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Parts of a CPU

 Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) World Wide Web

performs arithmetic calculations and
logical operations.  Developed by Tim Berners-Lee
 Control Unit coordinates all the  The technology allowed users to
processor’s activities and manages click on a word/phrase in a document
the flow of information through the to open another document.
processor.  Web Browsers translates HTML
 Registers are memory cells for documents and allows users to
temporarily storing data needed by navigate other parts of the Internet.
the ALU to perform its calculations.  HTML is the markup language that
is used to create webpages.
 HTML documents contain both
Internet - Is a worldwide, publicly accessible information and markup symbols or
network of interconnected computer networks codes.
that transmit data by packet switching using the
standard Internet Protocol (IP).
Hyper text transfer protocol - is used by
 Webpage – a single HTML file
websites that keeps sensitive transactions and
 Website – collection of webpages.
information safe online.
Usually hosted in a server accessible
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) - Web sites are through Internet.
found by their addresses online

Father of Internet: A website address contains:

 Vinton Gray Cerf Protocol (HTTP:// or HTTPS://)

 Robert Khan(co-founter) Domain Name (Youtube, Facebook, etc.)

Domain Extension com: commercial domains,

Types of Network: now the largest presence on the Web
 LAN – Local Area Network .org: organization, can be any type of
 WAN – Wide Area Network organization

.gov: government agency, usually federal, but

Interoperability - Ability of software programs can be state
running on computer made by different
manufacturers to run w/o incompatibilities. .edu: educational institution

NET VS WEB: .net: Internet Service Provider or network

• WWW – system of interlinked,

hypertext documents.

• Internet - international network,

networking infrastructure, connection
of computers.

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