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Terrain Infratech

Sector-48, Vipul Trade Centre

Gurgaon, Haryana-122001

Technical Proposal for Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+00) of NH-12 in
state of Madhya Pradesh

Schematic image

Project: Slope Stabilization with wire mesh over erosion control mat with grouted anchors.

Project Location: NH-12, Madhya Pradesh

Prepared for: Centrodorstroy India Pvt ltd

Date: 01-12-2019
Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

Table of contents

1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Site visit.............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.0 General Remarks ............................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Slope Failure ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Triggering mechanisms ........................................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Combined Events ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3.0 Location & Proposed Solution ............................................................................................................................ 3
4.0 Working Principle ............................................................................................................................................... 5
5.0 Dimensioning of the elements........................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Input parameters ............................................................................................................................................... 12
5.1.1 About TerrainGreenMat™ ................................................................................................................................ 12
5.1.1 About TerrainNet™ ........................................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.1 About TerrainNail™ .......................................................................................................................................... 14
7.0 IRC Guidlines ................................................................................................................................................... 15

Property of Terrain Infratech 1

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

1 Introduction
Hazards provoked by released rocks and slides due slope instabilities from loose, disintegrated and
weathered surfaces as well as debris flows in potentially risky areas often occur and are able to cause
considerable damages to human beings, to their activities in general, to cultural heritage, to industrial
activity and also to valuable infrastructure – located in areas prone and vulnerable to such natural hazards
in particular. This can be observed frequently along highways, mountain roads and railway lines, in tunnels
of transportation lines in general, in mining operations (underground and open-pit mines), at power
generation plants, along oil and gas-pipelines or at urban areas located at the foot of orographic elevations
or in the area of torrent basins.

Depending on the particular conditions, the risks provoked (connected by previous indications) can
substantially be reduced or eliminated through the use of active systems (high-tensile meshes and nets in
combination with nailing) which act as netting along with the Coir Mat (Erosion Control Mat) which
directly act as a coverage, impeding the movement of unstable soil and rock.

At the Project Location, a considerable risk potential has to be faced at: the risk of damages to the
infrastructure and/or accidents with injuries and casualties with consequential operational interruptions as
well as liability issues.

Therefore, the necessity of a proven and recognized protection system rises, which acts in an efficient and
reliable manner, being based on high resistant components and respecting ecological aspects. This, with the
objective to prevent severe and costly consequences as well as questions of liability related to the

1.1 Site visit

This preliminary solution concept describes the method to address the problem of slope instabilities using
steel wire mesh over erosion control blanket for the active support of the cut slopes. The quantities
estimated are based on site observation and approximation.

A preliminary site visit was made by Terrain Infratech assisted by executives from Centrodorstroy India
Pvt Ltd. The project section of the road covered under this package is underpass at Ch. 293+00 of NH-12
in state of Madhya Pradesh. The project consists of fractured rock.

2 General Remarks
In general, and based site observation site can be characterized as a potential hazard area for slope failure.
In the following the different hazards are briefly described.

2.1 Slope Failure

A slope failure event can be triggered by various factors such as weathering, earthquake, heavy rain, flash
floods etc. Some of the major factors are discussed in detailed below.

2.1.1 Triggering mechanisms

1. Triggering by natural weathering and/or rainfalls.

Weathering processes reduce the strength of the soil mass especially in the uppermost exposed layer
and therefore lead mainly to slope surface parallel fracturing and jointing. Since this process is a long-
term ongoing process, the prediction of slope failure cause is not possible to predict in an accurate way.

Property of Terrain Infratech 2

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

The increase in pore- and joint water pressure leads to a reduction of cohesion and friction between
sound and weathered rock and is often a triggering mechanism for slope failure events or small debris
flows. The influence of this mechanism depends mainly on two aspects; first on the permeability of the
soil mass, and second on the yearly distribution of precipitation, whereas the highest slope failure
potential is directly correlated to the amount of precipitation.

