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G.R. No.

161838 April 7, 2010 damages with prayer for the issuance of a TRO and/or
writ of preliminary prohibitory/mandatory injunction
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, represented by against Zone Administrator Quindoza, docketed as Civil
DANTE QUINDOZA, in his capacity as Zone Case No. 548-ML. Respondent alleged that: in October
Administrator of the Bataan Economic 2001, Quindoza started to harass the hotel's operations
Zone, Petitioner, by causing the excavation of the entire width of a cross-
vs. section of the only road leading to the hotel for the
COALBRINE INTERNATIONAL PHILIPPINES, INC. supposed project of putting up a one length steel pipe;
and SHEILA F. NERI, Respondents. that such project had been stopped, which,
consequently, paralyzed the hotel's operations;
respondent Neri undertook the construction of a
temporary narrow access ramp in order that the hotel
guests and their vehicles could pass through the wide
PERALTA, J.: excavations; Quindoza had also placed a big "ROAD
CLOSED" sign near the hotel, which effectively blocked
Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari filed by all access to and from the hotel and created an
petitioner is the Decision1 dated January 21, 2004 of the impression that the hotel had been closed; in the last
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No 74667, which week of March 2002, Quindoza cut the pipelines that
affirmed the Order2 dated September 24, 2002 of the supplied water to the hotel to the great inconvenience of
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Balanga, Bataan, in Civil respondents and the hotel guests, and, subsequently,
Case No. 548-ML, denying petitioner's Motion to the pipelines were reconnected. Respondents prayed for
Dismiss. the payment of damages, for the issuance of a TRO and
a writ of preliminary injunction to enjoin Quindoza from
The Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA), cutting or disconnecting the reconnected water pipelines
predecessor of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority to the hotel and from committing further acts of
(PEZA), is the owner of the Bataan Hilltop Hotel and harassment; and to cause the construction of a
Country Club, located at the Bataan Export Processing reasonable access road at Quindoza's expense.
Zone, Mariveles, Bataan. Dante M. Quindoza is the
Zone Administrator of the Bataan Economic Zone. Administrator Quindoza, through the Solicitor General,
filed a Motion to Dismiss3 on the following grounds:
On August 4, 1994, EPZA, now PEZA, and respondent
Coalbrine International Philippines, Inc. entered into a 1. The Honorable Court has no jurisdiction over
contract in which the latter would rehabilitate and lease the instant case;
the Bataan Hilltop Hotel, Golf Course and Clubhouse for
twenty-five (25) years, which commenced on January 1, 2. The Honorable Court is an improper venue for
1994, and renewable for another twenty-five (25) years the instant case;
at the option of respondent Coalbrine. Respondent
Sheila F. Neri was the Managing Director of the hotel.
3. Plaintiff (respondent Coalbrine) is guilty of
forum shopping;
On July 11, 1996, the PEZA Board passed Resolution
No. 96-231 rescinding the contract to rehabilitate and
4. With respect to plaintiff (respondent) Neri, the
lease, on the ground of respondent Coalbrine's repeated
complaint states no cause of action against
violations and non-performance of its obligations as
provided in the contract. Subsequently, PEZA sent
respondent Coalbrine a notice to vacate the premises
and to pay its outstanding obligations to it. 5. The complaint is fatally defective for being
On April 3, 1998, respondent Coalbrine filed with the
RTC of Manila a Complaint for specific performance with On September 24, 2002, the RTC issued an
prayer for the issuance of a temporary restraining order Order4 denying petitioner's motion to dismiss.
(TRO) and/or writ of preliminary injunction with damages
against PEZA and/or Bataan Economic Zone wherein Administrator Quindoza filed a Motion for
respondent Coalbrine sought to declare that PEZA had Reconsideration, which the RTC denied in its
no valid cause to rescind the contract to rehabilitate and Order5 dated December 9, 2002.
lease; and to enjoin PEZA from taking over the hotel and
country club and from disconnecting the water and On January 2, 2003, petitioner Republic of the
electric services to the hotel. The complaint is pending Philippines, represented by Dante Quindoza, in his
with Branch 17 of the RTC of Manila. capacity as Zone Administrator of the Bataan Economic
Zone, filed with the CA a petition for certiorari under Rule
On April 24, 2002, respondents Coalbrine and Neri filed 65 seeking to annul the RTC Orders, reiterating the
with the RTC of Balanga, Bataan, a Complaint for grounds raised by Administrator Quindoza in the RTC.
On January 21, 2004, the CA issued its assailed The verification and certification against non-forum
Decision denying petitioner's petition for certiorari for shopping reads:
lack of merit.
Hence, petitioner is now before us in a petition for review
on certiorari raising the lone issue of respondent Neri's That I am the Managing Director of Bataan Hilltop Hotel
lack of proof of authority to file the complaint in the RTC and one of the plaintiffs in this case.7
of Balanga, Bataan, which was docketed as Civil Case
No. 548-ML.1avvphi1
Notably, respondent Neri signed the
verification/certification as one of the plaintiffs. However,
In their Comment, respondents argue that the Republic we find that respondent Neri is not a real party-in-
of the Philippines was not a party to the civil case interest. Section 2, Rule 3 of the Rules of Civil
subject of this petition, hence, it has no personality to file Procedure provides:
the instant petition for review; that the RTC Order
denying the motion to dismiss the complaint was a mere SEC. 2. Parties-in interest. – A real party-in-interest is
interlocutory order, thus, the same is not appealable and
the party who stands to be benefited or injured by the
not a proper subject of a petition for certiorari unless it
judgment in the suit, or the party entitled to the avails of
was shown that there was a grave abuse of discretion in the suit. Unless otherwise authorized by law or these
its issuance; that petitioner had already filed an answer Rules, every action must be prosecuted or defended in
to the complaint incorporating the grounds stated in their
the name of the real party-in-interest.
motion to dismiss; and that respondents had already
presented their evidence by way of an opposition to the
motion to dismiss and in support of their application for And "interest," within the meaning of the rule, means
the issuance of a writ of preliminary mandatory material interest, an interest in issue and to be affected
injunction. by the decree, as distinguished from mere interest in the
question involved, or a mere incidental interest.8 Cases
construing the real party-in-interest provision can be
In its Reply, petitioner argues that it has the personality
more easily understood if it is borne in mind that the true
to file this petition, since Administrator Quindoza is being meaning of real party-in-interest may be summarized as
sued for damages for certain acts he performed in an follows: An action shall be prosecuted in the name of the
official capacity; that the denial of petitioner's motion to
party who, by the substantive law, has the right sought to
dismiss was tainted with grave abuse of discretion,
be enforced.9
which justified the filing of a petition for certiorari with the
CA. The parties filed their respective memoranda as
required under the Resolution dated January 26, 2005. The RTC based its conclusion that respondent Neri had
a cause of action against petitioner on the allegations in
the complaint. The CA, however, did not rule on the
In its Memorandum, petitioner raises the following
matter despite the fact that it was raised in petitioner's
arguments, to wit: petition for certiorari filed before it and merely said that
there was no necessity to discuss such issue after
THE COMPLAINT IS FATALLY DEFECTIVE FOR deciding the other grounds raised in the petition.
We find the RTC in error. A reading of the allegations in
PETITIONER REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES IS THE the complaint shows that the acts complained of and
REAL PARTY-IN-INTEREST IN THE CASE AT BAR. said to have been committed by petitioner against
respondents have solely affected the hotel's operations
RESPONDENT JUDGE ACTED WITH GRAVE ABUSE where respondent Neri was the hotel's Managing
OF DISCRETION IN DENYING PETITIONER'S Director and whose interest in the suit was incidental.
MOTION TO DISMISS, NECESSITATING THE FILING Thus, we find that respondent Neri has no cause of
OF A PETITION FOR CERTIORARI UNDER RULE 65 action against petitioner. Consequently, the plaintiff in
BEFORE THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS.6 this case would only be respondent Coalbrine.

