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Climate change and disasters had become global concerns that can no longer be ignored. Their
impacts are serious threats to national growth as they can significantly reverse the development gains
achieved by any community over the years.

The Philippines, being archipelagic in nature and situated within the Pacific ring of fire, is one of the
most disaster-prone countries in the world. Likewise, the City of Victorias is not spared from these disasters
and has its share of typhoons, floods and landslides.

In November of 2013, the city experienced the wrath of nature as it was one of the Local
Government Units (LGUs) within the path of super typhoon Yolanda that ravaged the country. Although
there was substantial damage to crops, livestock and properties during super typhoon Yolanda, there was
zero casualty in terms of population. This can be attributed to the preparedness of the city and the active
engagement of its population spearheaded by the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council. It should
also be noted that forced evacuation was employed by the city for all its constituents living in danger areas
and all those belonging to the vulnerable sectors.

Fortunately, the city is not located within any fault line, hence, its threat to earthquake is minimal.
Given its very short coastline and the proximity of the neighboring island that shields it from the open sea,
Victorias is not also prone to storm surge and tsunami. Very strong typhoons that bring heavy rains and
strong winds, which enter the city’s territorial jurisdiction during high tides, may cause occasional tidal
surge. During such conditions or upon forecast of strong typhoons, families in the coastal areas are
immediately evacuated to safer grounds. As a pro-active endeavor, settlements in danger areas, such as
those along coastlines, near riverbanks and those in danger areas, are currently being transferred / re-
settled in the Yolanda Housing Project locally named “Villa Victorias”.

Data from the local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office and from MGB-DENR revealed
that there are two (2) identified natural hazards in Victorias City namely: flood and rain induced

8.1. Flood Hazard

Particularly, data revealed that a large majority of the total land area of the city is not susceptible to
flooding. Information from the MGB-DENR revealed that majority of the city’s urban barangays has only low
flooding susceptibility. These are barangays near the coastal areas and in the urban centers with lower
elevation. On the other hand, areas near riverbanks have moderate to high flooding risk but most of these
are easement and buffer areas.

To aid the city in further pointing out the specific flood prone areas, it commissioned the University
of the Philippines in the Visayas to conduct mapping using LiDAR. As such, LiDAR data give details of
flood susceptibility of Victorias City and these are reflected in the map shown in Figure C8-1.

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 45
Population Exposure Map
Figure C8-1


Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 46
The Population Exposure Map – Flood Hazard (LiDAR Data from UP) approximates the area (in
hectares) of various barangays in terms of their susceptibility to flooding identified as low, moderate or high
based on a 5-year return period. Using these data, the hazard exposure is determined approximating the
affected area, affected number of household, the number of population to be affected and the exposure
percentage. This is detailed in the table below:

Table C8-1
Population Data Base and Exposure to Flooding By Barangay and Type of Susceptibility
Total Land Barangay Brgy. Pop'n. Flood Affected Affected Affected Exposure
Area / Brgy Population Density Susceptibility Area (ha) HH Population Percentage
Land Area Total Pop'n. Brgy Pop'n./ Low, Moderate, GIS derived Affected Pop'n. / Brgy Pop'n. Density Affected Pop'n/ Total
/ Brgy (Ha.) of the brgy Brgy. Land Area High data 4.5 Ave. HH Size x Affected Area Brgy Pop'n x 100
Low 5.5 115 517 14.22%
Barangay I 3,634 93.95 Moderate 7.4 154 695 19.13%
38.68 High 1.1 23 103 2.84%
Low 0.4 21 95 8.03%
Barangay II 1,185 237.95 Moderate 1.6 85 381 32.13%
4.98 High 0 0 0 0.00%
Low 5.4 205 922 49.63%
1,857 170.68 Moderate 1.3 49 222 11.95%
III 10.88 High 0 0 0 0.00%
Low 0.2 7 33 2.15%
1,548 166.09 Moderate 0.6 22 100 6.44%
IV 9.32 High 0 0 0 0.00%
Low 0.8 8 34 1.55%
Barangay V 2,190 42.45 Moderate 2.3 22 98 4.46%
51.59 High 0 0 0 0.00%
Low 2.4 42 191 2.67%
7,144 79.39 Moderate 3.5 62 278 3.89%
VI 89.99 High 0.6 11 48 0.67%
Low 1.6 68 307 4.75%
6,467 191.90 Moderate 2.8 119 537 8.31%
VI-A 33.70 High 0.1 4 19 0.30%
Low 1.7 61 273 6.64%
4,104 160.31 Moderate 2.6 93 417 10.16%
VII 25.60 High 0 0 0 0.00%
Low 6.5 4 19 0.41%
4,631 2.90 Moderate 8.4 5 24 0.53%
VIII 1,597.71 High 6.1 4 18 0.38%
Low 6.9 443 1992 29.56%
6,739 288.73 Moderate 5.3 340 1530 22.71%
IX 23.34 High 0.3 19 87 1.29%
Low 1.8 1 5 0.09%
Barangay X 5,569 2.76 Moderate 2.4 1 7 0.12%
2,017.46 High 1.6 1 4 0.08%
Low 7.9 1 4 0.19%
2,233 0.54 Moderate 5.7 1 3 0.14%
XI 4,151.16 High 3.8 0 2 0.09%
Low 6.1 4 20 0.55%
3,574 3.22 Moderate 10.1 7 33 0.91%
XII 1,108.76 High 5.7 4 18 0.51%
Low 1.8 3 12 0.18%
7,068 6.91 Moderate 1.4 2 10 0.14%
XIII 1,022.41 High 2.4 4 17 0.23%
Low 2.6 4 18 0.43%
7.04 Moderate 2.9 5 20 0.48%
XIV 603.32 4,245 High 2.3 4 16 0.38%
Low 2.1 6 26 11.09%
235 12.41 Moderate 2.1 6 26 11.09%
XV 18.94 High 0 0 0 0.00%
Low 4.6 2 9 2.11%
407 1.87 Moderate 1.1 0 2 0.51%
XV-A 217.69 High 0 0 0.00%
Low 1.2 3 13 4.02%
330 11.06 Moderate 1.5 4 17 5.03%
XVI 29.83 High 3.6 9 40 12.07%
Low 1.66 1 6 9.15%
18.14 69 3.80 Moderate 0.33 0 1 1.82%
XVI-A High 1.15 1 4 6.34%
Low 0.2 32 142 17.86%
794 708.93 Moderate 0.1 16 71 8.93%
XVII 1.12 High 0.5 79 354 44.64%

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 47
Continuation of Table C8-1

Total Land Barangay Brgy. Pop'n. Flood Affected Affected Affected Exposure
Area / Brgy Population Density Susceptibility Area (ha) HH Population Percentage
Low 0.34 12 55 12.14%
453 161.79 Moderate 0.23 8 37 8.16%
XVIII 2.80 High 1.75 20 92 20.31%
Low 8.6 16 71 3.93%
218.77 1,804 8.25 Moderate 6.2 11 51 2.83%
XVIII-A High 6.7 12 55 3.06%
Low 4.1 12 55 2.88%
142.20 1,895 13.33 Moderate 4 12 53 2.81%
XIX High 6.9 20 92 4.85%
Low 3.6 12 54 0.77%
466.56 7,019 15.04 Moderate 1.8 6 27 0.39%
XIX-A High 3.4 11 51 0.73%
Low 8.5 13 58 0.78%
1,087.16 7,442 6.85 Moderate 8.5 13 58 0.78%
XX High 4.6 7 31 0.42%
Low 2 6 26 0.50%
399.89 5,297 13.25 Moderate 2.4 7 32 0.60%
XXI High 5 15 66 1.25%
TOTAL 13,392.00 87,933 232.66 2,400 10,806
Source: UP-LiDAR Data 5-year return period

