NSTP Lesson 10

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LESSON 10 – The Social Menace of Drug Addiction

According to Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), drug is defined as follows:

1. Clinical Definition
- Therapeutic substance that will serve as treatment, prevention or cure disease for humans and

2. General Definition
- A substance aside from food that affects the human body.

3. Popular Definition
- Chemical substance that affects the body's behavioural, psychological, and physical functions.

ADDICTION - is not having control over doing, taking or using something until it becomes harmful.


According to Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, there two classes of dangerous drugs:
1. Prohibited Drugs
-includes all drugs that has psychological effects of narcotics.
2. Regulated Drugs
- includes all self-inducing sedatives.

Common Drug Type

 Marijuana
Marijuana – is the term used to describe all that comes from the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa) like
leaves, tops, stems, flowers and roots. These are dried and prepared for smoking or taken orally as
Adverse Effects
1. Impairment of memory and short-term cognitive functioning, particularly mathematical, reading
and verbal comprehension skills.
2. Impairment of motor skills which may lead to accidents and respiratory problems such as
bronchitis or lung cancer.
3. Premature babies, low birth weight, abortion or still birth (neonatal death)
4. Panic or state of anxiety, sometimes accompanied by paranoia.
5. Motivational syndrome
6. Burnout as the user can become dull, slow-moving inattentive and aware of his/her
7. Susceptibility to infections
8. Decreased sperm production and altered sperm shape and mobility
9. Decreased testosterone level
10. Symptoms of mental illness
 Shabu
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu) - is a type of amphetamine also known as “poo man’s
cocaine.” It’s other names are shabu, ubas, siopao, sha and ice. Shabu is a white, odourless crystal or
crystalline powder with bitter, numbing taste.
Adverse Effects
1. Anxiety, tension, irritability, irrational behaviour, talkativeness and loss of self-control
2. Loss of appetite and inability to sleep
3. Euphoria, elation
4. Acute psychotic reactions, violet and destructive behaviour and recklessness that may result in
Psychological Effects
These include chest pains; irregularity of heartbeat; elevated or lowered blood pressures, evidence of
weight loss, convulsion and death from cardiac arrest.

 Inhalants
Inhalants- abuse is the deliberate inhalation of volatile chemical substance that contains psychoactive
vapors causing a state of intoxication.
Immediate Effects
1. Confusion
2. Distorted perception of time and disctance
3. Aggressive behaviour/violence
4. Hallucinations
5. Illusions
6. Nausea and Vomiting
7. Drowsiness
Delayed Effects
1. Loss of Memory
2. Inability to think
3. Muscle cramps and weakness
4. Numbness of limbs
5. Abdominal Pains
6. Damage to the central nervous system, kidney, liver and possibly the bone marrow

 Ecstasy
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), an “Adam and Eden Tablet”, refers to the drug having
such chemical composition, including any of its isomers or derivatives in any form.
Adverse Effects
1. Fatigue and perhaps depression after the drug is stopped
2. Restlessness, anxiety and pronounced visual and auditory hallucinations at large doses
3. Nausea and vomiting
4. Rise in blood pressure and heart rate or death from heart from heart failure or stroke
5. Prolonged regular use can lead to the same long-term effects as those of synthetic stimulants,
including a potential for neurotoxicity and brain and liver damage

 Opiates/Narcotics
Opiates – sometimes called narcotics, are group of drugs that are used medically to relieve pain but
have a high potential for abuse. Some opiates come from a resin taken from the speed pod of the Asian
poppy. Opiates that are commonly abused are opium, morphine, codeine and synthesized or
manufactured opiates.

 Cocaine
Cocaine - is a drug from the leaves of the Erythroxylon coca plant, a shrub that originated from South
America. This drug affects the central nervous system as a stimulant.

 Sedatives
Sedative –hypnotics such as tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and sedatives are drugs which depress or slow
down body functions. These drugs can be dangerous when taken without a physician’s prescription or

 Steroids
Anabolic steroids are not the same as the kind used in medicine for the reduction of inflammation.
Rather, these substances are used to build muscle mass and strength. They typically consist of male sex
hormones and can be very damaging when used without a medical prescription.

 Tobacco
Tobacco- is often smoked in the form of cigarettes or cigars or chewed. It contains nicotine which is a
stimulant and highly addictive substance that has been known to cause cancer and other diseases.

 Nicotine
Nicotine works by mimicking the actions of a naturally occurring brain chemical-acetylcholine-by docking
with its special receptor molecules.