2. Triggering by earthquakes

Earthquakes cause failure in two different manners. The vibration from an earthquake can cause
liquefaction in uniformly graded, fine-grained, sediments due to loss of effective stress. Earthquakes can
also increase the shear stress on a slope, decreasing the factor of safety to below one. Displacement and
land sliding occur when a critical acceleration is reached.

Large, shallow earthquakes frequently trigger landslides.

3. Surcharge Load due to Traffic Movement

Surcharge loads acting on slope surface are additional vertical loads. It can be either dead loads for
example sloping backfill above the wall height or live load which could result from highway or parking lot,
paving or adjacent footing.

2.2 Combined Events

Slope failures & landslides are likely to be induced by each other as a result of ground acceleration or stress
change. Rainfall and vehicle load can cause slope failure causing ripping of vegetation and mobilising
considerable amounts of debris along the scree slopes by secondary impacts. Therefore, system should be
designed with reinforced nailing with wire mesh so that the danger of landslides can be reduced to a

Please Note: This document provides a first-hand solution concept for slope stabilization.

3.0 Location & Proposed Solution

Note: The following paragraph lists the site-specific solution based on past experience and observation
made on site.

After site inspection it is found following chainages are critical to land sliding: -

3.1 Location: Underpass at Ch. 293+00

➢ Active Protection System

➢ Proposed Solution –TerrainNet™ (2mm Wire Mesh) with grouted anchors and
TerrainMat™ (Erosion Control Blanket with pocket seeding system) to prevent soil
➢ TerrainNail™ (Continuous Threaded Anchors) Dia.-32mm, yield strength >
500N/mm^2; Depth shall be 4 m; 1.5 c/c spacing; staggered pattern shall be followed

The average height of the cut slope is 8 m. From the soil report and the observation made the strata appear
to consist of fractured rock. There is no sign soil overburden. Slope shall be protected with an active slope
stabilization system like wire mesh in combination with soil nails. Layer of coir mat will promote the
vegetation growth over slope. The system will be designed using in-house software with inputs such as
topographical, geological data and other parameters. Staggered pattern is recommended, diameter of anchor
bar and depth shall be designed using the software.

Property of Terrain Infratech 3

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

Picture 1-1 : Actual Site Image; Underpass at Ch. 293+00 of NH-12

Picture 1-2 : Actual Site Image; Underpass at Ch. 293+00 of NH-12 ; Fractured rock is visible

Picture 1-2 : Actual Site Image; Fractured rock is visible

Property of Terrain Infratech 4

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

Proposed Solution

Figure 1-1: Proposed Solution

4. Working Principle

A combined system for slope stabilization is mainly constituted by a flexible membrane that serves
coverage and works as a support element or pressure distribution, so it must be in direct contact with the
surface to stabilize. Also, it must be perfectly attached and adapted to uneven terrain. The flexible
membrane must provide adequate structural behaviour, defined by the load deformation behaviour of the
element (high tensile strength and puncture with low deformation in both cases) which, in combination
with ground anchors, prevents the unstable material of a slope, get moving, keeping it in place.

The general scheme that describes the mechanical principle of operation for slope stabilization is based on
the following principles:

• The push of the land is supported by a coir mat with vetiver grass (optional) along with wire
mesh, which enters in traction when it acquires a certain curvature, generating a pressure on the
land surface which can be considered uniform.
• Vetiver Provide an excellent anchor for grass and can resist rill erosion on the slope
• The traction reaction generated on the membrane is transmitted to the connecting elements and
/ or bracing depending on the boundary conditions of each connection mode and from here to
the anchor system.
• The reaction of the mesh or reinforcing cables is conducted to anchors, where a direct load in
the direction of the anchor bar is generated. In case of having reinforcing cables, the
connecting plate serves of reaction to tension of reinforcing cables and keeps them next to
anchors but allowing their movement.
• The system applies continuous support and uniform supporting pressure over the entire surface
of the treatment.