The data revealed that of the total 13,392 hectares land area of the city, only 232.66 hectares or
about 1.74% is susceptible to flooding. In terms of population, this involves a total of 2,400 households
comprising of 10, 806 individuals.
Specifically, of the 232.66 hectares that are flood susceptible, a total of 110.5 hectares are located
in the rural areas while122.16 hectares are in the urban barangays. Of this 232.66-hectare land area, 57.60
hectares have high flooding susceptibility; 86.56 hectares have moderate susceptibility while 88.50
hectares have low flooding susceptibility. Table C8-2 below provides a detail of the barangays with high
susceptibility to flooding.
Table C8-2
Barangays with High Susceptibility to Flooding
No. Name of Barangay Land Area (ha.) Population Affected Area (ha) Affected HH Affected Pop’n.
A. Urban Barangays - Poblacion Area
1 Barangay I 38.68 3,634 1.1 23 103
2 Barangay VI 89.99 7,144 0.6 11 48
3 Barangay VI-A 33.70 6,467 0.1 4 19
4 Barangay IX 23.34 6,739 0.3 19 87
Sub Total - Urban Poblacion Area 185.71 23,984 2.1 57 257
B. Urban Barangays - VMC Area
1 Barangay XVI 29.83 330 3.6 9 40
2 Barangay XVI-A 18.14 69 1.15 1 4
3 Barangay XVII 1.12 794 0.5 79 354
4 Barangay XVIII 2.80 453 1.75 20 92
5 Barangay XVIII-A 218.77 1,804 6.7 12 55
6 Barangay XIX 142.20 1,895 6.9 20 92
7 Barangay XIX-A 466.56 7,019 3.4 11 51
Sub Total - Urban -VMC Area 879.42 12,364 24.00 152 688
C. Rural Barangays
1 Barangay VIII 1,597.71 4,631 6.10 4 18
2 Barangay X 2,017.46 5,569 1.60 1 4
3 Barangay XI 4,151.16 2,233 3.80 - 2
4 Barangay XII 1,108.76 3,574 5.70 4 18
5 Barangay XIII 1,022.41 7,068 2.40 4 17
6 Barangay XIV 603.32 4,245 2.30 4 16
7 Barangay XX 1,087.16 7,442 4.60 7 31
8 Barangay XXI 399.89 5,297 5.00 15 66
Sub Total - Rural Barangays 11,987.87 40,059 31.50 39 172
GRAND TOTAL 13,053.00 76,407 57.60 248 1,117
Source: UP-LiDAR Data 5-year return period

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 48
Table C8-2 revealed that of the total 57.60 hectares that have high flooding susceptibility, about
54.69 % or 31.50 hectares are located in the 8 rural barangays along riverbanks where most are either
easement or buffer areas, hence, possible threats /damage to population are manageable. Based on
estimates, there are about 39 households that can be affected in rural barangays with high flooding
susceptibility and this comprises of 172 individuals.

Table C8-2 further showed that a total of 26.1 hectares of land area with high susceptibility to
flooding are located in 11 urban barangays of the city; seven (7) of which are within the VMC area while the
remaining four (4) are within the poblacion area. Affected area in barangays within the VMC compound
totals to 24 hectares with an estimated affected household of about 152 composed of 688 individuals.
Moreover, 3 of the 4 barangays within the poblacion area that are highly susceptible to flooding are coastal
barangays. Total affected area for poblacion barangays is 2.1 hectares with an estimated affected
households of 57 comprising of 257 people.

On the other hand, the 86.56 hectares that have moderate susceptibility to flooding are distributed
among the 26 barangays of the city, detailed in Table C8-3 below.
Table C8-3
Barangays with Moderate Susceptibility to Flooding
No. Name of Barangay Land Area (ha.) Population Affected Area (ha) Affected HH Affected Pop’n.
A. Urban Barangays - Poblacion Area
1 Barangay I 38.68 3,634 7.4 154 695
2 Barangay II 4.98 1,185 1.6 85 381
3 Barangay III 10.88 1,857 1.3 49 220
4 Barangay IV 9.32 1,548 0.6 22 100
5 Barangay V 51.59 2,190 2.3 22 98
6 Barangay VI 89.99 7,144 3.5 62 278
7 Barangay VI-A 33.70 6,467 2.8 119 537
8 Barangay VII 25.60 4,104 2.6 93 417
9 Barangay IX 23.34 6,739 5.3 340 1530
Sub Total - Urban Poblacion Area 288.08 34,868 27.4 946 4,256
B. Urban Barangays - VMC Area
1 Barangay XV 18.94 235 2.1 6 26
2 Barangay XV-A 217.69 407 1.1 - 2
3 Barangay XVI 29.83 330 1.5 4 17
4 Barangay XVI-A 18.14 69 0.33 - 1
5 Barangay XVII 1.12 794 0.1 16 71
6 Barangay XVIII 2.80 453 0.23 8 37
7 Barangay XVIII-A 218.77 1,804 6.2 11 51
8 Barangay XIX 142.20 1,895 4 12 53
9 Barangay XIX-A 466.56 7,019 1.8 6 27
Sub Total - Urban -VMC Area 1,116.05 13,006 17.36 63 285
C. Rural Barangays
1 Barangay VIII 1,597.71 4,631 8.40 5 24
2 Barangay X 2,017.46 5,569 2.40 1 7
3 Barangay XI 4,151.16 2,233 5.70 1 3
4 Barangay XII 1,108.76 3,574 10.10 7 33
5 Barangay XIII 1,022.41 7,068 1.40 2 10
6 Barangay XIV 603.32 4,245 2.90 5 20
7 Barangay XX 1,087.16 7,442 8.50 13 58
8 Barangay XXI 399.89 5,297 2.40 7 32
Sub Total - Rural Barangays 11,987.87 40,059.00 41.80 41 187
GRAND TOTAL 13,392.00 87,933 86.56 1,050 4,728
Source: UP-LiDAR Data 5-year return period

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 49
Table C8-3 showed that of the total 86.56 hectares with moderate susceptibility to flooding, 41.8
hectares are located in the rural barangays, 17.36 hectares are in the 9 urban barangays within the VMC
area while the remaining 27.4 hectares are distributed in the 9 urban barangays within the poblacion area.
Estimated population that can be affected are distributed as follows: 41 households comprising of 187
individuals in the rural areas, 63 households composed of 285 people in urban barangays within the VMC
area and 946 households which totals to 4,256 individuals in the urban barangays within the poblacion.

Likewise, total area with low susceptibility to flooding is recorded at 88.50 hectares distributed
within the 26 barangays of the city and is shown below in Table C8-4.

Table C8-4
Barangays with Low Susceptibility to Flooding
No. Name of Barangay Land Area (ha.) Population Affected Area (ha) Affected HH Affected Pop’n.
A. Urban Barangays -Poblacion Area
1 Barangay I 38.68 3,634 5.5 115 517
2 Barangay II 4.98 1,185 0.4 21 95
3 Barangay III 10.88 1,857 5.4 205 922
4 Barangay IV 9.32 1,548 0.2 7 33
5 Barangay V 51.59 2,190 0.8 8 34
6 Barangay VI 89.99 7,144 2.4 42 191
7 Barangay VI-A 33.70 6,467 1.6 68 307
8 Barangay VII 25.60 4,104 1.7 61 273
9 Barangay IX 23.34 6,739 6.9 443 1992
Total - Urban Poblacion Area 288.08 34,868 24.9 970 4,364
B. Urban Barangays - VMC Area
1 Barangay XV 18.94 235 2.1 6 26
2 Barangay XV-A 217.69 407 4.6 2 9
3 Barangay XVI 29.83 330 1.2 4 17
4 Barangay XVI-A 18.14 69 1.66 1 6
5 Barangay XVII 1.12 794 0.2 32 142
6 Barangay XVIII 2.80 453 0.34 12 55
7 Barangay XVIII-A 218.77 1,804 8.6 16 71
8 Barangay XIX 142.20 1,895 4.1 12 55
9 Barangay XIX-A 466.56 7,019 3.6 12 54
Sub Total - Urban -VMC Area 1,116.05 13,006 26.40 97 435
C. Rural Barangays
Barangay VIII 1,597.71 4,631 6.50 4 19
Barangay X 2,017.46 5,569 1.80 1 4
Barangay XI 4,151.16 2,233 7.90 1 4
Barangay XII 1,108.76 3,574 6.10 4 20
Barangay XIII 1,022.41 7,068 1.80 3 12
Barangay XIV 603.32 4,245 2.60 4 18
Barangay XX 1,087.16 7,442 8.50 13 58
Barangay XXI 399.89 5,297 2.00 6 26
Sub Total - Rural Barangays 11,987.87 40,059.00 37.20 36.00 161
GRAND TOTAL 13,392.00 87,933 88.50 1,103 4,960
Source: UP-LiDAR Data 5-year return period

