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6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

1 When the products of rock weathering are not transported as sediments but remains in [ Marks:-
place the soil is known as 1]
Alluvial soil
Glacial soil
Residual soil
Aeolian soil
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
2 Identify the true statements from the following: [ Marks:- 1]
A soil transported by gravitational force is called talus
Lateritic soil is a category of organic soil
Water held firmly to the clay particles has the same properties as ordinary water
A clay deposit which exhibits no evidence of fissuring is described as intact
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- 1
Explain :- NA
3~ [ Marks:-
MatchList – I with List – II and select the correct answer using th e codes givenbelow the

List – I List – II

(Soil Deposit) (Soil Name)

A. Gravity 1. Stratified drift

B. Lake 2. Talus

C. Glacier 3. Loess

D. Wind 4. Lacustrine

A 1, B 3, C 2, D 4
A 2, B 4, C 1, D 3
A 3, B 4, C 1, D 2
A 4, B 3, C 2, D 1
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA
4 Bentonite is a material obtained due to the weathering of [ Marks:- 1]
Quartzite 1/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

Volcanic ash
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
5 MatchList – I (Types of soil) with List – II (Features) and select the correctanswer using the [
codes given below the lists: Marks:-
List – I List – II
A. Lacustrine 1. Transported by wind

B. Alluvial 2. Transported by running water

C. Aeolian 3. Deposited at the bottom of lakes

D. Marine 4. Deposited in sea water


A 1, B 4, C 3, D 2
A 3, B 2, C 1, D 4
A 3, B 4, C 1, D 2
A 1, B 2, C 3, D 4
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA
6 The relationship between water content (w% and number of blows (N) in soils, as obtained [
from Casagrande’s liquid limit device, is given by w = 20 – log10N The liquid limit of soil is: Marks:-
Correct Answer :- 4
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA
7 Which one of the following gives the correct decreasing order of the densities of a soil [ Marks:-
sample? 1]
Saturated, submerged, wet dry
Saturated, wet, submerged, dry
Saturated, wet, dry, submerged
Wet, saturated, submerged, dry
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- 3 2/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

Explain :- NA
8 Which one of the following correctly defines the term ‘Activity’ of clays? [ Marks:- 1]
(Plastic index)/(Percentage of clay)
(Plastic limit)/(Liquidity index)
(Unconfined compression strength)/Cohesion
(Unconfined compression strength of remoulded sample)/(Unconfined compression strength of
undisturbed sample)
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- 1
Explain :- NA
9 The difference between maximum voids and minimum void ratio of a sand smaple is 0.30. If [
the relative density of this sample is 66.6% at a void ratio of 0.40, then the void ratio of this Marks:-
sample at its loosest state will be: 1]
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
10 A soil sample has natural moisture content ‘w’, void ratio ‘e’ and specific gravity of soils [
solids ‘Gs’. The bulk unit weight of soil ‘g’ is given by (‘gw’ is unit weight of water). Marks:-
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
11 MatchList – I with List –II and select the correct answer using the codes givenbelow the [
lists: (Notations have their usual meaning). Marks:-
List – I List – II
A. Fine grained soil with wL = 60, IP = 20, wS = 8 1. Expansive CH soil

B. Fine grained soil with wL = 60, IP = 30, ws = 8 2. Non – expansive SC soil

3. Expansive OH soil
C. Fine grained soil with wL = 30, IP £ 4, ws = 20
4. Non expansive ML soil
D. Coarse grained sand with wL = 40, IP = 15, ws = 20

A 1, B 3, C 4, D 2 3/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

A 1, B 3, C 2, D 4
A 3, B 1, C 2, D 4
A 3, B 1, C 4, D 2
Correct Answer :- 4
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
12 Soil samples A and B have void ratios of 0.5 and 0.7 respectively. If 1.5m3 of soil sample A [
and 1.7m3 of soil sample B are mixed to form sample C having a volume of 3.2m3, which one 1]
of the following correctly represents the porosity of sample C?
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
13 In Casagrande’s liquid limit device, the material of the test specimen is harder than the [
standard rubber. This hardness indicates that the liquid limit, plasticity index, flow index Marks:-
and toughness index, respectively, of the specimen are: 1]
More, less, more and same
Same, less, same and more
Less, less, same and less
Less, same, less and more
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
14 Which one of the following is the water content of the mixed soil made from 1kg of soil (say [
A) with water content of 100% and 1kg of soil (say B) with water content of 50%? Marks:-
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
15 Given for the sample of river sand [ Marks:-
Void ratio at the densest sate = 0.40 1]
Void ratio at the loosest state = 1.20
Which one of the following correctly represents the relative density of sample prepared
with a void ratio of 1.0?
12.5% 4/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
16 Consider the following statements: [
i) Coarse – grained soil having fines (< 75m in size) between 5% and 15% have a dual symbol Marks:-
according to IS code for soil classification. 1]
ii) At liquid limit, all soils have the same shearing strength
iii) Lower the shrinkage limit, greater is the volume change in a soil with change in water
content. Which of these statements are correct?
i and ii
i and iii
ii and iii
i, ii and iii
Correct Answer :- 4
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
17 MatchList – I (Range of particle size) with List – II (Type of soils) and select thecorrect [
answer using the codes given below the lists: Marks:-
List – I List – II
A. Less than 0.002 1. Gravel