Property of Terrain Infratech 5

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

Schematic image

Schematic image

Schematic image


Bioengineering uses the binding capacity of the roots of such plants as grasses (Vetiver in this case) and
trees to stabilize slopes and hillsides. The selection of the most appropriate bioengineering method depends
on such factors as the position of the slope, the state of the ground and the available materials.
Surface soil erosion on slopes occurs by dislodgement of soil particles and their transportation down slope
as a series of events that may be repeated several times by a single particle before final deposition. Erosion
control is the process of restraining the initial movement of soil particles by wind and water (rain). The
selection and installation of an effective erosion control material will reduce the impact of rain drops on the
soil and impede overland water flow by reducing the impact of rain drops, fewer soil particles become
dislodged during rainfall.

Also, Vetiver grass is a system of long-lasting vegetation which has a tensile modulus of around 110 Mpa
(1/5th of Steel) and has its roots up to 2 meters beyond the ground level and hence gives a better stability to
Note: - Installation of Vetiver or other grass is optional.

Property of Terrain Infratech 6

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

Schematic image

Schematic image

Property of Terrain Infratech 7

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

Geotechnical Calculation of the Local Push

The geotechnical model for local stability analysis, determines the pressure to be exerted on the terrain of
potentially unstable surface layer within an anchor grid to ensure long-term stability with a safety factor of

In any case, the slope is globally stable for the calculations. The calculation model do not analyse the
global stability problems. To determine the local push of the land over the membrane, it is necessary to
study the equilibrium conditions of unstable mass existing superficially within the anchor grid. For
evaluating local stability, the geotechnical model allows to define the unitary support inside the anchor

This model allows the analysis of the stability conditions and it determines the push of the land described
under the model hypothesis (see references).

The calculation of the push of the land over flexible membranes in combination with active anchors has
been used since 1996.

Graphic of the geotechnical model for local stability analysis

In the model, the destabilization of a mass inside the anchor grid is assumed. The hypothesis for the
development of the model are:

The sliding surface is considered planar. This assumption is on the side of safety.
The unstable terrain is between two consecutive anchors in a vertical line, slope face and a bottom sliding
surface ( SD).
To set geotechnical balance equations, taking into account the mass of unstable ground (yellow), and the
loads acting on the wedge (grated).
The intersection of the sliding surface with the plane defined by the anchoring line determines the depth of
the potentially unstable mass. This thickness (H) is variable and depends on a set of parameters.

Slope angle, .
Friction angle of the terrain, cohesion of the slope terrain and saturated soil
density, c
Vertical distance between anchors, Sy
Angle of the critical sliding surface, SD.

This calculation model provides the limit of unstable mass towards the inside of the slope, which is not
fixed but is subject to calculation. The approach of the equation allows to obtain the necessary pressure to
stabilize the terrain. The solution of the model is achieved by iteration and optimization. A critic value
SD, is achieved. The solution of the model is detailed in the corresponding annex.

The following results are obtained:

Unitary support (kN/m2).
Vertical distance between anchors (Sy).
The transmitted load by the membrane to the head of the anchors.
Thickness of the unstable zone (H).
Property of Terrain Infratech 8
Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

Recommended drilling angle to the horizontal

This model determines the depth of the potentially unstable mass and is one of the results obtained from the

Other calculation models use a thickness of the unstable zone with a previously set value (about 1.0 m) and
a direction of movement of the unstable terrain parallel to the ground surface. This concept is wrong
because such type of movement does not exist in nature to the phenomenon analysed.

The geotechnical model for local stability analysis allows to determine the design support (pDesign,
kN/m2). It is necessary to ensure stability for a given safety factor and under the conditions of use of a
flexible system for slope stabilization. The system combines a flexible membrane and an anchor system.

This model can be used in punctual systems and reinforced systems that are installed under the
unidirectional model.

5.0 Dimensioning of the elements

5.1 Input parameters
The values of input parameters are here presented. The material characteristics are taken from the technical
datasheet, while for the definition of the safety factors the Indian standards are taken into account.

5.1.1 Material Parameters

The following material has been proposed for the Project


The NW 450 Needle felt machine-produced mat of 100% coconut fiber with consistent thickness with
coconut fibers evenly distributed over the entire area of the mat with monofilament Plastic netting.

