Goals - Paul Bellard

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Goals | Paul Bellard 2

How to Become Your Personal-Best!

Second Edition: November 2019

by Paul Bellard
Author of the Forthcoming Books.

Hit the Reset Button!

How to Restart your life at any time!

“Embrace Change - Change Your Life”

“Fighting-Fit @Fifty-five”

Publish date 2020:

Copyright © Paul Bellard 2019. Published by PB Inspired.
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No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
systems, without written permission from the publisher and the author.

For more information, contact PB Inspired. support@paulbellard.com

Copyright © 2019 Paul Bellard. All rights reserved.

Published by PB Inspired Ltd.

Penthouse Suite
97 Triq Ta Masrija. Malta



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Part 1 - Goals

Foreword 6

Why so many experts promote goal setting 7

Out with the old, in with the new 9

Are you MAD 15

Awakening 21

Life Comes One Meal at a Time 30

Part 2 - The Workshop

How to set and achieve goals 32

The Golden Rules 34

The Four Key-Steps to successful Goal-Setting 35

Life Categories 36

Category 1 - Personal Development Goals 40

Category 2 - Financial Goals 43

Category 3 - Things Goals 46

Part 3 - Follow-Up. Key-Success Strategies 48

Get Momentum 49

Vision Board 49

Morning Routine 50

Discipline 52

Forgiveness 54

Conclusion 59

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“Dream no small dreams for they have no power

to move the hearts of men.”

—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“The unexamined life is not worth living”

– Socrates

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I am thrilled to have written edition-two of this book. I have

included some of the best material there is on the subject of
setting goals. This newly revised edition is for you to enjoy and use
as a resource, a tool, to change those areas of your life that are
due for examination and positive change.

Often, when speakers or authors publish a free book, it contains only the bare
essentials, just enough to engage you, but with a requirement to purchase
something else to get the 'real deal'. It's true that my 'goal-setting' live events
are considerably more impactive and energizing than reading a book, my
integrity and desire to serve you drives me to include everything you need to
change your life, right here- right now.

You have in your hands, all you need to know and understand so you can apply,
act upon and manifest massive and positive changes to your health, fitness,
finances, relationships, work and, or business. I know for sure that you have
more information here in this eBook than I ever had at my disposal when I first
clumsily started all those years ago. Yet, using basic goal-setting techniques, I
still managed to transform my life. With what you are holding in your hand right
now, just imagine what you can achieve!

Sincerely, I want this eBook to be everything you want and need. Do feel free to
contact me if you need any further help, guidance or assistance. If you think
there is more I could include here, do let me know so that I can make it the best
it can possibly be.

I wish you much success as you embark upon this journey, there is much to learn,
much to do and most importantly of all, there is so much more you can be.

To your success, my friend and kindred spirit.


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Why so many Experts Promote Goal Setting

“All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless
he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do.”

– Norman Vincent Peale

There is a reason why every big-name in the personal development world -

authors and speakers - talk so much about setting goals. Tony Robbins says that
"having goals is the fundamental key to success. Goals let us create our future
in advance of it actually happening. Setting goals help us grow and expand,
pushing ourselves to transform in ways that, just maybe, we never imagined'.

The great Jim Rohn said, "Goal Setting' is the

secret to fulfilling ANY dream or desire you
want in life? SUPER Successful people use
'Goals' to attain the knowledge and wealth they
have today".

Jack Canfield says "Goal-setting is an absolute must for people who want to
succeed, find their true purpose, and create joy in their lives. Without clear
goals, you will not have a clear direction on where you're heading in your life.
When you know your life purpose, determine your vision, convert your desires
into achievable goals and then act on them, you're virtually guaranteed

Brian Tracy says, "Your life only begins to become a great life when you clearly
identify what it is that you want, make a plan to achieve it and then work on that
plan every single day".

And yours truly says: "Setting Goals is the only way to turn dreams into reality.
Committing to a goal seems to unleash inner resources you never knew you had,
abilities that lay undiscovered until a reason for them to be released comes
along. Putting an ‘achieve-by date' on dreams is life-transformative”.

These are all compelling and persuasive words. Goals, dreams, desires of your
heart, are all mostly the same intangible ideas that remain ideas until we add an
achieve-by date, and apply a strategy. Then along the way, build a renewed
belief about potential and possibilities.

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The benefits of genuinely believing that we can achieve the desires of our heart
have been known for thousands of years. There are many references to the
wisdom of dreams and goals. Psalm 20:4 in the Book of Life states "May He give
you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed" and one of my
favourites when it comes to changing your mindset: "… be transformed by the
renewing of your mind" Romans 12.2.

When so many accomplished and successful people; authors, entrepreneurs,

philanthropists all tell us over, and over the same message about the power of
setting goals, surely it must mean only one thing! - IT WORKS!

Soon, you will read my personal story and understand why I strongly attest to
the fact that setting well-formed goals can change lives. It changed mine.

“In all affairs, it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question
mark on the things you have long taken for granted.”

– Bertrand Russell

But we face a challenge with the subject of goal-setting, and it is this. We hear
about goal-setting so often, we take for granted just how powerful it is. The
message becomes diluted, and we simply don't value nor apply any strategy
full-heartedly. Therefore, or we quit at the first hurdle.

Fuelled by emotions and often alcohol, some people attempt to 'short-cut' the
robust process with wistful 'wishy-washy' resolutions at the end of each
December or the beginning of January, only to have given up on them by
February. If only they used the empowering and powerful strategy that I share
with you in this book, everything would change for them, and it can work for

Let me share with you what happened in my life that led to an awakening and
changes that occurred in my life and how I became fascinated with the
transformative power of setting goals…

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Out with the Old - In with the New!

“I close my eyes to old ends.

And open my heart to new beginnings.”

– Nick Frederickson - Poet

I was in my late-thirties when I 'accidentally' discovered the unbelievable power

of goal setting. Until that point, I thought 'stuff' just happened to us, like
passengers on a boat at sea, drifting from one place to the next and making do
with the final destination. I had no idea that we can take the rudder of desire,
steer, navigate, direct and control any aspect of our lives.

Had you have been sitting next to me, as I drove my dark-blue, Vauxhall Cavalier
motor car down a steep hill toward the police station where I worked, you would
have witnessed an incident that became one of a series of pivotal, life-changing
moments in my life. What happened, literally, shunted me onto a completely
new, unexpected and incredibly challenging time in my life.

I was an aide to the C.I.D. (Criminal Investigation Department) at the time and,
I was on my way to the office. As I slowed to enter the police station, I was
rammed from behind by a car being driven at speed.

When compared to other high-speed collisions I had attended and dealt with
during my service, this was a relatively minor one, in that, after some time
regaining my senses, I was able to wobble my way out of the car unassisted. I
was reassured to be comforted by the support of my police colleagues, who had
heard the bang from inside the police station, abandoned their posts, and come
running out to assist, not realising until they saw me, who was involved.

Such was my love for my work, I attempted to brush off the incident, and I still
reported for duty despite the pain and discomfort. It was only the intervention
of my Detective Sergeant, D.S. Mark Schuller, who upon seeing my contorted
posture and ashen white face interrogated me in his usual abrupt manner as to
what was wrong. When I explained what had happened, he went crazy at me
and took me to the hospital.

What I hadn't realised at the time was, although the initial injuries were not too
serious, the incident had triggered a ticking-time-bomb in my lumbar-spine.

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In December 1997 that bomb went off. The injuries had significantly worsened,
to say the least - that together with a marriage break-up, a family that stepped
back in judgment and condemnation, I had no choice but to move into in a police
station cell-block, converted to house homeless police officers. It was an
unfortunate, confusing and low point in my life indeed.

Since the incident, I had undergone a rapid onset of degenerative disc disease,
along with degenerative scoliosis; a condition in which the lumbar spine
develops an 'S' shaped curve from side-to-side. The excruciating pain, numbness
and contorted sideways curvature left me off-sick from the job I loved for a
whole year - unable to walk properly and at times at all, for months. This was
the beginning of the end of my proud and beloved service as a Police Officer.

I endured almost four-years of MRI scans, examinations and even acupuncture

to attempt to relieve the pain and straighten out my spine. Ultimately, a written
report from an 'expert' consultant spinal-surgeon at a well-known private
hospital in the UK, to my employers, declared that - I was "twenty-five per cent
disabled" and my immediate retirement from the police-service was

Furthermore, the surgeon - whom I won't name here - told me to 'make the
most of the time I have left walking". He added, 'the condition will worsen, and
an operation to remedy the disease is out of the question". This was because
the damage was present in four out of the five lumbar discs. He told me that
'any operation would almost certainly carry an exponentially high-risk of spinal
cord damage and life in a wheelchair'.

I had left school with not very much to show for the years I attended there. Very
low-level grades in just the most basic examinations. I had no qualifications to
speak of. When I look back now, I realise that I compensated for that lack and
weakness by becoming strong in other areas. I became physically strong. I had a
black belt in Okinawan Goju–Ryu karate, was a police unarmed defensive
combat instructor, a riot tactics instructor. I was the guy you wanted behind you
if you got into trouble.

In the consultant's office, I was about to be stripped bare of all I held onto for a
sense of worthiness, an identity, my sense of belonging and purpose.

The 'experts' final words to me in his plush consulting room left me silent, numb
and blank. He said, "It is my opinion that you will never walk properly again".

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"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."
—Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by

people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
—Dale Carnegie

As I write this now, I realise that, apart from sitting in my car at the private
hospital car park, aimlessly staring through the windscreen at nothing, in
particular, I have no memory whatsoever of the following hours or days.

Over time, the 'experts' opinion became my belief. Every time I replayed that
moment, day and night, hearing those words over and over, only served to drive
me deeper and deeper into fear, despair, and hopelessness.

In my talks today, I have a section specifically called "Opinion or Truth". I talk

about how and why another persons’ opinion of you - in the words of Les Brown
- is 'none of your business'.

I invite my audiences and now you; when hearing someone bestow their opinion
onto you, to deflect it. Say to yourself: "your opinion is that I … [fill in the blank]
but the truth is I…[fill in the blank]. You might also say, even out loud, "That is
an interesting opinion. Thank you!". Deflect and disengage.

