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Nofil ur Rehman

High-order accuracy numerical methods are especially efficient for solvingpartial

differential equations (PDEs) which contain complex solution struc-tures. Here we
refer to high-order accurate numerical methods by
those withan order of accuracy at least three, measured by local truncation errors
when the solution is smooth.
High-order numerical schemes have been appliedextensively in computational fluid
dynamics for
solving convection-dominated problems with both discontinuities/sharp gradient
regions andcomplicated smooth structures.


The weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) and essentially non-oscillatory
(ENO) schemes are popular numerical methods
to solve higher order partial differential equations (hyperbolic in nature).
For hyperbolic PDEs or convection-dominated problems, their solutionscan develop
singularities such as discontinuities,
sharp gradients, discontinu-ous derivatives, etc. For problems containing both
singularities and comp-licated smooth
solution structures, schemes with uniform high order ofaccuracy in smooth regions
of the solution which can also resolve
singulari-ties in an accurate and essentially nonoscillatory (ENO) fashion are
desirable,since a straightforward
high-order approximation for the nonsmooth region ofa solution will generate
instability called Gibbs phenomena.
These schemes are efficient in providing higher order accuracy in regions that are
smooth while they also maintain stable
discontinous transitions.
The schemes are thus especially suitable for problems containing both strong
discontinuities and complex smooth
solution structures.

The main idea of the WENO schemes is to form a weighted combinationof several local
reconstructions based on different
stencils (usually referredto as small stencils) and use it as the final WENO
reconstruction. The combi-nation
coefficients (also called nonlinear weights) depend on the linearweights, often
chosen to increase the order of
accuracy over that on eachsmall stencil, and on the smoothness indicators which
measure the smoothness of the
reconstructed function in the relevant small stencils.
Hence an adaptive approximation or reconstruction procedure is actually the
essential part of the WENO schemes.

Differential equations are essential tools in mathematical modelling. Most physical
systems are described in terms
of mathematical models that include convective and diffusive transport of some
variables. Finite difference methods
are amongst the most popular methods that have been applied most frequently in
solving such differential equations.
A finite difference scheme is compact in the sense that the discretised formula
comprises at most nine point stencils
which includes a node in the middle about which differences are taken. In
addition, greater order of accuracy
(more than two) justifies the terminology 'higher-order compact finite difference
scheme' (HOC). This can be
achieved in several ways. The higher-order compact scheme considered here is by
using the original differential
equation to substitute for the leading truncation error terms in the finite
difference equation. Overall, the scheme
is found to be robust, efficient and accurate for most computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) applications.

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