Test 1 Organizational Theory & Behaviour

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University of St.

Thomas of Mozambique
Business School
Semester I Test II
Course: Business Management Academic Year: 2019

Class: 2L3BBM Time: 1130 – 1230hrs

Discipline: Organizational Theory & Behaviour Date: 14/ 05/ 2019.

Section I: For each of the questions below, provide a precise and concise answer

1. Different observations suggest that rationality and emotion are in conflict, and that if you exhibit
emotion you are likely to act irrationally. Do you agree with this observation?
2. What is meant by the statement “emotions are more fleeting than moods”?
3. The relationship between age and job performance is likely to be an issue of increasing importance
during the next decade. Explain.
4. Compare and contrast unfair discrimination and diversity management.
5. Discuss how job satisfaction can impact productivity, absenteeism and turnover.

Section 2: For each question below, choose the correct answer and write it on your answer sheet.
Additional explanation to the selected assertion voids the answer. Choose only one answer.
Choosing more than one assertion invalidates them all. (A, B, C or D)

1) Sarah recently attended a job interview where she was told that the company follows policies that
focus on organizational diversity. However, when she finally joined the company, she had a strong
feeling that the company's claim was not true. Which of the following, if true, weakens Kimberly's belief
that the company does not encourage diversity?
A. Eighty-five percent of the top management positions in the company are held by men.
B. She is the only African-American member in the entire workforce.
C. The workforce is not dominated by any specific ethnic or racial group.
D. Her team members believe that they are treated equally in spite of differences in performance.

2) Which of the following is true with respect to surface-level diversity?

A. It refers to psychographic characteristics of the members of a group.
B. People with surface-level diversity will also share deep-level diversity.
C. It indicates differences of values, emotions and personality traits between people.
D. It refers to differences in easily perceived characteristics, such as gender and race.

3) The human resources department of Orbit Bank believes in being unbiased toward all employees and
treating them fairly. They believe it is crucial that the company treat all their employees equally.
However Susan Daniels, an employee at the bank, recently filed a lawsuit against the company, claiming
that she was discriminated against. Which of the following, if true, best justifies Susan's action?

A) The company did not give her preferential treatment even though she was from the host country.
B) She was asked whether she was over eighteen during the first round in the interview process.
C) Her colleagues expressed their dissatisfaction over their pay and severance packages.
D) She was given the same incentives as her colleagues in spite of performing better than them.

4) An employee who may be made fun of because he is an Arab-American is being subjected to

________, a kind of discrimination in work environments.
A) mockery and insults B) vandalism
C) cyberstalking D) exclusion

5) Which of the following is the most likely reason why employers should employ older workers?
A) They adjust to new technology promptly.
B) Older workers have extensive work experience.
C) Older workers are flexible and learn quickly.
D) They have shorter tenures and hence lower pension benefits than younger workers.
E) The rates of unavoidable absences are lower than those of younger workers.

6) Which of these actions are the most likely to be taken by Sarah if she behaves in a way that is
inconsistent with an attitude that she holds?
A) Change the behavior. B) Change the attitude.
C) Ignore the inconsistency. D) All of the above

7) The primary organizational implication of cognitive dissonance theory is that it helps to predict
A) overall job satisfaction for employees
B) the likelihood of a given employee engaging in impression management
C) the overall level to which the workforce will accept gender, racial or other types of bias
D) the willingness of the workforce to accept company rules and work practices
E) the inclination towards attitude and behavioral change of the workforce

8) What can a manager do to ensure his employees perceive the organization as supportive?
A) Ensure rewards are deemed fair. B) Allow employees a voice in decisions.
C) Provide a participative environment. D) All of the above.

9) Which of the following is NOT generally found in businesses whose employees have high-average
levels of engagement?
A) higher levels of customer satisfaction B) higher levels of productivity
C) higher profits D) higher turnover

10) Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism?
A) There is a consistent positive relationship between the two.
B) There is a consistent, moderate negative relationship between the two.
C) There is a curvilinear relationship between the two.
D) When fairness is controlled for, there is a direct relationship between the two.

Good Work

David Lugundu; MA, MBA


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