In other words, accept that no matter who they are, parents, teachers, 'experts',
they all have their opinion, and an opinion is just that - an opinion. They are NOT
truth. Opinions are the cheapest commodity on earth. They are like a dirty,
cheap burger! - It's available, but you don't have to digest it!

Let me share with you, an excerpt from one of my talks - 'Warrior of Change'.

To set the scene, at this point in the keynote, I am getting pretty animated and
passionate about this part of the message. See if you can replicate that as you
read it…

… "Sometimes, we fall into the trap of believing that what happens in life defines
who we are and what we are capable of. Notably, the things that others say to

Copyright © Paul Bellard 2019. Published by PB Inspired.
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us. We forget that these words are just an opinion. But we grow up thinking, or
worse, believing that other people's views and opinions (the bullies, misguided
parents, even teachers) is the TRUTH. I am here to tell you that whatever you
have heard said about you in your life so far, It was ONLY AN OPINION! NOT the

"If what our parents say was always the truth, then I'd be still be considered
mentally slow. Because THAT WAS my parent's opinion of me. - But the TRUTH
was, I was just really and painfully shy!

In school, I wanted to play the piano and clarinet. But a music teacher repeatedly
told me I was tone-deaf. Their advice was to "forget any notion of singing or
playing any instrument". Resultantly, most of my life was spent believing I was
tone-deaf, until one day, in my forties, still with a desire to play and sing burning
inside of me, out of curiosity, I went to a voice coach who had a West-End
Theatre background. She immediately informed me that the opinion of the
teacher was wrong. The truth was, I have an operatic-baritone voice and have
since gone on to sing in Choirs in Sarajevo, UK and Malta.

The school-bullies beat me up almost every day because their opinion of me was
that I was weak and afraid to hit back - When I arrived home, dishevelled, my
Mum used to shout at me, "go out and hit them back or I'll hit you"! I choose her-
hits because she didn't hurt as much the bullies did.

When I was 17, I nervously started Karate classes to make sure the bullying
stopped. Upon hearing of this, my Step-Father mocked me. "Ha that won't last
long' he said. But TEN YEARS later, in 1988, after training two to three times per
week - every-week for all of that time, and following two, gruelling three-hour
'grading's' - battered, bruised and bleeding (this was not a modern-day sports
style of karate), I was awarded the coveted, 1st Dan Black Belt. Furthermore,
upon joining the police force in 1989, I went on, as well as my regular duties, to
become a riot-tactics and unarmed defensive combat instructor for Merseyside

So you see - it was not the case that I was weak and afraid at all! - The truth was,
I just hadn't been taught HOW to hit back and fight!

'It's no good being too easily

swayed by people's opinions. You have to believe in yourself'.
-Donatella Versace

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"Some believe that if they leave school with anything less than straight A grades,
go to college and university, they are destined for the scrap-heap, are a failure
and will suffer a life of mundane jobs. That's just an opinion too.

The truth is, I have been blessed to be paid to travel to over eighty-cities in thirty-
something countries around the world, speaking, training, coaching and
changing lives INCLUDING MY OWN! - YET, I left school at 15 with no
qualifications to speak of! As did my coach and mentor, the multi, multi-
millionaire Anthony Robbins. So how does that work?

"In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test.

In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson".
Tim Bodett-

"NEVER let people who have given up on their dreams make you give up on
yours! Many people have given up on their lives and dreams, or at best, live in
abject limitation because of the opinion of someone else, such as that of a doctor
or surgeon, for example: "You can't have children", "you only have six months to
live", or in my case, "you'll never walk properly again".

"Well, even experts are entitled to their opinions! But they too often get it wrong!
Don't be led astray by the opinions of others, especially by those that are too
afraid to go for their own dreams, those lacking the courage to go for their own
dreams. I don't just mean the haters and nay-sayers. Those people will pull you
down because when you become more, they become less. Sadly, it can also apply
to your family and loved ones too! So be careful who you listen to! Refuse to
accept anyone's opinion of you. There is only ONE VOICE! - You must listen to
THAT voice - Deep down, you know which voice that is!

- Excerpt from 'Warrior of Change'.

I didn't know this profound truth back then. Instead, I believed the expert. I
thought life as I knew it was over. I started to drink way too much beer, and I ate
lots of comfort food to escape the mental numbness and to find the most
temporary of ways to feel marginally better.

Inevitably of course, over time, I got fatter to the point of being obese which
only made the spinal condition worse, while at the same time, clinical-

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depression insidiously took my ability to function away, leading to years of


One New-Years-Eve, things were particularly bleak. The juxtaposition of hearing

celebration all around me only served to magnify beyond tolerance the darkness
in my heart. Desperate for comfort, human connection and help, and despite
not being at all religious, I went to the presbytery of a local church to talk to
someone - anyone that might listen or offer help in some way. After knocking at
the large ornate door, a priest peered through the large bay window to my right.
He pushed aside one of the drawn, dark, heavy velvet curtains for a moment or
two, looked at me, then released it. I waited for a while, thinking he was coming
to the door. There was only silence. No one opened the door.

With nowhere left to go, I aimlessly walked the streets for a while. I concluded
there was only one thing left to do. Later that night, I walked into the tidal
estuary of the River Dee which separates the Wirral Estuary, and North Wales.

To this day, I don't know if I really intended to ‘end it’ or not. It felt real enough
at the time. At best, I could suppose I was experimenting with the ‘idea’ of
ending the chronic misery. At worst - well that speaks for itself.

Either way, for sure It was a mistake. What I mean is, it was a mistake to think
any sane person could walk into UK waters in the middle of winter! Up to my
ankles was a shock to the system! Up to my knees and I discovered another,
more vocal and much louder inner-self! Reasons why I ought not to go on began
flowing faster than the prevailing tide, and when that cold water hit my most
sensitive parts - I was out of there! It was FREEZING!

I use humour to deflect and lighten this part of the story, both here as I write,
and also when I share this moment in my live talks. I do so partly because, I am
embarrassed by it, partly because sometimes, I still get choked-up when I think
about it and also because my mission is to motivate and inspire, not to de-
motivate and depress! – Otherwise, I fear I might become the world’s first de-
motivational speaker!

Nonetheless, there is a big-lesson in this part of story for everyone so I bare all.
There is much more to it to share than I wrote here so I share it– not for pity or
sympathy, far from it, but illustrate and explain two things:

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a) Why, just thirty-minutes after exiting the water I found myself in a police
station writing a statement of evidence while dripping dirty-water all over the
floor and,

b) How, what happened to cause me to have to go to the police station, became

an important, and profound lesson about human potential, a subject which
became the driving force of my work.

Isn’t life amazing? Lessons everywhere!

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“Deprived of meaningful work, men and women lose their reason

for existence; they go stark, raving mad.
Fyodor Dostoevsky

O! Let me not be mad, not mad, sweet heaven; keep me in temper;

I would not be mad!
William Shakespeare

I had reached rock bottom. I finally realised that I had fallen a long way down
from my status as a former martial artist, police riot-tactics instructor, and
detective. It was heart-wrenching to remember who I used to be, what I used to
do, with whom I had become. I had lost, not only my identity as a police officer
but also that of a Son, Husband, Father and Brother. All had all dissolved and
disappeared from my life. One great feature of being at rock bottom - it creates
a solid foundation for growth.

“I realised that nothing in my life would change, until I changed.”

- Paul Bellard

The time had come to accept 'what is'. I finally became aware that it was my
very own inner-fight against the situation, my resistance that was causing me
more pain than the circumstances themselves. Having talked so much about
other people's opinions earlier, ironically, it was my own opinion of what "I
should have done", or, "what I shouldn't have done", that was almost killing me.

This aspect of self-awareness - I have since discovered, is a spiritually profound

truth that must be remembered if we are to ever live a peaceful existence.

Where ever you are in your life right now, whatever you are dealing with, please,
I implore you to stop 'should-ing' all over yourself. I found a more acceptable
way to have that inner conversation is to use the word 'could' instead of 'should'.
Using 'could' makes the sentence factual and implies a choice. Whereas 'should'
is a self-judging and an often loathing opinion.

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The day had come when I realised that nothing in my life could change, or indeed
would change until I changed.
Like the feeling of the rise of the new dawn following the longest darkest night,
something deep-inside released a new state of being. It was as if my eyes were
seeing for the first time. Out from my most profound desperation, came
inspiration. A question, an idea, a decision, a solution

I wondered what it would mean if the expert was wrong. I found it reasonably
plausible to conclude that it was at least 'possible'. I played with the idea in my
mind for a few moments and then decided to assume he was at least 'mistaken'.
From this moment, I would no longer accept as truth, the prognosis and opinion
of the spinal surgeon.

I decided to take control back. When there are two pilots at the controls of an
aircraft, only one of them is ever in control at any given time - the 'Pilot in
Command'. When they swap, there is a protocol in which the pilot taking control
places his or her hands on the controls and clearly states "I have control". The
second pilot will confirm they have understood the command by clearly saying
'YOU have control', they then surrender control to the other pilot.

This was the moment in which I became the 'pilot in command' of my own life
again. I metaphorically declared to God, to the universe, to the world, but most
importantly to myself - I HAVE CONTROL!

“Keep being the author of your own story.

Never let anyone else write it for you again.”
― Jennifer Donnelly, Beauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book

It was time to do something about the mess I had found myself in. I had no idea
back then that the mess I was about to fix would become my life's message.

I can still remember the moment when, despite the excruciating pain and my
sideways 'S' shaped spine, I decided that the first thing I must do is to get back
into shape - The correct shape that is!

[Personal Reflection]

What 'MUST' you do today to begin YOUR transformation?

What is one area that you know deep down you have been letting slip?
Write down and capture your immediate and intuitive answer(s).

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Previously, I had been fit, agile with a Shodan-grade black-belt and I wanted to
get that, or as much of that back as possible. I decided that the fat just had to
go. Ignoring what I saw in the mirror with my physical eyes, I choose to see only
the version of me in my minds-eye; a trim, fit, healthy man with visible abs. That
image became my clear and guiding vision. It was Aristotle that said, "a vivid
imagination compels the body to obey it"! I was relying upon that being true
because my decision was made. I set a seemingly impossible goal - to get an
abdominal 'six-pack'.

