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7 epety . Qepies Vor ob des ED) _ “=e Fcaclge = ae a cit) Complex Tnkignaton (it) Commpiax Power fecur Civ) 2escoee 8 Typrs of Aimgulonitiin (Pets) OW) Rasidees ANALY TICITY Neraples variable In, y ane ral vasuable voriab: prhow 4 i an Zz + ry 4% comp imaginary unit suck Kat tts */ uskiee w= ReCx) ; ge wnced Mom plex Function : Function wih comptes vourtab les OF Eee MMement of cat A ia assouaticl wih a unique element of set suck an attouation it a compler finction or senate valued fenction . A, B on the et of OW complex’ nos. wae ae we ft) 23 Sb) velued “ ; n+ ute roly &: Ju)w = f(z). fers: 2 Ulay) + iver, yp . Wi) we £02) = Fre) = Ula,0) 4 iv Cnr,6) V. ii) Narohbourkood of a pocnt Zo: TR ack Of alt Asiana within Ake circle Laven, conta, at z but not om the cree dt called marghbourkeod of a point Zo. alto Caled ofan Cheuter dine; Ub daenoid & MyCx) ey Nd, ze) = fz: [2- zo] Analyte Anoligic Conalyste) > Analytic f(z) = 2s eek e ut ay ase Ver CP Vye ot x # vy > Not anatybic at ony point uyso Va. 0 ) flay = J2[? = [rege | = WP ayt 4 C0) us wey veo Gas ax uy FY, a Nef i) #¢z) = lel? a Lif freniia ble function ia net analytic ti) #C2) = [2lts 2S Product of a. ae REE Compter SS * — fog fo) an * “ys 2g W =0 Va + -uy ° Nok analytic mr, er af (0,0) . Hence Now naLytes 2 non ow 2 Analyte do Model No BSG Q)_Wending seakmera—valust inthe analiftne ors c No ct) CR agar “in potor form C ene € In fotos fervor Cag) —> Ge) c Un = 1 Ve ctl © Vy ‘ * ® € Ci) Fte27 2 (uy + Ava) 7 ‘ @)Fimd P suck that fonction F(2) > a* Cos(s0) + LP San CONE . ¢ On c : a ( Up = AnCosr2e Va = &n SamPo Ue =~ An? Sim oe Vp = +P1* Cos P@ : q Since Hn it analytic’ ‘ Gas Lve — 2XCosre = +(Pr4 Cos PO)/n » P_zen (oad fl2= x [Cos26 4 2SinPo] = 2€ itre) b) Wend a, be Such that FlzdeGr- xy - yt) 4 iCatte buys B analyte ‘ War deo Va = Qaathy \ ty =~ # -2y Wye bua rey ‘ Jor analytic Baw = bat 2cy Deb cr“ daxt by = a tay — da zl > ar¥> Nodlt wo@: Gvritiuction of anabyic tum haw - M2 tho d Coos tila Ler) $$ — SGp ci) OF Gor, y) Cor VOuy? a pon & find £22, Man F202 Unt A VK . fl(z) “wert 2. b& get £Q) £02) = gle) dz #0 bhee Ca Geeta DoF uluy) aa hd piae isa seal part of onatyee fu f(z) = &ttv, Han fire FCz) Uy e 2% Wy - Ve may nt 9 Vas aye FIMC2) = Un + Ave eon 4 iy ae) - ace #02) «= farzde + ifde . = Azer yar tee a £2) HAZ +6] whee C2 Hels x 4Ny > Real fort of UlH,y> constant = -2 f(z) = we tz-Q2einn . * check? Fiz) = (eaty ye 4Ce tay ~ 24hle Fen, y) > mea ye ob aay + edd) HD ere Pony oyna +f @aky 4 es) io Lond os ain yaution -. Aniwer corre cl . Sub y= 0 well get Fe) 6) 8 ve H3 den30-+ >SenOF2 Fenaginary port of fz) 5 Eten Rnd f2) Mn = Bn? Sin3s0 4 Sine Vp .