Petitioner claims that respondent Neri's signature in the A corporation has no power, except those expressly
verification and certification against non-forum shopping conferred on it by the Corporation Code and those that
attached to the complaint filed by respondents in the are implied or incidental to its existence. In turn, a
RTC was defective, since there was no proof of her corporation exercises said powers through its board of
authority to institute the complaint on behalf of the directors and/or its duly authorized officers and
corporation; and that respondent Neri is not a real party- agents.10 Thus, it has been observed that the power of a
in-interest. corporation to sue and be sued in any court is lodged
with the board of directors that exercises its corporate
We agree. powers. In turn, physical acts of the corporation, like the
signing of documents, can be performed only by natural
persons duly authorized for the purpose by corporate by- We reversed the CA and said that the case be decided
laws or by a specific act of the board of directors.11 on the merits despite the failure to attach the required
proof of authority, since the board resolution which was
In this case, respondent Coalbrine is a corporation. subsequently attached recognized the pre-existing
However, when respondent Neri filed the complaint in status of the bank manager as an authorized signatory.
the RTC, there was no proof that she was authorized to
sign the verification and the certification against non- In Abaya Investments Corporation v. Merit
forum shopping. Philippines,18 where the complaint before the
Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila was instituted by
The Court has consistently held that the requirement petitioner's Chairman and President, Ofelia Abaya, who
regarding verification of a pleading is formal, not signed the verification and certification against non-
jurisdictional. Such requirement is simply a condition forum shopping without proof of authority to sign for the
affecting the form of the pleading, non-compliance with corporation, we also relaxed the rule. We did so taking
which does not necessarily render the pleading fatally into consideration the merits of the case and to avoid a
defective.12 Verification is simply intended to secure an re-litigation of the issues and further delay the
assurance that the allegations in the pleading are true administration of justice, since the case had already
and correct, and not the product of the imagination or a been decided by the lower courts on the merits.
matter of speculation, and that the pleading is filed in Moreover, Abaya's authority to sign the certification was
good faith. The court may order the correction of the ratified by the Board.
pleading if verification is lacking or act on the pleading
although it is not verified, if the attending circumstances In the present case, the RTC, in denying petitioner's
are such that strict compliance with the rules may be motion to dismiss the complaint when the latter raised
dispensed with in order that the ends of justice may respondent Neri's lack of authority to sign the
thereby be served.13 certification, found that respondent Neri testified that she
was the Managing Director of the Bataan Hilltop Hotel
On the other hand, the lack of certification against non- which was being leased by respondent Coalbrine, and
forum shopping is generally not curable by mere that she was authorized by the Corporate Secretary to
amendment of the complaint, but shall be a cause for the file the case. Notably, while the matter of lack of
dismissal of the case without prejudice.14 The same rule authority was raised by petitioner in its petition
applies to certifications against non-forum shopping for certiorari filed with the CA, it chose not to tackle the
signed by a person on behalf of a corporation which are issue after disposing of the other issues raised therein.
unaccompanied by proof that said signatory is
authorized to file the complaint on behalf of the We cannot agree with the RTC's reasoning and find the
corporation.15 certification signed by respondent Neri to be defective.
The authority of respondent Neri to file the complaint in
In Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. Flight Attendants and the RTC had not been proven. First, the certification
Stewards Association of the Philippines (FASAP),16 we against non-forum shopping did not even contain a
ruled that only individuals vested with authority by a valid statement that she was authorized by the corporate
board resolution may sign the certificate of non-forum secretary to file the case on behalf of Coalbrine as she
shopping on behalf of a corporation. We also required claimed. More importantly, while she testified that she
that proof of such authority must be attached. Failure to was authorized by the corporate secretary, there was no
provide a certificate of non-forum shopping is sufficient showing that there was a valid board resolution
ground to dismiss the petition. Likewise, the petition is authorizing the corporate secretary to file the action, and
subject to dismissal if a certification was submitted to authorize respondent Neri to file the action. In fact,
unaccompanied by proof of signatory's authority. such proof of authority had not been submitted even
belatedly to show subsequent compliance. Thus, there
was no reason for the relaxation of the rule.
While there were instances where we have allowed the
filing of a certificate against non-forum shopping by
someone on behalf of a corporation without the As to respondents' claim that petitioner Republic of the
accompanying proof of authority at the time of its filing, Philippines was not a party to the civil case subject of
we did so on the basis of a special circumstance or this petition since Administrator Quindoza was the sole
compelling reason. Moreover, there was a subsequent defendant therein and, thus, has no personality to file
compliance by the submission of the proof of authority this petition, their claim is not persuasive.
attesting to the fact that the person who signed the
certification was duly authorized. Notably, Administrator Quindoza was sued for damages
for certain acts that he allegedly committed while he was
In China Banking Corporation v. Mondragon the Zone Administrator of the Bataan Export Processing
International Philippines, Inc.,17 the CA dismissed the Zone. Therefore, the complaint is in the nature of suit
petition filed by China Bank, since the latter failed to against the State, and the Republic has the personality
show that its bank manager who signed the certification to file the petition.
against non-forum shopping was authorized to do so.
Anent respondents' claim that the RTC Order denying a This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of
motion to dismiss is a mere interlocutory order, thus, not the Rules of Court seeking to reverse and set aside the
appealable and may not be a subject of a petition Decision1 and Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals (CA),
for certiorari filed by the petitioner before the CA, the in CA-G.R. CV No. 75895, entitled Kemper Insurance
same is also not meritorious. Company v. Cosco Philippines Shipping, Inc. The CA
Decision reversed and set aside the Order dated March
While indeed, the general rule is that the denial of a 22, 2002 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 8,
motion to dismiss cannot be questioned in a special civil Manila, which granted the Motion to Dismiss filed by
action for certiorari, which is not intended to correct petitioner Cosco Philippines Shipping, Inc., and ordered
every controversial interlocutory ruling,19 and that the that the case be remanded to the trial court for further
appropriate recourse is to file an answer and to proceedings.
interpose as defenses the objections raised in the
motion, to proceed to trial, and, in case of an adverse The antecedents are as follows:

