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Strategic Operations Planning

Group Assignment: Guesstimation

Submitted By – Group 20


Question 2. How many suitcases are required to carry 10 Million $ in Singapore 2 $ notes ?
Q 10. Defining interaction, guesstimate the number of people you interact within a year?

Ans. Definition of interaction: mutual or reciprocal action or influence.

So I need to count everyone with whom I speak and who speaks back to me in one way or another
as an interaction.

Since the question deals about people, I have focused overall on the people instead of going by
day-to-day interactions.

General Assumptions (scenario specific assumptions have been taken into account later):

1. For this question I shall assume that the entire one year is being spent at Great Lakes
Institute of Management, Chennai. From the moment I step into college to the moment I
step out of college, will be considered as 1 year.
2. Both online and offline interactions will be taken into consideration.
3. Interaction can be as simple as one word exchanges.
4. Only the number of distinct persons with whom I interact will be within the purview of
this guesstimation.
5. The duration of one year has been considered to be over for the sake of this assignment.

Now, going by the above mentioned assumptions I can safely guess that:

 I must have interacted with all 100 students of my original section 1 : 100
 On an average I must have interacted with 50 students each, from 3 other sections ( these
interactions can happen within class during the intersectional classes of elective courses or
at hostel) : 150
 I must have interacted with at-least 10 housekeeping staff (considering their rotational
shifts) : 10
 I must have interacted with professors and T.As of all 36 subjects : 72
 I must have interacted with at least 10 different security guards (some at hostel while
booking syndicate and most of them at main gate): 10
 I must have interacted with at least 10 guys from Sodexo staff (some at grab and go, some
at bistro and most of them at the canteen): 10
 Interactions with 5 members of CCS team : 5
 Interactions with 5 members of Library team : 5
 Interactions with Admin team (Program Office, Examination and Academic Dept.) : 5
 Interactions with industry leaders during guest lectures : 10
 Assuming I sat for 2 rounds of one on one interview with recruiters during placement
drive and that too for just 1 organization: 2
 Assuming that I went outside 3 times in a month i.e. 36 times in a year and assuming that I
used either OLA or Uber that too 1 time during an entire one way trip, then I must have
interacted with cab drivers : 72
 On an average I must have interacted 4 new persons at restaurants, cinema theatres and
shops during those visits : 144
 Interactions made with village people during Karma Yoga village visits : 40
 Interactions made with my own family members and relatives : 5
 Interactions with friends who are not from Great Lakes, over Facebook and Whatsapp
(Interactions can be lengthy ones like the ones over phone calls/lengthy conversations or
short ones such as birthday/festival wishes): 50
 Interactions with students from other colleges during college fests and events : 20
 Interactions with various other people like students from PGDM or PGPM flex during
sports, gyming, cultural nights, events : 20

Therefore, total number of people (distinct persons) I interacted within a year =

100+150+10+72+10+10+5+5+5+10+2+72+144+40+5+50+20+20 = 730 persons

This translates into following: On an average I have interacted with at least 2 new persons per
day (730 persons/ 365days), at Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai.

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