The above data shown in Table C8-4 indicate that 57.97 % or 51.30 out of 88.50 hectares of land
that have low susceptibility to flooding are located in urban barangays where 24.90 hectares are in the
poblacion area while 26.4 hectares are barangays within the VMC area. This further implies that the
remaining 37.20 hectares with low susceptibility to flooding are distributed in the 8 rural barangays of the city.
In terms of population that can be affected by this phenomenon, estimates point out approximately
970 households equivalent to 4,364 individuals in 9 urban barangays within the poblacion area. Similarly,
about 97 household totaling to 435 people can be affected in 9 urban barangays within the VMC area while
36 households comprising of 161 individuals can be affected in the 8 rural barangays.

The above data on flood susceptibility provides the city with useful information that can be used
specifically in its disaster preparedness and management program.

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 50
Exposure and susceptibility to flooding of critical point facilities were also determined using data
taken from DENR-MGB and UP-LiDAR. Below are tables showing details of flood hazard exposure of
various critical point facilities in Victorias City.
Table C8-5
Critical Point Facility (HEALTH CENTERS) Data Base and Susceptibility To Flooding
Affected Flr Area Total Flr % Affected Existing
Name Of Facility / Address Susceptibility Type/Storey (Estimate-sqm) Area (sqm) Area Condition
CHC, Osmeña Ave. Brgy. 4 2 422 0% Good
BHC, Pangarap Village, Brgy. 1 1 136 0% Good
BHC, Jalandoni Street, Brgy. 2 1 110 0% Good
BHC, Brgy. 3 1 101 0% Good
BHC, Yap Quiña Street, Brgy. 4 1 162 0% Good
BHC, Ditching Subd., Brgy. 5 1 2171 0% Good
BHC, Zone 3, Brgy. 6 Medium 1 291 291 100% Good
BHC, Villa Miranda, Brgy. 6-A Medium 1 74 74 100% Good
BHC, Fermont Village, Brgy. 7 1 89 0% Good
BHC, Hda. San Jose Gaston, Brgy. 8 1 121 0% Good
BHC, Daan Banwa, Brgy. 9 1 256 0% Good
BHC, Bo. Estado, Brgy. 10 1 397 0% Good
BHC, Bo. Gawahon, Brgy. 11 1 48 0% Good
BHC, Hda. Dacumon, Brgy. 12 1 253 0% Good
BHC, Gloriville Sudb., Brgy. 13 1 76 0% Good
BHC, Hda. Los Angeles, Brgy. 14 1 186 0% Good
BHC, Millsite, Brgy. 16 High 1 183 183 100% Good
BHC, Along Florencia Road, Brgy. 18-A 1 103 0% Good
BHC, Canetown Subd., Brgy. 19-A 1 960 0% Good
BHC, Hda. Cuaycong, Brgy. 20 1 106 0% Good
BHC, Along National Highway, Brgy. 21 1 127 0% Good
Kaayong Lawas Hosl, Bandung Village, Brgy. 7 Low 1 1091 1091 100% Good
Note: CHC - City Health Center BHC – Brgy. Health Center

Above data revealed that 81.82% or 18 out of the total 22 health facilities composed of 21 health
centers and one (1) hospital are flood free. Only four (4) are considered susceptible to flooding. Two (2) of
these health centers are located in Barangay VI and Brgy. VI-A which have medium flooding susceptibility
while one barangay health center located at Millsite, Brgy. XVI has high flooding susceptibility. Kaayong
Lawas Hospital in Brgy. VII has low susceptibility to flooding.
On the other hand, Table C8-6 shows susceptibility to flooding of water pumping stations in
Victorias City which are also considered as critical point facilities since they provide potable water supply to
human population. Data bared that of the 18 water pumping stations, six (6) are susceptible to flooding, all
of which are located within the VMC area. Four (4) of these water pumping stations have low susceptibility
to flooding, one has medium flooding susceptibility while another one has high flooding susceptibility.
Table C8-6
Critical Point Facility (WATER PUMPING STATIONS) Data Base and Susceptibility To Flooding
Affected Flr Area Total Flr % Affected Existing
Name Of Facility / Address Susceptibility (Estimate-sqm) Area (sqm) Area Condition
Pumping Station, Quezon Street, Brgy. 5 163 0% Good
Pumping Station, Quirino Street, Brgy. 5 154 0% Good
Pumping Station, Hda. Los Angeles, Brgy. 14 54 0% Good
Pumping Station, Hda. Editha, Brgy. 21 50 0% Good
Pumping Station, Kadalag-an Village, Brgy. 13 24 0% Good
Pumping Station, Daan Banwa, Brgy. 9 42 0% Good
PHILSURIN Research Area, VMC Compound Brgy. 16 High 68 68 100% Good
Don Bosco Pumping Station, VMC Compound Brgy. 16 126 0% Good
Civil Eng’g. Compound Pumping Station, VMC Compound Brgy. 16 32 0% Good
Yoshimite Pumping Station, VMC Compound Brgy. 16 Low 228 228 100% Good
Malihao VMC Compound Pumping Station, VMC Compound Brgy. 16 Low 319 319 100% Good
Machine Shop ESA Compound Pumping Station, VMC Compound Brgy. 16 159 0% Good
Kubay II Pumping Station, VMC Compound Brgy. 16 Medium 58 58 100% Good
Palma Pumping Station, VMC Compound Brgy. 16 Low 108 108 100% Good
New-A Mill Pumping Station, VMC Compound, Brgy. 16 163 0% Good
Canetown Pumping Station, Immaculada Street, Brgy. 19-A 117 0% Good
Canetown Pumping Station, Carmen Street Phase I, Brgy. 19-A Low 100 100 100% Good
Canetown Pumping Station, Cathedral Phase III, Brgy. 19-A 262 0% Good

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 51
Data base and susceptibility to flooding of various barangay hall in the city are reflected in Table
C6-7 below.

Table C8-7
Critical Point Facility (BARANGAY HALL) Data Base and Susceptibility To Flooding

Type/ Affected Flr Total Flr Affected Existing
Name Of Facility / Address Susceptibility Storey Area (Estimate- Area (sqm) Area Condition
Barangay I 2 80 0% Good
Barangay II 2 43 0% Good
Barangay III 2 30 0% Good
Barangay IV 2 25 0% Good
Barangay V 1 80 0% Good
Barangay VI Medium 2 80 80 100% Good
Barangay VI-A Low 1 80 80 100% Good
Barangay VII 2 80 0% Good
Barangay VIII 1 37 0% Good
Barangay IX 1 35 0% Good
Barangay X 1 20 0% Good
Barangay XI 1 20 0% Good
Barangay XII 1 66 0% Good
Barangay XIII 1 80 0% Good
Barangay XIV 2 80 0% Good
Barangay XV Low 1 80 80 100% Good
Barangay XV-A 1 40 0% Good
Barangay XVI High 1 120 120 100% Good
Barangay XVI-A Low 2 72 72 100% Good
Barangay XVII 2 40 0% Good
Barangay XVIII 2 40 0% Good
Barangay XVIII-A 1 29 0% Good
Barangay XIX 1 15 0% Good
Barangay XIX-A 1 200 0% Good
Barangay XX 1 80 0% Good
Barangay XXI 1 20 0% Good

The above table revealed that a great majority of barangay halls in the city are flood free. This is
about 80.77% or 5 out of 26 barangays. Data further showed that three (3) of these five (5) flood prone
barangay halls, are located within the VMC compound comprising of Barangay XVI-A, Barangay XVI and
Barangay XV. Barangays XV and XVI-A have low susceptibility to flooding while Barangay XVI has high
flooding susceptibility.