decision, to elevate the entire case by appeal in due Respondent Kemper Insurance Company is a foreign
course,20 this rule is not absolute. insurance company based in Illinois, United States of
America (USA) with no license to engage in business in
Even when appeal is available and is the proper remedy, the Philippines, as it is not doing business in the
the Supreme Court has allowed a writ of certiorari (1) Philippines, except in isolated transactions; while
where the appeal does not constitute a speedy and petitioner is a domestic shipping company organized in
adequate remedy; (2) where the orders were also issued accordance with Philippine laws.
either in excess of or without jurisdiction or with grave
abuse of discretion; (3) for certain special In 1998, respondent insured the shipment of imported
considerations, as public welfare or public policy; (4) frozen boneless beef (owned by Genosi, Inc.), which
where in criminal actions, the court rejects rebuttal was loaded at a port in Brisbane, Australia, for shipment
evidence for the prosecution as, in case of acquittal, to Genosi, Inc. (the importer-consignee) in the
there could be no remedy; (5) where the order is a Philippines. However, upon arrival at the Manila port, a
patent nullity; and (6) where the decision in the certiorari portion of the shipment was rejected by Genosi, Inc. by
case will avoid future litigations. 21 reason of spoilage arising from the alleged temperature
fluctuations of petitioner's reefer containers.
In this case, we find that the RTC committed grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction Thus, Genosi, Inc. filed a claim against both petitioner
when it failed to consider the lack of proof of authority of shipping company and respondent Kemper Insurance
respondent Neri to file the action on behalf of the Company. The claim was referred to McLarens
corporation as we have discussed above. Chartered for investigation, evaluation, and adjustment
of the claim. After processing the claim documents,
WHEREFORE, the petition for review is GRANTED. The McLarens Chartered recommended a settlement of the
Decision dated January 21, 2004 of the Court of Appeals claim in the amount of $64,492.58, which Genosi, Inc.
in CA-G.R. SP No 74667 is REVERSED and SET (the consignee-insured) accepted.
ASIDE. The Complaint in Civil Case No. 548-ML
pending in the Regional Trial Court, Branch 4, Balanga, Thereafter, respondent paid the claim of Genosi, Inc.
Bataan, is ordered DISMISSED. (the insured) in the amount of $64,492.58.
Consequently, Genosi, Inc., through its General
SO ORDERED. Manager, Avelino S. Mangahas, Jr., executed a Loss
and Subrogation Receipt3 dated September 22, 1999,
DIOSDADO M. PERALTA stating that Genosi, Inc. received from respondent the
amount of $64,492.58 as the full and final satisfaction
Associate Justice
compromise, and discharges respondent of all claims for
losses and expenses sustained by the property insured,
WE CONCUR: under various policy numbers, due to spoilage brought
about by machinery breakdown which occurred on
G.R. No. 179488 April 23, 2012 October 25, November 7 and 10, and December 5, 14,
and 18, 1998; and, in consideration thereof, subrogates
COSCO PHILIPPINES SHIPPING, INC., Petitioner, respondent to the claims of Genosi, Inc. to the extent of
vs. the said amount. Respondent then made demands upon
KEMPER INSURANCE COMPANY, Respondent. petitioner, but the latter failed and refused to pay the
said amount.
Hence, on October 28, 1999, respondent filed a
PERALTA, J.: Complaint for Insurance Loss and Damages4 against
petitioner before the trial court, docketed as Civil Case
No. 99-95561, entitled Kemper Insurance Company v. shopping executed by said counsel was fatally defective
Cosco Philippines Shipping, Inc. Respondent alleged and constituted a valid cause for dismissal of the
that despite repeated demands to pay and settle the complaint.
total amount of US$64,492.58, representing the value of
the loss, petitioner failed and refused to pay the same, Respondent's Motion for Reconsideration8 was denied
thereby causing damage and prejudice to respondent in by the trial court in an Order9 dated July 9, 2002.
the amount of US$64,492.58; that the loss and damage
it sustained was due to the fault and negligence of On appeal by respondent, the CA, in its Decision 10 dated
petitioner, specifically, the fluctuations in the temperature March 23, 2007, reversed and set aside the trial court's
of the reefer container beyond the required setting which
order. The CA ruled that the required certificate of non-
was caused by the breakdown in the electronics
forum shopping is mandatory and that the same must be
controller assembly; that due to the unjustified failure
signed by the plaintiff or principal party concerned and
and refusal to pay its just and valid claims, petitioner
not by counsel; and in case of corporations, the physical
should be held liable to pay interest thereon at the legal act of signing may be performed in behalf of the
rate from the date of demand; and that due to the corporate entity by specifically authorized individuals.
unjustified refusal of the petitioner to pay the said
However, the CA pointed out that the factual
amount, it was compelled to engage the services of a
circumstances of the case warranted the liberal
counsel whom it agreed to pay 25% of the whole amount
application of the rules and, as such, ordered the
due as attorney's fees. Respondent prayed that after
remand of the case to the trial court for further
due hearing, judgment be rendered in its favor and that proceedings.
petitioner be ordered to pay the amount of
US$64,492.58, or its equivalent in Philippine currency at
the prevailing foreign exchange rate, or a total of Petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration11 was later
₱2,594,513.00, with interest thereon at the legal rate denied by the CA in the Resolution12 dated September 3,
from date of demand, 25% of the whole amount due as 2007.
attorney's fees, and costs.
Hence, petitioner elevated the case to this
In its Answer5 dated November 29, 1999, petitioner Court via Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45
insisted, among others, that respondent had no capacity of the Rules of Court, with the following issues:
to sue since it was doing business in the Philippines
without the required license; that the complaint has THE COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED IN
prescribed and/or is barred by laches; that no timely RULING THAT ATTY. RODOLFO LAT WAS
claim was filed; that the loss or damage sustained by the PROPERLY AUTHORIZED BY THE RESPONDENT TO
shipments, if any, was due to causes beyond the SIGN THE CERTIFICATE AGAINST FORUM
carrier's control and was due to the inherent nature or SHOPPING DESPITE THE UNDISPUTED FACTS
insufficient packing of the shipments and/or fault of the THAT:
consignee or the hired stevedores or arrastre operator or
the fault of persons whose acts or omissions cannot be A) THE PERSON WHO EXECUTED THE
the basis of liability of the carrier; and that the subject SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY (SPA)
shipment was discharged under required temperature APPOINTING ATTY. LAT AS RESPONDENT'S
and was complete, sealed, and in good order condition. ATTORNEY-IN-FACT WAS MERELY AN
During the pre-trial proceedings, respondent's counsel HAS NOT SHOWN PROOF THAT HE WAS
proffered and marked its exhibits, while petitioner's AUTHORIZED BY THE BOARD OF
counsel manifested that he would mark his client's DIRECTORS OF RESPONDENT TO DO SO.
exhibits on the next scheduled pre-trial. However, on
November 8, 2001, petitioner filed a Motion to B) THE POWERS GRANTED TO ATTY. LAT
Dismiss,6 contending that the same was filed by one REFER TO [THE AUTHORITY TO
Atty. Rodolfo A. Lat, who failed to show his authority to REPRESENT DURING THE] PRE-TRIAL
sue and sign the corresponding certification against [STAGE] AND DO NOT COVER THE SPECIFIC
forum shopping. It argued that Atty. Lat's act of signing POWER TO SIGN THE CERTIFICATE.13
the certification against forum shopping was a clear
violation of Section 5, Rule 7 of the 1997 Rules of Court. Petitioner alleged that respondent failed to submit any
board resolution or secretary's certificate authorizing
In its Order7 dated March 22, 2002, the trial court Atty. Lat to institute the complaint and sign the certificate
granted petitioner's Motion to Dismiss and dismissed the of non-forum shopping on its behalf. Petitioner submits
case without prejudice, ruling that it is mandatory that that since respondent is a juridical entity, the signatory in
the certification must be executed by the petitioner the complaint must show proof of his or her authority to
