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Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences

The Effectiveness of Using Lard as a Component of

Making Waterproof Paper to the Selected

Grade 11 Students of Sumulong

College of Arts and Sciences

S.Y. 2018-2019

A Qualitative Study

Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department

Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences

Amores, Janna D.

Españo, Anthony

Obien, Niño U.

Rubian, Margarette Kylle I.

Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences

Chapter 1


This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of the

problem, rationale, significance of the study,scope and delimitations of the study,

conceptual framework and its definition and terms.


In today's technology, paper is part of everyone’s daily lives, without it life

won’t be easy. Paper is usually used for representing values(paper money,

cheque, and bank notes), for storing informations (books, notebooks, magazines

and letters), for personal uses, cleaning, communication and printing purposes.

There’s a lot of benefits in using papers while on the other side; paper easily get

wet, tear and crumpled.

According to Waterproof paper is paper that is intended to

survive exposure to water without being damaged and should actually be able to

survive direct exposure to water without the paper or its contents being damaged

or altered in any way. Waterproof paper is also commonly used by individuals

who need to use paper outdoors. Backpackers and hikers use maps to find

where they are going; the maps need to survive some amount of moisture.

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People in the military also appreciate the durability of waterproof paper, as

it can be used in many different environments. Maps and important

communications can be sent on paper without risk of sustaining damage

because of rain or other sources of moisture. People who work on boats or near

bodies of water also use waterproof paper to reduce the risk of damage from

splashing or submersion.

Lard is a fat from the abdomen of a pig that is rendered and clarified for

use in cooking, it is semi-soft white fat derived from fatty parts of the pig with a

high saturated fatty acid content and no trans fat. Rendering is by steaming,

boiling, or dry heat. Lard has always been an important cooking and baking

staple in cultures where pork is an important dietary item, with pig fat often being

as valuable product as pork. Futhermore, lard has been used for soap-making for

centuries and it is combined with other kinds of oils to bolster its cleansing

properties, moisturizer and protective hand cream to prevent against chapping

and cracking of skin, can also used to refurbist and to maintain leathers and

wood because of it’s natural properies of preservation.

So researchers, think of another way that paper will not get drench ;

researchers will use oil from pork’s fat also known as fat to make the paper

water-proof. The researchers aim to help students and office workers to prevent

from accidents such as coffee spill or rain.

Background of the Study

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Paper is a thin material produced by pressing together

moist fibres of cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags or grasses, and drying

them into flexible sheets. To make pulp from wood, a chemical pulping

process separates lignin from cellulose fibres. Paper has been traced to China in

about AD 105. It reached Central Asia by 751 and Baghdad by 793, and by the

14th century there were paper mills in several parts of Europe. The invention of

the printing press in about 1450 greatly increased the demand for paper, and at

the beginning of the 19th century wood and other vegetable pulps began to

replace rags as the principal source of fibre for papermaking.

Before the industrialisation of paper production the most common fibre

source was recycled fibres from used textiles, called rags. The rags were

from hemp, linen and cotton. A process for removing printing inks from recycled

paper was invented by German jurist Justus Claproth in 1774. Today this method

is called deinking. It was not until the introduction of wood pulp in 1843 that paper

production was not dependent on recycled materials from ragpickers.

Other type of paper is called Wax Paper or Paraffin paper is a paper that

is made of moisture-proof through application of wax. The practice of

oiling parchment or paper in order to make it semi-translucent or moisture-proof

goes back at least to the middle ages.

Lard, the rendered fat of pigs has been swung so widely in the public.

Long used in cooking, this multipurpose substance took a bad rap in the late 20th

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century as experts and pseudo-experts debated the merits of saturated,

unsaturated, and trans fats, but has lately regained some ground. Lacking trans

fats in its pure form and boasting fewer calories than butter, lard—which contains

about 40-percent saturated fat and 45-percent monounsaturated fat—is

increasingly showing up again in restaurant and home kitchens. Lard appears to

be coming back into favor on the culinary scene after a period of exile, but its

utility obviously extends beyond haute cuisine. From survival food to moisturizer,

it’s one of those time-honored ingredients worth getting to know. Lard’s versatility

also makes it something to consider for the well-rounded survival kit

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to make a waterproof paper out of pork’s fat oil and answers

to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Name

b. Strand

c. Sex

2. What is the characteristics of the paper after doing the process in terms of:

a. Durability

b. Writability

c. Texture

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3. Is there a significant difference between a paper with lard and a normal


Statement of the Hypothesis

There is no signifacant difference between a paper with lard and a normal


Significance of the Study

This study will present the effectiveness of lard to make a waterproof

paper. This can help the community to prevent the inevitable situations that can

ruin their paperwork.

