Organizational Behaviour

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Individual Assignment



Sub Group No.:

Course : Organizational Behavior

Instructor :

Term : July – September 2019


I am fully aware of the content under plagiarism stated in the Student Handbook, and I hereby
declare and affirm that I have strictly observed the law relating to intellectual property,
copyright and plagiarism in this exercise (Student Handbook, 2018).


Date: 18th August 2019

Chapter 1


The Self-Assessment Library (SAL) is basically a tool that provides insights into a person's
interests, skills, abilities, behaviour, attitudes, social relationships, work related performances
and behaviour. SAL generates scores on individual analysis based on self-scoring assessments.

This is an assignment to extract 10 areas needs to be improved from the SAL and discuss on
how to improve and what strategies or methodologies to be used. It is obvious that SAL is a
tool and the results are totally based our own inputs and the inputs can be affected by the
current situation and mood at the time of the assessment. Hence this provides a general but
comparatively high accurate results to assess ourselves.

This paper will discuss the current status, then the 10 areas to be improved extracted from
SAL, the improvement areas under the recommendations and full analysis under the annexure.

Chapter 2


Currently working as an independent project manager looking after the construction project of
own house with necessary sourcing, negotiating, employing, analysing, contracting and
inspecting while working as a freelance developer and a photographer.

Initially held different positions in IT sector starting form a developer to a Software Engineer
then moved from IT into hospitality while serving as an Integration Engineer.

Hospitality industry provided a totally different experience while making more interactions
with different and various people along with new challenges. It provided experience on how
to manage customers, how to handle troublesome clients and how to enjoy every second of a
challenging profession.

Thereafter moved back to Telecommunication sector where IT is mostly involved in the work.
A completely different area exposed to completely new set of challenges and situations to face
during the work and gain new skills and experiences.
Having successfully completed the construction project of own house, will be back into pure
IT/Network Engineering and Project Management in the near future by exposing self into
another new level of challenges and experiences.

Based on SAL the Jungian personality result is ESFJ which means Extraverted which means
the person is more outgoing, social and likes other’s company, Sensing which means more
sensible as in to focus on details and facts over concepts and ideas, Feeling which means a
person makes decisions mostly based on values and feelings and Judging which means prefers
to be more organized and planned and not much flexible or spontaneous ("ESFJ in Depth - The
Meaning of the ESFJ Personality Type", 2019).

Chapter 3


3.1 How Creative Am I?

This analysis reveals the level of creativity of a person based on their personality and inputs.
It shows the innovative capability to make unusual associations by combining ideas in order
to come up with unique solutions and novel approaches for problems. Creativity is a vital and
key skill required in this competitive and complex society in order to be winner personally as
well as a corporate entity.

Analysis result shows of a score of 8 in a scale of -12 to +18. Level 8 is better, but this analysis
shows that there is more room to improve and should work on getting the score towards +18.

Figure 1: How Creative Am I.

Source: Self-Assessment Library.

3.2 Do I Want An Enriched Job?

This analysis reveals the person’s degree to which desires complex, challenging work. How
strong or weak a person desires to achieve satisfaction of growth from work been measured in
this from scale where 4.0 represents the midpoint.

Analysis result shows 4.0 which means the desire to achieve a growth is in the midpoint. There
is room to develop the attitude to escalate onto a higher level.

Figure 2: Do I Want An Enriched Job.

Source: Self-Assessment Library.

3.3 Am I A Procrastinator?

This analysis reveals how mush a person tends to postpone jobs and delay tasks or avoid
performing. As per the tool it says this can be positive or negative depending on the situation
but generally this regards to be a bad practice, hence it is an individual’s choice to understand
and act with an open mind. The score is between 0 – 52 where higher the score means more
prone to procrastinate. Scores below 13 means better as they don’t delay tasks while scores
above 35 means higher tendency to postpone tasks and avoid performing or making decisions.
Analysis result shows a score of 28 which means there is a mid-level tendency to postpone
tasks and this needs to be addressed in order to improve further by reducing the score below

Figure 3: Am I A Procrastinator.

Source: Self-Assessment Library.

3.4 How Good Are My Listening Skills?

This analysis reveals the degree which a person has developed effective communication skills.
Listening is a key element in effective communication. In order to communicate effectively a
person should listen and understand first and then act accordingly either verbally or manually.
The scores rage from 15 – 75 which means higher the score, the better listener a person is.
Scores above 60 indicates a better listener while less than 40 indicates a person requires to
make a serous effort to improve listening skills.

Analysis result shows a score of 41 which is slightly above the lower score level, hence it
shows that there is a huge room to improve the listening skills and to understand how to
communicate much better.

Figure 4: How Good Are My Listening Skills.

Source: Self-Assessment Library.

3.5 Do I Trust Others?

This analysis reveals to what extent a person trusts other people. Family, friends, colleagues,
and many more people you meet in day to day life has different attitudes, different agendas
and different perspectives. This shows how well a person trusts other people with a scale from
1 to 5 where 1 being high faith and 5 being low faith. Experience and situations make a person
think on different ways of other people and their faith is based on those experiences and results
of life situations. At work it is highly required to trust others when dealing with sensitive work
tasks and the results and achievements are based on this trust.

Analysis result shows a score of 3 which means right in the middle. There is a tendency or a
probability of 50% to trust another or not to trust. Hence is it vital to improve the faith factor
to be more successful at work and in any task. This shows there is more room to develop and
improve in terms of faith towards others.

Figure 5: Do I Trust Others.

Source: Self-Assessment Library.

