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Ref. No.

Master of Mechanical Engineering,2014
(1st Semester)
Fracture Mechanics
Time-03 hours Full Marks-I 00
Answer any FOUR questions

Q 1(a) From atomistic theory derive the inter atomic bond strength and compare with the
physical strength of the material. Hence justify that the real material contains flaws <10>
7Ta a
(b) Show that Griffith's energy release rate, G =- - and hence derive the fracture

2( ,E ) 2 . h ~ . ­
stress a f = ( -----;;;- , Y5 IS t e surrace energy per urut area.

Q2(a) Define stress intensity factor, K I .How does it differ from stress concentration
factor of a notch. < 10>
(b) A thin walled tube of mean diameter 40mm and wall thickness 2mm is subjected to
internal pressure 100 MPa. An axial through wall crack of length 3mm is detected in the
pipe. If the pipe material has a K,c = 200 MPa m l /2 determine whether the pipe is safe
under this loading. Take a form factor F= 1.16. <05>

© Define KI cIT for small scale yielding using Irwin's plastic zone correction <10>

03(a) Define plane stress and plane strain condition in 2D stress analysis <05>

(b) Sketch plastic zone ahead of the crack tip in plane stress and plane strain condition.
Also justify the Klc reaches minimum under plane strain condition. <10>
© Define CTOD and justify it as a crack growth parameter in ductile material <10>

Q4(a) Define J-integral and describe j, controlled crack-growth where J is the crack
growth parameter. < I0>
(b) Define Jic and l-R curve. Illustrate EPRl method to calculate critical load and
critical crack length of a component <IS>

Q5(a) Draw a FCGR (Fatigue crack growth resistance) curve. State and explain Paris law
for fatigue crack growth. Also mention the necessary modifications to take care of all the
three stages. <IS>
(b) A small crack of 2mm is detected in a tension member which is subjected to a load
l /2
cycle va:ring from 100MPa to 300MPa. IfK,c of the material is 60 MPa m , C = 10-12
MN-4 rn' , n=4 find the failure cycle (Nj ). Take a form factor F=1.16 <10>

Q6. Write short notes on following

I. HRR stress field 2. CEGB-R6 analysis 3. Romberg Osgood stress-strain
relation <10+ I0+05>

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