The findings of this study will lend to benefit of the following beneficiaries:

Students: This study may help the students simply protecting their paper

for the possibility of getting wet and to maintain the original form od the

documents that they need.

Future researchers: This may serve as their reference or guide in their

future studies about waterproof papers.

Teachers: Through this study, teachers could get some ideas about the

benefits of using waterproof paper.

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School: This study could become a reference of the school in using lard

as a component of waterproof paper.

Scope and Delimitations

The research will be conducted in Sumulong College of Arts and Science

during the school year 2018 – 2019. The respondents of the study are selected

150 Grade 11 students in total including all strands

In this study, the researchers only focus on making the paper water

resistant or waterproof by making the main component is the lard. Also

researchers included other characteristics that the subject possesses. The

researchers also wants to know the capability of the paper with the help of the


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Conceptual Framework

This study will use the I-P-O paradigm which means the input –process-output.

The first column shows the input or independent variables, the second column

shows the process and the third column shows the output or dependent


Under the input, the researchers will show the materials needed on

making the waterproof paper. On the output, this includes the procedures to be

done by the researchers. Under the output was the result of the study.

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Input Process

1. Preparing of 1. Testing the product.

the Product 2. Observing and
Paper out out
(Waterproof monitoring the effects
paper out of lard) and result of the product

2. Preparing the after testing it.

materials to be 3. Collecting nad

used for data recording of the data

gathering. based on the conducted


4. Interpretation of the

gathered data.


Conceptual Paradigm
Figure 1

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Theoretical Framework

An oil-paper umbrella is a type of paper umbrella that originated in China.

It subsequently spread across several East, South and Southeast Asian

countries such as Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Sri

Lanka, Thailand and Laos, where it has been further developed with different


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Definition of terms

Lard. Use as the application making the paper water resistant. Also known as a

fat from pig.

Waterproof. Impervious to water or Unable to get wet of something

Paper. Material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other

fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on.

Rendered. To strain the fat through the sieve, also known as separation and it

can use from cooking.

Pulp. To prevent the poor quality into flexible sheets, also known as cheap or


Inevitable. To avoid the certain happening, also known as unpreventable in the


Unveil. To reveal a new technique for making waterproof, also known as

presenting something new.

Component. a part or an element.

Experiment. Scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery or to

demonstrate a known fact.

Fibre. A thread or filament from a plants.

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Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences

Reference Notes



lard - March 6, 2019

Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences –
March 6, 2019

Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences

Chapter 2


This Chapter includes the foreign and locat literature related to the study.

Foreign Literature

According to Royal Society of Chemistry journal Chemical

Communication 2006, scientists have unveiled a new technique for making

waterproof, self-cleaning paper.The research is reported in the latest edition of

the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Chemical Communications.A team of

polymer experts at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, used a

technique called ‘atom transfer radical polymerisation’ to modify filter paper.Two

sets of compounds – one containing fluorine atoms – were grafted onto the onto

the cellulose fibres of the paper – which made it hydrophobic or “water-fearing.”

Water droplets then rolled off the surface of the paper, carrying dust and debris

with them.The research opens up a wide range of possibilities for new

applications of cellulose and paper.

According to, 2012, researchers at the Instituto Italiano di

Tecnologia in Genoa, led by Roberto Cingolani, have devised a means for

connecting cellulose fibers in ordinary paper with nanoparticles resulting in new

desired properties, such as paper that is waterproof and magnetic, florescent or

averse to bacteria.

