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Corporate Governance and Regulatory


Trimester 1, 2018
Assessment Information Assessment 1
Assessment 1: Group Class Presentation
Assessment Total Marks 20 marks
Group Class Presentation
Due in class time during Week 7

Assessment Description

Students will be required to present an overview of their Research Essay to the class prior to the
submission of their essay. This will carry 20% of the total mark and will be done in class during Week
7. This presentation is intended to allow students to develop their research essays, learn from each
other and to provide feedback on others’ learning. The presentation will be approximately 10 minutes
in length. The principal criteria for the presentation will be:

• Identification of the research question (4 marks),

• Basic literature review (4 marks),
• Clarity, persuasiveness and relevance of the main arguments (4 marks) and
• Effectiveness of oral communication to the class (8 marks)

Potential essay topics should be discussed and agreed with the lecturer.

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