Some online research revealed a training-program that showed pictures of

people that had undertaken an impressive twelve-week, high-intensity weight
training regime who had achieved the most amazing physical transformations.
I was blown away by the pictures I saw. I didn't know that such a change was
even possible in that timeframe. Encouraged by the images as proof of
possibility, I became determined. Everything - all of the information - was right
there. I only needed to do as they did. I needed to "copy and paste', or more
accurately, adapt and adopt their strategies.

I refined my goal. I now had an 'achieve-by' date, the goal now was: "to get an
abdominal 'six-pack' - IN TWELVE WEEKS!

“It’s Official - I was MAD”.

In my workshops, I explain this decisive moment as getting M.A.D! (Made a

Decision'). Frankly, I was so utterly sick of feeling like crap, I decided enough was
enough. I decided that I could not and would not put up with it anymore. I
couldn't accept one more day the way I was, I had reached a point of satiation,
enough of this misery.

Tony Robbins said that "A decision is when you cut off any other possibility and
you commit to something with everything you've got, and you take action". If
you can't quite get MAD yet, just think about what holding on to those old ways
is costing you and how it is limiting your life? What are you missing out on? See
it, feel it and get M.A.D! Get really M.A.D use it as leverage to make a decision
and declare to yourself NO MORE! Or you might say 'Know More'.

[Personal Reflection] - What can you get M.A.D. about right now? If not right now as you
read - at least today? Are you ready now to commit to making a change or two? What can
you decide to get MAD about today? Get fit? Quit that job you hate and find one you love?

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Decide you are no longer willing to put up with a relationship that is not right? Whatever it
is for you, decide it, then act. Right now, write down your immediate and intuitive answers.

"I knew that if I failed I wouldn't regret that,

but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying."
-Jeff Bezos

For the first time in my life, rather than to try something and see how it goes, I
set a proper, strategic, well-formed goal. I didn’t know it then, but this pivotal
moment became the start of what today is the series of bi-annual, Goal-Setting
Workshops. I had no idea back then what I was even doing, let alone creating!

“Even if I go for this goal and completely f**k it up,

it will still feel better than I feel right now”
- Paul Bellard

I set my goal, scheduled it, I was emotionally charged about it and committed to
following through by taking immediate, massive action(s). I can remember
thinking: "even if I go for this goal and fail, that will still feel better than I am
feeling right now - I can't lose"! I will be perfectly honest with you here, the
words I actually thought was "even if I go for this goal and completely "f*&k it
up" it will still feel better than I feel right now".

Getting motivated in the moment is the relatively easy part. Maintaining

discipline over a long enough period of time so that it forms a habit and keep
going is the next step. People often ask me what the difference is between
motivation and inspiration. The answer is this. Motivation is a push towards
something, it has momentum, which generally will decrease over time. Whereas
inspiration is a feeling of being pulled by something bigger than us. Right now,
as I am typing this, it is 03:47 in the morning. I was pulled from my bed earlier
than the normal 04:00 to write; it was easy, effortless and immediate. Words
are flowing with ease. That is what inspiration feels like. I'll talk more about early
morning routines in part three.

When we set a goal, they are placed in a heightened, motivated state. Then we
continue the motivation by taking immediate action. Consistent action over
time, generally thought to be 30-45 days becomes a habit and the results one

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achieves in this period becomes inspired action. You no longer have to push
yourself. You are being pulled. The fuel that will help you to stick with it during
the transition from motivated to inspired is this: a great big, massive 'Y'. Your
reason 'WHY' you want or need the goal. I think my 'Y' for this goal is evident.

Goal set now was time for action. Even with my 'Big Y' I still had to drag myself
to a gym to do anything. It was just so painful plus a radical shift in thinking.

The first two to three weeks were by far the most difficult. There were many
days I just did not want to go. It was a big push, a significant effort to follow
through sometimes, but my motivation reminded me WHY I was doing this.
Looking at my so-called 'fat photos on the wall; pictures of me, front, side and
rear, wearing only swimming trunks-exposing my fat belly, really helped.

As the weeks went by, things began to change, I changed. I share the full result
of this specific decision in my annual live goal-setting workshops. I hope to see
you at one of those events one day, but for brevity here, let me ask you this; all
things considered, the injuries, pain, depression - do you think I achieved a
defined, chiselled six-pack at the end of twelve-weeks? I'm guessing you said
NO! Come to a workshop and find out what happened, or, read on and figure it
out yourself!

For now, let me tell you what I achieved in just twelve weeks; as you read this,
keep in mind the starting point. Chronic pain, depressed, unable to walk
properly and told by an expert, I'd never walk properly again. Now, just twelve
weeks later, my excess-fat was gone, the pain had gone, my spine had almost
completely straightened out. The worst of the depression had gone, I felt more
alive, confident, and most importantly of all, I felt in control of my life. And, get
this, if I tensed my abs really, really hard, with side-light from a window
illuminating the contours - I did have visible lines in my new flat stomach! Was I
disappointed not to be chiselled? NO WAY!!

You see, this is what I learned - this is really important as you embark on your
goal-setting journey. Achieving the goal - a chiselled six-pack - was not as
important as making the inner-transformation that would enable the
achievement of the six-pack.

Without the inner transformation, the caterpillar will never become a butterfly.

Becoming somebody new, transforming the mind on the journey towards

attaining goals is the main objective. The degenerative disc disease in my lumbar

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spine, that had been preventing me from walking properly, and had been
causing-acute chronic pain had stabilised. For the first time in years, I was
practically pain-free, I could walk properly, I had a clear mind and was excited
about the future. At that point, I didn't even need the 'six-pack'. I was happy as
I was, and I hadn't felt the feeling of 'happy' for a very long time.
This is very important. You must grasp this point. During the process of that
twelve-week challenge, as I single-mindedly focussed upon the objective to
change my stomach, there were other profound and unexpected changes that
took place too. Somehow, I uncovered levels of focus, determination and
tenacity I had never experienced before, not even during my ten years of
training for my black belt, which I had achieved in 1988.

By setting a reasonably well-formed goal and

following through, digging in and staying with it “The purpose of setting
when it was tough, I found within, a goals is not the
'resourcefulness' to get through and make it achievement of the
work. In the words of a man - that later as I grew goal; it is about
and developed- became my one of my coaches becoming the person
and mentor, Tony Robbins, says 'nothing will that can achieve those
change until it becomes "a must". Change for me goals”
was my 'MUST!

I learned that I was no longer like a ship without a rudder, drifting from day-to-
day, hoping to arrive somewhere, anywhere and that will do. Instead, I could, in
reality, set my desired heading, navigate towards it and no matter which way
the winds of life push me, with resilience and tenacity, I can still get to my chosen
destination, and so can YOU!

I don't have the words to describe how it felt at the end of those twelve-weeks
when I saw and felt the final results, the expansion of my mind opened to a new
possibility, and potential was like the birth of a galactic star! BOOM! I had never
experienced this before.

I remember vividly, the very moment that I reflected upon the whole process.
How I had previously felt, the difficulties, challenges, the many moments of
wanting to quit, the signs of positive change, change, the results, and how I now
felt. I said to myself "Wow! I just set a goal and achieved it. I wonder- "what
else can I do?"

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“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts,
liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.”
—Andrew Carnegie

I had been summed for an examination and assessment by my former employer,

the Police Authority, to determine the extent of my reported disability. Months
had elapsed since my forced retirement. They had been attempting to wriggle
out of paying a medical pension by denying my injuries were sustained 'on duty'.
Fortunately for me, it was legally determined that I was on-duty so they then
intended to find evidence to suggest that my spinal condition would have
developed in any case, thus refuting the incident as the cause. Therefore, this
would, in their 'opinion' (that word again), follow that I was not entitled to the
police medical pension.

I still smile at the irony. In the time it took for this assessment to happen, I had
already completed my transformation. Even before I went in to face my
'assessor', I knew that he, another so-called 'expert', would fail or refuse to grasp
the truth or full extent of the situation.

Instead of being praised for finding my own solution, I was treated with disdain
and suspicion. In this 'experts' report, which I still have to this day, he diminished
my so-called 'alleged' injuries. His expert opinion was that, at best, I was only
fifteen per cent disabled, not twenty-five per cent as previously reported by
another 'expert'. That I had appeared before him with "defined musculature
definition", which, and I quote, "Mr Bellard claims to have been attending a gym
for only twelve-weeks, although in my opinion, it would appear he has been in
training for significantly longer than that".

His words clearly implied he didn't believe anything I told him, he contradicted
the previous 'expert's’ opinion and used my physique as the basis for his
"professional opinion" that things were never as bad as made out. He, naturally,
downgraded my injuries, my employer's liability and therefore, my payout. But
do you know what? - I just didn't care!

I smiled at the arrogance and short-sightedness. It only added to my growing

belief that 'experts' only know what they know so far. That they seem to think
we are all the same. Perhaps we are the same bio-mechanically, bio-chemically

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and so on, but few can truly comprehend the one area that differentiates us all.
A distinction that is the difference that makes the difference - The
transformative power of the human mind or as Neville Goddard says it, "your
own wonderful human imagination". Your individual consciousness and your
oneness with the creative source.

I felt blessed and grateful to look and feel the way I did back then. I was
genuinely ecstatic to feel so good and lose the compensation, rather than to
have received full payment and still be in emotional and physical pain.

“Your preparation for the real world is not in the answers you’ve
learned, but in the questions you’ve learned how to ask yourself.”
― Bill Watterson

“Wow! I just set a goal and achieved it. I wonder - “what else can I do?”

At the moment I asked myself this question, I had no idea what I was uncovering.
The 'power of questions' has remained prevalent in my transformation work
ever since, not only for myself but for my clients too!

The immediate answer came to me that I had always wanted to start my own
business. But, I had a B.S. answer that countered the question. I believed that
because I left school with no qualifications, it was not possible to have my own
business. (B.S. = 'Belief System', although the other interpretation works too!)