The process involves mixing superparamagnetic manganese ferrite

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colloidal nanoparticles with individual molecules or monomers that make up

the cellulose fibers in paper products or other nonwoven materials and getting

them to connect, forming polymers, by submersion in a liquid solution. This

process causes a thin shell to form around each fiber. The result is a solution that

when applied to paper produces a final product that is both waterproof and

magnetic. The team says they’ve also found that the amount of nano particles

used in the process can be varied to adjust the degree of magnetism the paper

will have. While the advantages of waterproof paper are obvious, the team notes

that making paper magnetic could be useful for security applications such as

when making bank notes or even currency. Also, paper that has antibacterial

properties could be used in medical applications or food preparations, or perhaps

with currency as well seeing as how many studies have shown that paper money

carries all manner of bugs that can make people sick. Florescent paper could be

used in security applications but also would likely have a lot of other uses such

as in making posters that don’t require a black-light to create eerie effects,

documents that could be read in the dark, or as a means of encoding data that

only appears when the lights are turned out.The team points out that because the

paper as a whole is not being coated, the paper produced from the process

retains all of its normal properties. Thus, it can still be written or printed on with

normal pens and printers. Also, they say, the solution they create can be applied

to paper that already exists, allowing users to change the properties of already

printed books, magazines, documents or virtually any other paper product.

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According to Science Daily 2014, this major technological innovation will

greatly facilitate the creation of new paper products with high added value. So

far, the company applying the new product is able to make waterproof paper in

an alternative way using biotechnology and without using the common chemicals

that hinder recycling. By means of a single application, the new product makes

paper multifunctional or gives it several properties, such as being hydrophobic

and antioxidant or acting as a barrier. Waterproof paper without chemical

reagents. Though companies are keen to invest in biotechnology, the

introduction of enzymatic treatments that modify paper in order to create new

products from cellulose is complex and costly. To generate the enzymatic

reaction, the production must be stopped at a particular stage in the industrial

process. The new compound patented by Cusola adheres to the surface of the

paper and instantly modifies its properties. It can be applied immediately within

current manufacturing systems without stopping the production line.

Cusola and the CELBIOTECH paper research group of the Universitat

Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) have done specific work on

making paper hydrophobic and their new patented compound allows paper to be

waterproofed without using conventional chemical reagents. The group have also

experimented with cellulose-based textiles to check the effectiveness of the new

product. One of the results is that they were able to make a baby's bib waterproof

on one side by spraying it with the product. A revolution in the paper industry

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The companies in the paper industry that implement Cusola's innovation will

become more competitive and save energy and chemicals. They will also save

on transportation costs, because the compound can be concentrated for easy

distribution. However, the main value of this innovation is that it can be used to

make products with high added value from cellulosic substrates using

biotechnological methods that are more environmentally friendly. Cusola's

innovation may therefore revolutionise this industrial sector.

On the market there are currently about 2,900 different types of special papers

that are not used for writing. At a time of growth of electronic publications, the

trend in the international paper industry is to seek to modify or functionalise the

properties of cellulose to generate new uses and new applications. Examples are

giving paper the properties of plastics and other petroleum products to

manufacture biodegradable food cartons; making paper antioxidant so that it can

keep food for longer; changing paper's properties to make it sufficiently

waterproof for manufacturing cups without adding paraffin; and adding

antibacterial substances to produce infection-proof dressings.

Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences

Local Literature

According to Department of Science and Technology 2013, this textile

does not only make you look good. It also protects you from getting wet. More, it

keeps you away from diseases caused by micro-organisms. A product of

persistent research, this textile can truly be called smart. “It has been a dream,

until towards the end of 2012, when PTRI has finally developed a textile material

that is comfortable, breathable but surprisingly water repellent and even anti-

microbial,” revealed Dr. Carlos C. Tomboc, director of Philippine Textile

Research Institute, an agency of the Department of Science and Technology.

The challenge to develop such technology came from DOST Secretary

Mario Montejo who noted PTRI’s award-winning Christmas Belen made of taro

leaves that were water-repellant. Since then, PTRI has been spinning

possibilities into the broad range of functional and smart textiles.

This breakthrough research was carried out by a team of chemists of DOST-

PTRI’s Chemical, Dyes, Auxiliaries and By-Product Utilization Section who came

up with a finishing technology that makes fabrics water-repellant and anti-


Waterproof surfaces show the so-called “lotus effect,” referring to the

lotus leaf’s ability to prevent water from drenching its surface. Tiny crystalline

waxy bumps or protrusions and tiny hairs on the leaf’s surface trap the water

droplet, stopping the water from reaching the lotus leaf’s actual surface.

To mimic this phenomenon, the team used several techniques, including

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chemical modifications via hydrophobic coatings and plasma treatments. After

several attempts using various materials to make textile water repellent, the team

was able to zero in on something that is just in the pocket: silver.

