Fracture Mechanics 2009

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EwPGIME/T/116C/93/2009 Master of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING EXAMINATION, 2009 (1st Semester ) Fracrurt Mecuanics ‘Time : Three hours Full Marks = 100 Answer any four questions Anewer any five questions (5 XS) » n the different modes of failure « bb) How design approach is influenced by presence of flaws or crack? a n ‘Fail Safe’, ‘Safe Life’, and ‘Damage tolerance’ approach 4) Describe ‘Inglis* approach to introduce the role of flaws in stress measurement? ©) How & when LEFM &EPFM theories are applied? 1) Note on Griffith encrgy release rate? £) How ‘Irwin’ define energy release rate? hy Show that the energy release rate in losd control & displacement control are same. Answer any five questions (5 X5) 4) Define Gcand explain its significance? b) Explain crack growél it tern of energy release rate? ©) How stress field near a crack is defined in term of a single parameter? 4d) Explain the different modes of fracture . ©) What is meant by stress intensity factor Ky 1) How Ky can be obtained for a component? 2) What is meant by Kie & what is its significance in fracture? h) Explain the rele of plane-sirain & plane-stress condition racture? Answer any twe questions (5X5) a) Explain Irwin's correction for SSY situa bb) What is meant by ar? ©) Explain material hehaviour under Itnear elastle, nun-tinear elastic & phase condition? 4) Why LEFM approach is not valid for ductile material? ©) Name and describe traeture parameters for EPFMI? 1) Define J as nonlinear energy release rate? #). Define J as contour integral? Answer any five questions (5X5) 2) Explain J as crack growth parameters? b) Describe the HIK equation for stress field? ©) How JR curve is generated ary crack? 4) How J Integral is measured for growing crack? 6) Reseribe differont zone for evack tip surrounding & corresponding fracture yuarameters ? 1) Explain the J-R curve compared to crack tip behaviour? £) Explain J controlied fracture? S Answer any five questions (5 X5) a) Explain the scope of the transferability of Jic from specimen to component? b) How Melinlock connected Jic to constraint? ©) Explain dependence of Jie with a, a/w.w? 4d) Whatis meant by stress & Hi-axiality ratio? €) Explain the approach of (wo parameters based fracture? f) How the contribution of T stress is considered to nullity the effect of constraint? 2) How J-R curve is applied considering ‘Q” 6 Answer any five questions (5X5) a) What ic the significance af Micro mechanism of crack growth in fracture mechanics ? b) Describe the micro-mechanism of ductile fracture in short. ‘¢) Write down Gurson’s yield equation and compare it with that of Von Mises. @) How nucleation is modelled in ductile fracture ? ¢) Explain cleavage fracture ? f) How cleavage fracture is statistically modelled ? g) Write a short note on Ductile to brittle transition

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