himself, and not by counsel. Since respondent's counsel sign on behalf of the corporation. Further, the
did not have a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) to act on SPA14 dated May 11, 2000, submitted by Atty. Lat, which
its behalf, hence, the certification against forum was notarized before the Consulate General of Chicago,
Illinois, USA, allegedly authorizing him to represent shall be a cause for the dismissal of the case without
respondent in the pre-trial and other stages of the prejudice.21 The same rule applies to certifications
proceedings was signed by one Brent Healy against forum shopping signed by a person on behalf of
(respondent's underwriter), who lacks authorization from a corporation which are unaccompanied by proof that
its board of directors. said signatory is authorized to file the complaint on
behalf of the corporation.22
In its Comment, respondent admitted that it failed to
attach in the complaint a concrete proof of Atty. Lat's There is no proof that respondent, a private corporation,
authority to execute the certificate of non-forum authorized Atty. Lat, through a board resolution, to sign
shopping on its behalf. However, there was subsequent the verification and certification against forum shopping
compliance as respondent submitted an authenticated on its behalf. Accordingly, the certification against forum
SPA empowering Atty. Lat to represent it in the pre-trial shopping appended to the complaint is fatally defective,
and all stages of the proceedings. Further, it averred that and warrants the dismissal of respondent's complaint for
petitioner is barred by laches from questioning the Insurance Loss and Damages (Civil Case No. 99-95561)
purported defect in respondent's certificate of non-forum against petitioner.
In Republic v. Coalbrine International Philippines,
The main issue in this case is whether Atty. Lat was Inc.,23 the Court cited instances wherein the lack of
properly authorized by respondent to sign the authority of the person making the certification of non-
certification against forum shopping on its behalf. forum shopping was remedied through subsequent
compliance by the parties therein. Thus,
The petition is meritorious.
[w]hile there were instances where we have allowed the
We have consistently held that the certification against filing of a certification against non-forum shopping by
forum shopping must be signed by the principal someone on behalf of a corporation without the
parties.15 If, for any reason, the principal party cannot accompanying proof of authority at the time of its filing,
sign the petition, the one signing on his behalf must have we did so on the basis of a special circumstance or
been duly authorized.16 With respect to a corporation, the compelling reason. Moreover, there was a subsequent
certification against forum shopping may be signed for compliance by the submission of the proof of authority
and on its behalf, by a specifically authorized lawyer who attesting to the fact that the person who signed the
has personal knowledge of the facts required to be certification was duly authorized.
disclosed in such document.17 A corporation has no
power, except those expressly conferred on it by the In China Banking Corporation v. Mondragon
Corporation Code and those that are implied or International Philippines, Inc., the CA dismissed the
incidental to its existence. In turn, a corporation petition filed by China Bank, since the latter failed to
exercises said powers through its board of directors show that its bank manager who signed the certification
and/or its duly authorized officers and agents. Thus, it against non-forum shopping was authorized to do so.
has been observed that the power of a corporation to We reversed the CA and said that the case be decided
sue and be sued in any court is lodged with the board of on the merits despite the failure to attach the required
directors that exercises its corporate powers. In turn, proof of authority, since the board resolution which was
physical acts of the corporation, like the signing of subsequently attached recognized the pre-existing
documents, can be performed only by natural persons status of the bank manager as an authorized signatory.
duly authorized for the purpose by corporate by-laws or
by a specific act of the board of directors.18 In Abaya Investments Corporation v. Merit Philippines,
where the complaint before the Metropolitan Trial Court
In Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. Flight Attendants and of Manila was instituted by petitioner's Chairman and
Stewards Association of the Philippines (FASAP),19 we President, Ofelia Abaya, who signed the verification and
ruled that only individuals vested with authority by a valid certification against non-forum shopping without proof of
board resolution may sign the certificate of non-forum authority to sign for the corporation, we also relaxed the
shopping on behalf of a corporation. We also required rule. We did so taking into consideration the merits of the
proof of such authority to be presented. The petition is case and to avoid a re-litigation of the issues and further
subject to dismissal if a certification was submitted delay the administration of justice, since the case had
unaccompanied by proof of the signatory's authority. already been decided by the lower courts on the merits.
Moreover, Abaya's authority to sign the certification was
In the present case, since respondent is a corporation, ratified by the Board.24
the certification must be executed by an officer or
member of the board of directors or by one who is duly Contrary to the CA's finding, the Court finds that the
authorized by a resolution of the board of directors; circumstances of this case do not necessitate the
otherwise, the complaint will have to be dismissed.20 The relaxation of the rules. There was no proof of authority
lack of certification against forum shopping is generally submitted, even belatedly, to show subsequent
not curable by mere amendment of the complaint, but compliance with the requirement of the law. Neither was
there a copy of the board resolution or secretary's issue of jurisdiction may be raised at any stage of the
certificate subsequently submitted to the trial court that proceedings, even on appeal, and is not lost by waiver
would attest to the fact that Atty. Lat was indeed or by estoppel.29
authorized to file said complaint and sign the verification
and certification against forum shopping, nor did In Regalado v. Go,30 the Court held that laches should
respondent satisfactorily explain why it failed to comply be clearly present for the Sibonghanoy31 doctrine to
with the rules. Thus, there exists no cogent reason for apply, thus:
the relaxation of the rule on this matter. Obedience to
the requirements of procedural rules is needed if we are Laches is defined as the "failure or neglect for an
to expect fair results therefrom, and utter disregard of
unreasonable and unexplained length of time, to do that
the rules cannot justly be rationalized by harking on the
which, by exercising due diligence, could or should have
policy of liberal construction.25
been done earlier, it is negligence or omission to assert
a right within a reasonable length of time, warranting a
Moreover, the SPA dated May 11, 2000, submitted by presumption that the party entitled to assert it either has
respondent allegedly authorizing Atty. Lat to appear on abandoned it or declined to assert it."
behalf of the corporation, in the pre-trial and all stages of
the proceedings, signed by Brent Healy, was fatally
The ruling in People v. Regalario that was based on the
defective and had no evidentiary value. It failed to
landmark doctrine enunciated in Tijam v. Sibonghanoy
establish Healy's authority to act in behalf of respondent, on the matter of jurisdiction by estoppel is the exception
in view of the absence of a resolution from respondent's rather than the rule. Estoppel by laches may be invoked
board of directors or secretary's certificate proving the
to bar the issue of lack of jurisdiction only in cases in
same. Like any other corporate act, the power of Healy
which the factual milieu is analogous to that in the cited
to name, constitute, and appoint Atty. Lat as
case. In such controversies, laches should have been
respondent's attorney-in-fact, with full powers to
clearly present; that is, lack of jurisdiction must have
represent respondent in the proceedings, should have been raised so belatedly as to warrant the presumption
been evidenced by a board resolution or secretary's
that the party entitled to assert it had abandoned or
declined to assert it.

