It has stock
Exchange Markets in the New Millennium market listings in London, Hong Kong, New York, and Paris.
Significant strides have been made and will continue to be made
HSBC’s entry into Argentina began in 1997, when the bank
in the development of foreignexchange markets. The speed at
acquired Roberts SA de Inversions, changing its name to HSBC
which transactions are processed and information is transmitted
Argentina Holdings SA Along with the banking arm, HSBC
globally will certainly lead to greater efficiencies and more
bought into a general insurance agency with the purchase of
opportunities for foreign-exchange trading. The impact on
Roberts. In 1994, HBSC united with New York Life to form a
companies is that costs of trading foreign exchange should
life and retirement insurance company, so the acquisition of
come down, and companies should have faster access to more
Roberts was a strategic fit in both banking and insurance. HSBC
Argentina has also acquired companies in pension fund
In addition, exchange restrictions that hamper the free flow of management and medical care, thus creating a diversified
goods and services should diminish as governments gain portfolio in Argentina. HSBC is the eighth largest bank in
greater control over their economies and as they liberalize Argentina and employs over 5,900 people in 183 offices. The
currency markets. Capital controls still impact foreign invest- banking arm of HSBC Argentina maintains commercial services
ment, but they will continue to become less of a factor for trade with about 80 percent of the nation’s top 200 companies and
in goods and services. MNEs. The outlook for HSBC in Argentina looked good. In
The introduction of the euro has allowed cross-border 1998, its first full year of operations, the bank had a pretax loss
transactions in Europe to progress more smoothly. As the euro of $13 million but earned a profit of $67 minion in 1999 and
solidifies its position in Europe, it will reduce exchange-rate expected profits to continue growing at 100 percent.
volatility and should lead to the euro taking some of the To understand the decline of HSBC in Argentina, it is necessary
pressure off the dollar so that it is no longer the only major to take a look at Argentina’s economic history. Argentina’s
vehicle currency in the world. economy flourished in the beginning of the twentieth century,
Finally, technological developments may not cause the foreign- growing at an annual rate of 5 percent for three years. It
exchange broker to disappear entirely, but they will certainly attracted a flood of British and Spanish capital and was rated as
cause foreign-exchange trades to be executed more quickly and one of the world’s 10 richest countries-even ahead of France
cheaply. The growth of Internet trades in currency will take away and Germany. However, it has been downhill since then. When
some of the market share of dealers and allow more entrants Juan Peron ruled the country from 1946 to 1955, he instituted
into the foreign-exchange market. Internet trades will also protectionist measures and printed money to finance generous
increase currency price transparency and increase the ease of benefits for workers. State intervention in all sectors led to poor
trading, thus allowing more investors into the market. productivity and structural weakness in the economy. Inflation
H SBC Holdings plc, one of the world’s largest banks, is faced plagued the country; there were two bouts of hyperinflation in
with a difficult decision regarding its Argentine subsidiary. the 1980s and two banking collapses. As a result, Argentines
Argentina’s economy collapsed at the end of 2001, leaving both lost trust in the peso and invested in U.S. dollars or shipped
their capital abroad.
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In 1989, Carlos Menem took control of the country and set out problem. The budget went from a surplus of 1.2 percent of


to implement free-market reforms and to restructure monetary GDP in 1993 to a deficit of 2.4 percent in 2000. Increased
and economic policies. He privatized many state-run companies, interest rate payments also added to the increasing budget
tightened fiscal management, and opened up the country’s deficit. FromJ991 to 2000, the amount of interest rate pay-
borders to trade. Probably the most important policy he ments increased from $2.5 billion to $9.5 billion annually. This
established was the Convertibility Law, which pegged the drained the economy more as most of this money went to
Argentine peso 1: 1 with the U.S. dollar and restricted the overseas investors. This currency “mismatching,” meaning
money supply to its hard dollar currency reserves. This mon- most of the debt is taken out in one currency but assets are held
etary arrangement was called a currency board and was in another, was large in Argentina and would later prove
established to impose discipline on the central bank. The new disastrous.