Therefore, of course, because I didn't believe it was possible to start my own

business, I was right! This is what Henry Ford meant when he said, "whether you
believe you can or believe you can't you're right".

Moreover, even if I could start a business, I had no idea what I might even offer
as a product or service. I had only known policing and before that tanker driving.
What followed at this moment, as I stood in my rear garden at my tiny house in
Port Sunlight Village, Wirral, in the chilly English springtime sun was nothing less
than a mental battle of two distinct inner voices and a point of personal

I consciously noticed two distinct voices. On one side, the standard and familiar
old voice - the old-self: full of doubt, ridicule self-admonishment and limitation,
and the second, the quieter whispering, yet powerfully commanding voice of

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the newly discovered, higher-self, he that I would later dub, the 'Warrior of
Change’ (Nowadays the title of one of my favourite keynote talks).

This was the next step, another critical and pivotal moment in transformation
for me. I was becoming aware of the inner workings. The voices of the mind that
we habitually obey without question and without knowing from where they
originate. This is our human 'dysfunction' as Ekhart Tolle names it.

As you go ahead and set and work towards your new goals, you too will often
be under siege by inner voices. How you learn to observe, interact and question
them can make or break your success.

The 'Power of Questions' features in all of my talks and training nowadays and
especially my live goal-setting workshop events. The questions we ask ourselves,
every-day and in every moment, but mainly, at times of crisis, challenge, doubts
and fear are mostly unconscious, and slip-by our awareness yet, they hold
complete dominion over us.

My present moment of mental battle was no different except now I was aware
of it, I played with it. Instead of surrendering to the old self, I asked myself an
empowering question and refused to censor nor judge the answer that
instinctively came. In fact, the answer was flowing to me even before I finished
asking the question. I followed it in the faith that the answer that came was from
the right place - my newly discovered higher-self, and was the truth. I trusted
myself, and I am so glad I did.

This moment, the one-single answer that came would lead to a ten-year tour of
eighty-three cities in thirty-two countries around the world as a business
management consultant. Before this point in my life, such a possibility would
have been inconceivable.

What was the question that unlocked my potential? It was this:

"If you look back through your working life, what are the things you cared about
the most?

In a flash, I remembered, I was the only driver that wore a smart uniform. My
tanker was always the cleanest. I was always on time with the deliveries. As a
police officer, I treated my, shall we call them 'customers', with respect no
matter how evil their deeds. That way, they had no loop-hole with which to
escape conviction when it came to the court case. I treated them firmly for sure

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-but fairly and always with respect. In fact, on another note for a moment, it was
during my police-service that I learned that people are not their behaviours.
People’s behaviour is merely a surface-level symptom of deeper un-met human
emotional or spiritual needs. A lesson that serves me well in my present-day

The common thread in this thought stream was that I really loved
professionalism, standards, giving an excellent service. When I realised this as I
stood in my rear yard, I felt an 'energy' surge down the centre of my chest. It felt
inevitable, and it felt right. My 'thing', my passion had always been and is related
to quality and customer service excellence; which surprise-surprise, remains one
of my core subjects to this very day, almost twenty years on.

Despite the certainty I had about this subject, the nagging voice of doubt still
popped back in. That is what happens. I promise you, whenever you have an
empowering idea that might change your life for the better; make you more
money, improve your relationships, live a better quality of life - then at almost
precisely the same time, the voice of doubt and fear will immediately step in to
counter it, stop or derail you.

Persistence pays off. Eventually 'it' (the voice) will too but then, and as if that is
not enough resistance to deal with, often, those closest to you; family and
friends, will step in to ask the most ridiculous questions such as 'are you sure
about this?” Or “Have you thought about this?”. Worse, they may point out
your limitations or flat-out attempt to discourage you. It is just the way it is.
Make friends with it and get on with it.

It is important to know, that, that no matter which, your own inner voice of
doom and doubt, or the voices of those closest to you, they are both attempting
to do the same thing - to protect you, and keep you safe from failure, rejection,

“In order to have more, you need to become more” - Jim Rohn

In my case, once I realised my subject and passion was quality, the voice of doom
said: "who are you to preach about quality?” “Who is going to listen to you?” I
had to admit, 'It' had a point. I answered the question with another question.
"What don't I know that I need to know to offer quality as my service?” The
answer? “Stuff that already exists!” or to put it correctly; Already recognised and

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accepted standards and criteria. Where can I learn that for free? Answer? The
Library. This led to a decision to "learn more to become more". It became a truth
that to the extent I learned more, I became and earned more.

I continued to experience ‘new things’ and do ‘old things’ differently. In the book
of life, it says, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind"- Romans 12:2.
I was opening up to the realisation that all change must begin first in the mind.

I continued to train with weights most days of the week, to keep my mind
disciplined, and my body and back strong, and almost every day, I took the
famous 'Ferry across the Mersey" to go to ‘Liverpool City library’, the largest of
twenty-two libraries in Liverpool. I made my peace with an aversion to reading
and started to absorb the free books - on business management, quality
management and process management.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more
that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr Seuss

Over time, I became obsessed with knowledge about business, process and
quality management. I just got it! My brain soaked it all up like a hungry sponge.
This was new to me. Learning like this had never happened in school for sure!
After about three months, confident I knew enough, I decided to call a company
in London that is still today the global hub of all international business
management and quality standards. The 'British Standards Institution', or BSI for
short. I declared myself to be a 'Quality Management Consultant' and asked
another great question:

"What needs to happen for me to collaborate with you and be a part of the

On the condition that I passed their examinations for internal and external
consultants and trainers, they offered me a partnership as an "External Training
Resource'. To become an 'external resource" I would be required to set up my
own business as a corporate-trainer and BSI would sub-contract me to run their
quality management training courses across the UK. I couldn't believe it - My
second goal was in sight! Starting my own business!

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I have to tell you, upon hearing the word 'examination' my inner-dialogue saw
an opportunity to fire-up again. It took no time in reminding me that I failed my
school examinations, and those I passed were not worth talking about. "Don't
do it, you'll fail' it sternly told me. "Who the '****' do you think you are?" it
asked. But here is the thing, when you are goal-directed, something almost
supernatural happens. As Dr Maxwell Maltz writes about in his book "Psycho
Cybernetics, "Your brain is a servo mechanism. Like a missile, the brain also has
a servo inside which means it can find the target and even if the target moves,
it will follow until it achieves its goal".

I ignored the rambling in my head and focussed only upon my goal, I got excited
about the exam and travelled to London anyway. To paraphrase words from a
highly recommended book by the wonderful Dr Susan Jeffers, "Feel the Fear and
Do it Anyway"; I allowed the fear, ignored it, and I travelled to London anyway!

I took what for me was a four-hour exam. I was among one of the first to leave
the room. I just knew the results. I returned home and awaited the confirmation
call. I can still remember the phone call three days later from a Mr Peter
Sharpless who told me that not only had I passed, but I had achieved a higher
score on business and process management than some of the existing
consultants that had been working for them for years. My 'servo-mechanism'
had done its job!

I was beside myself with joy. Now I really knew how it felt to trust my intuition.
To have faith and believe in me. I registered and started my new business and
celebrated what had become the achievement of goal number two.

Soon after, the calls started to come in from the London office, and I began to
deliver two or three-day BSI ISO/IEC:9001 Quality Management training courses
to companies across the UK.

Remember, all of this came from asking better questions, finding the past clues
about what drove me, trusting the higher-self answers and taking action while
ignoring the inner voice of doubt.

REFLECTION POINT: As you look back through YOUR life, what topics do you repeatedly
come back to? What are the patterns or clues as to the direction of your life? Are you
following those clues? What stopped you? What would happen if you started to follow
those clues now and make a few changes?

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Soon after I started with BSI, due to the fantastic customer feedback to the BSI
office, I was introduced to another International Standard to learn, train and
consult. This one would bring a whole new set of challenges, trigger old fears
and send me globally. Enter into my life BS 7799, later to become ISO 27001:
another business management system for Information Security Management
Systems (ISMS).

Through this standard, I was blessed to get to travel to several continents

around the world, becoming over time, a sought after, so-called 'expert' in the
field of business management training and consultancy. A title I rejected and
refused to accept for obvious reasons, based upon my experience of so-called

“Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining

expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience.”
– Denis Waitley

This vast experience gained by training and consulting large corporate

companies, organically evolved into recognising the need to develop more
people skills. I embarked on further quests to learn and develop my knowledge.
I qualified as 'High-Performance Executive" coach, and then later, for fun, just
to prove the expert that told me I'd never walk properly again, utterly wrong, I
qualified and then set up a second UK business as a personal trainer. Goal after
goal was set and achieved. I even learned to fly to beat a secret fear of flying and
heights. Finally, built upon the privilege of getting to travel and work in over
eighty cities in thirty-two countries around the world, I took a certification
programme in the USA to become a certified professional inspirational speaker.

All of that from asking the question:

“What else can I do”?

I want to add here at this point, the words of the 'Subway" sandwich chain
founder, Fred DeLuca, in his book "Start Small - Finish Big" he explains the fifteen
key lessons to start your own business. One of those lessons is a chapter entitled
"Ready, Fire, Aim" in which he says:

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"if you have to feel absolutely confident before doing anything, you'll probably
never get started". He adds, "You can make a plan and set a goal, and even be
reasonably certain you will reach that goal, but until you do, you won't know if
you will".

This is what my fellow Inspirational speaker, the great Les Brown meant when
he said "you don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started
to become great"!

That's what I did. I just got started, reading books and then made a phone call.
No qualifications. No experience. So my question to you is, "What if you do the
same? Just get started! I mean right now, in fact, stop reading this and go make
a start!... NOW!

It doesn't matter if you think you have all you need right now or not. Even if you
did have everything you need to get started right now, your inner-voice of doom
would still begin to chatter away at you to convince you otherwise anyway. So
you may as well go with what you have. The rest will come. As Martin Luther
King Jr. said — 'You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.'