= .3r3 Cos 36 + ACOSO £20 = Cuy4 avay e'? ty 3 Cot 90 cos le ¥ - Fca) = [anrcos30 + G20 + ilar? semde reino)] Replow = Z t e@-0 F(z) 2 eB ze Cpe ale Now -prom Qutrtien | G +2 F(z) © 2424 Gear c) Ff ay e% [Cosy - Sing] » than fad AF £C2)2utey flz) => WH ‘ 4 #02) (40 fa). BEND u-v tf Cus+v) Go) eee een, . Ll ‘ Piez)= fetGosx — ehoinx 4 é eX cory ]x ( = e*[losy -Seny] +fe* [ Siny + Cosy] ~ et Lio) + ve lo-i] Fz> =e e (red) +e Ueey fez) = e* Lr t] +c FC 2)uaee See eat ee ee ntCHeECl =U), Cite) Cree) Ha) eth ke C-0C 2 au- Vv ModaR NO: 4 : Conbuction of Raxmonie compe gate, funthow weeps 0 PO + 20 20 an ty For a neal valued tH Lory y) Ory wy geod & Uns, yy Comfine DF Ua, Uy, Ura, Uyy ork Continues & use t Uyy 60-7 Laplau ¢ d ad a Joka hid fra of 0 Funchon ul% y), feud & wh Honmenke fe Wart Ou y) mone Fe a 8g Cwu-0) O eOuyeary = — - ay Une = 0 Uys 24 Uyys 0 Une + Uyy =O AL four ou continusus ohio © Hosmonie th - Nee i) OF. f(z) = Ut ke anolyte functiow | han wd van harmonic functions. i) 9F uk v ane Rarmonic Ainthow . tin UF iv me OK may net fe anatyGe functiwe ao acy y= mA ny? vex yg). 0 Uxe 2x Ur. = 2 Ma, Vy, Vax, Vay 20 > Harmonie fw Uy = -2y uyy Gane 4 Uy 20 > Hormonic Fv Amatyiicly check: ty s 2x vy so ~ Not anolyke ke: Hoa a, varr Rormonic 2 Ut iv is mot analyte &: 6) Ct, ye xy? vex y)s ary Uge 2% Uys -2y Vax ay Vye 2* hr Vax 20 Yyy 0 lar 4 Uyy 2 0 Harmonic Vane Vyy 2 O Hor ninne AnatyacG, checks Ux = 216 V. Uae continues wg a : Uys - dye VK AnalyGe Hore | U,V are harmonic 2 Utiv analybe Hormonic Covpiga Function Sf ub vor farmonic fr Rutiv Ww a Neds called te Rormmonic Compiigati: furction of ty 2 see Neg ci) 9 vie a honmonic comp gati fa of w , them & A. Rornmonic comypugote fy of -vV. Method (Oortirian form) C ee eG Sep CYS IF vow yy as gro to find AG HC UCL) thin ; conden du = 2s dat we dy 2(@x) da + (uy ddy e ci) du = Vy) dx a7 dy 0 - Ci) 9 ntiqnat we flyrdy 4 Svar dy 4 k e ‘ i Treobing y const Terme free from of a) of Ge m8 Sty EF | than fimd 2G Harmonie coyagrd 1 dv = Vedat vd = Cuyjda + (Unde ‘ Y a ‘ Ux = 3x? = By Uys -3ax2y . ~bxy ‘ dv = Gay da + Gwr-sy dy Vos ya 4 -38ys tk 2 Baty - yerk th. 2 3 6) Of v= Bom de, thin Find AE Ror mone compagate fr « dus Wxdrttgdo = (Voddr+ Chis) do Va> Br? Sin39 Vo = 3n3 Cos3 & 3x Cor 39 dx - 3n3sim30 do +k wie ar cos30 +k — ) OF Flo. us iv ie onalytic dv, Suck that Re [fleas zy 2 fine Je 2 , Bin pd Ten (F(Z. , a) eae &) det yt ) xt-y? dd yt—n Re (412) y 12) = Uy LVe Uns oe ‘4g -O Fie ck) = 2 a “etl, 4 ive, ea440 “cl, I) 2 2 ves > 0 -@® Sub: condar ©,@ ta choles d) in Comeck d) whech of the eed 4s mot a Real fart of some Analyae fr 2 a)e* Siny — b) Corn Simhy oD Bary? Saye Check one by ont fr mon Karmoniaty - Not Rarmonie ud [Yaa Sink = Corks day, Corky » Seah] COMPLEX INTEGRATION © Comptes Line Into + If £2) ke daftmed at 2 pe on the Gswe CC , thea the evahiation of nts pol of Compuux fa (22 Along Gus 6 OT any path © As cold com Line tntignol of & Compux f. f(z) 9 ab i denoted by f¥(2) de « J® bho c i the path of («) intigration ae OF path & cloned, sotegnral “ evodudid in anticlocks Cove disection) dareion unter clouwit apeagad f #2242 . ; é B Rekalion bfo neal Be snfiqnal 2 comptes Line integral — Of f(z) = U+av G dzxdxsidy who za4te The flaydz tiv) Cdevid a J {@ 4 tady) > [idx —vdy) 4d fvdea uty és ds tad 9) SvoSesoti =F Ot=ty) do — along: QA CUO Cis ye oe o @ yen - JO> —ay9 dz along 2 open paths yeu B yen? SOR) TT fae etx) Crscdds as ieee ty [eg epeey eRe G. 1 + Is fe- £9) Cdx t L2xda) Sente dz dustdy ° t = dxad dev) = Ur-t) JQr+ i238) dx a S dut ax tidus = Crk) Cae ew aah]! 2 Sao 3 27° are ted 5) Evaluate fede olong tis x ci) gee : ° pad tee zd2- Gay Cee f J 4 Cy) Cdn 4 edy) ° ' fons 44) Che 4 ada) ° , (bi Of nde » 2c Leys a T fcx tax") Cola a i dada) 2 PRO 2) J G@+intylda 4 Rade) \ 1 : Je 43m aad )dy [at+ tera ad New ci Peponcting Upon arog tcity » voRe pk *tennng 2 pe > chan © sty of knligtal along ong > Some Non analyte > Di ffaxent ODA eB Ne z-he' Xe nCosO > ys agind cH) (a 10)? + Cy yo)? = a* [z-Zofe n Tot bord 2s tne x= a get h Sand ARpy LoniG ar fer the dan Bb te quadsonb - along a curve ¢ mhow ¢ f) f deste e z kee ae - ze. ref? dz -ace'de e * O-> vos O b& 24 f wae tu whi geao . a. = “#5 ede + (ee : she [ e2* ¢ cee eeaelece Z Bf GY) 2 4 Cant ady) 9 Complicatid dont do. ° i . (ey) ® Typs of Curves a) Sipe Gave i Fd Pi (Cos eal a Curves ee ee Oe a) SC enple chord Gunve : a) , 5) 2c) above 2) Types of Regions a) Stwnply Connected region O Reyon bounded by Adm phe Gowe » multiply Connected Region, Re multiply Connected Region, Doubly Tiph conneded ED my (E ©) Region, Re gcon Requon oblain ed. by Pousing mor than | closed curve ©) Region bl 2 Concentric crete annubor/annutus | ring thaped Region (5 Theorem [: Guscky's Int Tntigal theorem CC IT /€- 1) of Fflz uw omabfee ot Seng toont wean Ove A Abra ered wow. C, then f fords = 0 a : mes ~ 7 5 hearem 2: Cuthyt Integral Theorem 7 _reunltipty commecied Righ a oF eee Hagiow , whe a HORE ORC Op Cay the anid” £ (2) Ss amakytic within R cand ow C,¢,, Co but not Within, G1, Cr, Aken : : GP fade = frardrs § ftzdde : 2 ey é c © @ Theorem 3: Gurehys! Tntegrol Formula (err) 9F F(z) & anattic at tory point wethin Rn A Moaple closed curve €, & Zo is any fornt within © haw ci) F(z) dz = ame F(z) e? (2-2) 7) § f(z) dz» 2nd Cx.) —9 obtacred y de fteois ot ; s~ @-207"" nm} ing ci) — ‘ fc pdz $=) > su amg fetes acnpuler foals) ® - then C- the OF BS Ti: Cth ovens) © Evatuah f e+ Sin Cede Coshz da Je] = dfn co (~30F C26)" Cz~-593 2 oF + Sn Cz) + Cothz —» Analyite . - f(z - C4 SinCe 4 Coshz (2-3) © Cz- 64 (e-5)* Sengutar Poin 9 3,5,6 — donet? gic within lzl= 3/2 AU. Lis outride they carcke Acedy to GhT a. f pled -0. _ BD) ~ fazey dz co fefe2 . c= By cle 270 La, witha /zl22 artic Floy een = Qe = dz whow co ~t) @-2)? 