More particularly, the team discovered that silver nanoparticle and silver oxide

nano composite can make cotton and pineapple fabrics water-repellent and even

anti-microbial. Silver is a known for its ability to kill various microorganisms, thus

when used as repellant in textiles, it gives protection against microbe-caused


According to Jeannie Lynn J. Cabansag and Evangeline Flor P.

Manalang, both registered chemists and the project leader and research staff,

they used silver nanoparticles and submerged these in silicone oxide solution

then applied to various textile materials.

The team found silver to be active against Klebsiella

pneumoniaeand Staphyllococcus aureus which cause pneumonia and skin

infections respectively. The silver oxide thus was noted for its water-repellent

property and, together with the silver nanoparticles, the combination resulted in a

water-repellant, anti-microbial finishing for fabrics made of pineapple and cotton.

Conventional water repellent finishes literally form a coating on textile surfaces

which compromises the breathability and comfort of cotton-based fabrics. Anti-

microbial properties would be provided by yet another finishing.

However, in this technology, the finishing is applied on the fiber and yarns

of the material and the anti-microbial properties of the silver nanoparticles are

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already dispersed in the silica network. With this, comfort and form are not

necessarily traded-off over function.

This development is part of the string of PTRI-developed technologies that

integrates nanotechnology to textile finishing, now coined as “nanofinishing.” This

new technology produces smart, bio-functional, and truly Philippine-made


According to Our Lady of Fatima University 2014, Water Hyacinth has

been a major problem in terms of river unclogging because it is one of the fastest

growing plants known, water hyacinth reproduces primarily by way of runners or

stolons, which eventually form daughter plants. It also produces large quantities

of seeds, and these are viable up to thirty years. The common Eichhornia

crassipes (Water hyacinth) is vigorous growers known to double their population

in two weeks (Wikipedia, 2012).In the Philippines, they use some of the water

hyacinth's stems and dry it to take its fibers and take them to form strands of

string each. These pieces of string are woven or interlinked together to form a

braid or cord used for making bags, footwear, wreaths, hats, vases, Christmas

lanterns, and more decorative materials. Because water hyacinth are prolific to

the point of being a nuisance, this lets the people earn money by selling these

products for a living while cleaning up the overpopulated bodies of water that are

full of water hyacinths. (Wikipedia, 2012)

So that, this study tries to find ways to help lessening the amount of this

plant in terms of making a product out of it aside from the products which has

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been a major success to different researchers and making one out of it is

certainly great and that is focusing in the qualities of the paper produced from

this plant. The use of the paper bag in grocery markets mainly begun in

European Countries, and right now as a response to pollution made by plastic

which leads to water waste and flooding enormously to climate change or global

warming, Philippines is now participating in this event whereas, there were

municipalities who has an existing ordinance which implements to ban or to

lessen the usage of Plastic bag. In Metro Manila and nearby areas, at least 27

local government units including Los Banos in Laguna, Makati and Muntinlupa

were among the first to ban the use of plastic, compelling stores and vendors to

use paper bags in wrapping their wares (Valmero, 2012).The researchers follow

a procedure that conveys that Eichhornia crassipes (Water hyacinth) fibers are

certainly applicable for making a good quality papers that can be use multi -

purposely. The process that has been utilized by the researchers was unique and


The experimental approach was primarily utilized in this study as it needs

experimental solution and explanation of the subject matter Eichorrnia crassipes

(Water hyacinth) fibers turning into a paper suitable for paper bag.

Based on the experiment conducted by the researchers to be able to test the

solubility and durability of the papers made out of Eichhornia crassipes (Water

hyacinth) fibers, there has been sets of experimental designs that has been

utilized by the researchers in order to analyze and to prove that the papers made

Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences

out of Eichhornia crassipes (Water hyacinth) fibers can be standardized accepted

and can be make use of for consumption.

The data that the researchers will be presenting is to examine the quality

papers from Eichhornia crassipes (Water hyacinth) fibers with its suitable

properties for paper bag industry and highlight whatever features that the papers

made out of this plant will be through testing its solubility and durability.

This study further concludes that the quality of the papers produced from pure

Eichhornia crassipes (Water hyacinth) fibers and 50% Fibers of Eichhornia

crassipes (Water hyacinth) and 50% filler has suitable properties for paper bag

industry since it proves that the qualities of it surpassed the existing qualities of

the paper of the paper bag used nowadays in our market through the solubility

test and durability results of it.