One final word for this section; don't think just because I dreamed it, set it as a
goal, and took inspired action that everything was easy. It wasn't and nor will it
ever be. Some things did indeed fall into place, but I promise you, no journey of
transformative change is all plain sailing. There is going to be a lot of turbulence
and challenges along the way. For me, there were many failures, much negative
judgement and condemnation from others, especially family, add a splash of
self-sabotage, lots of loneliness and even a dash of even more despair here and
there. Someone once said:

"it's not going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it"!

I resoundingly agree!

I wonder… What would YOUR answer be to your version of my question:

"What else can I do?"

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Life Comes One Meal at a Time!

“Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall.
- Ray Bradbury

I am nothing special. What I achieved, and how I did it, had nothing to do with
being intelligent, smart, or talented. I am nothing more nor less unique than you
are and certainly no better or worse than anyone else.

Remember, I left school with no qualifications to speak of, plus, as my closest of

friends can tell you, I can also do some stupid things sometimes too!

While the milestones mentioned previously might sound impressive to some, I

am very open and transparent about the fact that it was not all one steady
straight-line rise to success. Like many others, I have failed, fumbled and fallen
flat on my face so many times it is almost funny. In my head, I have wanted to
quit many times, but in my heart, I knew it was all part of the learning journey.
Don't you ever give up on your dreams! Never quit. There is a next-step-up, and
it is there waiting for you to find it.

"All things are possible to him who believes"

- Mark 9:23

At times, I lacked the external resources of money, contacts or strategy but what
I did have was something way more powerful; inner resourcefulness to keep
going and find a way. As Hannibal said, "we either find a way or make a way".

I had and maintained a clear vision of the end-result and a willingness to keep
going to find what was sometimes an elusive next 'first' step.

Each of those steps along the way unfolded one by one. I never saw all of them
ahead of time, I never really knew to where each would lead. I just took each
step in faith. Remember the quote again from Martin Luther King Jr. — 'You
don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.'

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Resourcefulness served me with goals number two, three, four and beyond.
What I mean is, some things I learned during my quest for goal number two
planted seeds that harvested as I strived for goal number four; and that is how
it all organically unfolds, step by step, as we go along.

When you go to a restaurant, you don't receive your aperitif, starter, main and
dessert all in one go. It comes one plate at a time when you are ready to receive
it. Life is precisely the same.

It all unfolds to the extent you grow. Yes, it can be scary if you are feeling
uncertain about individual decisions and the direction you are heading in. But,
be reassured that it is the pressure of pushing through these fears and times of
discomfort that release the resources, skills and attributes that you need just as
you need them. What is astonishing to know is, all of those tools and resources,
the resourcefulness you need, are already there within you, right now you as
you read this.

A great incantation that I learned many years ago during the years with my Tony
Robbins family is "All I Need is Within Me NOW!'. I believe it really is true. You
already have everything you need to be, do or have anything you want inside
you right now! Your only job is to unlock it from within and allow it to become
your guiding light. How? By setting big goals and deliberately moving beyond
your comfort zone to create enough pressure to release your resourcefulness
and all it takes to achieve them.

One of the reasons why too many don't start or fail soon after they do is that
they think they have to be great to get started when in truth, you only have to
get started to become great. FACT! When I look back now at my first talks and
pieces of training, they were embarrassing in comparison to those of today, but
they were sufficient to add enough value to others' lives, and they were a great
platform from which to learn and grow.

I can still remember my first ever PowerPoint presentation at Merseyside Police

headquarters in Liverpool. I trembled my way through it. I had no idea at that
moment that I was planting seeds in the fertile soil of my mind that would
harvest the fruit of becoming an International trainer, speaker and coach!

Finally, just before I begin to explain the step-by-step process of setting YOUR
empowering goals, I want to share something with you on the subject of

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Firstly, don't make the mistake of waiting to 'feel motivated' to start doing
something. It doesn't work that way. You will only become motivated AFTER you
have discovered the thing that you will later become motivated to continue.
That's why I encourage you, in the same way I do all of my audiences and clients,
to try out many different things and see which one resonates, feels right and
sticks with you.

I was afraid of flying until I shared a trial lesson with a friend. The seed was
planted, and now, aviation is one of my biggest passions. As I say when speaking
from the stage, the two times I feel the most alive is when I'm connecting with
my audiences, and when flying final-approach at the controls of the plane.

Secondly - know upfront, understand and “All successful people have a

be prepared for - the fact that your mind goal. No one can get anywhere
is wired and designed to stop you from unless he knows where he
doing anything that might hurt you, cause wants to go and what he wants
rejection, embarrassment, failure or even to be or do”
—Norman Vincent Peale
Your inner-dialogue is the weapon of choice for the mind, and it will release
endless thoughts of doubt to stop and keep you safe and in your comfort zone.

There are so many people in the world that have the most incredible ideas that
could transform theirs and others lives if only they followed through with them.
Sadly, they don't take action because they think what is missing is motivation
and a fail-proof plan. The former is just not true, and the latter does not exist.
What is missing is BELIEF and ACTION!

The fact is, your brain is trying to keep you alive and safe. For you to take action,
change, grow, build a business, be the best, do all of those new things that you
want to do with your life, you are going to have to learn to override your brains
signals and do those things which are will feel scary, awkward and

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Now, let’s take a look at…

Part Two

The workshop

How to Set and Achieve Goals

“A goal properly set is halfway reached.”

- Zig Ziglar

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Golden Rules:

1 Don't overthink anything. For example: "I'd like to work for company X, but I'll
have to do Y first, so in the meantime, I'll just do Z".

2 Write everything down - FAST!

Writing fast denies your mind the opportunity to self-censor.

3 Be childlike. Does a child think about the costs or possibilities when asking for
Christmas presents? No! You do the same. Assume everything is possible.
(Actually, it is!).

4 Dream Big - Finish Big.

Your goals should scare you if they don't, you are playing safe, and you won't feel
fulfilled when you achieve them.

5 Forget being perfect! Just get through the process.

Use sheets of paper and capture the raw data. You can refine and transfer into a
lovely spreadsheet later if you are an overachieving perfectionist like me!

6 I encourage you to read through the ALL of following steps in their entirety before
attempting to start your goal setting session. That way, once you do start, you will
keep your momentum and energy high.

7 You’ll need some inspiring music, (If you have Spotify, here is one of my favourite
inspirational playlists), a timing device, pens, paper, privacy and zero distractions.

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Here are the Four Key Steps to Successful Goal Setting

The Sequence:

Segment 1

Step 1. Life Category A

Step 2. List Dreams and Goals
Step 3. Scheduling.
Step 4. Prioritise and Emotionally Connect

Segment 2

Step 1. Life Category B

Step 2. List Dreams and Goals
Step 3. Scheduling.
Step 4. Prioritise and Emotionally Connect

Segment 3

Step 1. Life Category C

Step 2. List Dreams and Goals
Step 3. Scheduling.
Step 4. Prioritise and Emotionally Connect

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Step 1. - Define Your Key Life Categories

To declare to yourself, you are going to "change your life" is too big, too broad
and too general.

To simplify the process and make it more manageable and relevant, it is best to
'chunk' your whole-life into bite-size pieces. In professional goal setting, we do
this by categorising or chunking down.

We are all different and will each have different values and priorities when it
comes to these categories. During my live goal-setting workshops, we use the
well-known 'wheel of life' exercise to determine these, but we can get off to a
great start with the following as a suggestion. Feel free to 'adapt and adopt' to
suit your life, values and priorities. This is YOUR workshop, not mine.

Example Categories (In no order of value or priority):

1. Physical 6. Finance
2. Career or Business 7. Children
3. Relationship (Intimate) 8. Spiritual
4. Social Relationships 9. Things (Cars, Houses, Jewellery, A boat etc. )
5. Family 10. Personal Development

In time, over several sessions, you can set goals for all of these areas and more
but for the purposes of this workshop, we are going to choose just three.

Use the space below, or take a piece of paper and a pen right now, and
intuitively write your top three categories from the examples above.
Alternatively, look back to page fourteen and see what you wrote in your
personal-reflection about what needs to change.

[ Hey! - If this is your first read-through, keep reading the entire process before
doing this exercise!] - I'm still watching you!

Do it in thirty seconds or less. Go!

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1. Personal Development
2. Finance
3. Things

Did you catch yourself debating in your mind? Did you read your top three and
then think "oh no, I didn't include family, what kind of person am I"? Did you
want to go back and change it?

Relax, there is no need to, this is YOUR workshop, you can do it as often as you
wish and capture other categories next time. As long as you have three
categories to start with, you are set. By writing quickly, your choices are most
likely to align with your highest values in life at this moment. If you are unhappy
with your body because you are 150 pounds overweight, you will naturally feel
that this is more important to you than your job or your business right now. If
your business is not doing very well at the moment, it is natural that you might
put those things as a priority over other areas such as family for the time being.

Also, remember this, you can play with these categories, for example, if you
wish, you could put "physical' and "spiritual "goals together with "New Skills'
and call it a "personal development" category. They are all just labels or boxes
to help organise your thinking. It is essential that you feel free to organise these
categories in a way that feels right for you.

Personal Note: You will recall that I used a physical goal to begin changing my
life. I would really encourage you, even if you are not in the condition that I was
in when I started, to do the same. The reason for this is simple; without your
health, there is nothing else. Believe me, when I was suffering from that
debilitating spinal condition, and later, clinical depression, every other area of
my life became irrelevant and crashed. You have one body to live in while you
are here on this earth. Biblically, it is referred to as a "Temple of God", and you
should make taking care if it a top priority to live a life full of energy and vitality.

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Here again are the four key steps to successful Goal Setting
together with suggested timings:

1. Select your category (e.g. Physical, Personal Development,

Finance, Things)
2. List your dreams and goals (5 minutes)
3. Schedule them (1,3,5,10 years) (1 minute)
4. Prioritise and Emotionally Connect with them (3 minutes)

Ok, we are about to start. Before you do, I strongly suggest that you stop
reading this right now. Go and put on some of your favourite inspiring music
on, jump around, get some movement going, or go for a run, get yourself
excited about what you are about to do. In short - Get into a peak state. The
best you can be. Imagine the things you are about to ask for are already in your
possession! How good does that feel?


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Get yourself into a great state right NOW!

Go to your ‘happy place’ and get ready to design your future.