Respondent's allegation that petitioner is estopped by In Sibonghanoy, the defense of lack of jurisdiction was
laches from raising the defect in respondent's certificate raised for the first time in a motion to dismiss filed by the
of non-forum shopping does not hold water.
Surety almost 15 years after the questioned ruling had
been rendered. At several stages of the proceedings, in
In Tamondong v. Court of Appeals,26 we held that if a the court a quo as well as in the Court of Appeals, the
complaint is filed for and in behalf of the plaintiff who is Surety invoked the jurisdiction of the said courts to
not authorized to do so, the complaint is not deemed obtain affirmative relief and submitted its case for final
filed. An unauthorized complaint does not produce any adjudication on the merits. It was only when the adverse
legal effect. Hence, the court should dismiss the decision was rendered by the Court of Appeals that it
complaint on the ground that it has no jurisdiction over finally woke up to raise the question of jurisdiction.32
the complaint and the plaintiff.27 Accordingly, since Atty.
Lat was not duly authorized by respondent to file the The factual setting attendant in Sibonghanoy is not
complaint and sign the verification and certification similar to that of the present case so as to make it fall
against forum shopping, the complaint is considered not under the doctrine of estoppel by laches. Here, the trial
filed and ineffectual, and, as a necessary consequence,
court's jurisdiction was questioned by the petitioner
is dismissable due to lack of jurisdiction.
during the pre-trial stage of the proceedings, and it
cannot be said that considerable length of time had
Jurisdiction is the power with which courts are invested elapsed for laches to attach.
for administering justice; that is, for hearing and deciding
cases. In order for the court to have authority to dispose WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision
of the case on the merits, it must acquire jurisdiction
and the Resolution of the Court of Appeals, dated March
over the subject matter and the parties. Courts acquire 23, 2007 and September 3, 2007, respectively, in CA-
jurisdiction over the plaintiffs upon the filing of the G.R. CV No. 75895 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
complaint, and to be bound by a decision, a party should
The Orders of the Regional Trial Court, dated March 22,
first be subjected to the court's jurisdiction.28 Clearly,
2002 and July 9, 2002, respectively, in Civil Case No.
since no valid complaint was ever filed with the RTC, 99-95561, are REINSTATED.
Branch 8, Manila, the same did not acquire jurisdiction
over the person of respondent.1âwphi1
G.R. No. 153413 March 1, 2007
Since the court has no jurisdiction over the complaint
and respondent, petitioner is not estopped from NECTARINA S. RANIEL and MA. VICTORIA R. PAG-
challenging the trial court's jurisdiction, even at the pre- ONG, Petitioners,
trial stage of the proceedings. This is so because the vs.
PAUL JOCHICO, JOHN STEFFENS and SURYA WHEREFORE, the Commission so holds that
VIRIYA, Respondents. complainants cannot be awarded the reliefs prayed for in
reinstating Nectarina S. Raniel as secretary and
DECISION administrator.

AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.: The corporation acting thru its Board of Directors can
validly remove its corporate officers, particularly
Assailed in the present Petition for Review complainant Nectarina S. Raniel as corporate secretary,
on Certiorari is the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals treasurer and administrator of the Dialysis Clinic.
(CA) dated April 30, 2002, affirming with modification the
Decision dated October 27, 2000 rendered by the Also, the Commission cannot grant the relief prayed for
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which held by complainants in restraining the respondents from
as valid the removal of petitioners Ma. Victoria R. Pag- interfering in the administration of the Dialysis Clinic
ong (Pag-ong) as director and Nectarina S. Raniel owned by the corporation and the use of corporate
(Raniel) as director and corporate officer of Nephro funds.
Systems Dialysis Center (Nephro).
The administration of the Dialysis Clinic of the
Petitioners first questioned their removal in SEC Case corporation and the use of corporate funds, rightfully
No. 02-98-5902 for Declaration of Nullity of the Illegal belong to the officers of the corporation, which in this
Acts of Respondents, Damages and Injunction. case are the respondents.
Petitioners, together with respondents Paul Jochico
(Jochico), John Steffens and Surya Viriya, were The counterclaim of respondents to return or assign
incorporators and directors of Nephro, with Raniel acting back the complainants' shares in favor of respondent
as Corporate Secretary and Administrator. The conflict Paul Jochico or his nominee is hereby denied for lack of
started when petitioners questioned respondents' plan to merit.
enter into a joint venture with the Butuan Doctors'
Hospital and College, Inc. sometime in December 1997. The respondents failed to show any clear and convincing
Because of this, petitioners claim that respondents tried evidence to rebut the presumption of the validity and
to compel them to waive and assign their shares with truthfulness of documents submitted to the Commission
Nephro but they refused. Thereafter, Raniel sought an in the grant of corporate license.
indefinite leave of absence due to stress, but this was
denied by Jochico, as Nephro President. Raniel,
The claim for attorney's fees and damages of both
nevertheless, did not report for work, causing Jochico to parties are likewise denied for lack of merit, as neither
demand an explanation from her why she should not be party should be punished for vindicating a right, which
removed as Administrator and Corporate Secretary.
he/she believes should be protected or enforced.
Raniel replied, expressing her sentiments over the
disapproval of her request for leave and respondents'
decision with regard to the Butuan venture. SO ORDERED.2

