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Mark the sentences with 'A' if it expresses asking for advice, 'G' if it expresses
giving advice, and 'N' if it expresses none of them.
No. Sentences Expressions
1 What should 1 do?
2 You should see a doctor.
3 I'd like to thank you all sincerely.
4 You had better quit smoking.
5 What you need Is a nice long holiday.
6 Do you want to go bowling on Sunday?
7 Can 1 ask for your advice about my laptop?
8 If 1 were you, I'd wait until tomorrow.
9 What do you advise me to do?
10 What would you do if you were in my situation?
11 Have you tried another technique?
12 What ought 1 to do?
13 You never listen to me, do you?
14 Should 1 take the new job?
15 1 feel that you work too hard.
B. Match the questions with the replies.
Questions Replies
1. I have a terrible cough. What should 1 do? a. Why don't you take a break and have a
two-day vacation?
2. We are going to install a wire system in this b. I think you should call your parents.
apartment. What do you think we should do?
3. 1 didn't pass the driving test. What would you c. Of course you need to go to a doctor.
do if you were me? But first, you should stop smoking.
4. My job is very stressful and tiring. Can you d. You had better consume more fruit
give me advice? and less carbohydrates.
5. I feel homesick. What do you suggest? e. If I were you, I would take a driving
course before retaking the test.
6. I need to lose weight. Can you give me advice? f. We must wear the necessary safety
7. Can I ask for your advice about something? I'm g. What you ought to do is write a letter
really worried about my health. and explain the situation.
8. What ought 1 to do? 1 desperately need to take h. Your only option is writing the report
my mother to a hospital in Jakarta. now. Make sure that you have all the
9. So that's the problem. What do you advise me i. I feel that you are working too hard.
to do?
10. Do you think that 1 should report the incident j. I don't know what to advise, I'm
immediately? afraid.

C. Mark the sentences with 'M' if it expresses making an offer, 'A' if it expresses
accepting an offer, and 'R' if it expresses refusing an offer.
No. Sentences Expressions
1 Can 1 get you some water?
2 Yes, please.
3 I'd like to, but I'm busy.
4 Would you like me to help you?
5 Thanks. A glass of mineral water, please.
No. Sentences Expressions
6 Are you up for meeting for lunch this week?
7 Do you want a piece of cake?
8 That's very kind of you. Thank you.
9 That's very kind of you, but I'm afraid 1 can't stay long.
10 Do you need a hand?
11 That sounds great.
12 You bet!
13 No, thank you.
14 Shall I get you some paper?
15 I'll do the printing, if you like.
D. Match the offers with the responses.
Offers Responses
a. Can 1 assist you? 1. Yes, please. That would be.very kind of
b. Can 1 help you? You seem to be looking 2. If you wouldn't mind. It's very hot here.
for someone.
c. Shall 1 open the window for you? 3. No thanks, I'm just looking.
d. Would you like another coffee? 4. It's OK, I can copy the files by myself.
e. Would you like me to ask the customer 5. Yes, please. I feel so sleepy.
f. Would you like me to answer the phone? 6. Yes please. I'd like to know what time the
train leaves.
g. I'll do thephotocopying, if you like. 7. No, thank you. I can answer that.

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