The other two (2) barangays with flooding susceptibility are located in the poblacion area and are
considered coastal barangays. This is Barangay VI with medium flood susceptibility and Barangay VI-A,
with high susceptibility.

Database and susceptibility to flooding of various private and government schools in Victorias City
are shown in Table C8-8 below. The UP-LiDAR data on flood (with 5-year return period) was used.
Generally, the data revealed that none of the schools in the city has high flooding susceptibility. Flood
prone schools have to low and medium susceptibility.

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 52
Table C8-8
Critical Point Facility (SCHOOLS) Data Base and Susceptibility To Flooding

Affected Flr Area Total Flr % Affected Existing

Name Of Facility / Address Susceptibility Type/Storey (Estimate-sqm) Area (sqm) Area Condition
Victorias North Elem. School, Roxas Road, Brgy. 5 1 2 0% Good
Victorias Nat’l. High School (VNHS) , Yap Quiña Street, Brgy. 5 2 5 0% Good
Jack and Jill School, Magsaysay Street, Brgy. 5 2 0.1892 0% Good
Colegio Sta. Ana de Victorias, National Highway, Brgy. 6 3 Good
Colegio de Sta. Ana Integrated Sch., Nat’l.Highway, Brgy. 6 1 Good
Salvacion Elementary School, Zone 4, Brgy. 6 1 0.24 0% Good
Alejandro Acuña Yap Quiña Memorial Elementary School
Corner Montinola-Quezon Streets, Brgy. 4 1 0.8 0%
Most Holy Trinity School, Bandung Village, Brgy. 7 Medium 1 0.2127 0.2127 100% Good
Victorias Elementary School, Yap Quiña Street, Brgy. 4 1 2.64 0% Good
Daan Banwa Elementary School, Daan Banwa, Brgy. 9 1 0.63 0% Good
Victorias Nat’l. High School-Brillantes Ext., Pangarap Village, Brgy. 1 Low 1 Good
La Consolacion Elem. School, Hda. Dacumon, Brgy. 12 1 0.4 0% Good
Negros Occ. Nat’l. Science High School, Hda. Estrella, Brgy. 14 2 3 0% Good
Central Philippines State University-Victorias Campus,
Hda. Estrella, Brgy. 14 2 3 0%
Santiago Franco Memorial Elem. School, Hda. Marilou, Brgy. 14 1 1 0% Good
Doña Andrea Palanca Elementary School, Hda. Salome, Brgy. 14 1 1.0386 0% Good
Estado Elementary School, Bo. Estado , Brgy. 10 1 1.4 0% Good
Estado National High School, Bo. Estado , Brgy. 10 1 2 0% Good
Estado Elementary School-Mimi Extension, Hda. Mimi , Brgy. 10 1 Good
Valencia Ko Elementary School, Hda. Teson, Brgy. 11 1 1 0% Good
Gawahon Elementary School, Bo. Gawahon, Brgy. 11 1 1 0% Good
Amanda Elementary School, Hda. Amanda, Brgy. 8 1 0.64 0% Good
Don Jose Gaston Elementary School, Hda. Gaston, Brgy. 8 1 1 0% Good
Victorias National High School-Gaston Ext., Hda. Gaston, Brgy. 8 1 0.7 0% Good
J.L. Suarez Elementary School, Hda. Felicia II, Brgy. 8 1 0.34 0% Good
Laura Vicuña Women Dev’t. Trng Center, Hda. Malihao, Brgy. 20 1 1 0% Good
P.A. Cuaycong Elementary School, Hda. Cuaycong, Brgy. 20 1 1.5 0% Good
VNHS - Cuaycong Extension, Hda. Cuaycong, Brgy. 20 1 1 0% Good
VNHS-Canetown Extension, Canetown, VMC, Brgy. 19A Medium 1 2.4 2.4 100% Good
La Salle College-Victorias Campus, Canetown, VMC, Brgy. 19A 1 1 0% Good
Villa Miranda Elementary School, Villa Miranda, Brgy. 6A Low 1 1.036 1.036 100% Good
Romana Elementary School, Hda. Romana, Brgy. 12 1 1 0% Good
Don Bosco Technical Institute, VMC Compound, Brgy. 15A Low 2 2.9 2.9 100% Good
Vicmico Elementary School, VMC Compound, Brgy. 15A Medium 2 3.14 3.14 100% Good

Table C8-8 revealed that of the thirty-four (34) schools in the city, only six (6) are susceptible to
flooding. This implies that a great majority of the schools comprising of about 82.35% or 28 schools are
constructed in flood safe grounds.

Of the six flood prone schools, three (3) are located in barangays within the VMC area namely,
Victorias National High School – Canetown Extension in Barangay XIX-A, Vicmico Elementary School, and
Don Bosco Technical Institute both in VMC Compound, Baramgay XV-A.

Moreover, the remaining three (3) flood prone schools are located in urban barangays within the
poblacion area. Specifically, these are the Most Holy Trinity School in Barangay VII, Victorias National High
School – Brillantes Extension in Pangarap Village, Barangay I and Villa Miranda Elementary School in
Barangay VI-A.

Susceptibility to flooding of another critical point facility (Day Care Centers) is reflected in Table
C8-9 below. Data revealed that a great majority of the city’s day care centers are situated in flood safe

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 53
Table C8-9
Critical Point Facility (DAYCARE CENTERS) Data Base and Susceptibility To Flooding

Affected Flr Area Total Flr % Affected Existing

Day Care Centers / Address Susceptibility Type/Storey (Estimate-sqm) Area (sqm) Area Condition
Pangarap Village, Brgy. I 1 50 0% Good
Ascalon St., Brgy I 1 50 0% Good
Jalandoni St., Brgy II 1 50 0% Good
Litib-litib, Brgy III Low 1 50 50 100% Good
Yap Quina St., Brgy. IV 1 50 0% Good
Ditching Subd., Brgy. V 1 50 0% Good
Salvacion Subd., Brgy. VI Medium 1 50 50 100% Good
Pinanobol, Barangay VI Medium 1 50 50 100% Good
CIDSS, Brgy VI-A 1 50 0% Good
Villa Miranda, Brgy. VI-A Low 1 50 50 100% Good
Bandong Subd. , Brgy. VII Medium 1 50 50 100% Good
Had. Felicia, Brgy VIII 1 50 0% Good
Had. Amanda, Brgy VIII 1 50 0% Good
Had. Gaston, Brgy VIII 1 50 0% Good
Had. Sangay, Brgy VIII 1 50 0% Good
Daan Banwa, Barangay IX Low 1 50 50 100% Good
Estado, Brgy. X 1 50 0% Good
Had. Salome, Brgy X 1 50 0% Good
Had. Mimi, Brgy X 1 50 0% Good
Tison, Brgy. XI 1 50 0% Good
Gawahon, Brgy XI 1 50 0% Good
Had. Naglo, Brgy. XII 1 50 0% Good
La Consolacion, Brgy XII 1 50 0% Good
Had. Romana, Brgy XII 1 50 0% Good
Gloriville, Brgy. XIII 1 50 0% Good
Sool, Brgy XIII 1 50 0% Good
Ideal, Brgy XIII 1 50 0% Good
Yaweh, Brgy XIII 1 50 0% Good
Newton, Brgy XIII 1 50 0% Good
Los Angeles, Brgy. XIV 1 50 0% Good
Corehouse, Brgy XIV 1 50 0% Good
Had. San Antonio, Brgy XIV 1 50 0% Good
Had. Marilou, Brgy XIV 1 50 0% Good
Millsite, Brgy. XVI High 1 50 50 100% Good
South Bario Extension, Brgy. XVII 1 50 0% Good
Palma, Brgy. XVIII 1 50 0% Good
Had. Florencia, Brgy. XVIII-A 1 50 0% Good
Golf Area, Brgy XVIII-A 1 50 0% Good
North Bacayan, Brgy. XIX 1 50 0% Good
Pusod, Brgy. XIX-A 1 50 0% Good
Canetown, Brgy XIX-A 1 50 0% Good
Dolores, Brgy. XX 1 50 0% Good
Cuaycong, Brgy XX 1 50 0% Good
Had. Editha, Brgy XXI 1 50 0% Good
Relocation Site, Brgy. XXI 1 50 0% Good

Thirty-eight (38) out of 45 or 84.44% of day care centers in the city are flood free and only 7 are
considered flood susceptible. Of these 7 day care centers (DCC), only 1 has high flooding susceptibility,
three (3) have medium flood susceptibility while another three (3) have low susceptibility to flooding.