currency board accomplished what it set out to do: It halted Politicians found little they could do to help the struggling
inflation and attracted investment. Investors felt that there was economy., They fiddled with tariffs and finally the currency
little risk anymore in investing in the peso, since it was pegged board. They pegged the peso half to the dollar and half to the
to the dollar. The sentiment that “the peso is as good as the euro for exporters. The idea of devaluation scared investors and
dollar” was strong throughout the country. Because there was a caused interest rates to rise even more. Unable to pay its interest
stable money supply, this reduced inflation to nearly 0 percent payments and unwilling to declare a debt default, the govern-
through-the rest of the 1990s and kept the exchange rate at a ment turned to the banks. The Menem government had
constant value. Real GDP grew by 6.1 percent from 1991 to strengthened the banking system, particularly the central bank,
1997 compared to 0.2 percent from 1975 to 1990. but his successor, Fernando de la Rua, sent a crushing blow to
In spite of these positive developments, the currency board also the sector. He strong-armed the banks into buying government
had its drawbacks. It reduced the Argentine government’s ability bonds. This triggered a bank run, and Argentines withdrew
to respond to external shocks by allowing its exchange-rate and over $15 billion between July and November 2001. In a
monetary policy to be determined de facto by the United States. desperate attempt to save the industry, Mr. de 1a Rua imposed a
Interest rates were in reality set by the U.S. Federal Reserve; plus ceiling of $1,000 a month on the bank withdrawals on Decem-
there was a risk-margin for investing in Argentina. This ber 1. Within days, the country defaulted on $155 million in
arrangement was put to the test in 1995, when the Mexican public debt, the largest such default in world history. As rioters
peso devalued. Investors got nervous about Latin America in and looters took to the streets, Mr. de la Rua resigned.
general and pulled investments out of Argentina. Its economy Argentina struggled to find a president who was fit for the job.
shrank by 4 percent, and many banks collapsed. The govern- It went through a total of five presidents in four months,
ment responded by tightening bank regulation and capital ending finally with Eduardo Duhalde. The government
requirements, and some of the larger banks took over weaker abandoned the currency board in January 2002 and let the peso
ones. Argentina increased exports and investment, and the float against the dollar peso began falling quickly, so the
country returned to 5.5 percent growth. government spent around $100 million a day-to a total of $1.2
Unfortunately, the government wasn’t so lucky with its results billion-to prop up the value. More money was leaking out of
at the end of the 1990s. Commodity prices, which Argentina the banking system too (around $50 million a day), because the
relied heavily on, declined; the U.S. dollar strengthened against courts had overturned the freeze on withdrawals.
other currencies; Argentina’s main trading partner, Brazil, In March 2002, Mr. Duhalde imposed new restrictions on the
devalued its currency; and emerging economies’ cost of capital foreign exchange market. Individuals could buy no more than
increased. Argentina soon fell into a recession, with GDP falling $1,000 a day and companies no more than $10,000 a day. Banks
to 3.4 percent in 1999 and unemployment increasing into the and business had restrictions on the number of dollars they
double digits. Argentina, because of its hard link to the dollar, could hold and on how much money could be shipped abroad.
was unable to compete internationally, especially in Brazil, Currency exchanges could only operate three to four hours each
because of its high prices. One way to correct this problem day-versus the typical seven hours. However, the courts kept
would be to devalue the currency to bring the value closer to its overturning policies set by the government and had police arrest
fundamental value. Argentina couldn’t devalue unless it bank managers who didn’t follow their rulings. Still unable to
canceled the currency board, a move it didn’t want to take prevent the increasing flow of money out of the system,
because of the currency board’s popularity and past success. The Duhalde closed all banks for a week. In the meantime, he
only way for Argentina to become more competitive was for proposed to forcibly convert billions of dollars in bank
prices to fall. As deflation set in, the government (and some deposits into low-interest bonds. The senate refused the
private companies) found it difficult to pal’ its debt because it president’s bone proposal, thus sending him back to the
was not collecting as much revenue. Banks had been lending drawing board.