On January 30, 1998, Jochico issued a Notice of Special Dissatisfied, petitioners filed a petition for review with the
Board Meeting on February 2, 1998. Despite receipt of CA.
the notice, petitioners did not attend the board meeting.
In said meeting, the Board passed several resolutions On April 30, 2002, the CA rendered the assailed
ratifying the disapproval of Raniel's request for leave, Decision, with the following dispositive portion:
dismissing her as Administrator of Nephro, declaring the
position of Corporate Secretary vacant, appointing Otelio WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing discussions, the
Jochico as the new Corporate Secretary and authorizing appealed decision of the Securities and Exchange
the call of a Special Stockholders' Meeting on February Commission is hereby AFFIRMED with the
16, 1998 for the purpose of the removal of petitioners as MODIFICATION that the renewal of petitioners as
directors of Nephro. directors of Nephro is declared valid.

Otelio Jochico issued the corresponding notices for the SO ORDERED.3

Special Stockholders' Meeting to be held on February
16, 1998 which were received by petitioners on February Respondents filed a Manifestation and Motion to Correct
2, 1998. Again, they did not attend the meeting. The Typographical Error, stating that the term "renewal" as
stockholders who were present removed the petitioners provided in the CA Decision should be
as directors of Nephro. Thus, petitioners filed SEC Case "removal."4 Petitioners, on the other hand, filed the
No. 02-98-5902. present petition for review on certiorari.

On October 27, 2000, the SEC rendered its Decision,

the dispositive portion of which reads:
On November 20, 2002, the CA issued a Resolution requires stockholders’ approval for certain specific
resolving to refrain from acting on all pending incidents acts.11
before it in view of the filing of the petition with the
Court.5 Based on Section 23 of the Corporation Code which
In the present petition, petitioners raised basically the
same argument they had before the SEC and the SEC. 23. The Board of Directors or Trustees. Unless
CA, i.e., their removal from Nephro was not valid. otherwise provided in this Code, the corporate powers of
all corporations formed under this Code shall be
Both the SEC and the CA held that Pag-ong's removal exercised, all business conducted and all property of
as director and Raniel's removal as director and officer such corporations controlled and held by the board of
of Nephro were valid. For its part, the SEC ruled that the directors or trustees x x x.
Board of Directors had sufficient ground to remove
Raniel as officer due to loss of trust and confidence, as a corporation’s board of directors is understood to be
her abrupt and unauthorized leave of absence exhibited that body which (1) exercises all powers provided for
her disregard of her responsibilities as an officer of the under the Corporation Code; (2) conducts all business of
corporation and disrupted the operations of Nephro. The the corporation; and (3) controls and holds all property of
SEC also held that the Special Board Meeting held on the corporation. Its members have been characterized
February 2, 1998 was valid and the resolutions adopted as trustees or directors clothed with a fiduciary
therein are binding on petitioners.6 character. 12 Moreover, the directors may appoint
officers and agents and as incident to this power of
The CA upheld the SEC's conclusions, adding further appointment, they may discharge those appointed.13
that the special stockholders' meeting on February 16,
1998 was likewise validly held. The CA also ruled that In this case, petitioner Raniel was removed as a
Pag-ong's removal as director of Nephro was justified as corporate officer through the resolution of Nephro's
it was due to her "undenied delay in the release of Board of Directors adopted in a special meeting on
Nephro's medical supplies from the warehouse of the February 2, 1998. As correctly ruled by the SEC,
Fly-High Brokerage where she was an officer, on top of petitioners' removal was a valid exercise of the powers
her and her co-petitioner Raniel's absence from the of Nephro's Board of Directors, viz.:
aforementioned directors' and stockholders' meetings of
Nephro despite due notice."7
In the instant complaint, do respondents have sufficient
grounds to cause the removal of Raniel from her
It is well to stress the settled rule that the findings of fact positions as Corporate Secretary, Treasurer and
of administrative bodies, such as the SEC, will not be Administrator of the Dialysis Clinic? Based on the facts
interfered with by the courts in the absence of grave proven during the hearing of this case, the answer is in
abuse of discretion on the part of said agencies, or the affirmative.
unless the aforementioned findings are not supported by
substantial evidence. They carry even more weight when
Raniel's letter of January 26, 1998 speaks for itself. Her
affirmed by the CA.8 Such findings are accorded not only request for an indefinite leave, immediately effective yet
great respect but even finality, and are binding upon this without prior notice, reveals a disregard of the critical
Court, unless it is shown that it had arbitrarily
responsibilities pertaining to the sensitive positions she
disregarded or misapprehended evidence before it to
held in the corporation. Prior to her hasty departure,
such an extent as to compel a contrary conclusion had
Raniel did not make a proper turn-over of her duties and
such evidence been properly appreciated.9 This rule is
had to be expressly requested to hand over documents
rooted in the doctrine that this Court is not a trier of facts, and records, including keys to the office and the cabinets
as well as in the respect to be accorded the
(Exh. 15).
determinations made by administrative bodies in general
on matters falling within their respective fields of
specialization or expertise.10 xxxx