In terms of location, six (6) of the seven (7) flood prone DCCs are in the urban barangays within
the poblacion area while only one (1) is found in Millsite, Barangay XVI which is within the VMC area.

Database and susceptibility to flooding of bridges and cell sites within the city are reflected in Table
C8-10 and Table C8-11 respectively.

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 54
Table C8-10
Critical Point Facility (BRIDGES) Data Base and Susceptibility To Flooding

Affected Area Total Area % Affected Existing

Name Of Structure / Address Susceptibility (Estimate-sqm) (sqm) Area Condition
Daan Banwa (Malihao Bridge) Barangay IX, Victorias City Low 431 431 100% Fair
Malihao Bridge, Barangay XIII, Victorias City Medium 481 481 100% Fair
Magnanod Bridge, Barangay I, Victorias City Medium 486 486 100% NI (widening)
Malogo Bridge, Barangay XIII, Victorias City High 2,616 2,616 100% NI
Carugiat 1 Bridge, (New Road), Barangay XIII, Victorias City Medium 332 332 100% NI
Carugiat 2 Bridge, Carugiat, Barangay XIII, Victorias City High 58 58 100% Fair
Carugiat 3 Bridge, Green Village, Barangay XIII, Victorias City Medium 49 49 100% Fair (widening)
VMC Bridge (Scale House), Barangay XIX, Victorias City 243 0%
Guinpana-an Bridge, Barangay V, Victorias City Low 478 478 100%
Maag-mang Bridge, Barangay XXI, Victorias City Low 207 207 100% Fair
Estrella Bridge, Barangay XIV, Victorias City Low 222 222 100% Fair
VMC Bridge (Canetown), Barangay XIX-A, Victorias City Medium 212 212 100% Fair
VMC Bridge (Dy Guaso), Barangay XIX-A, Victorias City Medium 251 251 100% Fair
VMC Bridge (New Barrio), Barangay XVI, Victorias City Medium 99 99 100% Fair
Kubay Bridge, Barangay XVIII-A, Victorias City Low 11 11 100% Fair
Laguda Bridge, Barangay XIV, Victorias City Medium 101 101 100%
Valmill Overflow, Barangay X, Victorias City Medium 57 57 100% Fair
Buncio Bridge, Barangay XI, Victorias City Medium 114 114 100% NI
Teson Bridge, Barangay XI, Victorias City Low 120 120 100% NI
Quinaroyan Bridge, Barangay X, Victorias City High 48 48 100% NI
Langa-og Bridge, Barangay XIII, Victorias City Medium 248 248 100% Fair
Cuaycong Bridge, Barangay XX, Victorias City High 141 141 100% NI
Cuaycong Bridge Annex, Barangay XX, Victorias City Medium 24 24 100% NI
Cansilayan Bridge, Barangay XI, Victorias City High 77 77 100% NI
Felicia Bridge, Barangay VIII, Victorias City High 80 80 100% NI
Romana Bridge, Barangay XII, Victorias City High 109 109 100% Fair
Salome bridge, Barangay X, Victorias City High 49 49 100% NI
SMMS Footbridge, Barangay XV, Victorias City 36 0% NI
Legend: NI – Needs Improvement

Table C8-11
Critical Point Facility (COMMUNICATION / CELLSITES) Data Base and Suceptibility To Flooding

Affected Area Total Area % Affected Existing

Name Of Structure / Address Susceptibility (Estimate-sqm) (sqm) Area Condition
VTSI Cellsite, Gloriville Subd., Brgy. XIII 1281 0% Good
Sun Cellsite, Osmeña Avenue, Brgy. XIII 400 0% Good
Smart Cellsite, Fermin Street, Brgy. V 194 0% Good
Globe Cellsite, Montinola Street, Brgy. III Low 634 634 100% Good
Sun Cellsite, Osmeña Avenue, Brgy. VI 328 0% Good
Globe Cellsite, Florencia, Brgy. XVIII-A 751 0% Good
Smart Cellsite, Florencia, Brgy. XVIII-A 784 0% Good
Sun Cellsite, La Salle Compound, Brgy. XIX-A 942 0% Good
Globe Cellsite, Hda. Editha, Brgy. XXI 140 0% Good
Globe Cellsite, Hda. Malihao, Brgy XX 135 0% Good

Data showed that almost all of the bridges have flooding susceptibility ranging from low, medium to
high. In contrast, only one (1) of the ten (10) cell sites within the city is susceptible to flooding.

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 55
Table C8-12
Critical Point Facility (CITY ROADS) Data Base and Susceptibility To Flooding

Name of Street / Road Susceptibility Total Length (m) Affected Length (m) % of Affected Length
Location /
NO. Barangay low, moderate, Affected Length ÷ Total
GIS Derived Data GIS Derived data Length x 100
1 Barangay V Roxas Avenue 638 0%
2 Barangay V Quirino Street 152 0%
3 Barangay V Fermin Street 337 0%
4 Barangay V Lopez Street 327 0%
5 Barangay III Miraflores Street 418 0%
6 Barangay III Arnaez Street 70 0%
7 Barangay III Casanares Street Low 190 83.2 44%
8 Barangay III Casanares Street Medium 190 102.08 54%
9 Barangay IV Yap Quina Street 792 0%
10 Barangay IV Montinola Street 700 0%
11 Barangay IV Rizal Street 113 0%
12 Barangay II Jover Street Low 466 26.14 6%
13 Barangay II Jover Street Medium 466 0.49 0%
14 Barangay II De Leon Street Low 580 25.56 4%
15 Barangay II De Leon Street Medium 580 105.57 18%
16 Barangay II Gonzaga Street Low 495 25.41 5%
17 Barangay II Gonzaga Street Medium 495 16.26 3%
18 Barangay IV Quezon Street Low 767 32.11 4%
19 Barangay IV Quezon Street Medium 767 88.19 11%
20 Barangay IV Magsaysay Street 384 0%
21 Barangay V Ditching Street 223 0%
22 Barangay V Bonifacio Street 281 0%
23 Barangay II Ascalon Street 210 0%
24 Barangay II Jalandoni Street 160 0%
25 Barangay II Ardoza Street Low 165 26.27 16%
26 Barangay II Ardoza Street Medium 165 103.1 62%
27 Barangay VI Arellano Street 54 0%
28 Barangay VI Gomburza Street 238 0%
29 Barangay VI Sikatuna Street Low 326 66.3 20%
30 Barangay VI Gen. Malvar Street Low 292 186.52 64%
31 Barangay VI Gen. Ricarte Street Low 262 149.07 57%
32 Barangay VI Kalantiao Street Low 254 36.45 14%
33 Barangay VI Tirad Pass Street Low 409 191.59 47%
34 Barangay VI Mc. Arthur Street 295 0%
35 Barangay VI E. Jacinto Street 74 0%
36 Barangay VI J. Abad Santos Street Low 90 0%
37 Barangay II J. Luna Street Low 88 0%
38 Barangay VI Villamor Street Low 180 108.95 61%
39 Barangay VI M. Ossorio Street Low 231 0%
40 Barangay VI Malihao Street Low 227 61.59 27%
41 Barangay VI Legaspi Street Low 93 76.46 82%
42 Barangay VI Urdaneta Street Low 90 0%
43 Barangay VI Mc. Kinley Street Low 100 0%
44 Barangay VI Sgt. Kalugas Street Low 168 154.38 92%
45 Barangay VI Lapuz Street Low 274 0%
46 Barangay VI Murphy Street Low 90 0%
47 Barangay VI Diego Silang Street Low 76 0%
48 Barangay II Gen. Luna Street Low 336 223.96 67%
49 Barangay VI Aguinaldo Street Low 201 112.21 56%
50 Barangay VI Bataan Street 290 0%
51 Barangay VI Triumfo Street Low 369 44.73 12%
52 Barangay VI Sumakwel Street Low 134 49.2 37%
53 Barangay VI Tandang Sora St. Low 80 0%
54 Barangay VI C.M. Recto Street Low 181 148.18 82%
55 Barangay VI J.P. Laurel Street Low 308 57.07 19%
58 Barangay VI Pres. Garcia Street Medium 310 23.6 8%
59 Barangay VI Mc. Nut Street Low 90 117.29 130%