2f2-1 e 2ne £"(a) @-29 2 tnraly Ge Ee flz) = z F022 te *” Jz-abeys 2-1 zo f'() 2 do (-@-07) dz = tty-a (z-0)3 7 > ome 2 2 ate x ot — 1 [etsea, dD wet dz cs Jafet0 oie (2492-2) @HG-a : ed — f ¢? de Juren { j 7 7 Pe Ca-bz aie at Fractions ee eae eanye eagle Ges) Using method @ : § $e2)d2 = Stow ee te Sem : 4 2 ds eo” CD a-» ol X22 joan + fetta oy oe C2 272 $3 aa ee ate Cee ep — al a+} Ch 2s to 4 €*) /@-2) (2-6) 4 fGen 24 OY / 02-102 -2) + [ens ex 7 a 2-6 J = oS ae FA Wot analytic . 7. Deby mathod und | neie ( ze ef das pe ay ‘ . 2m te do og f ee ° ci lal= ( 2-1 Pound ary pe 0 Rd be tlerion At + ‘ *. Thaovem Cannot be appliscl . fzle 1 a . Zz. els d2- 4e'*de 9 oO-2n { ets rede ene ° s “I Cede = lt S & elt, Flz)-_z is not defined at on ea atl at ptr on I2}-l vy Ne cannot int grote Auth owt Ne mud: ee: COMPLEX POWER SERIES An Kopin, 1d of the for Qo + 9, Cz- 20) ¥ A C2- to)? + % C2-*o)F +... Ay l(Z~Z) (oR) . Z ay C2- 2)" is colled Comples fower itu, mse fr powers of (2-20) 6, about a Ab 2= Zo Jon Be above svar a 0), a2, 6. Aye ane eal or Complex Comitanti whith ou called coefficunG of AL fewer Aver , 2 a Comper vortabte & zo a fined ma dH Compl Consfant Wkih is Called centre of He fowtr doris Sg: Git ane 4 are = O-xyT Ixlet Roc. Gi) la wt wt ad age 2% forall vole of x XE a OB = Git) tte 24 eda - ee eae a ees lzle oQ Cree. “of conv, < toy above sort Radius Of conwang [z- Zof= 2 ia ARe Cree of Convers Converge for the nughbourkood of a can » G2- 2015 © Rd Regan of Cowen gence CROC) : See of vol of 2 for heck the i Sou commaga da colled regen of conutngance of a four: Saris. Now: Ci) Radius of eda + MF » dy a radius of conmerge “of a a power Seriu Fan (- 20)” Then rd da geen by oe de Yn ste Ll See CO) oy 2 kk. fanf erate aaa . . C @. Find. the. rnadina of Lomustnginth ROC 2 Cree of Convag for the Fotlouing auciis ~ ; S B+ 4c” 2” Composing oath Gresik power eerus ‘ Qn = (2442)? > SF far} Contain use formule a eo 0 Pee ee eee he t zu ‘ nae fa) in rot [Gap] fo mas | sot ‘ Coc : fz] = act : : e a ( Roc! fel < 4 s ( 2D SCIP Cee 26)? nerve ( ay = (-” Ze -2e "\5 Total power not n > So second one .! vy. Ee Jes kt ry reas | me fone nae | nce maw mae > {P| na {ref = l2t+arf 2) + toc jetelct 5 ROC Cow pte Pousrty Sances _Z ee Fl 2) F(Z 46 mob analytic af 7 Aaudente sous. TAYLOR'S THEOREM of (2) bs oneg at tomy fort Wuthia 9 Crete Aassi canter af Zo , ew fotny point 2 Urthcn Me ence Re fusetion fe) Cam Be expreued or oO Compun fowrr tories Le fouktse few of z-2— oF about w fomk Z= Zo a #2) = fl20) + (2-20) f'20) + (2-20) fae) ae ss z= 20oP C25) Hs - nt = 2 G27" ¢"Cz0) hid I) ef the form % an 2-20)” nso who an = Ceo) a) ee —_—_—_=. The RUS of above is calle Taylors’ Sexus about a ft z Rte ROC of a Tayler sania i gon by [2-0] < %# whee FY isa distance Mo the ft at Rie oder id neg Ake meanest Simguliar point of £he fumcton fl2) fo Kat § Comptes hemt 3 AE £02) Sendapendant of Hhe poth 29% Atmrol Problems tn Co: A C1) fimd Ake vole of Sto ¢ ByT+ a claw aae = ES410€) (8-4e) 9 -IS 4404500» B4toc) (a-4e 154904 500 25 25 x “oy Complex Conjugate Car be) babe) 2 a4 b> the. product of (3- ne) (344) = 948 4irei Ce = Ft bet D {2s > IbtAt =e oe Lg ria aTearl) eS °C € W) 22 nety hou x, yoo steal ee . at ay ee cd ey Lad ; Pe ee ‘ Tet] pet} a fe] ed Jectes esa] > V@Purterre = 1, UV) oF fs VF, then 2 oJ by com arem: | te ED% y ef] . Cos T+ esen¥f be ot 5 uh. i! . Ms 1 vy) 22 Bead, ten fad 2% a) avav2d UrKi+ ie ~ , OWL daa ze (aya + vat 3 teh ~ 3 . 7 2 a 2 Had 2% % 20 ow Mao 22 toad 2 OM Sr, ocear 2S é é v L yA ‘b. MH Comet 2 ene folor coordinals . 2s (et™%)* ea Cos 2T 4 £8en 27 3 3 * Gs) + 88a) = - CHT] $i sth tty a 2 ‘wi) One of the peot of ) 6 re estes eeeetet 2 [ie] L = let > (ey ads bar ue iii) Evokuah ff Cx-y tex) dz’ along yer . dq” bal aedic dx dz dxr+idu tac lem 2 oe i: oS ax Ci4eddx > (te edad fo xtde 2 (6-1) iy) eS 7 Je i > (+1) Cl)? = (CDRce+* = Teen eee) MA = 3 XK Convent nto Atmgl vosable apply ee only. We) freee de, > fal=¥ ood FC2) 7 7 FCzD A dafened at ofl ptr ow fel =% iv Et nok So ftezde = SOretard: 20 ue Tels “ Norenatty only Numuotor fa aluroyt analytic Exceptions : Trxgonomaliic katios Gtx, bamz ele+ 0 (222+) d whe Cd [z]-3. J 2-4 : v PO) 4 analyte of all ptr encept af 2=¥ But pl of aingutanly 2-4 doen! Cte an [223 f(z) Ww on com (2/ =3 “ J fC2) 20. <> #2) af Graze do kon fel =a. . @-» 2-24 @ Sem gular pe mm f2l=3 Appey CLF, > ate £02) > one Coeqsay ¢ rate r Wi) Sf zto24t de as £. ze) Ak omefcn are Corte FD ane fa) = gw l » - Teer! zt € Linc 3 dow be ox fz] > 2 . i (wy) Ste de miter, POT po 2 ee : Yerdr > ome F'Co) (2-0)* ( Fay. >= ‘ Yerd2 == ome (- 6°) = - 2nd Goo) =. ~ Ses a (ze ~ > > mi Ficn fer) + 2 otis adh. 23 2-3 > i, 2-3 2. ATE x -F o>. - 2.5 cer « -5e? © @ p> Ye D>] = 34/6 3 05 Let encrcle > ff Sete = 27° F£"(m|) te (2-0%)3 2! tl2)= Senrz #'C2) = 2SensCorz = Km2z 7 £"C2) > 2Cos aa = Te 20:7 = aMexr Fv. : dz — ¢ fafsa Zee hae ca foto fof = ote. f'CL) F'(2) = 322-2 #'CC) 2-3-2. = ~1oTe ff eat o xix) Evaluate Fla) % £03)" ko f(a) whore cu the Onl [2] = . 40) = J jstzae =2-2 2 t.. ate #2) 2-2 bn an [2] = 25 Fla) = f@ts) 4 - < zeae tm fof-n 2+ S_ f Cz d2 = 0. : fae Baza (2-a@) ame [4] ~ ste taweats, Curies a ri — R . At FG) be analytic fr ia a ning shaped region boundhe R comeembuie chet GY Co Heth race Ry G Be Cy can Wik Centre 25+ Foy omy RE 2 tn be, C 42) = Qo + % (2-20) + 0, (2-20)? + 4 Ca-zolsy . «6 +4 (2-20)! + a, G24 a, @- 2h - ¢ . — 2 ~ . a f(z) > 2 a lem? 4 2 ayle 2) i nso met c Anotytic part Primupol Port. ( : Vance assed bho Qn = t f£@) dz Aingull» ame J @- 20)! om ARE of which Fz) UL 0 UY Called so of He kv. ¢ A ph at which G2) i not suiting ue Colle d Lem Essential Seonge han itiy SOF F(z) = Qs #4,-a)+ arCz-a)* ‘ ‘ ta C2-ay'4 a, Gay escentiol Serngpatnaty ' Han 2-0 U collbed i i eee eter eee + I > 4 2a (2-9) +9) a! Cz-ay [et te net ent J ry 9colatid Semgutlonit ; Conucir FC2) = 243 2Cz-2) Ape 220 & on tr0lated Sengefoouily, Af how 2G aw marghbourkood of a tn wher © toe tt than tu: In ohove z=0 Y Sinpetaaly . “Poti of orday Foy Simgutay Pole: nO bins Zs2 ane betR rtrolahd SF P02) = 404 a, (2-4 a, 2-ayry . 