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IGNOU MCA MCS-034 3rd semester term-end examination (SOFTWARE

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1. (a) Describe the cocomo model in detail for s/w ost estimation.
(b) Describe Component Based s/w Engineering. What are the challenges for it ?
(c) With the help of a neat diagram, explain the Spiral model to develop the s/w.
(d) Draw a control flow graph (CFG) for a simple C program with a looping-construct
within it.

2. (a) Explain the "Risk Manager Tool" with the help of a neat diagram.
(b) Describe various attributes of software quality.

3. (a) Explain any 4 issues or challenges for managing the web-based projects.
(b) Describe the features of Java Device Test Suite (JDTS) and its applications.

4. (a) Explain the s/w Re-engineering life cycle with the help of a suitable illustrative
(b) What is meant by s/w matrics ? Explain the parameters for s/w measurement. Also
explain some of the common s/w measures.

5. Write short notes on the following :

(a) Human Computer Interface design
(b) s/w Reliability
(c) Cohesion
(d) M/D let


1. (a) Compare Waterfall Model with Spiral Model.

(b) What is a DFD ? Draw DFDs, upto 3rd level for a University Admission System.
(c) Explain COCOMO model with an example.
(d) What are the characteristics of a successful CASE Tools ? Explain briefly.

2. (a) What are the different architectural styles applied for software development ?
Explain with diagrams.
(b) How boundary conditions are tested in black box testing ? Explain with example.

3. (a) List and explain different categories of tools that can be used for testing.
(b) What is scheduling ? Explain GANTT and PERT charts.

4. (a) What is software review ? Explain in detail with an example.

(b) Discuss the objectives of software change management process.

5. (a) Write a short note on Java Device Test Suite.

(b) Write the structure of SRS.

1. (a) What are the different levels of Capability Maturity Model ? Describe them.
(b) Explain all the phases of the Waterfall Model with the help of a diagram.
(c) Define "Baseline". What is its significance ? How can it be changed ?
(d) Draw level-0, level-1 and level-2 DFDs for a Student Information System. Make
necessary assumptions. Mention the assumptions made.

2. (a) Explain Clean room Software Engineering with the help of a diagram.
(b) Explain GSM architecture with the help of a diagram.

3. (a) Define "Black Box Testing" and "White Box. Testing". Explain the differences
between them.
(b) Describe the categories of Risk Management.

4. (a) How does software differ from other engineering products ? Explain with
(b) What are the different methods used for estimating Cost and Effort required for
completing a project successfully ? Explain any one method in detail.

5. (a) Define "Coupling" and "Cohesion". Explain the relation between them.
(b) Explain McCall's Quality Factors.

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