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 56
Continuation of: Table C8-12
Critical Point Facility (CITY ROADS) Data Base and Susceptibility to Flooding
Location / Affected Length (m) % of Affected Length
Name of Street / Road Susceptibility Total Length (m)
60 Barangay VI Macapagal Street Low 194 142.32 73%
61 Barangay II Magellan Street Low 108 40.9 38%
56 Barangay VI J.P. Laurel Street Medium 308 11.41 4%
57 Barangay VI Pres. Garcia Street Low 310 23.6 8%
56 Barangay VI J.P. Laurel Street Medium 308 11.41 4%
57 Barangay VI Pres. Garcia Street Low 310 23.6 8%
62 Barangay VI Raja Soliman Street Low 133 57.72 43%
63 Barangay VI Tongoy Street Low 166 13.68 8%
64 Barangay VI Garganera Street Low 162 17.32 11%
65 Barangay VI Lopez Jaena Street Low 178 223.96 126%
66 Barangay VI Lopez Jaena Street Medium 178 125.35 70%
67 Barangay VI Mabini Street Low 118 0%
68 Barangay VII Dream Village 1,100 0%
69 Barangay I Bangga Daan Relo Low 1,155 162.43 14%
70 Barangay I Bangga Daan Relo Medium 1,155 46.62 4%
71 Barangay I Yap Quina Subd. Rd Low 1,881 1312.99 70%
72 Barangay I Yap Quina Subd. Rd Medium 1,881 273.55 15%
73 Brgy. XIII Gloriville Subd. Rd 1,892 0%
74 Brgy. VI-A Villa Miranda Road Low 6,560 1077.54 16%
75 Brgy. VI-A Villa Miranda Road Medium 6,560 291.6 4%
76 Brgy. XIV Corehouse Rd 464 0%
77 Barangay VII Damas - Fermont Rd Low 232 309.32 133%
78 Barangay VII Bandung I Medium 855 191.69 22%
79 Barangay VII Bandung II Medium 715 401.08 56%
80 Brgy. XIII Kadalag-an Village 2,160 0%
81 Barangay VII Fermont Village Low 1,305 309.32 24%
82 Barangay IX Daan Banwa Road 972 0%
83 Barangay V Ditching Subdivision 960 0%
84 Brgy. XXI Brgy. XXI, Relo. Site High 1,578 0.31 0%
85 Barangay IX Toreno Hts. Phase I Low 1,850 304.35 16%
86 Barangay IX Toreno Hts. Phase II Low 1,270 792.95 62%
87 Barangay XXI Public Cemetery- Ceferina 900 0%
88 Barangay I Pangarap Village Phase I Low 1,535 332.51 22%
89 Barangay I Pangarap Village Phase II Medium 2,002 47.79 2%
90 Barangay I Bangga Daan Brgy.I Low 855 162.43 19%
91 Barangay I Bangga Daan Brgy.I Medium 855 46.62 5%
92 Barangay IX Brgy. IX, Relo. Site Low 780 0%
93 Barangay IX Toreno-Ajinomoto Rd. Low 405 118.41 29%
94 Barangay IX Toreno-Ajinomoto Rd. Medium 405 102.49 25%

Table C8-13
Critical Point Facility ( NATIONAL ROADS) Data Base and Susceptibility To Flooding

Total Percentage of
Location / Susceptibility Length
Name of Street / Road Length (m) (m)
Affected Length
Barangay low, moderate, GIS Derived GIS Derived Affected Length ÷ Total
high Data data Length x 100
Barangay XII Low 6,703 582.01 9%
Barangay I, VI, XIII Osmena Avenue Medium 6,703 277.87 4%
Barangay XXI High 6,703 78.83 1%

Data in Table C8-12 and Table C8-13 revealed that majority of the roads in the city are susceptible
to flooding. Susceptibility varies from low, medium to high. Consequently, roads located in low lying areas
and / or flood prone barangays are also susceptible to flooding.

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 57
Table C8-14
Critical Point Facility (BARANGAY ROADS) Data Base and Susceptibility To Flooding
Total Percentage of
Location / Name of Street / Road Susceptibility Length
Length (m) (m) Affected Length
Barangay low, moderate, GIS Derived GIS Derived Affected Length ÷ Total
high Data data Length x 100
Barangay XX Brgy. XX, Relo. Site Low 1,167 77 7%
Barangay XX Brgy. XX, Relo. Site Medium 1,167 36.86 3%
Brgy. XXI Brgy. XXI, Relo. Site Low 1,578 184.19 12%
Brgy. XXI Brgy. XXI, Relo. Site Medium 1,578 626.72 40%
Barangay XXI Palanca Village Road Low 500 27.14 5%
Barangay XXI Palanca Village Road Medium 500 50.01 10%
Barangay XIV Estrella- Estado Road 10,578 0%
Barangay X Estado – Gawahon Falls Road 11,232 0%
Barangay XIV People’s Memorial Park 2,266 0%
Barangay XIII Highway- Nanca Road 2,910 0%
Barangay VIII Florencia Lourdes Road 8,550 0%
Barangay XX Gaston -Amanda Road 2,946 0%
Barangay X Kapawa - Mimi Road 3,650 0%
Barangay X Minoro - Salome Road 2,500 0%
Barangay X Marilou - Minoro Road 700 0%
Barangay XI Cansilayan - Gawahon Road 5,000 0%
Barangay XII Nasipunan - Gloria Road 2,500 0%
Barangay XII Highway - Dacumon Road Low 1,500 203.43 14%
Barangay XII Highway - Dacumon Road Medium 1,500 470.56 31%
Barangay XII Highway - Dacumon Road High 1,500 14.91 1%
Barangay XII Dacumon Romana Road 4,700 0%
Barangay IX Daan Banua Carugiat Road Low 2,404 327.49 14%
Barangay IX Daan Banua Carugiat Road Medium 2,404 247.91 10%
Barangay XIV Estrella Laguda Road 2,400 0%
Barangay XIV Marilou - Caridad Road 1,200 0%
Barangay XX Sta. Cruz – Cuaycong Low 2,550 31.54 1%
Barangay XX Sta. Cruz – Cuaycong Medium 2,550 56.38 2%
Barangay XX Cuaycong - Malihao Road Low 1,500 22.72 2%
Barangay XIV San Ramon - San Antonio Road 1,250 0%
Barangay XXI, Caridad Daiwa Road Low 7,200 48.36 1%
Brgy. XXI Caridad Daiwa Rd Medium 7,200 65.61 1%
Barangay XII Dacumon- Florencia Low 2,500 0%
Brgy. XXI Editha-Palanca Rd 2,750 0%
Barangay X Minoro- Salome Road 4,000 0%
Barangay X Laguda-Salome Road 1,845 0%

Of the total thirty-five (35) barangay roads within the city of Victorias, 51.43% or 18 out of 35 are
considered flood free while the remaining 48.57% or 17 out of 35 are susceptible to flooding. Interestingly,
14 of these barangay roads that are susceptible to flooding are located in the rural areas and only 3 are in
the urban barangays.

