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NGUYEN NHU QUYNH – 1910 IBM – HAN19080173

1) What is good academic conduct and why is it important for you to develop and maintain?

According to lecture from BUV (2019), good academic conduct is :

“Your work is your own; you have acknowledged every source of information you have used; your
research has been done ethically.”

Good academic conduct is not only improves your own skills and knowledge, but also demonstrates
your learning, give you chance to achieve valuable rewards or promotion.

2) What do you think are some examples of 'poor academic conduct' based on the definition
provided by Staffordshire University?

Staffordshire University has a strict rule about evaluate behavior during learning process and
examination. We have to be upfront and clear in every case, especially in doing assignment.
Although it is difficult, but it will create for us a professional style in working and integrity attitude.

I do not worry too much about it, I believe Staffordshire University has a high property judgment, so
as long as I compliance with rules, I will not be a poor academic conduct student.

3) What's the difference between poor academic practise and poor academic conduct?

Poor academic practice means you are accidentally failed in proving your learning (not cite your
references exactly) while poor academic conduct means you are intentionally cheat in exams.

4) What role does Turnitin have in the academic misconduct procedure?

Turnitin is similar with a robot judger, it evaluates our grades and assignments, finds every single
wrong, help us to limit mistakes as much as possible, direct us to right way, etc. Therefore, we will
not have academic misconduct due to some small false. Turnitin is a beneficial and critical tools in

5) What defines an instance as a 'serious instance' and what are the possible ramifications?

Serious instance means you have intentionally cheated for the second or third time, regardless of all
warnings. This disrespect must be responded by some ramifications such as confiscation of prizes,
degree cancelation or the most draconic one, your studies termination.

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