B. 0.075mm to 0.002 2. Sand

C. 80mm to 4.75mm 3. Silt

D. 4.75mm to 0.075mm 4. Clay


A 4, B 2, C 1, D 3
A 4, B 3, C 2, D 1
A 4, B 3, C 1, D 2
A 2, B 4, C 3, D 1
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA
18 Consider the following steps: [ Marks:- 1]
1)Driving sheet piles surrounding a vibration – receiving structure
2)Digging a trench around a source of vibration
3)Placing rubber mounting between a machine causing vibration and its base.
Active isolation of vibration can be achieved by: 5/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

1 and 2
1 and 3
2 and 3
3 alone
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
19 For distinguishing clays from slits in the field, a moist soil is rolled into a thread of 3mm [
diameter. This test will indicate the Marks:-
Dry strength
Wet and manipulated strength
Correct Answer :- 4
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
20 Which one of the following is most active clay material? [ Marks:- 1]
Na – Illite
Na – kaolinite
Na – montmorillonite
Ca – montmorillonite
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
21 An arrangement of soil particles having a comparatively loose stable structure is [ Marks:- 1]
Single grained
Honey comb
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- 4
Explain :- NA
22 The single grained structure is characteristics of [ Marks:- 1]
Fine grained soil
Coarse grained soil
Composite soil
All of these
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- 1
Explain :- NA 6/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

23 The skeleton and matrix structure represents [ Marks:- 1]

Composite soil
Fine grained soil
Both composite and fine grained soil
None of these
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
24 The particles are arranged edge to edge or edge to race in [ Marks:- 1]
Honey comb structure
Flocculent structure
Dispersed structure
Single grained structure
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
25 The atoms in the water molecule held together by a [ Marks:- 1]
Hetropolar bond
Ionic bond
Coordinate bond
Metallic bond
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA
26 The structure having high void ratio and is capable of carrying relatively heavy loads [
without excessive volume change is Marks:-
Flocculent structure
Honey comb structure
Dispersed structure
None of the above
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA
27 The structure formed when the net electrical force between adjacent soil particles at the [
time of deposition are repulsive is Marks:-
Honey comb
Single grained 7/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA
28 In a single grained structure the major force causing their deposition is [ Marks:- 1]
Electrostatic force of attraction
Electrostatic forces of repulsion
Gravitational force
Surface forces
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
29 An arrangements in which a particle to particle contact of coarse fraction is not possible [ Marks:- 1]
Cohesive matrix
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
30 Soils exhibit high shrinkage and swelling characteristic depending upon the nature of [
exchangeable cation presents is Marks:-
None of these
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA
31 Curve B shows the typical compaction curve of a soil in the Proctor test. Dotted curve A is [
shown superimposed on the same graph. Which one of the following expressions corresponds Marks:-
to the ordinate axis of curve A? 1]

Zero air voids

Wet density
Penetration resistance of Proctor needle 8/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

95% saturation
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
32 At what value of saturation does the zero air voids curve in a compaction test represents [ Marks:-
the dry density? 1]
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
33 Which one of the following is the correct statement? [ Marks:- 1]
Organic soil
Sands and gravels
Clayey slits
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
34 Why are sheep foot rollers more effective in compacting clayey soils? [ Marks:- 1]
There is differential expulsion water under the roller
Contact pressure is high
Roller speed is high
Drum width is large
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA
35 The results (curves A, B, C and D) of four compaction tests on different soils are shown in [ Marks:-
the graph: 1]

1.Silty sand, modified test

2.Silty sand, standard test
3.Fat clay, modified test
4.Fat clay, standard test
Curves A, B, C and D correspond respectively to tests:
1, 3, 2 and 4 9/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

1, 2, 3 and 4
2, 1, 3 and 4
2, 1, 4 and 3
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
36 Given below are methods of compaction: [ Marks:- 1]
1.Vibration technique
2.Flooding the soil
3.Sheep’s foot roller
4.Tandem roller
5.Heavy weights dropped from a height
The methods suitable for cohesion less soils include:
1, 2 and 3
2, 3 and 4
1, 2 and 5
3, 4 and 5
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
37 MatchList – I (Type of soils) List – II (Compaction parameters) and select thecorrect answer [
using the codes given below the lists: Marks:-
List – I List – II
A. Sand 1. OMC = 18%, gdry max = 17kN/m3
B. Sandy clay
2. OMC = 14%, gdry max =
C. Silty clay 18.9kN/m3