8.2. Rain-Induced Landslide

Of the twenty-six (26) barangays in the city, only two (2) are susceptible to rain-induced landslide.
These are Barangays X and XI, which are located in the upland areas. Figure C8 – 2 is the Rain-induced
landslide susceptibility map derived from MGB-DENR.

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 58
Population Exposure Map
(Rain-Induced Landslide)
Figure C8-2

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 59
Based on the data from MGB-DENR supplemented by local data, the estimated population risk to
landslide is computed and shown below.

Table C8-15
Population Data Base and Susceptibility to Rain-induced Landslide
By Barangay and Type of Susceptibility
Barangay Total Land Barangay Brgy. Pop'n. Flood Affected Affected Affected Exposure
Area / Brgy Population Density Susceptibility Area (ha) HH Population Percentage
Land Area Total Pop'n. Brgy Pop'n./ Low, Moderate, GIS derived Affected Pop'n. / Brgy Pop'n. Density Affected Pop'n/ Total
/ Brgy (Ha.) of the brgy Brgy. Land Area High, Very High data 4.5 Ave. HH Size x Affected Area Brgy Pop'n x 100
Low 1,539.50 944 4,250 76.31%
Moderate 404.32 248 1,116 20.04%
Barangay X 2,017.46 5,569 2.76 High 31.80 20 88 1.58%
Very High 12.99 8 36 0.64%
Low 1,118.28 113 509 26.94%
Barangay Moderate 404.09 41 184 9.73%
4,151.16 1,889 0.46
XI High 2,253.22 228 1,025 54.28%
Very High 0

Data showed that a total of 6,168.62 hectares belonging to 2 upland barangays are susceptible to
rain-induced landslide. Of these area, 12.99 hectares or about 0.21% have very high susceptibility and
2,285.02 hectares have high susceptibility. In terms of population, those in areas with very high
susceptibility to rain-induced landslide involve 8 households composed of 36 individuals. Moreover, a total
of 248 households comprising of 1,113 individuals are estimated to be affected in areas with high

Table C8-16
Susceptibility To Rain-induced Landslide of Critical Point Facilities

Facility / Building Type Location
(low, moderate, high)
A. Schools
1. Estado Elementary School Bo. Estado, Barangay X low
2. Estado National High School Bo. Estado, Barangay X low
3. Estado Elementary School – Mimi Ext. Hda. Mimi, Barangay X low
4. Valencia Ko Elementary School Hda. Teson, Barangay XI low
5. Gawahon Elementary School Bo. Estado, Barangay XI low

B. Barangay Hall
1. Barangay Hall Bo. Estado, Barangay X low
2. Barangay Hall Hda. Teson, Barangay XI low

C. Barangay Health Center

1. Barangay Health Center Bo. Estado, Barangay X low
2. Barangay Health Center Hda. Teson, Barangay XI low

D. Day Care Center

1. Day Care Center Bo. Estado, Barangay X low
2. Day Care Center Hda. Teson, Barangay XI low

E. Gawahon Eco-Park Bo. Estado, Barangay X low

All critical point facilities in two (2) barangays that are susceptible to rain-induced landslide have
low level of susceptibility. These are located in areas with higher elevation, which are not prone to flooding
yet susceptible to landslide. The critical point facilities include schools, barangay halls, barangay health
centers, day care center and the Gawahon Eco-Park.

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 60
8.3. Climate Change Scenario

Data used in this section were taken from PAGASA in its report on “Climate Change in the
Philippines”. Projections are done by region and broken down into provinces, hence, the data are for the
province of Negros Occidental, where Victorias City is a part, being one of its component cities.

The projected seasonal temperature increase and seasonal rainfall change in 2020 and 2050 are
under the medium range emission scenario. The mid-range emission scenario indicates a future world of
very rapid economic growth, with the global population peaking in mid century and declining thereafter and
there is rapid introduction of new and more efficient technologies with energy generation balance across all

Based on projections, there will be an increase in temperature by an average of 1.030C in year

2020, with peak increase of 1.20C in the months of March, April and May. Likewise, projections also show
that by year 2050, there will be an average of 2.030C increase in temperature which will also peak in the
months of March, April and May at about 2.30C. Table C8-18 shows the details.
Table C8-17
Seasonal Temperature Increase (0C) in 2020 and 2050 Under Medium Range Scenario
Period Observed Value/ Baseline Change in 2020 Change in 2050
(Months) (1971-2000) 0C (2006-2035) 0C (2036-2065) 0C
December, January, February 26.7
Increase 0.9 1.9
Projected Temperature (0C) 27.6 28.6
March, April , May 28.4
Increase 1.2 2.3
Projected Temperature (0C) 29.6 30.7
June, July, August 27.8
Increase 1.0 2.0
Projected Temperature (0C) 28.8 29.8
September, October, November 27.6
Increase 1.0 1.9
Projected Temperature (0C) 28.6 29.5
Source: PAG-ASA

On the other hand, projections in seasonal rainfall change show that by 2020, there will be an
average increase of 3.78% with the highest increase of 7.1% to be experienced in the months of
December, January and February. However, during the months of March, April and May, a decrease in
rainfall will be experienced at -3.7%. Table C8-19 shows the details.

Table C8-18
Seasonal Rainfall Change (%) in 2020 and 2050 Under Medium Range Scenario
Period Observed Value/ Baseline Change in 2020 Change in 2050
(Months) (1971-2000) mm (2006-2035) mm (2036-2065) mm
December, January, February 234.9
Increase 7.1% 7.3%
Projected Rainfall (mm) 251.58 252.05
March, April , May 283.0
Increase -3.7% -9.3%
Projected Rainfall (mm) 272.53 256.68
June, July, August 899.6
Increase 6.0% 11.8%
Projected Rainfall (mm) 953.58 1005.75
September, October, November 784.0
Increase 5.7% 14.3%
Projected Rainfall (mm) 828.69 896.11
Source: PAG-ASA

The above data on seasonal rainfall changes indicate that frequent and higher level of flood water
will be experienced in the province and Victorias City which can affect the life and livelihood of the people.
Likewise, the increase in temperature can have negative effects in agriculture and can cause decrease in
agricultural productivity, affecting crops, animals and marine products.