Reasons Behind Drug Abuse

1. Curiosity
2. Social Influences
3. New Sensations
4. Rebellion
5. Escapism

Signs of Drug Dependency

1. Mood swings or explosive outbursts
2. Staying out late or not coming home at night
3. Frequent absences from work or school, or declining work or school performance
4. Unexplained need for money or sudden loss of money and valuables
5. Less extracurricular activities, social withdrawal, and mini with the family
6. Sudden or noticeable change in friends
7. Tiredness or changes in sleeping patterns
8. Changes in eating patterns
9. Impaired memory and poor concentration
10. Blood shot or glassy eyes
11. Lethargy and loss of motivation
12. Deterioration of physical appearance and grooming
Drug dependency is extremely hazardous to a person's health, the people who care for him/her and to
his/her future as well.

A drug dependent can still be saved from his/her present situation as long as there are people who are
willing to listen, understand and help him/her until full recovery.
LESSON 11 – Campus Safety and Security
SECURITY - the quality or state of being secure or free from danger or any form of physical aggression.

National Security as Enshrined in the Philippine Constitution

According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article II -- Declaration of Principles and State Policies

Section 3: "The Armed Forces of the Philippines is the protector of the people and the State. Its goal is to
secure the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of the national security."

Section 4: "The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. The Government may
also call upon the people to defend the state,...,all citizens may be required to render personal, military,
or civil service."

Section 5: "The maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty, and property, and the
promotion of general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of

Campus Security Measures

Physical Security involves the protection of the plant or building, facilities, and members of the
Academic community.

It can be fostered as follows:

a) Implementation of Pedestrian Security
b) Installation of Physical and Human Barriers
c) Enforcement of vehicle control

Organization of the Campus Emergency Movement

Dr. Bernard R. Ramirez of the Philippine State College of Aeronautics presented the organizational
compositio of campus emergency management:

1. Chairperson
 He/She is responsible for conducting the efforts of all the team under the Calamity-Disaster
Control Group.
 He/She directs the conduct of drills and provides leadership during actual disasters to effect the
proper synchronization of all the teams.

2. Vice-Chairperson
 He/She serves as the action person of the Calamity-Disaster Control Group and takes charge of
the situation in the absence of the chairperson.

3. Disaster Assessment Response Team Commented [1]:

 This team is the first to respond to the scene of the disaster to see if there are casualties and to
assess the damages incurred in the building and facilities.
 They are also responsible for inspecting the different rooms in the buildings after evacuation to
find out if there are still person left inside.
a. Security Force - the jack of all trades.
b. Firefighting Team - tasked is implementing fire prevention programs and is primarily responsible for
preparing evacuation routes and signage in case of fire.
c. Relief Team - responsible for preparing for the evacuation of people and properties.
d. Evacuation Team - responsible for evacuation of people and properties.
e. First Aid Team - responsible for administering first aid to victims and rescuers.
f. Engineering & Rehabilitation Team - responsible for providing emergency evacuation shelters, repairs
& lighting systems.
g. Transport Team - responsible for bringing casualties to the nearest hospitals or clinics as well as
transporting evacuees, including those who may have been stranded.
h. Rescue Team - responsible for the conduct of rescue operations during emergencies and disasters.

 sudden ground motion or series of it
 it is a tremor caused by the sudden release of accumulated energy or stressess inside the earths
 the large destructive waves generated by an earthquake are called tsunami.

Here are important fact about earthquake

1. Is a natures way of releasing dangerous strains that accumulate inside the earths crust
2. They occur without warning and affect large areas
3. The initial shock created by an earthquake may last a few minutes. It may be followed by aftershock
which are generally lesser in intensity than the initial one.
4. Aftershocks may come in rapid succession immediately after the initial shock or may vary from a few
minutes to several hours or days.
5. Dangers from earthquake are as follows
A. Collapse of structures
B. Falling objects
C. Swinging doors and broken windows
D. Fire from electrical short circuits or broken gas mains

When an earthquake occurs while you are in school or any other building remember the following
safety measures
1. Take cover under a desk or table
2. Stay away from windows
3. Assume a crash position in your knees with your head down and hands clasped behind your neck or
4. Counted a loud to 60. An earthquake rarely lasts longer than 60seconds and counting is calming.
5. Remain calm and do not panic
6. Do not to get out of the premises if there is danger of flying debris, falling object's, and high voltage
7.stay away from electrical fixtures and glass windows

When you are outside the building during an earthquake

1. Take cover under any strong structure or inside a car park until the tremor subsides
2. Beware of electric wires and posts, trees, street signs and similar structures that may collapse or fall.
3. Stay away from hanging objects

When you are in the halls, corridors, stairway and other areas where no cover is available during an
1. Move to an interior wall, kneel with your back to the wall, place your head close to your knees clasp
your hands behind your neck and cover the side of the head with your arms.
2. Stay away from hazardous chemicals that may spill

When you are inside a vehicle during an earthquake

1. Stop the vehicle in a safe place away from tall structures
2. Stay inside the vehicle until the tremor subsides

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