A review of the petition failed to demonstrate any Since Raniel occupied all three positions in Nephro, it is
reversible error committed by the two tribunals, hence, not difficult to foresee the disruption that her immediate
the petition must be denied. It does not present any and indefinite absence can inflict on the operations of
argument which convinces the Court that the SEC and the company. By leaving abruptly, Raniel abandoned the
the CA made any misappreciation of the facts and the positions she is now trying to reclaim. Raniel's actuation
applicable laws such that their decisions should be has been sufficiently proven to warrant loss of the
overturned. Board's confidence.14

A corporation exercises its powers through its board of The SEC also correctly concluded that petitioner Raniel
directors and/or its duly authorized officers and agents, was removed as an officer of Nephro in compliance with
except in instances where the Corporation Code established procedure, thus:
The resolutions of the Board dismissing complainant propose such removal, must be given by publication or
Raniel from her various positions in Nephro are valid. by written notice as prescribed in this Code. x x
Notwithstanding the absence of complainants from the x Removal may be with or without cause: Provided,
meeting, a quorum was validly constituted. x x x. That removal without cause may not be used to deprive
minority stockholders or members of the right of
xxxx representation to which they may be entitled under
Section 24 of this Code. (Emphasis supplied)
Based on its articles of incorporation, Nephro has five
directors – two of the positions were occupied by Petitioners do not dispute that the stockholders' meeting
complainants and the remaining three are held by was held in accordance with Nephro's By-Laws. The
respondents. This being the case, the presence of all ownership of Nephro's outstanding capital stock is
three respondents in the Special Meeting of the Board distributed as follows: Jochico - 200 shares; Steffens -
on February 2, 1998 established a quorum for the 100 shares; Viriya - 100 shares; Raniel - 75 shares; and
conduct of business. The unanimous resolutions carried Pag-ong - 25 shares,17 or a total of 500 shares. A two-
by the Board during such meeting are therefore valid thirds vote of Nephro's outstanding capital stock would
and binding against complainants. be 333.33 shares, and during the Stockholders' Special
Meeting held on February 16, 1998, 400 shares voted
for petitioners' removal. Said number of votes is more
It bears emphasis that Raniel was given sufficient
opportunity to be heard. Jochico's letters of January 26, than enough to oust petitioners from their respective
1998 and January 27, 1998, albeit adversarial, positions as members of the board, with or without
recognized her right to explain herself and gave her the
chance to do so. In fact, Raniel did respond to Jochico's
letter on January 28, 1998 and took the occasion to Verily therefore, there is no cogent reason to grant the
voice her opinions about Jochico's alleged "practice of present petition.
using others for your own benefit, without cost." (Exh.
14). Moreover, the Special Meeting of the Board could WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit.
have been the appropriate venue for Raniel to air her
side. Had Raniel decided to grace the meeting with her
presence, she could have explained herself before the
board and tried to convince them to allow her to keep
her posts.15

Petitioners Raniel and Pag-ong's removal as members

of Nephro's Board of Directors was likewise valid.

Only stockholders or members have the power to

remove the directors or trustees elected by them, as laid
down in Section 28 of the Corporation Code,16 which
provides in part:

SEC. 28. Removal of directors or trustees. -- Any

director or trustee of a corporation may be removed
from office by a vote of the stockholders holding or
representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
outstanding capital stock, or if the corporation be a
non-stock corporation, by a vote of at least two-thirds
(2/3) of the members entitled to vote: Provided, that such
removal shall take place either at a regular meeting of
the corporation or at a special meeting called for the
purpose, and in either case, after previous notice to
stockholders or members of the corporation of the
intention to propose such removal at the meeting. A
special meeting of the stockholders or members of a
corporation for the purpose of removal of directors or
trustees or any of them, must be called by the secretary
on order of the president or on the written demand of the
stockholders representing or holding at least a majority
of the outstanding capital stock, or if it be a non-stock
corporation, on the written demand of a majority of the
members entitled to vote. x x x Notice of the time and
place of such meeting, as well as of the intention to

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