Are you Ready?

Did you do something to change your state?

If not STOP!

You are not going to get any benefit unless you are feeling GREAT! FEELING

For the final time, did you shake your butt so that you can shake off your “But”?
(Your “yeah but excuses” that is!)

Alright, I believe you.

Let’s Get Started.

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Segment 1 - Category 1 - Personal Development Goals

Quickly write down everything you'd like to improve concerning your personal
growth, skills and development. Crank some music up and start writing.

Time for this section: 5 life-changing minutes. Here are some examples to
help you:

• How would you like to improve your physical body?

• Would you like to hire a Personal Trainer?
• Join and use a gym?
• Get a massage every week?
• What do you want to look like?
• What body fat % do you want to be?
• How do you want to feel on the beach
next summer?
• What size dress or trousers would you
just love to fit into?
• What new skills would you like to learn,
• What languages would you like to speak?
• What books would you like to read? How many per month?
• Which leaders in your field of interest would you like to meet?
• What seminars would you like to attend?
• Which countries would you like to travel to?
• Emotionally, what would you like to experience, achieve, or master in
your life?
• What new character traits do you desire?
• Who do you want to forgive?
• What are some of your spiritual goals?
• Do you want to feel a greater sense of connection with the Universe or
• How often will you pray or Meditate?
• What new groups or classes do you want to go to?
• Who do you want your friends to be?
• What do you want to be?
• Would you like to conquer your fear of flying? Or of public speaking? Or
of swimming?
• Do you want to learn to dance Salsa, Tango or something else?
• What instrument do you want to learn? Which Virtuoso do you want to
sing or play music with?

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Segment 1: Step 2 - Scheduling.

Scan back over your list of goals and quickly decide now, the timescale for each
of your personal development goals. Use simple numbers, 1,3,5,10. Put a 1, if
it's one year or less, a 2, if it's two years, a 3 if it's three years, etc.

Time for this section is 1-minute

Please do not overthink this. Do it quickly. At this stage, forget the 'how to's'.
As someone once said, "the How to's are none of your business". Honestly, it's
not essential to know how you're going to accomplish these goals. Just give
yourself a time frame from which to work it out and achieve it. Tony Robbins
says that goals are dreams with a deadline. The simple act of deciding when
you'll achieve a goal sets in motion conscious and unconscious forces to make
your goals a reality

Step 3. Prioritise and Emotionally Connect

This is a critical success factor that most leave out and go on to fail as a result.
Depending upon how much of an over-achiever you are, choose one goal, or if
you prefer to, or choose two or three of your most important 'one-year' personal
development goals. Then take two minutes to write a powerfully persuasive
paragraph about why it's so crucial for you to achieve this or these goals, what
it will mean to you, how amazing it will feel to achieve it and why you think it
will feel this way. Engage your emotions. Why are you committed to achieving
this goal within the year? Why is this compelling for you? What will you gain by
completing it? What would you miss out on if you didn't achieve it?

When you re-read this paragraph to yourself, it should be strong enough to

move you to get you to follow through on tough days. These words are your Big
'Y' we talked about earlier. If they don't move you, either come up with a better
goal or better reasons. It is the reason 'WHY' that will determine your success.
No goal is ever too big, but the reasons why are often too small to keep you
motivated long enough to become inspired. This paragraph must emotionally
move you to keep you emotionally engaged. Here is an example paragraph
about losing weight or getting into shape:

"I am a fat-busting, stress-busting, injury defying Tri-Athlete, a man on a mission!

An example to all of what is possible with determined focus and effort! To be
ultra-fit, have completed the Iron man, run marathons and feel vibrant,

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energised and locked on. To have 10% body fat, muscular definition and strong,
stable skeletal system with a full range of motion. I only need five hours of sleep
per night and live an inspired, fulfilling life".

Now I am fighting fit I can play with my daughters' children with gusto! I will
even get to see the birth of her Grandchildren. I inspire and amaze children and
those my age and older as they realise anyone can be an athlete. Feeling so
strong, focused and unstoppable is infectious to others. It feels so empowering
to have a fantastic physique, stature, posture and strength. Now I expand my
presence more than ever before. I get to be an inspiration to others. I have
unlimited determination and power to break through all adversities, to thrive
and grow, contribute and propel others to do the same.

Compare that to stating "I want to lose 50 pounds of fat!". Can you feel the
difference? Notice also, it is stated in the present tense, not the future!

Time for this section is 2-3 minutes per goal (You can always come back, again
and again, post-workshop to improve it, for now, keep the momentum going
and get it done).

Example Overview Summary:

Goal 1: To be 12% Body Fat 1 Year

WHY? "Because I am a fat-busting, stress-busting, injury defying Tri-

Athlete, a man on a mission! An example to all of what is possible
with … etc. etc.

Goal 2: XYZ 1 year

WHY? Because now that I have achieved this, I am…..etc etc

Goal 3: “To Write my book on Empowering Women” 1 year

Why? Now that I am a published author, I …… etc. etc


Now to the next category…

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Segment 2: Step 1 - Financial Goals

In this section about money, it is impossible to separate your work, business or
company. These things are the vehicle that we use to generate revenue or
income. To achieve any goals that will increase your finance, it, therefore,
follows that you must, include goals to grow and learn so you may add more
value to others. This might lead to promotion, job change, starting a business,
growing your business, learning to invest, diversifying etc.

As I sit here writing this, I don't know your personal situation yet so it could be
you are in debt at the moment and starting from behind. Maybe you have a job
that brings you 15,000 a year. You may have a company generating 15 million
per year, either way, the process is the same. Whatever you are earning now is
not your limit. The only reason you are making what you are earning right now
is that you don't yet know how to add sufficient value to receive whatever the
next step up is for you, 20,000, 30,000 or even a million. Just a year ago, a
business woman attended my goal setting workshop and afterwards, went on
to become an executive coaching client. Within six months, she negotiated a
€1.4 million contract for her company. First time ever. I share this to let you
know it’s possible with renewed belief.

This is the section that most fall into the trap of censoring themselves based
upon their current life situation. You must avoid doing that. Your life today is the
result of your past thinking. New thinking today will bring riches beyond belief
tomorrow. So open your mind and allow yourself to dream. Now, we will
schedule those dreams and turn them into goals! Let's go!

Write down anything you want for your career, business, or financial life. What
levels of financial abundance do you want to achieve? To what position do you
wish to rise? Write now to create a list that excites you!

Time for this: 5-minutes.

Here to help you are some prompts from Peak Performance coach and author
of the bestselling book "Money-Master the Game" by Tony Robbins:

• Do you want to earn: 50,000 a year? 100,000 a year? 500,000 a year? 1

million a year? 10 million a year?
• What goals do you have for your company? Would you like to take your
company public? Would you like to become the leader in your industry?
• What do you want your net worth to be? When do you want to retire?
How much investment income would you like to have so you no longer

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have to work? By what age do you want to achieve financial

• What are your money management goals?
• Do you need to balance your budget?
• Balance your chequebook?
• Become debt-free?
• Pay all of your credit cards off?
• Start tracking your spending?
• What investments would you make?
• Would you finance a new start-up business? Set up a trust?
• Contribute to a pension plan?
• How much do you want to save toward giving your kids college education?
• How much do you want to be able to spend on travel and adventure?
• How much do you want to be able to spend on new 'toys'?
• What are your career goals?
• Would you like to become a supervisor? A manager? A CEO?
• What would you like to be known for within your profession?
• What kind of impact do you want to have?

Segment 2: Step 2 - Scheduling.

Set a timeline now for each of your career/business/financial goals. (1-minute)

Put a 1, if it's one year or less, a 2, if it's two years, a 3 if it's three years, etc.

Segment 2: Step 2 - Scheduling.

Set a timeline for each of your career/business/financial goals. (1-minute)

Put a 1, if it’s one year or less, a 2, if it’s two years, a 3 if it’s three years, etc.

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Segment 2: Step 3 - Prioritise and Emotionally Connect

As before for Personal Development, choose one to three of your most crucial
one-year finance/business/career goals and write a paragraph about why it's so
vital for you to achieve this, what it means to you, how amazing it will feel and
why you think it will feel this way.

Take two minutes to write a powerfully persuasive paragraph about why it's so
crucial for you to achieve this or these goals, what it will mean to you, how
amazing it will feel to achieve it and why you think it will feel this way. Say why
you are committed to achieving this goal within the year. Why is this compelling
for you? What will you gain by achieving it? What would you miss out on if you
didn't make it?

Example Summary:

Goal 1: Earn an extra 50K 1 Year

WHY? Now that I have this money, I invest in my children's
future and tithe X % to my Church. This means I now feel etc. etc.

Goal 2: Earn Passive income from property rental 1 year

WHY? Because now that I have achieved this, I know that I am…..etc. etc.

Goal 3: Give 20k per year to charity 1 year

Why? - The feeling I get seeing the difference this is now making is…… etc. etc.



Now to the next category…

Keep Going! You’re Doing Great!

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Segment 3: Step 1 - Things Goals

Now we can get to the real fun part. The things, toys, rewards and adventure

What are some of the things you would like to have? What are some of the
things you would like to do? Take five minutes to write down everything you
could ever want, have, do, or experience in your life.

• What kind of home or second home would you like to have or build? A
house of character? A Palazzo? A country cottage? Castle? Beach house?
• Do you want a sailboat? Private yacht? Island? A sports car? Designer
wardrobe? Helicopter? A Cessna aeroplane or Jet plane?
• Would you like to attend an opening of a West End or Broadway play?
Or better, would you like to star in a Broadway play?
• Attend a film premiere in Cannes?
• Carry the Olympic torch? Swim with the pink dolphins in the oceans of
Peru? Race camels between the pyramids of Egypt. Track with the
Sherpas in the Himalayas?
• What exotic places would you visit?
• Would you sail around the world?
• Visit Tanzania and study chimpanzees with Jane Goodall?
• Or White Lions with the fantastic Linda Tucker?
• Lounge on the sands of the French Riviera?
• Sail a yacht around the Greek Isles?
• Participate in the Dragon Festivals in China?
• Take part in a shadow dance in Bangkok?
• Scuba dive in Fiji?
• Meditate in a Buddhist monastery?
• Take a stroll through the Prado in Madrid?
• Book a ride on the next space shuttle flight?