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 61
Below is the projected population exposure of barangays given a flood data with 5-year return period.
Table C8-19
Projected Population Exposure to Flooding By Barangay and Type of Susceptibility – Year 2023 & 2028
Name of SUSCEPTIBILITY Affected Area Affected HH Affected Population
Barangay Total Land Barangay
Population GIS derived data Affected Pop'n. / 4.5 Ave. HH Size Brgy Pop'n. Density x Affected Area
Area / Brgy Low, Moderate, High
Yr. 2023 Yr. 2028 Yr. 2023 Yr. 2028 Yr. 2023 Yr. 2028 Yr. 2023 Yr. 2028
Low 5.5 5.5 122 127 549 571
Barangay I 38.68 3,864 4,015 Moderate 7.4 7.4 164 171 739 768
High 1 1.1 24 25 110 114
Barangay II 4.98 1,260 1,309
Low 0.4 0.4 22 23 101 105
Moderate 1.6 1.6 90 93 405 421
Barangay III 10.88 1,974 2,052
Low 5.4 5.4 218 226 980 1018
Moderate 1.3 1.3 52 54 236 245
Barangay IV 9.32 1,646 1,710
Low 0.2 0.2 8 8 35 37
Moderate 0.6 0.6 24 24 106 110
Barangay V 51.59 2,329 2,420
Low 0.8 0.8 8 8 36 38
Moderate 2.3 2.3 23 24 104 108
Low 2.4 2.4 45 47 203 211`
Barangay VI 7,596 7,893 Moderate 3.5 3.5 66 68 295 307
89.99 High 0.6 0.6 11 12 51 53
Barangay 6,876 Low 1.6 1.6 73 75 326 339
33.70 7,145 Moderate 2.8 2.8 127 132 571 594
VI-A High 0.1 0.1 5 5 20 21
Barangay VII 25.60 4,364 4,534
Low 1.7 1.7 64 67 290 301
Moderate 2.6 2.6 98 102 443 460
Low 6.5 6.5 4 5 20 21
4,924 5,117 Moderate 8.4 8.4 6 6 26 27
VIII 1,597.71 High 6.1 6.1 4 4 19 20
Low 6.9 6.9 471 489 2118 2201
Barangay IX 7,165 7,446 Moderate 5.3 5.3 362 376 1627 1691
23.34 High 0.3 0.3 20 21 92 96
Low 1.8 1.8 1 1 5 5
Barangay X 5,921 6,153 Moderate 2.4 2.4 2 2 7 7
2,017.46 High 1.6 1.6 1 1 5 5
Low 7.9 7.9 1 1 5 5
Barangay XI 2,374 2,467 Moderate 5.7 5.7 1 1 3 3
4,151.16 High 3.8 3.8 0 1 2 2
Low 6.1 6.1 5 5 21 22
Barangay XII 3,800 3,949 Moderate 10.1 10.1 8 8 35 36
1,108.76 High 5.7 5.7 4 5 20 20
Low 1.8 1.8 3 3 13 14
7,515 7,809 Moderate 1.4 1.4 2 2 10 11
XIII 1,022.41 High 2.4 2.4 4 4 18 18
Low 2.6 2.6 4 4 19 20
Barngay XIV 4,514 Moderate 2.9 2.9 5 5 22 23
603.32 4,690 High 2.3 2.3 4 4 17 18
Barangay XV 18.94 250 260
Low 2.1 2.1 6 6 28 29
Moderate 2.1 2.1 6 6 28 29
Brgy. XV-A 217.69 433 450
Low 4.6 4.6 2 2 9 10
Moderate 1.1 1.1 0 1 2 2
Low 1.2 1.2 3 3 14 15
29.83 351 365 Moderate 1.5 1.5 4 4 18 18
XVI High 3.6 3.6 9 10 42 44
Low 1.66 1.66 1 2 7 7
18.14 73 76 Moderate 0.33 0.33 0 0 1 1
XVI-A High 1.15 1.15 1 1 5 5
Low 0.2 0.2 33 35 151 157
844 877 Moderate 0.1 0.1 17 17 75 78
XVII 1.12 High 0.5 0.5 84 87 377 392
Low 0.34 0.34 12 12 55 55
482 501 Moderate 0.23 0.23 8 8 37 37
XVIII 2.80 High 1.75 1.75 20 20 92 92
Low 8.6 8.6 17 17 75 78
218.77 1,918 1,993 Moderate 6.2 6.2 12 13 54 56
XVIII-A High 6.7 6.7 13 14 59 61
Low 4.1 4.1 13 13 58 60
142.20 2,015 2,094 Moderate 4 4 13 13 57 59
XIX High 6.9 6.9 22 23 98 102
Low 3.6 3.6 13 13 58 60
466.56 7,463 7,755 Moderate 1.8 1.8 6 7 29 30
XIX-A High 3.4 3.4 12 13 54 57
Low 8.5 8.5 14 14 62 64
1,087.16 7,913 8,222 Moderate 8.5 8.5 14 14 62 64
XX High 4.6 4.6 7 8 33 35
Low 2 2 6 7 28 29
Brgy. XXI 399.89 5,852 Moderate 2.4 2.4 8 8 34 35
5,632 High 5 5 16 16 70 73

Source: UP-LiDAR Flood Data; 5-year return period

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 62
8.4. DRR-CCA: Impacts, Land Use Constraints, Challenges, Issues and Policies

Today, impacts of climate change are real and can be felt globally. In Victorias City, global climate
change impacts are also experienced locally, which include: (a) increase in amounts of carbon dioxide
(CO2) in the atmosphere locally manifested in extreme weather events; (b) increase in temperature
especially felt during hot summer days; (c) sea level rise manifested by increased water during high tide
and increase in flood water.

The impacts of climate change are serious threats to the growth and development of the city. The
frequent occurrence of typhoons, flood, drought and other natural disasters can be directly traced to climate
change. The havoc caused by these disasters had cost millions of development investments. Moreover,
these impacts have greater effects on the city’s vulnerable sectors composed of the poor communities such
as the small farmers, artisanal fishermen, the urban poor, children and persons with disability, among

Being an agriculture-based economy, the effects of climate change in Victorias City can have
severe negative impact on the livelihood of its people. Some of the identified impacts of climate change in
agriculture are the following:

a. Increase in the incidence of food and water related diseases of crops and animals
b. Damage to farmers’ and fisherfolks’ main source of livelihood due to low production / low
harvest and increased occurrence of diseases
c. Change in land suitability for some crops
d. Depletion of soil nutrients leading to increased use of inputs with corresponding increase in
cost which would lead to lower net income for the farmers
e. Damage to vital ecosystems and agri-infrastructure caused by floods, typhoons and

Meanwhile, various land use scenario can have added effect to the impacts of climate change and
may pose constraints and issues in the livelihood of the people in Victorias City. The two (2) identified
scenarios are described as follows:

a. Proliferation / Fast Increase of Informal Settlers in Urban Peripheries

The fast increase of informal settlements in urban peripheries of the city such as along
riverbanks, under bridges, coastlines and coastal areas which results to changes in land use
had added on to climate change related issues faced by the city. Informal settlements in these
areas have no proper waste management, hence, they would add to water pollution, sanitation
and health problems. Added wastes in the area would increase carbon footprints while
increased population would mean increase in basic commodities such water for domestic use,
which in turn would place additional pressure on watershed.

b. Unsuitable Agricultural Practices, Deforestation and Environmental Disasters

The increasing number of upland and lowland farmers practicing non-sustainable

agricultural practices such as use of heavy chemicals can have damaging effects to
agricultural lands. In upland areas, informal settlements may resort to damaging agricultural
practices such as “kaingin”, charcoal making, and timber poaching which would put the upland
environment at risk and this in turn would create severe pressure on the watersheds.

Generally, the challenge in climate change is to adapt within very short periods of time, to
potentially extreme impacts, new risks and opportunities. The size and complexity of problems will require
more proactive thinking and actions. Moreover, traditional knowledge offers good entry points for
adaptation but may not be sufficient to tackle all risks associated with climate change.

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 63
To combat the effects of disasters and climate change, several policies, mitigation and
adaptation measures will be implemented by the city, which among others, include the following:

Agricultural Mitigation and Adaptation

1. Aggressive promotion of natural and organic farming

2. Crop diversification to adjust to changing temperature and precipitation patterns and
diversification of livelihood
3. Introduction and cultivation of drought resistant varieties of crops to adjust to increased
drought situations cultivation of salt resistant varieties in areas where there is increased
4. Adopt water and soil moisture conservation measures that minimize the impact of potential
seasonal water shortages such as rainwater harvesting and adjustment in cropping cycle

Energy and Water Resource Mitigation and Adaptation

1. Increase energy efficiency to help offset increase in energy consumption

2. Improve water use efficiency and build additional water storage facilities
3. Protect and restore riverbanks and rehabilitate watershed areas to ensure good water quality
and safeguard water quantity
4. Protect valuable resources and infrastructure from flood damage thru engineering solutions
(dikes, seawalls, etc.) and natural protection projects such as tree growing for riverbank
protection and flood control, mangrove planting for flood mitigation, etc.

Environment Degradation Mitigation and Adaptation

1. Sustainable waste management

2. Strict observation of waste reduction efforts ( re-use, reduce, recycle, recover )
3. Use of organic and natural farming methods
4. Land use restoration
5. Sustainable water resource management and implementation of Water Safety measures

Health Mitigation and Adaptation

1. Monitor emerging health risks / health surveillance

2. Prepare emergency response plans which includes provision of cooling centers for extreme
heat events
3. Improve public communication during specific health risk such as extreme health events or
low air quality days
4. Develop plans to help vulnerable populations deal with more extreme weather
5. Relocation of communities where in-place adaptation is not feasible
6. Coordination with private sector in support to the promotion of adaptation measures

Victorias City CLUP 2018- 2028Volume III – Sectoral and Special Area Studies 64

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