SecondLife AssessmentTaskSheet

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Second Life Review

Context: Class Second Life Excursion


A student:

5.4 (Artmaking) investigates the world as a source of ideas, concepts and subject
matter in the visual arts

5.7 (Critical and historical studies) applies their understanding of aspects of practice
to critical and historical interpretations of art

LS.3 Explores the function of a variety of artists and audiences

LS.5 Recognises that various interpretations of artworks are possible

Students choose one written (500 word) assessment task. Give evidence in your writing
using images, Second Life notes and Surl’s. Include at least two references from your
unit documents and research.

1. Evaluate the interactive elements of two of the Second Life Art Trails from the
excursion. In your response answer the following questions. Is Second Life an
effective environment for learning about art? What type of interactive element
would you use for the school’s Second Life Island?
2. Analyse two interactive features of your Second Life excursion and discuss
how they aided your learning and understanding of art practice and making.
How would you use these interactive elements to improve or change your own
3. Write a Travelogue for your excursion of 2-3 Art Trails in Second Life. Give
directions and instructions on how to locate or access the different features of
the area your describing. Make your own comments about the location and
rate the Art Trail on whether you thought it was or was not a good place to
visit for learning about art.

Criteria for assessing learning

Students will be assessed on their:

 Ability to critically comment on their experience of the Second Life excursion and
apply that to their understanding of contemporary art making.
 Understand their own position and interpretation of the art as it relates to artworks
seen on the exhibition
 Documentation of the excursion and the evidence gathered while visiting and
interacting within the Second Life platform.
Guidelines for marking

Range A student in this range:

High synthesises their understanding of interactive elements used in Second Life and how it relates
to contemporary art practice, the conceptual framework and the frames to confidently interpret,
explain and make judgements about art.

Satisfactory interprets, explains and makes judgements about interactive elements used in Second Life and
contemporary art by engaging with aspects of practice, the conceptual framework and some of
the frames.

Progressing makes limited interpretations and judgements about interactive elements used in Second Life
and contemporary art involving a foundational understanding of practice and the conceptual
framework, and some of the frames.


Future directions:

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