Segment 3: Step 2 - Scheduling.

Set a timeline for each of your goals. (1-minute) Put a 1, if it’s one year or less,
a 2, if it’s two years, a 3 if it’s three years, etc.

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Segment 3: Step 3 - Prioritise and Emotionally Connect

Again, choose one to three of your most important one-year 'things' goals and
write a paragraph about why it's so crucial for you to achieve this, what it means
to you, how amazing it will feel and why you think it will feel this way.

Take two minutes to write a powerfully persuasive paragraph about why it's so
crucial for you to achieve this or these goals, what it will mean to you, how
amazing it will feel to achieve it and why you think it will feel this way.

• Why is this compelling for you?

• What will you gain by achieving it?
• What would you miss out on if you didn't make it?

There you have it. Congratulations!

You have between three to nine goals defined, prioritised and scheduled with
compelling reasons documented that you can refer to often, to help maintain
focus and drive. In addition to the above, if you didn't already do so, I would
strongly urge you to include how you might wish to contribute your time and/or
money to others.

Contribution is a vital human need, for you as well as to those you contribute to.
Whether it is your family, friends, your church, community or charities, find a
way to give, share and support others.

Now, just imagine how life will feel when you have most or all of these goals
achieved! (Reflect upon that for a moment or more than a moment!)

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Additional Strategies

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Get Momentum:

During the live goal-setting workshops, I have participants go through an extra

step at this stage. We go through and identify the very first step for each goal.

So for example, if your goal was to acquire a new vehicle, right now we would
call the dealer and arrange a test-drive of that vehicle. A new home? We would
arrange a viewing in a house that is the same or similar. Or you could arrange to
get brochures, costings, details. Once you take steps like this, what was once a
concept in your head, is now written on paper and then taking action makes it
tangible and real. I can bet that almost immediately, a voice in your head will
have put an objection in the way about the feelings of the car sales executive or
estate agent! What are you going to do about that? Give up on your dream or
take action anyway? Just tell them the truth, I'm not in a buying position right
now, but I expect to be very soon. I'd like to start building a relationship, so we
are ready to go when I am. Is that ok with you? Are they going to say no?

Vision Board

Another process I would encourage you to do is to create a vision board. The

caveat here is that you use it properly.

Find or create images, drawings and pictures that represent the things and
lifestyle you have identified as your goals. Spend a few moments every day
visualising each image and teach yourself to get grateful as if you already have
them. Feel what that feels like. This is critical and key. Do not just have the
images there on the wall that you walk past every day without engaging the
feelings of having gratefully already received them.

It is well proven that "what the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve".
The key thing here is that you think more in terms of becoming the person that
attracts these things rather than the same old-you going to get them. To the
extent you become grateful for already having them, the more you will increase
your belief in your potential and possibilities to attract them.

Quantum Physics tells us that our thoughts have a frequency and repeated
thoughts of thanks, even for the things as yet unseen, will attract people and
events to us that will lead to their eventual acquisition and achievement. Your
only job is to have faith and feel it, expect it and accept it is on the way.

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“Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty
of what we do not see”. -Hebrews 11:1

"Call forth those things that are not, as though they were".

Think of it this way. When you buy from 'Amazon’, once you click and place your
order, you expect your delivery to arrive. There is no need to re-order it every
day. You get a feeling of certainty that it is coming. How you feel about your
goals and vision for yourself should be the same.

A Morning Routine

Periodically, over the years, and consistently for the past year, I have had a
'morning routine' that begins at four a.m. Don't freak out, I not asking you to
suddenly join me at the running track at four a.m. but what I would encourage
you to consider is gradually winding your get-up time backwards towards six, at
least - then maybe towards five am.

Before I continue, I am not going to falsely state that waking-up early will make
you more productive and successful—there's no difference in socioeconomic
standing between early risers and night owls. But what will make you more
productive and successful, is becoming consciously deliberate about how you
choose to live and work—including what you eat, your exercise AND your wake-
up routine.

Whenever I discuss this matter with a late-riser or a so-called night owl, I often
hear the same thing; "I'm an 'XYZ' type of person". My answer is always the same
too. You are the person that you choose to be. What I mean is that we are all
who we are because of our choices. Our brain is 'wired' by our repetitive
thoughts and habits to be that way. Choosing to get out of bed earlier and
maintaining it over time, re-wired my brain to be this way.

I too was once not the, quote, 'kind of person' to get of bed until after six or
seven, but, having researched key-success strategies of the most successful
people, one thing they had in common was an early start.

So, I decided to do the same. I gradually got up earlier and earlier until I rewired
my brain to become a new type of person. Now, if I am still in bed at 6 a.m. I feel

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like I missed out on the best and optimum part of my day. I don't like how that
feels at all.

The morning routine includes exercise, gym or running track, meditative prayer
and visualisation, I feel gratitude for "what is-as is" and have appreciation for
the desires of my heart in the future, which I do by imagining they have already
been achieved.

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that
you have received it and it will be yours". Mark 11:24
(note the past tense).

I also have a robust bedtime process which I share on the live events. In
summary here, I ‘book-end’ my days.

| ‘Me-time’ | My Day | ‘Me-Time’ |

During ‘me-time’, my phone is off. As a general rule and guiding principle, you
won’t get me on a phone from around 9:30 pm to 9 am or even later
sometimes. Periodically, I even have a whole, blissful weekend with all
electronics switched off!

Incidentally, I mentioned habits of the successful, they also include:

• Reading - every day,

• Investing, They take calculated risks, exercise delayed gratification,
• Make sacrifices in favour of their goals and dreams,
• Self-improvement is a habit,
• Network,
• Exercise consistently,
• Daily meditation to think about goals or reflect on emotions, relax.

Something to think about.

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If you look at your life and take an honest look, ask yourself what thoughts, what
beliefs, what habits and patterns got you to where you are today?

A disciplined mind leads to happiness,

and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering.
- Dalai Lama XIV

Everyone knows how to do a better job in any given area of their life than they
are doing presently, but "know-how" is not the problem. The problem is we are
not doing what we know how to do!

Jim Rohn says "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments" and
from my experience, this is bang on! One area I used to really suck at was getting
up in the morning. Now, as mentioned earlier, my day starts at 4 a.m. I have
more space in my thinking, more time in my day because I have the discipline to
get up in the morning before others do. This results in more daily actions and
better results.

Do I always feel like it? No!

Do I always feel like going to the gym or for a run? No!
But I do it anyway… well, most of the time!

The most crucial variable in behavioural change is pushing yourself to behave

differently than the way you feel. Now, there's going to be good days there's
going to be bad days, but you have got to embrace it because that discomfort is
what makes you stronger.

Success is not made only on the day the sun shines! Success is also built on the
dark, stormy, cloudy days too. If you can't absorb failure now, you're never going
to meet success tomorrow. Someone said "It is not the smartest people that
achieve success. It's the people that procrastinate less and make fewer excuses
as they take steps every day towards the goals that they want to achieve".

So how do we handle the days when we just don't feel like it? This is where
knowing your 'why' comes in. 'WHY' you want or need a particular goal is critical.
It is, for this reason, I asked you to get emotionally attached to your goals in part
two. If you skipped that, you MUST go back and do it.

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Being emotionally connected to the reason 'WHY' you want to be, for example,
fitter and healthier, 'WHY' you want more money, 'WHY' you want a better job
- really matters. Absolute clarity as to your 'WHY' will make the difference
between ongoing success and quitting. No goal ever failed because the goal was
too big, it they fail because the why was too small. (See what I did there?)

You must start building your 'do it now' muscle. Begin to notice those things
that you almost instinctively want to avoid or put off and say to yourself "NO! -
I’m a DO IT NOW Person'!

Start small with something like, commit to making your bed the moment you
get out of it! You'll be amazed by the psychological difference this makes. Do
your dishes immediately after dinner instead of leaving them until later, or
worse tomorrow.

“Discipline is choosing between what you want now

and what you want most.”- Abraham Lincoln

Apply your new standard of living for thirty days or more, and you will find the
new behaviour is becoming automatic, just like brushing your teeth! Wait a
minute; you do brush your teeth every day, right?

Having a positive start to the morning is vital too. I have a routine that starts at
4 a.m. every day, and it includes, visualisation, gratitude and exercise.

As a treat, I am sharing a motivational video with you. You can watch it

here: http://www.paulbellard.com/discipline/

There are thousands of similar videos on YouTube. Collate a few, put them in a
playlist and watch them each morning instead of scrolling Facebook, watching
or listening to the bad news or reading the snooze-papers!

Later, I watch inspirational material and listen to music that inspires me. Finally,
I learn something by reading one or more of my books. I read four to five books
per month. As a professional speaker, I aim to memorise two new quotes per

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In summary, nothing will change in your life until you do. Discipline is where it
starts. People mock me because of all of my "rules". But these are not rules at
all; they are my' guiding principles', the keys to my freedom and a better quality
of life.


You might think it strange to have the subject of forgiveness in a goals book.
I will explain why and before I do, I want to acknowledge upfront that I realise
for some readers, what follows may appear crass, insensitive and worse, it may
even seem that I am letting offenders off lightly, maybe also taking their side but
I promise you, I care deeply about people, all people.

As a former police officer, I witnessed the worst of humanity. I naturally want

justice to be served and offenders punished for their behaviours but not be
condemned as human beings. I was involved in the in the investigation into an
infamous case of two young boys adducting and murdering a toddler, for
example. Enough of that story here, but I mention it only to candidly explain, I
am not naïve to the worldly events and what some readers may have
experienced in their lives.

“The act of forgiveness takes place in our own mind.

It really has nothing to do with the other person.”

-Louise Hay

That said, I choose not to give perpetrators and offenders any of my power and
energy. After leaving the police force, I by conscious choice, I decided to trust
humanity again. It took me over two years to achieve it.

If you are female reading this, and have been in any way, assaulted or harmed
by a male, then as a man, I wish to apologise to you on behalf of all of the real
men in this world that respect, love and hold dear all of the gifts that you bring
into this world.

