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1. If loudness exceeds __________ dB, it produces a pain in the ear.

a) 50

b) 80

c) 100

d) 120

2. According to Sabine, the reverberation time T is equal to __________ second.

a) (0.631 V)/A

b) (0.613 V)/A

c) (0.136 V)/A

d) (0.163 V)/A

3. The sound wave reflected with sufficient magnitude and delay from a distant
extended surface like a cliff, hill, well, building etc. said to be ________________.

a) Noise reduction

b) Echo

c) Reflection of sound

d) none of these

4. Factors affecting acoustics of buildings are :

a) reverberation time

b) loudness

c) focussing due to wall

d) all of the above

5. The prevention of transmission of sound energy into a hall is

a) sound insulation
b) noise pollution

c) noise control

d) none of the above

6. Which of the following waves does not belong to the electromagnetic spectrum

a) X-rays

b) microwave

c) ultrasonics

d) infrared

7. In the piezoelectric effect, what is the meaning of word "Piezo" ?

a) mass

b) pressure

c) volume

d) None of these

8. Material used for the production of ultrasonic waves in magnetostriction effect is

a) paramagnetic

b) diamagnetic

c) ferromagnetic

d) ferrimagnetic

9. Ultrasonics are reflected when medium changes. This phenomenon is used in

a) flaw detection

b) depth measurement

c) detection of submarine, ice berg etc.

d) all of the above

10. Which of the following polarisation mechanism is/are temperature dependent? Commented [User1]:

a) electronic polarisation

b) ionic polarisation

c) both a & b

d) orientation polarisation

11. Which of the following polarisation arises due to alignment of random molecules?

a) electronic

b) ionic

c) orientation

d) space charge

12. With increase in temperature, the orientation polarisation in general:

a) increases

b) decreases

c) is constant

d) first increases then becomes constant

13. Loss in dielectric may occur due to

a) polarisation

b) conductivity

c) ionisation

d) all of the above

14. The magnetic material in which permanent magnetic dipoles (due to electron spin)
are already aligned due

to bonding forces are known as

a) paramagnetic materials

b) ferromagnetic materials

c) ferrimagnetic materials

d) diamagnetic materials

15. Relative permeability of a medium is the permeability relative to that of

a) water

b) vacuum

c) iron

d) none of these

16. The temperature below which certain materials are antiferromagnetic and above
which they are paramagnetic is called

a) curie temperature

b) Neel temperature

c) transition temperature

d) Weiss temperature

17. Two essential and independent properties of superconducting materials are : -

a) Zero resistivity & diamagnetic

b) High resistivity & paramagnetic

c) Zero resistivity & ferromagnetic

d) High resistivity & ferrimagnetic

18. A superconductor

a) Has a positive susceptibility

b) Has a negative susceptibility

c) a & b both

d) None of these

19. Critical magnetic field

a) Does not depend on temperature

b) Increases if temperature increases

c) Increases if temperature decreases

d) none of these

20. The most important characteristic of a laser is

A) polarisation

b) Coherence

c) High intensity

d) Directionality

21. The intensity of a laser beam does not decrease with distance in accordance with
the inverse square law because

a) The laser light is monochromatic

b) The laser light is very intense

c) The laser light is very directional

d) The laser light obeys plank's law

22. Which of the following characteristics is not associated with a laser light

a) Coherence

b) Brightness

c) Polarization

d) Birefringence
23. Light is guided within the core of step- index fibre by

a) Reflection at the core-air interface

b) Total internal reflection at core-cladding interface

c) Total internal reflection at the outer surface of the cladding

d) Changes in the speed of light within the core

24. Which of the following Is the transmission frequency in optical fibre?

a) 10^11 Hz

b) 10^9 Hz

c) 10^14 Hz

d) 10^16 Hz

25. At critical angle of incidence

a) Light ray In air is perpendicular to the glass surface

b) Light ray In air is parallel to the glass surface

c) There is no such relation

d) None of the above

26. A quantum dot is

a) A mathematical operator used in string theory, & represented by char.

