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Fresh water is a renewable resource, yet the world’s supply of clean, fresh water is steadily
decreasing. Water demand already exceeds supply in many parts of the world and as the world
population continues to rise, so too does the water demand. India may face a serious problem of
water scarcity due to:

Increase in fresh water requirements with increase in population.

Easily available sources of fresh water tapped already.

Delay in project initiation time due to increasing social and environmental concern.

Contamination of available fresh water sources due to increase in human activities.

Human needs and desire for higher standards of living.

Water budget, in its elementary form, can be represented by the equation:

Total rainfall input = Surface water flows +Groundwater recharge + Evapotranspiration (ET)

Table:Principal annual components of India’s water budget

Component Volume (Km) Precipitation (%)
Precipitation 3838 100.0
Potential flow in rivers 1869 48.7
Natural recharge 432 11.3
Available Water 1869+432=2301 60.0
Evapotranspiration 3838- 100-(48.7+11.3)=40.0
Table: Water resources scenario in India

S. No. Resource Quantity (BCM)

1 Annual precipitation including snowfall 4000
2 Evaporation + groundwater 2131
3 Av. Annual potential flow in rivers 1869
4 Utilisable surface water resources 1122
(a) By conventional means 690
(b) Replenishable groundwater 432
5 Present utilisation 605
6 Future demand by 2025 AD 1093
2050 AD 1447
7 Possible additional water utilisation through inter - 170-200
Water transfer

TABLE: Groundwater resources of India particulars Quantity (km3 yr-1)

1 Total replenishable groundwater resource 432
2 Provision for domestic , industrial & other uses 71
3 Available groundwater resources for irrigation 361
4 Utilisable groundwater resources for irrigation (90% of S 325
No 3)
5 Total utilisable groundwater resources (sum of S No 2 396
and 4)

An overview of irrigation (M ha) in India (2011-12) is given below

1. Net irrigated area = 65.26

2. Gross irrigated (GI) area = 91.53
3. Area irrigated more than once = 26.26
4. Net un – irrigated area =75.54
5. Gross un –irrigated area =103.72
6. Per cent of GI area to total cropped area =46.9
7. Cropping intensity (%) -138.7

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