I shall begin.

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The subject of forgiveness is so essential to your health and wellbeing; it appears

in many great pieces of work across a broad spectrum of genres created by many
great names.

Vishen Lakhiani, founder of ‘Mindvalley’, features forgiveness in his essential

work “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind”. Therein, he discusses what he calls
“Blissipline” - a system for mastering happiness in the now and feeling genuinely
joyous. He says that to liberate yourself and truly forgive you must let go of
grudges and anger because doing so, is the single most powerful conduit to a
relaxed, powerful state of mind.

Ekhart Tolle wrote: “It seems that most people need to experience a great deal
of suffering before they will relinquish resistance and accept — before they will
forgive. Through forgiveness, which essentially means recognising the
insubstantiality of the past and allowing the present moment to be as it is, the
miracle of transformation happens not only within but also without. A silent
space of intense presence arises both in you and around you”.

Tony Robbins says that “the difference between those who are able to move on
and prosper in future and those who get mired down is forgiveness. Forgiveness
allows us to stow that baggage where it belongs. After all, how can you ever
start out on a new adventure without unpacking your bags from the one

“To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return,

you will receive untold peace and happiness.”
- Robert Muller

Forgiveness occurs when we, not only let someone off the hook for something
but more importantly, decide that there was no reason for them to be on the
hook in the first place. Read that again; it is very profound and very important.

It doesn’t mean we have to ‘forget’, just as long as you are wise enough to use
your past as a library; a place of reference but not a place to live.

Forgiveness is when you give up your permission to use what they did as an
excuse for your own behaviours, responses, limitations and failures.

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When you hold on to hurts, you create a ‘structure of knowing’ called a

‘characterisation’, which becomes a mental ‘structure’ or ‘story’ that contains
all of the things they did, all of the times they did it, all your judgements about
them, all the things that you know about the way you think they were or are.

These characterisations use up a large proportion of energy to remain alive and

fuel your hurts, anger, sorrow, and so on. Over a prolonged period, almost ALL
of your energy will be tied up in keeping those characterisations alive instead of
allowing you to use your energy for more empowering pursuits elsewhere; such
as your goals.

Why is this important? Because having read this book, you will be aiming for
success over the next six-twelve months. Everything you are seeking involves
‘energy’ of one kind or another. Love is an energy, money is an energy, non-
forgiveness is energy too, but you need all of the energy you can muster to focus
forward and on the now - not backwards.

When we develop a characterisation about a person, we ascribe to them a

reason why we are not successful, not wealthy, not in a relationship, not happy.
But, when we forgive, we systematically dismantle our mental structure about
them and how they hurt or injured us in whatever way they did, and we release
ourselves to be free of it all. The other party may never even know you forgave
them, but the reward is that you become free of both them and what they did.

I could write a whole book on this subject, and indeed, I go into depth, including
a ‘letting go’ process in my talks. For now, though, I wanted to alert you to the
need to forgive.

Therefore, if you are willing to do it, its homework time. What follows is a
forgiveness process. Because I read so much, I can no longer remember from
whom I learned this, but it is one of many that I used and the one I come back
to time and again. I wish I could give the attribution and credit, but I simply don’t
know. If you do know, feel free to tell me I will happily append it.

“True forgiveness is when you can say,

“Thank you for that experience.”
- Oprah Winfrey

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You will need some quiet time, pieces of paper, one for each person to be
forgiven, and something with which to write. This process might be
uncomfortable to do, but it is essential to letting go and moving forward towards
your dreams and goals.

Choose someone that you are ready to forgive. I suggest you choose one that is
easier to forgive. My experience tells me that offenders then parental figures
are often the hardest so best to leave those until you have had practice on the
more minor hurts, for example, friends or colleagues.

Whomever you choose, choose someone about whom you are in touch with all
of your feelings about them, someone for whom you have a full and vivid

Now, take a piece of paper and draw on it an oval or circle that fills the entire
sheet and put the person’s name at the top of the circle. Fill the circle with all of
your judgments and characterisations about that person. What are their flaws,
issues, attitudes that bother you? Be unmerciful, be picky and go to town on
them. I know it sounds harsh, but if these thoughts are occurring, they are inside
of you and need to come out. Keep writing until you can’t write anymore.

Take a moment now to realise what a significant step you have just taken in the
process of forgiveness. Re-read what you wrote and check that you got
everything you can think of out and onto this paper. When you are happy that
you have written everything down, now write the following words…’ and
everything else’. This statement is to take account of the chatter-box if it later
thinks of something to complain about.

Now, in a quiet room, have your sheet of paper on your lap beneath your hands.
Imagine there is an empty chair in front of you, see the named person enter and
sit on that chair. Take a deep breath and answer these three questions:

1. Are you willing to let go and forgive this person for all of those things on
your piece paper? Yes, or no? Answer silently in your heart.

2. Are you willing to forgive this person absolutely? Meaning - can you now
stop telling yourself and others the stories you have been replaying over
the weeks, months or years about them and the effect they had upon
you? Yes, or no?

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(This means that in the future if you catch your mind replaying a story
about this person, you must interrupt it and remind yourself that you have
already forgiven these things and they are gone).

3. Ask yourself “Am I willing to forgive this person unconditionally? Yes, or

no? Assuming you have three ‘yes’ responses, let’s continue.

There might be some things you want to say to this person as they sit on the
chair. Allow yourself to say those things right now. Don’t hold back. Speak what
is in your heart.

All done?

Next, is there something you think they might want to say to you? Let your
imagination tell you what they want to say.

Finally, it is time for the person to leave. Imagine them now standing up, saying
goodbye and walking away. Allow your mind and heart to create this moment.
What is happening? Are you smiling? Did they look back and say thank you? Or
wave goodbye? How are you feeling now?

Finally, take that piece of paper and rip it up or as I do, I like to burn them
ceremonially. It acts as a final release and letting go. That completes the process.

With all of my heart, I encourage you to do this process either alone or come to
an event, and we shall do it together. Yes, it is personal but no one has ever
brought an issue to me that could not be forgiven. We ALL have people to
forgive. I’ll share mine with you as an example of what’s possible with the power
of love, willingness and forgiveness.

If this chapter has caused you any discomfort that you are struggling with, email
your phone number to me with a time to call you and discuss it briefly. One thing
I love is live and quick interventions during events to demonstrate the personal
power we all have. I am committed to your success, and as one of my favourite
quotes says:

“Inveniam viam aut faciam”

That’s Latin for

"I shall either find a way or make one."- Hannibal

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It is almost two decades since I first set just one goal to get back into shape. Goal
setting and reading transformed my life in every way imaginable. I still read four
to five books per month! I remain hungry.

As I write this book, I am sitting in a penthouse suite in my home on a

Mediterranean island looking out of my open office doors at blue skies, blue
seas and a panoramic view of the countryside. In my fifties, I am as fit and
healthily, if not more so, with more energy than I had in my thirties; and back
then, I was an active riot-tactics and unarmed defensive combat instructor for
Merseyside police. Now, I get to do what I love, and I love what I do. I didn't
know this was possible, especially for me, a shy young boy who left school with
no meaningful qualifications.

Now, I wish every success for you too! You have before you, a strategy that is
proven to work. It is up to you now to take the first of many steps on your
journey ahead. I am with you every step of the way. All I ask of you is that you
“Dare to Dream and Fly High”!

Be Blessed, Be Courageous, Be Successful.

Paul Bellard

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About the Author

Paul was a police detective when an accident shunted him,

literally, along a road and onto a new heading in life - The
'shunt' ultimately left Paul:

• Off sick with debilitating back injuries for a year

• Unable to walk for four months
• Needing four years of rehabilitation on restricted duties
• Experts said that he would 'never walk properly again.'

Ultimately, having been diagnosed with a spinal condition that a top spinal
surgeon said would leave him unable to "ever walk properly again", he was
medically retired from the job he loved. This was a profoundly challenging time
for Paul, emotionally, financially, physically and spiritually. At around the same
time, his marriage broke up, and he moved into a converted police cell used to
house homeless police officers, a place in which he found 'loneliness and
despair' as he describes in one of his talks. However, there also, he found within
himself what he needed to rebuild his life from scratch!

This was the beginning of a long journey of deep philosophical introspection and
profound personal development. With no formal educational qualifications,
Paul set about healing, training and educating himself using the free books
in Liverpool City Library. This led to a six-figure revenue-generating,
international business management consultancy, specializing in 'International
Business Management' standards which organically grew to include 'Executive
Coaching & Professional Inspirational Speaking / Training'.

To date, Paul has conducted corporate training, coaching & professional

speaking in over eighty cities in nearly thirty countries around the world,
including the Middle East, USA, most of Europe.

As a hobby and to conquer personal fears, Paul qualified as a private pilot and
has a metaphor that was directly sparked by his newly found passion for flying.

'We can all fly high in life if we want to. It is a choice. If you're going to change
your altitude in life, you must change your attitude. Like airplanes, we are not
meant to sit in the 'hangar' of life, all safe. We are born with a purpose, a God-
given purpose to soar high in the sky no matter what. We have to get clear of
the clouds, navigate the winds and travel on through the turbulence of life'
becoming stronger and more capable as we do so.

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Paul still refuses to be an ‘expert’ but is a dedicated life-long learner and

specialist in, and offers training and talks on, the following subjects:

Corporate Training:

• Quantum Leadership - Know Thyself! - Emotional Intelligence in

Effective Leadership

• Communication Skills - Clear, Concise, Corporate Communications

• Time Management / Planning Skills - Save One hour per day

• Customer Service Excellence - How to connect-in-service and create

‘raving-fan’ loyal customers that will refer you.

Keynote Talks:

• WARRIOR of Change.
How to embrace change: those you plan for and those you do not!

• Dare to Dream - Flying High - How to adapt and adopt new attitudes to
achieve new altitudes in life, business and career.

For details of the next live goal setting workshop is visit:


Follow us on Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bellard.liveyourlife/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbellard/

For information about our corporate training or keynote

address, check out our website:

or email: support@paulbellard.com

Copyright © Paul Bellard 2019. Published by PB Inspired.

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