4, ay Ke Hen 27a in called poe of order 4 Pole of Order 2 9f Fad = as + a, Cz-a) 40;C2-a* 4 + @, Gea, Ga than Z- a 4 called folk of order 2- tote of order m Of Flz2) = as + Q, (2-0) + Car + +. 40, Ct 40,0 o +t a, C2-07™, Han z= a Cobled pole of order m fi) Pee Angubositin of #Cz) = z-t ‘ore So a 8 2r4l 20 (2a se [oa He fetal comps plan Oy eee) cuiene 4 @-3)*C 2740) G-3)* (2244) = O- 2-3, 426 Bu oo pote, of order 2 come @ 2% Sin 2-Cosz=0 @ zt O 1-2 of 220 24 A 2=O+4 Pole of order 4 —> Nnong Expand ee pez ae he [14 aca Y2> 4 923 ae! 2 24 2224%Hy: ee - ak 6 Se — = _ eee 28 4.824 Warr. "22 OP Pele of orday 3. ee ena oo fet et or a 2) Rurcduu of f(2) at UG folu- . are c D zea to ole of ordey one c Reda of #€2) at 2-0 & = LE (2-a) flz) c 23a ' EE ae opera of ade, Too € Riudur of (2) af 2-a = ed (@-ay #2) 22a ae ¢ D 22a 4 o fot of vrder Hare : ¢ Reudut of f(z) ab z=a > I kB dt fe-ar fe BY Foe oak ‘ Bn general, ¢ of 22a Wa fol of Kher m, * ( hendus of f(z) at 22a > _¢ ke tet feo Cm) | 22a at c ) flz) =_e** Reuter at 2-0 Uv 2 e093 7 ‘ Ru (fC2)) ot 2-0 3 to ge dt f (2 2% 1 at 73! doe Gs “D Ret of Fle) = _T eyentaeetco Ga (a0 * Ce) am ee a Md f Gat (240) (Cz-0)* zee de x Gray). kt -2 > 12 = 22 et ze Ga? @p3 eu ae Q fer) = 2 Cole Aus at tch of #te fobs: (2-1)? G42) zt : Res ot zt > At d {Get ao } zat dz (242) ved fy) eH ee oe | as eres 231 z+. en)? = 2 - 1 2 ot es _ 3 ? oe Ru ef zag 3a NU & oa > 1 22a es q (24)? Gee27 rote D ku. of F(z) = t- 22 at iG pote 22-9 (-2) a) Yr, 7%, F D4 Y,-I Ya, ty Ble Ad Yapnt, 3fa ME 250 we zat At @® £02) = i ak 2-26 . (2429* (2-29 { “ ¢ ke d § (aehy_t Yoo nee f zar dz (242¥ Gt F920 (24293 by | pied Cou Ruidus Theorem 3a F(z) iw an ce ume a closed wwe © 2 xeepe ak ow fini no. of porate , tan fflzrde = 2me f sum of reidust 'e 7 , #02) ab eack ofa 9 $ i dz lz[e= pots © (242)" (2-2)* ‘ = ame [ Rar) + Raa] some bod 1 4 we dt zord= Git 29-2 ea = One [ we -2 4 ke -2 222 Gasp? 23-2 ays whe He dagen fef =a etre f Res Ce) + Re ey GOs) 2 ame fee eh 4 tt zat vee tae sancef et 4 ae ai zat de Jzel=t © zara +f eat = ame {raed + tact Zoic zCz4ty 2 ce . ae a wel oy ME otal a i _ 230° By, _ ~ Te} 2 4-8 “me Le +g] > “RE € Ot 42) = ome fees) + ru Cary same fhe a at ge et Y zl dz 242 23-2 Gay 2 ome f ke (Qe 28 + 4 q zst\eee Gry? 7 % “ 6 Rvoluclton of dwligatr of He type { £00 a, eo Foo = 2 { Sum of rerdus of Fle) Fx) Hee upper Rolf plant t 14 Upper Rolf plane > Stemcunrete woth Rack % (Pots fyeng Bn Stal acct we Connoé aApy tts | * Jot 1G poles > de f(z) = 1 ~h lat ae Pols at z=Ht Only eet d Li ta pfer Res. of (2) at zo0 =

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