3.6 Do Others See Me As Trustworthy?

This analysis reveals how others see a person trustworthy or not. It is important to win others
faith at work and anywhere to be more relaxed, accepted, confident and successful. The scores
rage between 9 – 63 and higher the score, the more a person is reliable to others. Scores above
45 regards as better while scores below 27 suggests that people need to build more trust among

Analysis result shows a score of 53 which is way better, but still there is room to develop as
trust is a key element in success and if a person can build a 100% faith among others the
success is inevitable.

Figure 6: Do Others See Me As Trustworthy.

Source: Self-Assessment Library.

3.7 How Good Am I At Disciplining Others?

This analysis reveals that how good a person as a leader and how effective the methods used
to make sure the subordinates or followers’ discipline. This provides insights on how effective
a person is in practicing discipline at work. The scores range from 8 – 24 where 22 or above
means excellent, 19 – 21 means there are some deficiencies and below 19 means a great
attention is required to improve necessary skills.

Analysis result shows a score of 16 which means a higher attention is required in order to
improve the necessary skills and attitudes.

Figure 7: How Good Am I At Disciplining Others.

Source: Self-Assessment Library.

3.8 How Good Am I At Building And Leading A Team?

This analysis reveals how good a person in building and leading a team. This assesses the
relativeness of a person with others and how much the respect and acceptance gained.

Analysis result shows a score of 91 which means the person is in the second quartile. It is
important to maintain a score above 95 to escalate on to the top quartile where the skills can
be used to build a successful team and to become a successful leader.

Figure 8: How Good Am I At Building And Leading A Team.

Source: Self-Assessment Library.

3.9 What Type Of Organization Structure Do I Prefer?

This analysis reveals whether a person prefers to work in a mechanistic or organization

structure. Scores above 60 prefers mechanistic design while scores below 45 prefers organic
design and between 45 and 60 means no clear view.

Figure 9: What Type Of Organization Structure Do I Prefer.

Source: Self-Assessment Library.

Analysis result shows a score of 58 which means the person has no clear view which can lead
to certain issues when it comes to job satisfaction.
3.10 How Willing Am I To Delegate?

This analysis reveals how much a person is willing to delegate tasks. Some people are so scared
to delegate thinking they are the best people to do that work or just being perfectionists. But it
is actually a weakness of not being able to build the faith and confidence among others and
losing the command. To become a successful leader a person should be able to delegate tasks
and obtain results as they intended. This is a critical success factor at work for managers to get
work done by their subordinates on time as intended with quality.

Analysis result shows a score of 63 which means delegation skills need substantial

Figure 10: How Willing Am I To Delegate.

Source: Self-Assessment Library.

Chapter 4


Figure 11: IRTOO Table.

No Issue Recommendation Time Output Outcome

01 Lack of Wider imagination, instant Long- Practice unique Be more
creativity. solutions, Hard work, Term approaches and creative and
innovativeness, uniqueness innovative able to find
(Rafis Abazov, 2017). thinking. unique

solutions to
02 Less job Free thinking at work, Long- Practice the Desire to
enrichmen volunteer participation, Term importance of job grow and
t. select preferred method of enrichment, job enthusiastic
working, understand the related attitude
correct tools and methods characteristics, towards
to work analyze the effect rewards and
of job enrichment promotions.
on motivation
03 Delaying Awareness, time Short- Attention to Working on
tasks. management, staying Term detail, motivated time without
motivated. charisma, proper any delays or
("Understanding and time management. excuses.
Procrastination", 2019).
04 Lack of Practice internal listening, Long- Better listening Effective
listening focused listening, 360 Term and communicati
skills listening (Daimler, 2019). understanding. on through
Attention to improved
detail. listening.
05 Issues in Build relationships, be Long- Better Trusting
trusting more cheerful, interact Term relationships and others and
others. more with others and improved avoiding
understand them. interpersonal doubts.

06 Building Practice down-to-earth Long- Pleasant working Accepted
trustworthi attitudes, be humble and Term environment, and
ness. more generous, win other more friends less respected by
hearts by pleasant talking hassle. others.
and cheerful behavior.
07 Disciplini Recognizing individual Long- Obedient Successful
ng others. differences, providing Term subordinates, leadership.
resources, understanding more controllable
other’s needs. work
08 Building Enhance leadership skills, Long- Effective and Become a
and identify the leadership style Term efficient work successful
leading a and practice accordingly. teams working leader.
team. towards achieving
09 Understan Learn on organization Short- Better Clear view
ding an structures and Term understanding on on the
organizati understanding the the organization desired
onal individual preference. structures and organization
structure. own preferences. structure.
10 Delegation Allow more people to be Short- Better delegation Successful
. actively involved, Term of work and leadership.
distribute workload more successful
evenly, choose the right completion of
person to delegate, train tasks on time.

Chapter 5


This discussion was based on the Self-Assessment Library (SAL) and as per the introduction
we have discussed 10 areas with issues based on the SAL analysis and recommendations to
overcome those issues. Further information on SAL analysis and SAL report can be referred
under the annexures.


Abazov, R. (2017, October 11). How to Improve Your Creativity. Retrieved from

Choudhary, S. (2016). Job enrichment: A tool for employee motivation. International

Journal of Applied Research,2(5), 1020-1024.

Daimler, M. (2019). Listening Is an Overlooked Leadership Tool. Retrieved from

ESFJ in Depth - The Meaning of the ESFJ Personality Type. (2019). Retrieved from

Understanding and Overcoming Procrastination. (2019). Retrieved from



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