b) A semi conducting wire of 10nm

c) An object that changes its properties on addition/removal of single electron

d) None of these

27. What Nano particles can find and kill cancer cell?

a) Bulky ball

b) Chloroplast
c) Gold nano shells

d) Nanotooth brush

28. The effect of thermo elastic transformation structure during the change in
temperature is known as:

a) Pseudo-elastic effect

b) Shape memory alloy effect

c) Piezoelectric effect

d) None of the above

29. The first commercial shape memory alloy is

a) NiTi

b) NiCd

c) cryofit

d) Martensite

30. The solar cells are based on the principle of

a) Photovoltaic effect

b) Photoelectric effect

c) Photoconductive effect

d) Photosensing effect

31. Dielectrics are:

a) metals

b) semiconductors

c) insulating materials
d) none of the above

32. By applying electric field on a dipolar. substance, it results in_________ polarization.

a) electrical

b) ionic

c) orientational

d) all of the above

33. Polarization per unit applied electric field is called.

a) electric susceptibility

b) magnetic susceptibility

c) electric polarization

d) dielectric constant

34. If the applied magnetic field will not show any effect on a material, then the material

is a:

a) diamagnetic material

b) ferromagnetic material

c) anti-ferromagnetic material

d) non-magnetic material

35. If 'I' is the current due to the orbital motion of an electron, then the magnetic

moment associated with that orbit area

'A' is:

a) I/A

b) A/I

c) I + A
d) IA

36. The magnetic permeability of a diamagnetic substance is independent of:

a) temperature

b) pressure

c) humidity

d) none

37. Below transition temperature, the electrical resistance of a superconductor is.

a) finite

b) large

c) zero

d) none

38. At transition temperature, the electrical resistance of a material.

a) is large

b) is less

c) vanishes

d) none

39. For a superconductor, the critical magnetic field __________ with increases

of temperature.

a) increases

b) decreases

c) will not change

d) none

40. If dc voltage exists across Josephson junction, then _________ current passes
across the junction.

a) dc

b) ac

c) pulsating

d) none

41. Laser action is found in __________ semiconductors

a) direct band gap

b) indirect band gap

c) germanium

d) silicon

42. Under population inversion, the number of atoms in the higher energy state is
__________ than in the lower energy state.

a) lesser

b) larger

c) both a & b

d) none

43. In spontaneous emissions,__________

a) atoms are initially in the excited state

b) transitions are without any aid of an external agency

c) both a & b

d) none of the above.

44. LASERstands for Light Amplification by _____________ of light.

a) stimulated emission

b) spontaneous emission

c) both a & b

d) none

45. Optical fibers guides light waves by,_________

a) interference of waves

b) diffraction of waves

c) polarization of waves

d) by total internal reflection of waves

46. Loss of intensity of light in optical fiber is due to:_________

a) absorption

b) scattering

c) reflection

d) both a & b

47."There is a plenty of room at the bottom." This was stated by

a) Issac Newton

b) Albert Einstein

c) Richard Feynman

d) Eric Drexler

48. 1 nanometre= _______ cm.

a) 10^(-9)

b) 10^(-8)

c) 10^(-7)
d) 10^(-6)

49. The diameter of human hair is _______ m

a) 75000

b) 75

c)7.5 x 10^(-5)

d)7.5 x 10^(-9)

50. The most important property of nanomaterials is

a) force

b) friction

c) pressure

d) temperature

51. A bucky ball is a molecule consisting of ___ carbon atoms

a) 50

b) 60

c) 75

d) 100

52. __________ is the frequency of the audible sound waves.

a) f< 20kHz

b) f> 20kHz

c) f = 20Hz - 20kHz

d) None of the above

53. Musical sound produces ______________ effect to our ears.

a) pleasing
b) jarring

c) a & b both

d) none of the above

54. The standard intensity of sound waves is ____________W/m^2

a) 10-16

b) 5-9

c) 17-21

d) none of the above

55. The value of 1 bel is equal to________dB

a) 10

b) 100

c) 1/10

d) 1000

56. The audible intensity level is ________ to ___________dB.

a) 100 to 150

b) 0 to 120

c) 150 to 200

d) None of the above

57. Ultrasonic waves are classified based on the mode of vibration of __________.

a) nucleus

b) Particles

c) Medium

d) None of the above

58. During the transmission of longitudinal waves, the particles in the medium

Vibrate _________ to the wave propagation.

a) Parallel

b) Perpendicular

c) a & b both

d) none of the above

59. __________ waves can pass only through solids.

a) Perpendicular

b) Shear

c) All types of waves

d) a & b only

60. In rayleigh waves, the particle vibration is _______________.

a) Parabolic

b) Hyperbolic

c) Elliptical

d) Linear

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