Sample English Chinese Employment CONTRACT

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Name of Company 公司:

Company Address 地址:

Name of Employee 雇员: Nationality 国籍:

Passport No 护照号码 : Expiry Date 有效期:

WP No. 工作准证号 : DOA 申请日期:

This agreement is made on the / /2019 (Date) between the above-mentioned Company
incorporated in the Republic of Singapore and the above-mentioned Employee of PRC. Whereby it is
agreed as follows: 本协议是由上述在新加坡注册的公司与上述中国雇员于 / /2019 (日期)签署。双

1. Appointment:工作职位

The Company reserves the right to adjust the working time or transfer to
work in any of the company’s department. The Employee must attend and
complete the training given by the Company as and when required. 公司将保留
2. Contract Period 合同期限

The Employee shall serve a period of two (2) years of employment and
employment shall commence upon the arrival in Singapore. 雇员必须履行两年的

The probationary period is first three months unless stated. During this period, if the performance of
the Employee does not meet the Company requirement, the Company reserves the right to terminate
this Employment Contract by giving the Employee one (1) day notice or one (1) day salary in lieu
of notice. 雇员的试用期为三个月。在此期间如果雇员的表现达不到公司的需求,公司有权终止
此劳 务雇佣合约并给予一天的通知或一天薪金代替。

Employer’s Signature: Employee’s Signature:

雇主签名 雇员签名

3. Salary 薪金

Basic Salary :

底薪 :

Commission After $3,500, 10% Commission


4. Working Hours 工作时间
10.00 am to 10.00 pm OFF TWICE A
每月休两天 (无周末)

5. Accommodation / Meals



6. Annual Leave and Sick leave 年假和病假

The Employee shall be entitled to seven (07) days of annual leave after completing one year
of service in the company. 雇员必须在完成试用期后,可享有七天的有薪年假。

The Employee shall be entitled to fourteen (14) days of outpatient sick leave upon completion
of 3 months’ service. Sick leave is granted only if a medical certificate is obtained from doctor
of government polyclinic or government hospital. 雇员在试用期结束后享受每年 14 天病假,
病假必须有公立医院或政府医院医生开具的诊 断证明才可申请。

7. Income Tax 个人所得税

The Employee will be liable to pay income tax in accordance with the Income Tax Act stipulated by
the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore. If the Employee returns to his/her country after
termination of employment within 60-183 days after arrival in Singapore for work,the Employee
shall pay individual income tax to Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore for a sum equal to 15% of
the total individual income. 雇员有义务依据新加坡所得税法向新加坡税局缴付个人所得税。根
据新加坡所得税法,如 果雇员在抵达新加坡工作的第 60 – 183 天内,被终止雇佣合同而回国,他
须向新加坡所得 税局缴付占个人总收入百分之十五(15%) 的个人所得税。

The Company will be entitled to withhold the final month’s salary from the Employee’s
monthly salary for the purpose of “WITHHOLDING TAX”. 公司将预留最后一个月的月薪作

The excess will then refunded to the Employee together with a statement of account and the receipt
of payment of any income tax paid. This amount will be refunded to the employee upon the
cessation of employment with the company at airport. 雇员的雇佣终止后,公司将会在机场向雇员

Employer’s Signature: Employee’s Signature:

雇主签名 雇员签名

8. Restrictions 约束

The Employee shall abide by laws of the Republic of Singapore and the Company’s Rules and
Regulations. 雇员必须遵守新加坡共和国法律和公司的规章制度。

The Employee must not change employment during his/her stay in Singapore.

The Employee will not be allowed to work in any capacity in another company regardless of
whether if salary is paid or not. 雇员不可在其他公司做有薪金或无薪金的工作。

Unless prior written consent has been obtained from the company, else when you ever
cease contract with the company, you shall agree not to be directly or indirectly engaged in
the conduct of any business competing with the company within a 2000m radius vicinity for a
period no less than 2 years. 除非事先获得本公司的书面同意,否则当您与本公司停止合同时,您应
同意不会直接或间接从 事与本公司在2000米半径范围内竞争的任何业务,期限不得少于两年。

Not to associate or employment with the company employee or any of the shareholder or director in the
ame business after the cease of employment I the company for a period no less than 2 years. Any non-
conformance will be in breach of this agreement and the employee will have to pay the employer an
amount of $20,000 for “Non-Competition” compensation. 在公司停止工作不少于2年后,不得与公司
员工或任何同一业务的股东或懂事结盟或雇佣。任何 违规行为都将违反本协议,员工将必须向雇

9. Termination of Service 终止聘约

The Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without notice and without any
liability on the part of the employer in any of the following events that the Employee: 当雇员发
生下列任何行为时,公司保留无须事先通知就立刻终止本合约的权利,并且不需 要承担任何

a) Commits & gross misconduct, insubordination or breach any of the rules and regulation of
Company or laws or policies of Singapore or is convicted under the Laws of Singapore; or 有重大过
失行为,不服从领导,违反公司的规章制度或新加坡的法律或政策或在新加 坡法 律下定罪;或

Employer’s Signature: Employee’s Signature:

雇主签名 雇员签名
b) His/her work permit is cancelled by the Singapore Government for any reason whatsoever or
is repatriated by Singapore government; or 工作准证被新加坡政府以任何理由取消或被新加
c) Is certified by the Company’s doctor to be unfit for employment; or

d) Being on strike or absents from work without permission; or


e) During the employment period, works or attempts to work for anyone else other than the
Company or engages in any business transaction for anyone other than the Company. 在雇

Should the Employee fail to complete the contract of two years due to whatsoever reason,
the Employee must: 如果雇员不能完成两年合约期,无论何种情况雇员必须:

f) Pay for his/her own income tax.


g) Surrender to the Company his/her works pass for cancellation upon the termination of the
contract. 在本合约终止时或工作准证取消后雇员必须将其工作准证交还公司。

Should the Employee decide to tender resignation without any reason assigned thereof as
follows: 如果雇员在没有任何理由的情况下辞职,雇员则必须:

h) During the probation period, he/she has to give two (2) weeks’ written notice or two (2)
weeks’ salary in lieu of notice to the Company. 如果在试用期间,他必须给公司两个星期

i) After confirmation, he/she has to give one (1) month’s written notice or one (1) month’s salary
in lieu of notice to the Company or deem fit by the company. 正式聘用之后,他必须给公司一个

Employer’s Employee’s Signature:
Signature: 雇主签名 雇员签名

10. Governing Law 适用的法律

The construction, validity and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by

the laws of the Republic of Singapore. 本协议的含义、效力、履行等均受新加坡法律

You are warned that any breach or non compliance to the two stated agreement
12a and 12b will result in you paying the employer an amount of $20,000 for “non-

任何违规行为都将违反本协议,员工将必须向雇主支付“非竞争”赔偿 20000 新元。

This Agreement is written in both English and Chinese languages. In the event of
any conflict between the two versions, English version shall prevail. 本协议用中英

Both parties signify the acceptance of this contract by

signing below.

Employer Signature Employee Signature
雇主签字: 雇员签字:

Name: 姓名: Name: 姓名:

NRIC No: Passport No: 身份证号码: 护照号码:

Date: 日期: Date: 日期:

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