dollars at 25 percent interest rates even though the risk was
As Argentina tries to repair its economy, it is waiting for help
supposed to be low.
from the international Monetary Fund (IMF). However, the
Argentina was acquiring a burgeoning public debt. When the IMF continues to turn down Argentina’s requests for help until
recession hit, tax revenue fell and spending increased to pay for it implements some sweeping changes in its exchange-rate
such things as higher unemployment. Tax evasion is extremely policy, fiscal policy, and banking system. In an attempt to find
high in Argentina, but the government did little to tackle the someone to blame, Duhalde started criticizing foreign-owned

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banks, such as HSBC, for not infusing more cash into the Argentina or cease operations in the country. It injected $211

system from their headquarters. The central bank has been million into its Argentine operations to keep them stable, but
printing pesos to keep banks solvent, but this has led to if the situation continues to worsen in the country, HSBC may
increased inflation. The national and provincial government are have no choice but to exit.
also using bond notes, quasi-currency, to pay many of their
debts. This note is being swapped in everyday transactions and
has surprisingly held its value against the peso. Officials promise 1. What are the major factors that caused the peso to fall in
Argentines that once a deal is signed with the IMF, they will value against the dollar?
gather up this quasi-rency and swap it for pesos at face value. 2. What should President Duhalde do to stabilize Argentina’s
Progress is slow with the IMF. Many of the measures required currency?
by the IMF are extremely unpopular with the provincial 3. What are HSBC’s options in Argentina, and what do you
governors and the courts. As a result, Duhalde has had to think they should do?
abandon some of his required cost cutting in order to please Tourists and business travelers hope for favorable exchange
the country. One of the last measures Duhalde has imple- rates when traveling abroad. By early 2003, the dollar had risen
mented is that of pacification, which turned bank’s dollar assets bringing the exchange to 713.78 Chilean pesos, 3.33 Argentine
and liabilities into devalued peso. This again has put a severe pesos, and 3.44 Brazilian reals per dollar. But the dollar began
strain on the banking system. People do not trust the banks to drop again in mid-2003.
anymore. They blame the banks for the bank freezes even
though the government ordered them. Two foreign banks have
left the country, and others are threatening to do the same.
Argentina’s economy, though still deeply damaged, is starting to
stabilize. The peso was trading around 27 cents in the latter half
of 2002, inflation declined and the central bank’s reserves
increased a little partly due to the fact that the nation’s banks
aren’t paying their debts). Some economists believe that
Argentina should go with full “dollarization” of its currency,
not at 1: 1 but more like 4: 1. This would be even more binding
than its previous policy, but it would bring confidence back to
the economy. Others argue for a system of “managed floating
plus” that would give the government flexibility to alter its
monetary policy but still stay within certain targets and reduce its
currency mismatching. The world is waiting to see what the IMF
will do to support the country and what Argentina’s next move
will be.
HSBC’s reaction to the crisis was similar to that of other banks
in the country. It was forced to rethink loans and to decide if
the political and economic instability of the country was worth
the risk of continued operations. HSBC quickly cut its profit
estimate for 2001 by 10 percent. Then when its annual report
came out, the bank declared a $1.12 billion charge for provisions
associated with Argentina and losses from foreign currency
redenomination. A total of $520 million of this charge stems
from the loss in value of the peso. In Latin America, HSBC lost
$977 million in 2001, compared to a profit of $324 million in
2000. Overall, HSBC Holdings doubled its bad-debt charges to
$Z.4 billion, and pretax profits fell by 14 percent in 2001.
Because of the pesification instituted by the Argentine govern-
ment, loan repayments to HSBC were deeply discounted. In
June 2002, HSBC refused a loan payment by Perez Company,
an energy holding company, because the payment was in pesos.
The original loan was for $101 million and Perez’s offered
payment of 104.57 pesos only equaled about $28 million at
market rates. HSBC argued that debt was not covered by
pesification. HSBC worked quickly to renegotiate all contractual
agreements, but it hoped that the IMF would soon provide
assistance to the battered country. Because the IMF was stalling,
HSBC questioned whether it should continue to fight losses in

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