Schematic image

- Rigid natural fiber, capable to withstand higher compressive strength
- Highly durable product in respect of location suitability related to heavy duty contract.
- Long lasting without affected by moth, bacteria or other insects.

Property of Terrain Infratech 9

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

Properties of – TGM-450

Properties Specification Test Method

Description Needle punched coir fiber with Netting on one side
Mass per Unit Area ≥ 450 g/m2 IS 14716
Thickness ≥ 4.5 mm ASTM D:5199‐ 2012
Wide Width Tensile Strength Dry kN/m 5.58 ASTM D:4595-2011
Permeability at (50 mm WH) l/m2/sec 235 ASTM D:4491-RA2015

Standard Roll length 46 m

Standard Roll width 1.2 m

TerrainNet™- 2mm dia Wire Mesh (Secondary Mesh)

One wire has a tensile strength of upto 1770 N/mm² limiting elongation and keeping the mesh highly pre-
tensioned, providing reliable stability for the slope and minimizing deformations.

Knotted ends ensure that maximum stability is retained right up to the border edges, removing the need for
overlap and allowing the mesh and netting to be unrolled easily and independently.

Schematic Image

Property of Terrain Infratech 10

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal


High tensile fully threaded bars from Terrain Infratech are available in three grades for passive and active
(pre-tensioned) anchors. Diameter range available from 25mm to 50mm. Continuous cold rolled and hot
rolled thread available with elongation up to 6% (Gr 525/575, Gr 835/1035, Gr 935/1085)

- High grade steel effectively reduces the diameter of the bar allowing for easier handling and a
smaller bore hole
- Continuous thread makes connections possible at any point and increase bonding
- Coarse thread & surface hardening allow for rough handling
- Pre-stressing possible for active anchors.

Rock Bolt System

Steel Diameter 25mm 28mm 32mm 40mm
Yield Load, Steel > 500 Mpa > 500 Mpa > 500 Mpa > 500 Mpa
Ultimate Load, Steel > 550 Mpa > 550 Mpa > 550 Mpa > 550 Mpa
Weight of Bolt
3.85 kg/mt 4.85 kg/mt 6.31 kg/mt 10.00 kg/mt
(Without plate & Nut)
Bolts length 2/4/6/8 meters

TerrainNails™ are mainly used to prevent any displacement of the rock/slope volume under examination.
The approach is to use the stiffness of the anchor to prevent the movement of the rock/soil mass, without
the need to give any active force to the boulder.

For this reason, once known the acting force on the anchors, given mainly by the weight of the rock/soil
mass to be stabilized, it is quite simple to properly design the anchors itself.

Scheme of a nail

Property of Terrain Infratech 11

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

7.0 IRC- MoRTH Guidlines

7.1 Vetiver Grass- IRC56-2011

Property of Terrain Infratech 12

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

7.2 Coir Geotextiles

Property of Terrain Infratech 13

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

Property of Terrain Infratech 14

Slope Stabilization Work at Underpass (Ch. 293+000) of NH-12 in state of Madhya Pradesh
Preliminary Design Proposal

We hope to present to you an adequate solution concept and we are looking forward to your response. Please do not
hesitate to inquire for any additional information.

Kind regards


Disasters like shooting stones, rockfall, landslides, debris flows etc. are sporadic and unpredictable in nature. There could be
various causes for such incidents like human intervention (slope cutting, construction, etc.) or environmental (incessant rain,
earthquakes, etc.). Due to the multiplicity of factors affecting such events it is not possible to calculate the exact outcome of such
events which guarantees the protection of individuals and property.

However, by the application of sound engineering principles to a certain range of parameters and by the implementation of
correctly designed protection measures in identified risk areas the exposure of injury and loss of property can be reduced
substantially. Right installation and regular Inspection and maintenance of such systems are an absolute requirement to ensure the
desired protection level. The system protection can also be impaired by events such as natural disasters, inadequate dimensioning
parameters or failure to use the prescribed standard components, systems and original parts; and/or corrosion (caused by pollution
of the environment or other man-made factors as well as other external influences).

Property of Terrain Infratech 15

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