D. Heavy clay 3. OMC = 15%, gdry max =


4. OMC = 10%, gdry max =



A 2, B 4, C 3, D 1
A 2, B 4, C 1, D 3
A 4, B 2, C 3, D 1
A 4, B 2, C 1, D 3
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA 10/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

38 Consider the following statements regarding the flow rate: [

1.Flow lines and equipotential lines always intersect one another at right angles irrespective Marks:-
of the permeability characteristics. 1]
2.For an isotropic soil, the spacing of lines is inversely proportional to the hydraulic gradient.
3.For an anisotropic soil having greater horizontal coefficient of permeability, a flow net of
approximate squares can be constructed by reducing the vertical dimensions of the flow
domain to a certain scale.
4.For an isotropic soil having greater horizontal coefficient of permeability, a flow net of
approximate squares can be constructed by reducing the vertical dimension of the flow
domain to a certain scale.
Which of these statements are correct?
2, 3 and 4
2 and 3
1, 2 and 4
1 and 3
Correct Answer :- 4
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
39 A clear dry sand sample is tested in a direct shear test. The normal stress and the shear stress [
at failure are both equal to 120kN/m2. The angle of shearing resistance of the sand will be: Marks:-
Correct Answer :- 3
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
40 MatchList - I with List – II and select thecorrect answer using the codes given below the [ Marks:-
lists: 1]

List – I List – II
A. Optimum moisture content 1. Compaction of cohesive soil

B. Vibratory rollers 2. Compaction of granular soil

C. Zero air void line 3. Maximum dry density

4. Relative density

5. 100% saturation


A 4, B 1, C 3
A 3, B 2, C 5 11/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

A 4, B 1, C 5
A 3, B 2, C 4
Correct Answer :- 2
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA
41 In a permeability test conducted on a soil with e = 0.50, the discharge velocity was found to [
be 2.4 x 10-1cm/s. The seepage velocity is: Marks:-
7.2 X 10-1cm/s
4.8 X 10-1cm/s
3.6 X 10-1cm/s
1.6 X 10-1cm/s
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
42 Two different granular soils are placed in a permeameter tube and flow is allowed to take [
place under a constant total head. The total head and pressure heat at point A in centimeters, Marks:-
are respectively: 1]

75, 75
25, 75
25, 25
75, 25
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
43 Consider the following factors pertaining to flow through soil: [ Marks:- 1]
1.Hydraulic gradient
2.Grain size
3.Void ratio
4.Cross sectional area of the sample
Of these the factors affecting permeability include:
1 and 4
2 and 3
1, 2 and 3
2, 3 and 4
Correct Answer :- 2 12/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

Your Answer :- 3
Explain :- NA
44 A sample of clay and a sample of sand have the same specific gravity and void ratio. Their [
permeabilities would differ because: Marks:-
Their porosities would be different
Their degrees of saturation would be different
Their densities would be different
The size ranges of their void would be different
Correct Answer :- 4
Your Answer :- 4
Explain :- NA
45 The water table at a location is at the ground surface and the saturated unit weight of the soil [
is 20 kN/m2. It due to heavy precipitation, the water level rises to 2m above the ground level, Marks:-
the increase in the vertical effective stress at a point 2m below the ground surface will be 1]

Correct Answer :- 4
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
46 Consider the following statements regarding the principal of effective stress. [ Marks:- 1]
1. Contact stress between soil grain is called the effective stress
2. It is not possible to physically measure the effective stress
3. The equa on s` = s -u is not strictly applicable to a partially saturated soil.
Which of these statements are correct?
2 and 3
1 and 2
1 and 3
1, 2 and 3
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
47 The capillary rise ‘hc’ in a pipe of diameter ‘d’ shown in the given figure is: [ Marks:- 1]

4TS/(gwd) 13/14
6/8/2019 AOEC-Online Test

Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
48 In a soil deposit of three layers of equal thickness, the permeabilities of first, second and [
third layers are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. The ratio of average permeability in horizontal Marks:-
direction (Kh) to that in the vertical direction (K) will be: 1]
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
49 A discharge ‘Q’ is occurring through a soil sample of length ‘L’ under a head ‘H’. When the [
head is doubled and length is reduced to half, the discharge will become Marks:-
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- NA
Explain :- NA
50 Consider the following statements: [ Marks:- 1]
Capillary water in soils
1.Causes negative pore water pressure
2.Reduces effective pressure
3.Increases bearing capacity
4.Reduces bearing capacity
Which of the statements given above are correct?
1 and 3
1 and 4
2 and 3
2 and 4
Correct Answer :- 1
Your Answer :- 2
Explain :- NA 14/14

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