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Build A Story

At A Glance

Creative story-making exercise to build connections.


Simple to play
Promotes collaboration
Inspires creativity
No props

Time 2 - 5 min

People Mini 1 – 7

Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Ask your group to help you create a unique story.
2. Ask a volunteer to start by suggesting the opening sentence of a ‘fictional’ story, eg “I was
walking down the street, when suddenly…”
3. Then, when someone can add to the story, ask them to link elbows with the first person and
share what happened next, eg “… I saw a massive moose blocking my path.”
4. The story continues with new people joining the end of the line, building the story sentence by
sentence, one person at a time.
5. Encourage your group to keep the storyline moving forward.
6. The game continues until everyone has contributed to the story and linked elbows with the
7. If possible, encourage the last few members of your group to bring the story to a natural

Popular Variations

Build A Story Circle: Encourage your group to connect (or associate) the very end of the story
with the very first line of the story (effectively creating one wholly-linked circle). This takes some
vivid imaginations and careful word-smithing, but it is often worth the effort.
Reflection Tool: This exercise can be used as a powerful reflection tool, whereby your group is
asked to recount the most significant moments or events of a particular experience in
chronological order.
Start With The End: For your seriously inventive/creative groups, start with the end in mind.
That is, ask a volunteer to suggest the final sentence of the story, and then start from the
beginning (as above.) Everything about the story and how it progresses must eventually lead
neatly to the suggested conclusion.


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