This study now concluded for the final moment that the papers produced

using the pure Eichhornia crassipes (Water hyacinth) fibers has high water

resistance ability and can only be fully disintegrated after a long period of time,

and it is also durable enough to stand to certain amount of weight.

The results also concluded that there is a significant difference of papers

produced between the pure Eichhornia crassipes (Water hyacinth) fibers and the

one with filler with respect to the results obtained. Hence, it does not affect the

overall good qualities of the paper product produced using Eichhornia crassipes

(Water hyacinth)

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According to Philippine Science High School 2017, the results were

subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests. Except for the yellow paper and

linen paper samples, all showed a significant difference between the breaking

stress of uncoated and coated strips of paper, favoring the coated strips.

There was no significant difference between the coated and uncoated

yellow paper strips. The negative results were probably due to the crudeness of

the method employed in the test and the uneven forces applied by different

persons to the paper strips All the test results showed a significant difference

between the coated and uncoated strips of paper samples in terms of water

absorbency .Based on the results, the polystyrene-coated papers resisted water

better than the uncoated ones.

The polystyrene coated papers were proven to be less reactive to

common substances, such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and sodium

hydroxide based on the results obtained. This showed stability of the coated

papers to acidic and basic substances. The change in color of the coated yellow

paper was probably due to the reaction with the coloring chemical used. The

chemical decolorized the paper strips. In general, based on the results obtained

from the different tests done, the polystyrene-coated paper were more waterproof

than uncoated paper. They are stable in the presence of acidic and chemical

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substances and more durable. The researchers therefore concludedthat the

polystyrene-coated paper are suitable for use in packaging.

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This chapter contains the method used, the design research, research

setting and the procedure of the study.

Method of Research

This chapter the information and research method of descriptive-

experimental design that scrutinized the Effectiveness of Using Lard as a

Component of Making Waterproof Paper.

Research Design

The researchers employed descriptive method of research in order to

determine the effectiveness of lard as a component of waterproof paper. The

design served as guide for the researchers in gathering the data through

experimentation method.

The researcher set up the following ingredients; use paper and pork’s fat

oil : as shown on the following pages.

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Ingredients Costs

The table below shows the following ingredients cost and portion used in


Ingredients Cost

¼ Pork’s fat oil ₱150.00

TOTAL: ₱150.00

Uses of Materials

The table below shows the function of the materials used in the study.

Materials Uses

Pork’s fat oil Many cuisines use lard as a cooking fat or shortening, or as a

spread similar tobutter. It is an ingredient in various savoury

dishes such as sausages, pâtés and fillings, and it is

particularly favored for the preparation of pastry because of the

"flakiness" it provides.

Paper It is a versatile material with many uses, including writing,

printing, packaging, cleaning, decorating, and a number

of industrial and constructionprocesses.

Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study were 150 students of Grade 11 students of

Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences, School Year 2018 - 2019 in Antipolo

City. We are going to have a 25 respondents per every strands.

Research Instruments

The instrument that was used in gathering data is checklist questionnaire

taken from Grade 11 students that would help to answer the questions of the

researchers. The checklist questionnaire is consisting of the characteristics of the

waterproof paper.

Sources of Data

The researchers will use a checklist questionnaire that serves as the

main instrument to gather data of the study. Through this instruments, it enables

the researchers to determine the effectiveness of lard as a component of making

waterproof paper to the selected Grade 11 students of Sumulong College of Arts

and Sciences.

Procedure of the study

The following were the procedures followed in order to complete the study

and to create the product.

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Step 1. Gather all the materials needed.

Step 2. Prepare the 1/4 kilo of pork's fat.

Step 3. Place the pork's fat into the heated pan.

Step 4. Let the pork cook and the oil be separated.

Step 5. Put the seperated oil into the tray.

Step 6. Use the tong to deep the paper in the tray eith oil.

Step 7. Put the paper into the strainer.

Step 8. Let the paper dry.

Procedures of Data Gathering

The researchers will use the procedure of surveying it where it involves

gathering responses from the subjects through questionnaires to the

respondents, the researchers will gather the answers and tally the results and

construct a tallied data for interpretation.

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Research Setting

The research was conducted in Sumulong College of Arts and Science, Manuel

L. Quezon Ext, Antipolo, 1870 Rizal and was established in 2007.


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